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Types of Hadith Sir Syed Rehan Ahmed

Cell: 0340-2393213

Different Types of Hadith and Their Meanings

Composition of Hadith
It is widely known among Muslims all over the world that any specific wording of the Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬of Allah SWT on a given topic
or theme of subject is known as a “Hadith”. It is obligatory upon every disciple of Islam to know, act upon and spread the
Proverbs of Rasulullah‫ ﷺ‬as these are the words full of wisdom which result in one`s success both in this world and in the
hereafter. Hadith, in general is composed of two basic components which are given below:
1. Matn/Content/Text: It is the main passage which is the actual centre of attraction for the reader. It normally tells about the
right way of actions in different circumstances of life.
2. SanadIsnad/Sequence of Reporters: A series of correspondents through which Hadith has spread.

Categorization of Hadith
Following are the five basic arrangements of Ahadiths on the basis of particular grounds:

1. According to reference to a particular Authority

2. According to the links of Isnad
3. According to a number of reporters
4. According to Authenticity of Correspondents
5. According to The Compilation of Hadith

Now let us briefly discuss these classes of Hadith one by one:

i) According to Reference to a Particular Authority

According to careful research, Hadith is divided into two additional kinds under this category:

Hadis-i-Qudsi: A Hadis that contains words from Allah is termed as Hadis-i-Qudsi. For example, one Hadis reads: “Allah says:
Fasting is for Me and I shall certainly compensate it”. The afore-said words do not figure in the Holy Quran but as these are the
words of Allah which have been spoken by the Holy Prophet (PBUH), such a Hadis is known as Hadis-i-Qudsi.
Hadis-i-Nabvi: A Hadis that contains words which the Holy Prophet (PBUH) himself spoke is called Hadis Nabvi.
Further, Hadith e Nabavi is of two types:

1. Marfu`: meaning “Elevated”. It has got very important status in Islam as it was directly heard from the Messenger
(PBUH) of God Himself by His companions and was brought forward.
2. Maqtu`: meaning “Severed”. It is a form of Instruction which is plainly described by Successor (companions) in his own

ii) According to the links of Isnad

Hadith is further divided under this category:

1. Muttasil: meaning “Continuous”. The one with undisturbed Isnad relating back to companions of Prophet PBUH..
2. Munqati`: meaning “Broken”. Hadith with a link being absent before it reaches the Successor of the actual narrator.

iii) According to a number of reporters

It is divided into two more sub-groups:

1. Mutawatir: meaning “Consecutive”. Hadith being reported such a large number of rightful companions that it is agreed
upon as authentic.
2. Ahad: meaning “Isolated”. The one which has been narrated by a countable number of people.

iv) According to Authenticity of Correspondents

It has the following four categories:

1. Sahih: meaning “Sound, Authentic”. If a Hadith fulfils the criterion laid down to ascertain both its sanad and Matn, it is
called an Authentic or Sahih Hadith.
2. Hasan: meaning “Good”. If the Matn is authentic and in overall context too, the Hadtih is deemed to be genuine, it is
accepted as such and termed as Hassan Hadith even if at some steps its narrators have been found to be somewhat
defective in memory in comparison with those who narrated Sahis Hadith..

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3. Da`if: meaning “Weak”. If anyone of the narrators was known to be a liar, have had bad memory or had not met the
person whom he was supposed to be narrating from, the Hadith quoted by him os classified as un-authentic, in-accurate
or Zaeef.
4. Maudu`: meaning “Fabricated”. The sayings and doings wrongly attributed to the Holy Prophet PBUH which actually
were not said or done by him were called Fabricated or Da’if Hadith.

iv) According to Authenticity of Correspondents

1. Musnad Hadis: In this category, Hadis traced back to each companion of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was put together
under his name, no matter what their theme or contents were. Therefore, the titles of the chapter in this category are
Masnad of Abu Bakr, Musnad of Abu Hurairah, Musnad of Aisha, Musnad of Imam Ahmad bin Hambal. A Musnad is
relevant in a situation only if the requirement is to know the views or propouncements of a specific person but it is of no
consequence if ready answers are warranted for specific questions.
2. Musannaf Hadis: In this category, the collection of Hadis is grouped into chapters and subchapters according to their
theme for example, chapters on prayer, Fasting, Zakat, Hajj, Purity, Marriage etc. Al-Muwatta of Imam Malik, Sahih of
Bukhari and Muslim, the Sunan works of Al- Nasai, Abu Daud and Ibn Majah all fall in this category.

In short, Hadith is an integral part of Islamic teachings through which Muslims all over the world get insight about many aspects
of life. Therefore, one must know about its different kinds so as to become able to distinguish the authentic ones from the rest
which have weak links in its key constituents.

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