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KHS 139 Final Exam – Fall 2020

 This KHS 139 final exam is from 9:00 AM – 12:00 NOON.

 This final exam is worth 30%.

 Complete all four (4) of the following questions.

 Please insert your full name as a header on each page (or type your name at the top of each page).

 Submit the final product as a typed document and saved as a PDF file.

 Submit the document to the submission link of UR Courses.

 Use proper sentences, punctuation, and spelling.

 Only notes from class, lectures, movement labs and assignments are permissible.

 Any knowledge or information that has been gained from the internet during the exam will be the equivalent of
academic misconduct.

 You are not allowed to converse in any manner with any other student(s) from this KHS 139 class during this
exam. Do not use you any electronic device to talk, text, email, or communicate in any way in order to discuss
or share information during this exam. This will be viewed as academic misconduct.

 If you have a question during the exam, please send me a direct message on UR Courses. I will answer you as
soon as possible.
Question #1 – Movement Education (20 marks)

Explain the Movement Wheel and how it should be used in Elementary Physical Education. Provide as much detail as
possible to fully demonstrate the various ways of using this tool with students.

Question #2 – Educational Gymnastics (20 marks)

Use the following table to create an original gymnastic sequence that could be given to a group of four (4) students to
practice as an activity in developing fundamental movement skills. The sequence must include the BMP skills of
Educational Gymnastics. This original sequence of skills will demonstrate your knowledge of implementing the
Movement Wheel. Your sequence must contain 15 BMP skills and must have a natural flow between skills. Do not copy
the sequence of skills from the gymnastic video analysis from the lab assignment.

As a future teacher, you might find that you need to create unique resources for your students. This is an example of
something that you would need to create and not spend hours working on creating this resource.

Skill Description of Movement and Skill(s)

Question #3 – Creative Movement and Educational Dance (20 marks)

As a future teacher, you might have to provide your students with a poem that inspires creative movement. I had used
the example of an approaching storm in one of the lectures. Choose a theme for an expressive dance and create your
own original poem that contains:

 12 lines
 Rhythmic content (same number of syllables in each line to make a consistent beat)
 12 action words (verbs) and 12 movement variables(adverbs) that would inspire movement
 Strong imagery for students to understand the movements of the poem

As a future teacher, you might find that you need to create unique resources for your students. This is an example of
something that you would need to create and not spend hours working on creating this resource.

Question #4 – Developmental and Educational Games (20 Marks)

Dodgeball was used as a prime example of an inappropriate game that should not be used in an elementary school
physical education setting. Excluding dodgeball, provide another example of an inappropriate game that might be
played in a physical education class.

o Analyze what specific components of the game are inappropriate and why the game is inappropriate for
elementary school students.
o Then offer suggestions or modifications to make the game developmentally appropriate for all students to play.

This question demonstrates your comprehension of recognizing inappropriate teaching practices and activities in
physical education classes. This also demonstrates your ability to make modifications to games.

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