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Cycle 3 Name: _________________

Strand: Identity and Beliefs II Class: _________________

Test 2 Date: __________________
Using the rubric attached below, students will create a booklet based on five ethnic groups
in Belize. All information needed is provided in the handout. Students can draw or include
pictures. (Total Marks 28)
Areas 1 2 3 4

Cover Page
Title of Booklet Cover page includes one of Cover page includes two
Cover page does not include any
Name of student the three identified of the three identified Cover page includes all
of the three identified elements.
Illustration of any ethnic elements. elements. three identified elements.

Ethnic’s group name is Ethnic’s group name is

Neither Ethnic’s group
Sequence of information is written at the top center of written at the top center of
name is not written at the
Organization difficult to follow. Doesn’t the page. Illustration is not the page. Illustration is on
top center nor Illustration or
follow the sequence centered or information the center below the title.
information follow below
doesn’t follow below Information is below

Students included and Student demonstrates full

Student included and elaborated Student included and
elaborated on 4 Ethnic knowledge. All 5 ethnic
Content on 2 or less ethnic groups of elaborated on 3 ethnic
groups of Belize in the groups of Belize were
Belize. groups of Belize.
booklet. included in the booklet

Presentation has three Presentation has no more Presentation has no

Work has four or more spelling
Grammar and Spelling misspellings and/or than two misspellings misspellings or
errors and/or grammatical errors.
grammatical errors. and/or grammatical errors. grammatical errors.

Work has three or four areas Work has one or two areas
Neatness Work is Illegible. Work is neatly done.
that are sloppy. that are sloppy.

Borders were included on

Student used no creativity or Students used at least 2
Work was done in pencil or all pages. Name of Ethnic
imagination in putting their colors of ink to write the
pen. Very little color, or groups were underlined.
Creativity booklet together. Work done information. Borders were
other material, was used. Students used 3 or more
entirely in pencil. No use of included in 4 or more
Booklet is somewhat plain color inks. Illustrations
color. Booklet is too plain and pages. Illustrations were
and basic.  were placed neatly on the
basic.  neatly placed.

Student included
Student did not include pictures Student included Pictures and/or
pictures/illustrations for
Illustrations  or illustrations about the different pictures/illustrations for illustrations were included
only four of the ethnic
ethnic groups.  only three ethnic groups. for the five ethnic groups.  

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