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Eternum Walkthrough written by: hermesWTs

for v0.4-Beta

Special Thanks to the creator of the game Caribdis! Check out his patreon site and consider
supporting him:


Walkthrough Format

Will you help us? Quoted dialogue of in-game text

• "Y-Yes, I will help you." Selectable answer by the player

Penelope+1, [tag] Positive relationship change or effects are green

Dalia-2, [tag] Negative relationship change or effects are red

sex scene Sex scenes and other hot scenes are purple

[tag] Tag is set to false / inactive

The game has plenty of teasing and hot scenes, so only scenes involving topless or full nudity are
marked purple.

֍: Max content (but save and check other some options too for great & fun little scenes)

The most current version of this walkthrough can be found - free for everyone, not just patreons -
at my patreon page
If you have feedback & improvements, check my patreon or f95zone (user hermesh)

v0.4-b1 Page 1
Eternum Walkthrough written by: hermesWTs
for v0.4-Beta

Table of Contents
Version 0.1............................................................................................................................................4
Subway ride.....................................................................................................................................4
Mysterious phone call......................................................................................................................4
New home........................................................................................................................................4
In the rain.........................................................................................................................................5
1st day at school...............................................................................................................................5
Back home.......................................................................................................................................5
Pub contest.......................................................................................................................................5
Back at home...................................................................................................................................7
Eternum: Ion with Annie..................................................................................................................8
Back home.......................................................................................................................................9
Eternum: Ekabar with Dalia............................................................................................................9
Version 0.2............................................................................................................................................9
School (cont.)...................................................................................................................................9
Nova first visit...............................................................................................................................10
Eternum: The Red Herring with Luna...........................................................................................10
Friday Evening with Annie............................................................................................................11
Yoga with Nancy............................................................................................................................12
Nova chance meeting.....................................................................................................................12
Study with Alex.............................................................................................................................12
Sunday at home..............................................................................................................................13
Photo shoot Penelope.....................................................................................................................13
Eternum: Ogyxia with Nova and Alex..........................................................................................14
Version 0.3..........................................................................................................................................14
Eternum: Ogyxia Aftermath...........................................................................................................14
Eternum: Disney Cartoon & Ancient Japan...................................................................................15
Eternum: Valley of the Kings with Nova.......................................................................................15
Evening back home with Annie.....................................................................................................16
Group call......................................................................................................................................16
Eternum: Warthogs........................................................................................................................16
Emporium (again).....................................................................................................................17
Potions (again)..........................................................................................................................17
Dark Arts...................................................................................................................................17
Claim Prize................................................................................................................................17
Eternum: Semper Invicta with Dalia & Nancy..............................................................................18

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Eternum Walkthrough written by: hermesWTs
for v0.4-Beta

The Royal Baths with Nancy....................................................................................................19
Heist Preparations..........................................................................................................................19
Version 0.4..........................................................................................................................................19
Heist Preparations (cont.)..............................................................................................................19
Eternum: The Heist........................................................................................................................20
Eternum: Meeting Idriel after the Heist.........................................................................................20
Dalias Competition........................................................................................................................21
Eternum: Dalias Cove....................................................................................................................21
Eternum: Andromeda Space Resort with Annie............................................................................24
Eternum: Andromeda Xeno attack.................................................................................................25
Eternum: Andromeda escape from xeno attack.............................................................................26
Eternum: Fancy Dinner with Alex & Calypso...............................................................................26

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Eternum Walkthrough written by: hermesWTs
for v0.4-Beta

Version 0.1
Subway ride
I guess...
• "Chang"
• "Annie" Annie+1 ֍

Mysterious phone call

(It's kinda annoying.)
• "Pick up the phone" [phonebox] ֍
NO! I need to get a hold of my son NOW!
◦ "Let her make the call" Nancy+1 ֍
◦ "Keep her waiting"
• "Let it ring" [phonebox]

New home
• "Ask them to stay"
• "Ask for a favor in return"
• "Let them go" Penelope+1, Dalia+1, [conver1] (some reference lines) ֍

Will you help us?

