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Alexandria Engineering Journal (2021) 60, 5603–5609

Alexandria University

Alexandria Engineering Journal

Multi-objective task scheduling optimization in

cloud computing based on fuzzy self-defense
Xueying Guo

Civil Aviation University of China, Basic Experiment Center, TianJin 300300, China

Received 27 February 2021; revised 16 April 2021; accepted 18 April 2021

Available online 6 June 2021

KEYWORDS Abstract A cloud computing multi-objective task scheduling optimization based on fuzzy self-
Fuzzy self-defense algorithm; defense algorithm is proposed. Select the shortest time, the degree of resource load balance and
Cloud computing; the cost of multi-objective task completion as the goal of cloud computing multi-objective task
Multi-objective task; scheduling, establish a mathematical model to measure the effect of multi-objective task scheduling,
Scheduling optimization and construct the objective function of cloud computing multi-objective task scheduling. The exper-
imental results show that the cloud computing multi-objective task scheduling optimization method
based on fuzzy self-defense algorithm can improve the performance of multi-objective maximum
completion time, deadline violation rate and virtual machine resource utilization.
Ó 2021 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction scheduling problem has very significant theoretical and realis-

tic meanings[2]. In the cloud computing environment, many
As a commercial computing pattern, cloud computing pro- dynamic and uncertain factors exist in resources and their
vides three types of resource services, namely, Platform as a loads. For instance, the load of resource node is related to
Service (‘‘Paas”), Software as a Service (‘‘SaaS”) and Infras- the change of time, and the requests of resources also vary
tructure as a Service (‘‘IaaS”)[1]. Although cloud computing by year, quarter and holiday[3]. These factors may also cause
provides different services and focuses on various application the waste of resources and reduction of service performance.
programs, it still presents problems in resources and task If the cloud resource load is too low, resources will be wasted;
scheduling. For the latter problem, the stability of cloud ser- instead, if the cloud resource load is very high, the service per-
vice, utilization rate of resources, and operating costs are formance of the system will be reduced.
related to service quality of users, which is a very significant With regard to the above problems, relevant scholars
part. Therefore, the cloud computing multi-objective task within the above fields have made researches on cloud comput-
ing task scheduling. Literature[4] proposes an ant colony opti-
mization task scheduling algorithm, which is established based
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on the shortest task completion time, cost and load balance.
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
According to the task scheduling features of cloud computing,
University. it defines the cost constraint function of task completion time,
1110-0168 Ó 2021 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
5604 X. Guo

and the load balance function, and also gives the initial pher- tations to cloud assets for preparing in a circulated climate is a
omone. Then, it improves the heuristic function and phero- well‐known NP‐hard issue. To determine this issue, an energy‐
mone updating method of ant colony optimization efficient task‐scheduling calculation is proposed in [26] depen-
algorithm. It obtains the objective constraint function through dent on best‐worst (BWM) and the Technique for Order Pref-
the ant colony optimization algorithm, further obtaining the erence by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) procedure.
global optimal solution. Then, it simulates the cloudsim, and Initial, a decision‐making bunch distinguishes the assessment
compares Min-Min algorithm and ACO algorithm. As demon- rules. From that point forward, a BWM cycle is applied to
strated in experiment, such algorithm is better than the above allot the significance loads for every basis, in light of the fact
two algorithms in terms of either the task execution time, or that the chose standards have shifted significantly. At that
cost, or load balance; Literature[5] proposes a new Q- point, TOPSIS utilizes these weighted models as contributions
learning-based multi-objective optimization task scheduling to assess and quantify the performance of every other option.
algorithm. At the task scheduling stage, the better task In Ref. [27], an task planning solution is proposed considering
sequence may be obtained through the Q-learning algorithm. the game hypothesis intended for energy management in cloud
During the virtual machine distribution process, at the begin- computing. The game hypothesis can more readily facilitate
ning, the linear weighting method is used to compute the node the dispersion of errands and the conveyance of energy. Like-
and completion time, optimizing the multi-objective problem. wise, The task scheduling model for processing hubs by setting
The objective function is established for the shorter completion up a numerical model is proposed in [27] to manage huge
time and smaller total cost. As demonstrated in experiment, information. Tests show that the calculation can improve
qmts algorithm sorts the tasks based on the Q-learning, which energy planning in distributed computing.
may obtain shorter sorting time than heft. In addition, after Based on the above background, maximum completion
the optimization of multi-objective scheduling strategy, it time, high deadline violation rate and low utilization of virtual
may reduce the total cost and realize the task of makespan. machine resources play an important role in the process of
Ref. [21] introduced a novel antlion algorithm for taking care scheduling optimization for cloud computing multi-objective
of multi-objective task scheduling issues in cloud computing tasks. However, so far, these parameters have not been prop-
conditions. In the proposed technique, the multi-target nature erly satisfied in a comprehensive solution. Therefore, in order
of the issue gets from the need to at the same time limit make- to improve the performance of cloud computing multi-
span while boosting asset use. The proposed algorithm was objective task in terms of maximum completion time, deadline
upgraded by using elite-based differential advancement as a violation rate and virtual machine resource utilization, this
neighborhood search strategy to improve its misuse capacity paper applies the fuzzy self-defense algorithm to the multi-
and to try not to get caught in nearby optima. In another study objective task scheduling optimization in cloud computing,
in [22], a trust-mindful scheduling methodology for distributed designs the cloud computing multi-objective task scheduling
computing is proposed. This method considers Virtual Machi- optimization algorithm, and verifies the effectiveness of such
nes’ trust level calculation and undertakings need assurance. In method via the simulation experiment.
Ref. [23], a Q-learning-based task scheduling system for
energy-proficient cloud computing is proposed to handle the 2. Design the cloud computing multi-objective task scheduling
issue of energy utilization in both scheduling and assignment optimization method
planning. It was shown that the applying of M/M/S lining
model can yield a more limited errand reaction time, which 2.1. Select the goal of cloud computing multi-objective task
prompts improved energy effectiveness. In Ref. [24], In this scheduling
article, the metaheuristics whale optimization algorithm
(WOA) is utilized for cloud task planning with a multiobjective
For the scheduling optimization of cloud computing multi-
streamlining model, targeting improving the presentation of a
objective task, select the shortest time that customers need to
cloud framework with given registering assets. On that pre-
wait, the degree of resource load balance and the cost of
mise, a high-level methodology called Improved WOA is pro-
multi-objective task completion as the goal of cloud computing
posed for Cloud task scheduling to additionally improve the
multi-objective task scheduling[6].
searchability of the WOA-based technique. This strategy can
likewise accomplish better execution on framework asset
(1) Shortest time that customers need to wait
usage, within the sight of both little and enormous scope
undertakings. In another study, the adaptable assignment
The computing equation for the shortest time that cus-
planning issue in a distributed computing framework is con-
tomers need to wait is as follows:
centrated by a hybrid discrete artificial bee colony (ABC) cal-
culation in Ref. [25], where the issue is first demonstrated as a sumðVMj Þ
m X
mixture flowshop scheduling issue. An improved variant of the WFi ¼ max timeij ð1Þ
versatile irritation structure is implanted in the proposed calcu- i¼1