• "Yes" [helpdream] (minor reference line) ֍
• "No" [helpdream]

A lock?
• "That's a good idea" [latch] (later prevents Nancy from entering, miss a hot scene)
• "Knocking on the door is enough" [latch]
• "There's no need for that" [latch], Nancy+1 ֍

• "About your body" [conver2]
• "About what you were saying" Penelope+1, [conver2] (not used yet) ֍
• "About nothing" [conver2]

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for v0.4-Beta

In the rain
(Dammit, I'm not sure, they're too far away. I can't make her face out clearly.)
• "Be polite to the guy" Annie+1, [axelpunch], [axelspeak] (reference lines)
• "Be aggressive with the guy" Annie+2, [axelpunch], [axelspeak] (reference lines) ֍
• "Ignore it and go to school" [axelpunch], [axelspeak] (reference lines)

1st day at school

It starts at 7:00.
• "Go" Luna+1, [lunainvite] (reference lines) ֍
• "Don't go" [lunainvite] (reference lines)

Back home
• "Yes" Nancy+1, [cleanbath] (reference lines) ֍
• "No" [cleanbath]

(What a drag...)
• "Clean it thoroughly" [cleantub] (extra lines and nancy point later) ֍
• "Clean it quickly so you can leave" [cleantub]

(I guess she just came back from her daily run.)

• "Get out of the tub" [dalianaked]
• "Stay hidden" [dalianaked] (references later) & long Dalia nude bathroom scene ֍
◦ "I fell asleep"
◦ "I didn't hear you"
◦ "I was stunned by your beauty" Dalia+1 ֍

Pub contest
Come on... don’t be shy... Just let me grab a little...
• "Say something" Penelope+1 ֍
• "Don't interfere"

I highly recommend to actually loose the contest first, its absolutely hilarious! Don't worry, you
won't even have to reload.

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Eternum Walkthrough written by: hermesWTs
for v0.4-Beta

A singer that’s also hot! They always get way more plays
• "Cristiano Ronaldo"
• "Justin Bieber"
• "Ariana Grande"
• "Barack Obama" Pubgame+100 ֍

• "1988"
• "1989" Pubgame+100 ֍
• "1990"
• "1991"

Alright then.
• "Bruno"
• "Allen"
• "Patrick"
• "Maxwell"
(yes, no answer is correct here. 'Columcille Gerard' would be it by the way)

I just saw it on the Discovery Channel last week. I'm 90% sure.
• "7000 miles (11,300 km)"
• "8000 miles (12,900 km)" Pubgame+100 ֍
• "9000 miles (14,500 km)"
• "A couple of million miles (3,218,688 km)"

Y-Yeah, sorry!
• "1 month and 14 days" Pubgame+100 ֍
• "2 months and 7 days"
• "3 months and 21 days"
• "4 months and 28 days"

• "Artemis"
• "Persephone"
• "Demeter" Pubgame+100 ֍
• "Freya"

• "88 days" Pubgame+100 ֍
• "101 days"
• "215 days"
• "365 days"

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for v0.4-Beta

• "Belgium"
• "Cuba"
• "Montenegro"
• "East Timor" Pubgame+100 ֍

It was...
• "Timothy Byrd"
• "Benjamin Pharrow"
• "William Bardot" Pubgame+100 ֍
• "James Blanc"

If Pubgame is 700+, you win - otherwise you can try again (no reload required)

• "Hug her" Luna+1 [hugluna] (to trigger Lunas reaction) ֍
• "Give her space" [hugluna]

Back at home

At the dinner, you get a somewhat hostile Dalia if peeked in the bathroom (acquired [dalianaked]) -
don't worry she won't be angry for much longer (actually its better than not peeking if she liked
your excuse/compliment)

When going to bed, if you have put some effort into cleaning the tub earlier (acquired [cleantub]),
you get Nancy+1, otherwise she complains a bit.

(Should I like this photo?)

• "Give it a like" [instagram] (will give an extra point for Penelope later) ֍
• "Don't give it a like" [instagram]

Unless you asked for a latch (acquired [latch]), you get a hot scene with Nancy. She will enter the
room and be very intrigued by the sleeping MCs morning wood.

• "Compliment her tattoos"
• "Compliment her swimming skills"
• "Compliment her hair"
• "Compliment her pen" Alex+1 ֍

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for v0.4-Beta

Eternum: Ion with Annie

Following questions are not mutually exclusive, you can ask all:
Before we part ways, is there anything else you would like to know?
• "What happens to my real-life body while I'm here?" [idri1]
• "Can I die in Eternum? Can I feel pain?" [idri2]
• "How can I join a server? How can I leave it?" [idri3] (extra line)
• "Are there any general rules in Eternum?" [idri4]
• "Can you uhh..." [idri5]
• "That was all, I'm ready." (Continue)

• "Jump" ֍
• "Don't jump"

Sure, no problem.
• "Activate the glasses" [mrxglasses] (sexy scene with nude Annie) ֍
• "Don't activate the glasses" [mrxglasses]

• "Um... I'll take the shovel." [chopchop]=0 (extra scene later)
• "Buy the pistol" [chopchop]=1 (extra scene later)
• "Buy the glasses" [chopchop]=2 (extra scene later)
• "Buy the pendant" [chopchop]=3 (extra scene and extra Annie point later) ֍

Most items have fun little scenes worth watching (breaking at first use), only the pendant has
permanent effect.

(Maybe I could go explore a bit...)

• "Go explore" -> explore Aphrodite's ֍
◦ "Go with Eva" [eva1] (some lines), -1200$ (you get it back) ֍
Full sex scene with Eva
◦ "Leave" [eva1] (miss out on rest of Aphrodite's)
• "Wait for Annie" (miss out on Aphrodite's)

If you bought the pendant (acquired [chopchop]=2), get Annie+1.

Don't lie to me...

• "Intervene" Annie+1, [rapeint] (different follow-up lines) ֍
• "Stay out of it" [rapeint]

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for v0.4-Beta

Back home

If you liked Penelope's photos on Instagram (acquired [instagram] earlier), you get Penelope+1

You know, I'm going to a photography studio this Sunday. I was supposed to go with a friend of
mine, but... If you're interested...
• "Go with her" [penelopepath], [penelopeu] (several lines, enable Penelope casting) ֍
• "Don't go" [penelopepath], [penelopeu] (no Penelope casting later)

Join your yoga class?

• "Go with her" [nancypath], [nancyu] (several lines, enable Nancy yoga later) ֍
• "Don't go" [nancypath], [nancyu] (no Nancy yoga later)

Eternum: Ekabar with Dalia

Wait for the line You're just a fucking moron before you click the attack button: Dalia+1
Otherwise she has to use her backup plan and isn't very impressed with the MC.

• "Grab Dalia's things and flee" [thanatos_stay]
• "Stay" Dalia+1 [thanatos_stay] (extra/different dialogue) ֍


I'm going to the gym tomorrow. What do you say? You in?
• "Go with her" [daliapath], [daliau] (several lines, enable Dalia gym later) ֍
• "Don't go" [daliapath], [daliau] (no Dalia gym later)

Version 0.2
School (cont.)
It's not a very crowded server, so odds are we’ll be by ourselves most of the time.
• "Let Annie come with you" Annie+1, [anniehorror] (very important preq for her path) ֍
• "Don't let her come with you" [anniehorror]

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for v0.4-Beta

Probably bragging about how well your plan to kill Benjamin went!
• "Punch him" [axelpunch2] (more lines and extra point with Alex later) ֍
• "Try to calm him down" [axelpunch2]

Nova first visit

Stop looking at my stuff!
• "That character has his eyes covered too. Is that why you like it?"
• "It's cool, I love anime too" Nova+1 ֍
• "Hey, what's that tattoo?"

Eternum: The Red Herring with Luna

Only 300 eternals each!
• "Buy the goat" -300$, [goat] (extra text, potential extra Luna point later)
• "Buy the toucan" -300$, [toucan] (extra text, potential extra Luna point later)
• "Buy the cat" -300$, [cat] (extra text, potential extra Luna point later)
• "Don't buy any" ֍
Only 150 eternals! Once in a lifetime deal!
◦ "Buy the goat" -150$, [goat] (extra text, potential extra Luna point later)
◦ "Buy the toucan" -150$, [toucan] (extra text, potential extra Luna point later)
◦ "Buy the cat" -150$, [cat] (extra text, potential extra Luna point later) ֍
◦ "(Insist) Don't buy any" (no pet)

One of us has to go to her house and grab a picture of her mother. There must be one there.
• "Go yourself" Luna+2, [flinkhouse] (continue, combined with pet extra Luna point later) ֍
• "Ask Luna to go" [flinkhouse] (skips the haunted house)

The haunted house doesn't have to be solved in exactly this sequence, in fact you cannot get stuck
- just maybe have to backtrack some more. Skipped if you asked Luna to go.
1. To the hall
2. To the living room
3. To the garden
4. To the bedroom (phone rings)
5. To the corridor
6. Office (phone call with Madison-Alicia Flink)
7. Go back
8. Bedroom
9. Safe room with hints: 1st = candles (bedroom), 2nd dinos (laundry), 3rd logs (garden)
10. Go back (or skip to step 19, but why would you?)
11. Bathroom -> candles = 3
12. Go back

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for v0.4-Beta

13. To the garden -> logs = 18

14. To the bedroom
15. To the corridor
16. Laundry room -> dinos = 2
17. Go back
18. Bedroom
19. Safe room: Open Safe : 3-2-18 and get safe content
20. RUUUN!!!! (This is such a masterfully crafted sequence, kudos!)

If you bought Luna a pet earlier (acquired [goat], [toucan] or [cat]) AND solved the haunted house
(acquired [flinkhouse]) by yourself, Luna is happy: Luna+1

Of course!
• "Ask her about the gloves" ֍
if you have Luna 5+ or [flinkhouse]
gain Luna+1, [lunapath], [lunau] (long background scene, likely more in later versions)
otherwise: [lunapath], [lunau]
• "Don't ask her" [lunapath], [lunau]

Friday Evening with Annie

[anniepath], [annieu] and miss this chapter if Annie was not in horror adventure ([anniehorror])!

• "Let her sleep in your room" ֍
if you have 3 or less points with Annie -> [anniepath], [annieu], skips rest of chapter
hot petting scene with Annie
(Then again, this is a side of her I’ve never seen before. Maybe it’s a sign. Should I...?)
◦ "Stop here" [anniepath], [annieu], skips rest of chapter
◦ "Go further" Annie+1, very hot thigh job scene with Annie, [anniethigh] (dialogue) ֍
• "Send her to her room" [anniepath], [annieu], skips rest of chapter

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for v0.4-Beta

Depending on the paths you have active:
• [nancypath] and [daliapath](both yoga with nancy and fitness with dalia)
I have to start the laundry and prepare everyone a quick breakfast before I go. I'll leave the
food on the kitchen counter.
◦ "Offer to make breakfast" Nancy+1, Dalia+1 ֍
◦ "Go wake up Dalia" [dalia987] (different dialogue)
• [nancypath] and [daliapath] (yoga with Nancy): Nancy+1
• [nancypath] and [daliapath] (fitness with Dalia): Dalia+1, [dalia987] (continue Alex)
• [nancypath] and [daliapath] skip the gym, continue with Alex

Yoga with Nancy

Chapter happens if you accepted the yoga date (acquired [nancypath]), otherwise skip.

• "Flowers" [micaflower] (preference unknown, likely important in later chapters)
• "A dumbbell" [micadumbbell] (preference unknown, likely important in later chapters)
• "A ticket to a show" [micatickets] (preference unknown, likely important in later chapters)
• "Nothing" (preference unknown, likely important in later chapters)

(Maybe I should let it be. She deserves to be happy. Who am I to interfere with her personal life...)
• "Stay out of Nancy's private life" [nancypath], [nancyu], skip to next chapter
• "Do something"
I guess not...
◦ "Hire Noah and Raul" Nancy+1, -50$, hot shower scene with nancy, [nancyyoga]
(requirement to continue Nancy path) ֍
◦ "Forget it" [nancypath], [nancyu] skip to next chapter

Nova chance meeting

(I'm sincerely impressed.)
• "Pat her head" Nova+1 ֍
• "Just compliment her"

Study with Alex

if you punched Axel in the staircase scene (acquired [axelpunch2]), gain Alex+1

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for v0.4-Beta

Can ask all questions in following dialogue

You’re a bigger dummy than I thought. Whatever... less work I have to do. Go ahead then.
• "Family" [alexfa] (info and chance for extra Alex point)
• "Hobbies" [alexho] (info and chance for extra Alex point)
• "Religion" [alexre] (info and chance for extra Alex point)
• "Tattoos" [alexta] (info and chance for extra Alex point)
• "Let's get to work"

If you asked all questions (acquired [alexfa] and [alexho] and [alexre] and [alexta]), gain +1 Alex
• "Keep quiet" [alexpath], [alexu]
• "Say something" [alexpath], [alexu] ֍
I couldn't just stand there and watch how that moron...
◦ "Hug her back" Alex+1 ֍
◦ "Don't hug her back"

You need to have 3 or more Alex points to stay on her path and get a long flashback into her past, if
not you get [alexpath], [alexu]

Will you help us?
• "Yes" [helpdream2] (effect unknown, likely later chapter) ֍
• "No" [helpdream2] (effect unknown, likely later chapter)

Sunday at home
(Maybe she knows a way to get access to it.)
• "Call her" Nova+1 ֍
• "Send her a message"

Photo shoot Penelope

Available if you were invited to tag along (acquired [penelopepath], otherwise skip to next chapter.

(Damn, those donuts look so good.)

• "Get a donut for Penelope" [coffeepe] (dialogue)
• "Get a coffee for Penelope" [coffeepe] (dialogue, potential for extra point) ֍
(I should get her a coffee to help her stay focused during the shoot.)
◦ "1 teaspoon of sugar" [sugarpe]=1
◦ "2 teaspoons of sugar" [sugarpe]=2
◦ "3 teaspoons of sugar" [sugarpe]=3, Penelope+1, (point same scene, but some delay) ֍

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for v0.4-Beta

Ah, okay, now I got it for real.

• "Take the photo with zoom in"
• "Take the photo with normal zoom" Penelope+1 ֍
• "Take the photo with zoom out"

hot photo shoot with Penelope

I’m going to say this one last time, because I really hate repeating myself: tell this bitch to do what
I’m telling her. You know how many girls would kill to be in her shoes right now?
• "Persuade Penelope to get naked" [pennyval] (short topless, degrading scene)
• "Tell Mr. Valentino to fuck off" [pennyval] Penelope+1 hot extended topless shoot (and
extra dialogue with Nova later) ֍

Luckily for you, you just happen to know the best hacker in the country.
• "Compliment her" Nova+1 ֍
• "Don't waste any time"

Eternum: Ogyxia with Nova and Alex

topless Alex in amazing fight sequence, and completely nude after shifting

No, no, no. I'll open it. I won't let you die because of me.
• "Ask Alex to open the box"
• "Open the box yourself" Alex+1, Nova+1 ֍
• "Ask Nova to open the box"

End of Eternum v0.2

Version 0.3

Eternum: Ogyxia Aftermath

Story progress: Calypso intro

I'm sorry. I won't do it again.

• "Be tough with her"
• "Forgive her" Nova+1 ֍

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Eternum: Disney Cartoon & Ancient Japan

Amazing cartoon sequence (but no choices)

Topless Foxmaidens offer the MC a good time (but he has to save Nova&Alex instead)

At least we managed to teleport right next to an Exit Portal. Use it to go back to your world. Do not
worry about your friend, I will help her find her way home.
• "Go back to the real world" [novapath], [novau]
• "Go rescue Nova" (required for Novapath and next chapter) ֍

Eternum: Valley of the Kings with Nova

only available if you went to rescue Nova

In the temple:
Striptease & Blowjob by Nova to get her weapon back from Maat

I want you to destroy me...

• "Leave this place"
• "Fuck Maat" [maatsex] ֍
◦ "Push her against the wall" [maatsexvariant] (swich for this sex scene)
Dominant sex with Maat against the wall
◦ "Pull her to the ground" [maatsexvariant] (swich for this sex scene)
Dominant doggystyle sex with Maat on the floor
◦ "Steal Maat's money" +250$ (and no tag -> no bad consequences) ֍
◦ "Don't touch the money"


Story progress: Axel and his girlfriend get some sick burns from Alex and Dalia

(whose baker is you favorite?)

You're evil.
• "Dalia's brownies" Dalia+1
• "Alex's bagels" Alex+1

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Evening back home with Annie

(What should I do now?)

• "Let this go" [anniepath], [annieu]
• "Tell her you like her" Annie+1 ֍
*Clears throat* Alright, have fun!
◦ "Don't risk it"
◦ "Kiss her" Annie+1 ֍

Group call

with Nancy, Nova, Penelope and Luna

• "Black" [blackbra] (different bra shortly after this)
• "Red" (different bra shortly after this)

Eternum: Warthogs


There's only one sip left from the last batch, but it should be enough. It’ll cost you 60 eternals
• "Trust her"
• "Try it" -60$, [polyp] ֍
So... who are you going with?
◦ "Luna" [lunapoly] see Luna fully nude (really Wenlin with polyjuice potion)
◦ "Penelope" [lunapoly] see Pelenope fully nude (really Wenlin with polyjuice potion)


Because, at the end of the day, that's exactly what I am. Just a normal girl who has her ups and
downs like everybody else. (Choices require [penelopepath] active)
• "Yeah, you're not special"
• "You stand out"
• "You're special to me" Penelope+1 ֍

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Penelope drinks unknown potion - and its Veritassium

if emporium first, she confesses she liked being tied up
if on [penelopepath], she confesses it was the MC she thinks of during masturbation

Emporium (again)
+200$ from Wenlin

Potions (again)
+1 Stamp


Luna kicks ass, and Orion summons Calypso by accident

+1 Stamp


• "Yourself" (not very much)
• "Penelope" [divinationflashback], Penelope+1 (long beautiful memory) ֍

+1 Stamp

Dark Arts

amazing storytelling, but no decisions.

However, if you are on [luna_path], gain extra Luna+2 by supporting her

Claim Prize

for 5 stamps, get extra +300$

Choose a school of Magic for Penny:

(What should Penny try to learn...?)
• "Restoration" [grimoirerest] (consequences unknown, but Penny seemed interested) ֍
• "Destruction" [grimoiredest] (consequences unknown)

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Eternum: Semper Invicta with Dalia & Nancy

Just 1 eternal?
• "Buy an apple" -1$, [romeapple] (not used further in this version) ֍
• "Don't buy it"

I have a few to sell, if you’re interested. They're only 200 eternals.

• "Buy a ticket" -200$, [romepermit] (it's a scam - referenced later but no benefit)
• "Don't buy it" ֍

Please sir, only 6 eternals... that’s all I ask. I’ll exchange them and purchase some food for my
hungry daughter...
• "Give him 6 eternals" -6$, [romebeggar] (not used further in this version) ֍
• "Don't give him anything"


if you are on [daliapath] and have Dalia 4+ , get access code "Stormblade" to her personal server
and following choice:
(Am I imagining things, or she's being kinda... "flirty"?)
• "Ask for something spicy" [daliabet] (required for sex scene in 0.4) ֍
• "Don't ask for anything in return" [daliabet]


Fight vs. Jasticus the Decapitator (quicksave)

Do the QTE (worth to fail at first, also a cool sequence, then reload and win)
• "Finish him off"
• "Spare his life" [sparejasticus] ֍
if on [nancypath] gain Nancy+1

I only know that you’ve been given an exclusive invitation to the Royal Bath, as a reward for your
• "Accept the invitation" (leads to Royal Bath scene with Nancy) ֍
• "Don't accept it and go back home" (skip Royal Bath with Nancy)

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The Royal Baths with Nancy

only if you accepted the invitation

Bath with nude Emperess Nancy

Let’s say one of my daughters came in here right now and asked you to have sex with them. No
tricks or schemes... they just desired you. Would you say yes?
• "Yes" Nancy+1 ֍
• "No"

Beautiful sex scene with Nancy (but blueballed by an Eastern Roman Empire attack^^)

Heist Preparations

if on [daliapath], get the following conversation:

What's my favorite movie, Mr. Know It All?
• "Rocky"
• "The Lord of the Rings" Dalia+1, [daliamovie] (switch for this scene) ֍
• "Fight Club"
• "Harry Potter"
• "Million Dollar Baby"

(Why am I starting to feel sick to my stomach...?)

• "Open the door"

End of Eternum 0.3

Version 0.4
Heist Preparations (cont.)

(regarding letter from the mysteriuous little girl)

• "Open the letter" [letteropen] (no effect in 0.4, likely later update) ֍
• "Don't open the letter"

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Eternum Walkthrough written by: hermesWTs
for v0.4-Beta

Eternum: The Heist

(Nova and MCs cover story)

• "Far-fetched story"
• "Credible story"
• "Stay close to reality" requires to be on [novapath] Nova+1 ֍

only if on [novapath]:
He should be here anytime now. When you start playing, remember to go all-in on the third hand!
• "Grab her by the shoulder" [nhm4] (minor dialogue change), Nova+1 ֍
• "Focus on the mission"

Playing Triple 777:

Automatically stops at more than 1900$ (might need a few quicksaves/reloads to get there)

(Penelope & Bennie Garrington "flirt")

• choice if on [penelopepath]:
◦ "Sit between them" [sitbet] , Penelope+1 ֍
◦ "Sit on the other sofa" [sitbet]
• otherwise [sitbet]

Eternum: Meeting Idriel after the Heist

After getting Idriels dinner invitation, the MCs level is set depending on
the gladiator fight on the roman server:
• [rotundafail] : level = 2
• otherwise : level = 7

Or tails...?
• "Heads."
• "Tails" [tailscoin] (effect unknown) ֍


requires to be on [alexpath]:
Thanks for coming by.
• "Don't tip her"
• "Give her a small tip" money-5, Alex+1 ֍
• "Give her a big tip"

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Eternum Walkthrough written by: hermesWTs
for v0.4-Beta

Dalias Competition

requires to be on [nancypath]:
I'll borrow your mom for a while... You don't mind, do you?
• "Play along" Nancy+1 ֍
• "Correct her"

What's the point of participating if I already know I’m gonna lose?

• "Go back home with her" skips a lot of Dalias content, go to chapter xxx
• "Convince her to participate" Dalia+1 ֍
(Should I say something?)
◦ "Tell her about it" Dalia+1 ֍
◦ "Say nothing"

That sounds awesome! And how does it work? Is it just a code or...?
• "Tell Chang the password" [tellpassword] (very bad idea, drops you off daliapath later)
• "Keep it a secret" ֍

(Where did that come from?)

• "Kiss her back" Dalia+1 ֍
• "Stand still"

• "Say something to him" leads to [punchbrock] ֍
• "Leave"

• "Go after her" ֍
• "Give her space" [daliadontcove], drops you off [daliapath], [daliau]

Eternum: Dalias Cove

if you told Chang the password [tellpassword] at the gym, it was overheard and there will be a gym
member party at the no longer so secret cove. This will make Dalia very angry and skips the rest of
the scene, also drops you off her path [daliapath], [daliau]

Assuming you didn't tell the password, you get a beautiful bonding scene (with some extra
dialogue if you got [divinationflashback] during the divination challenge in version 0.3)

If you punched Brook [punchbrook] in the gym AND have a bet with Dalia [daliabet] from the
roman server last chapter, you get a hot scene: Blowjob and Deepthroat by Dalia [daliablowjob]

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for v0.4-Beta


Do you press the button?

• "Yes" [buttondilemma] (effect unknown) ֍
• "No"


Talk to everyone and only put the phone away once you have no other option. Some characters
might not be available depending on previous choices (bu if you follow the recommended path all
paths are open)


(different options and dialogue if not on alexpath with no point change)

The Boyle mansion, Rockefeller server, the masquerade party... remember?
• Of course. How could I forget about our first date, babe? requires [alexpath], Alex+1 ֍
• Yeah, I know you're all counting on me. No worries, I got this


(angry chat if you told the server password [tellpassword], otherwise with [daliapath])
Holy shit MC, I just saw an alpaca with your hairstyle on Reddit
• "Funny you should mention that..." [daliameme], Dalia+1 ֍
◦ choices are flavor
• "Ha. ha. ha. Very funny, Dalia..."


(requires [penelopepath])
Heyyyy! I need the help of my manager!
• "What’s up? How can I help my favorite client?"
Go for it -> picture options
◦ "Option A"
◦ "Option B"
◦ "All photos are great when the girl in them is so stunning" Penelope+1 ֍
(and choose whatever picture you like after this)
• "Don't have time right now, Penny"

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Eternum Walkthrough written by: hermesWTs
for v0.4-Beta


(requires [novapath])
If you had just killed an ancient demon to rescue a girl, what badass quote would you say
immediately after?
• "That's... kind of an oddly specific question to ask" ֍
Just answer!
◦ "Hope you had a nice breakfast this morning... because tonight, you’re dining in hell."
(effect unknown)
◦ "There are two types of people in this world: those who bury, and those who get
buried. And I’m definitely gonna need a shovel for you." [mcsayingafterkill]+1 (effect
◦ "Now you see me, now you’re dead." [mcsayingafterkill]+2 (effect unknown) ֍
rest of dialogue has no variable change
• "That doesn't seem very urgent... I’ve got things to do, I'll see you later"


(requires chat with Alex first)

It's okay if you don't feel like it
• Really? I'd love to!" [dayofthedead] (likely leads to date in later version?) ֍
◦ "Not very spicy"
◦ "EXTRA SPICY!" [reallyspicy] (effect unknown, but Luna also likes it) ֍
I'm sorry about that, he grabbed my phone
◦ "Your father is a bit... out there"
◦ "Haha no worries, your dad’s just as awesome as you" Luna+1 ֍
• "Thanks! But I prefer not to, it seems like a family thing"


(requires to be on [nancypath])
What do you think?
• "Looks great!"
• "I think you’d look better without it" Nancy+1 ֍
We should head to the beach one day before it gets too cold
• "That sounds awesome!" (no variable change) ֍
• "Meh, I'm not a fan of the beach" (no variable change)

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Eternum Walkthrough written by: hermesWTs
for v0.4-Beta


(available after chatting with Nova, or if not on her path)

You’ve gotta help me!
• "What do you need?" ֍
What tie looks better on me?
◦ "The first one" (Chang seems happy with both choices) ֍
◦ "The second one" (Chang seems happy with both choices)
◦ "Bro they're identical" (if you insist several times they are identical, get [changtie])
• "Sorry bro, I don't have the time rn" [changtie]

Eternum: Andromeda Space Resort with Annie

chapter is skipped if not on [anniepath]

You couldn't have come to a better place, then. Would you like to know more about Andromeda?
• "Sure" (lore about Andromeda, no variable change) ֍
• "No"

Like I said to you when we first played Eternum on Ion...

• "Take the leap of faith!" Annie+1 ֍
• "Let's get this shit done!"
• "Nothing ventured, nothing gained!"

Your call!
• "Interstellar" [interstellarm] Annie+1 after the movie ֍
• "Hot Tub Time Machine 2"

Likewise! (you can ask about all topics)

• "About Eternum..."
• "About our mission..."
• "About Kredon..." Annie+1 ֍
• "Relax and say nothing" (last)

If you don't have enough points (Annie 8+), skip to the Fancy Dinner scene and also drop off her
path [anniepath], [annieeu], otherwise you get a hot scene with Annie:
• "Agree" Annie strips and lets herself be fingered, then give MC a handjob [anniefingers]
I'm almost there...
◦ "Cum"
◦ "Grab Annie and put her on top of you" Tighjob with Annie ֍

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Eternum Walkthrough written by: hermesWTs
for v0.4-Beta

• "Decline and stay as friends" drop off Annies path [anniepath], [annieeu]

Eternum: Andromeda Xeno attack

Plenty of ways to die in this chapter (means a reset to lvl 1, and missing the rest of this chapter)

And that's an audio card next to it. I wonder whom it belonged to...
• "Grab the audio log device" [xenodiary] allows listening to audiologs ֍
• "Don't touch it"

listen to audiolog 1 -> [card1listened]

500 eternals?!
• "Pay him 500 eternals" -500$, [pay500], jump to next chapter (escape xeno attack)
• "Go find the egg" ֍

listen to audiolog 42 -> [card42listened]

Just take it and don't ask so many questions.

• "Take the gun" [xenogun] ֍
• "Don't take it"

listen to audiolog 43, listen to audiolog 48 -> [card48listened]

That Vasil was totally crazy, I can't trust him. But... can I trust Commander Hasler? I feel like he's
hiding something from me...
• "Help Vasil and go get an egg" [vasilhelp]
get [card55] and listen to audiolog 55
◦ "Uncuff her" [freemercer]
◦ "Don't uncuff her"
And why the hell are they so big? They look like dinosaur eggs.
◦ "Take a look inside the open eggs" [xenodeath1], level=1, skip to Fancy Date chapter
◦ Grab a closed egg and leave
▪ [freemercer]: commander is killed by mercer, leave
▪ [freemercer]: vasil takes the egg, leave
• "Help Commander Hasler and place the bomb" ֍
without a the [xenogun], die: lvl=1, continue with Fancy Dinner chapter
quicktime event: grab the xenodeath ֍
◦ fail to grab it in time: die: lvl=1, continue with Fancy Dinner chapter ֍
◦ otherwise continue, get a new card [card67], listen to it
Hasler kills Vasil, leave

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Eternum Walkthrough written by: hermesWTs
for v0.4-Beta

Eternum: Andromeda escape from xeno attack

Could this be Isaac? The engineer?

• "Listen to his last audio log" [listenlast] ֍
• "Forget about it"

If you bought Annie the Pendant of Destiny ([chopchop]=3) in the very beginning of the game, you
survive without dying for Annie+1, otherwise you die (lvl=1) but the sacrifice will still get you

Eternum: Fancy Dinner with Alex & Calypso

only if on [alexpath]:
You know, now that I can look at you properly...
• "You look incredibly beautiful tonight"
• "You look like a high-society gal!" Alex+1 ֍

Talking to the different groups:

• right group with Calypso & Ms. Astor [calypso_interest]+1 ֍
• middle group with Mr. Mos and his wife
Do you know anything about...
◦ "The Founder" (lore but no variable changes) ֍
◦ "The Syndicate" (lore but no variable changes)
◦ "The Weapons of Atlas" (lore but no variable changes)
• left group with Mr. Du Pont ֍
• finally leave to proceed

(why is the MC here)

• "The Gems of Doom"
• "Women"
• "Money and power"
• "Answers" [answersmenu] ֍

if you are on [alexpath] and have enough points with her (Alex 6+):
Do you mind if we stay out here for a bit?
• "Nah, let’s hang out here" ֍
Long scene leading to handjob & blowjob by Alex
You’re doing such a good job, I can feel it coming...
◦ "Cum in her mouth" [boylemouth] (minor dialogue changes) ֍
◦ "Cum on her face" [boylemouth] (minor dialogue changes)

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for v0.4-Beta

• "Let's focus on our goal first" drop off [alexpath], [alexu]

End of version 0.4

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