lation to adjust the misuse and investigation capacity. A deter- In which, timeij refers to the execution time of cloud com-
mination and refreshed methodology are applied to upgrade puting multi-objective task Ti on the virtual machine VMj ;
the misuse interaction. To additionally improve the abuse  
sum VMj refers to the total number of multi-objective tasks
capacities, a profound misuse administrator is planned. An
assigned on the virtual machine VMj . The processing time of
improved scout honey bee utilized with various neighborhoods
the multi-objective task is the ratio of task instruction length
scan strategies for the best food source or the unwanted
to execution speed of virtual machine VMj , which is repre-
arrangement is planned and can expand the intermingling
sented as follows:
capacity of the proposed calculation. Planning of client solici-
Multi-objective task scheduling optimization in cloud computing 5605

TAi For the operating cost ctotal required for processing the
timeij ¼ ð2Þ
VAj cloud computing multi-objective task set, assume that the cost
ci for multi-objective task Ti on the virtual machine within the
(2) Degree of resource load balance unit time is ci , then ctotal may be expressed as follows:
The computing equation for the degree of resource load X

balance on the virtual machine is as follows: ctotal ¼ ci  ðte ðTi Þ  ts ðTi ÞÞ ð7Þ
ffi i¼1
If the computing performance of multi-objective task on
the virtual machine is good enough, the value of ci in equation
-¼ ð3Þ (7) is larger[9].
However, for the load balance of cloud computing multi-
In which, VMFj refers to the total execution time of the
objective task on the virtual machine, although more multi-
multi-objective task on the virtual machine; VMFj refers to objective tasks are assigned on the virtual machine, the load
the mean execution time of the multi-objective task on the vir- balance effects may not be better[10]. Define the expected exe-
tual machine. cution time of all multi-objective tasks on the virtual machine
as VLj , which is expressed as follows:
(3) Cost of multi-objective task completion !
amountðTi Þ
VLj ¼   ð8Þ
The computing equation for the cost of multi-objective task ability Vj
completion is as follows:
In which, u refers to the number of multi-objective tasks
costVMj ¼ sum VMj  Vcpuj þ Vramj þ Vbwj ð4Þ assigned on the virtual machine. Define the expected mean exe-
j¼1 cution time of all multi-objective tasks on the virtual machine
as VL, and the computing equation is as shown below:
The equation (4) fully reflects the cost of cloud computing
multi-objective task completion on the virtual machine, which j¼0 VLj
is closely connected with central processing unit (CPU), band- VL ¼ ð9Þ
width performance and memory of the virtual machine.
Starting from three objectives, namely, shortest time that In which, w refers to the number of multi-objective tasks
customers need to wait, degree of resource load balance and assigned on the virtual machine; p refers to the number of
cost of multi-objective task completion, measure the effect of multi-objective tasks in the cloud computing multi-objective
multi-objective task scheduling and establish the following task set.
mathematical model: Define the load balance variance of multi-objective task
scheduling as BL, which is expressed as follows:
minWF; min-; mincost sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Pm ð5Þ P VLj  2
j¼1 aij ¼ 1 aij 2 ½0; 1 i ¼ 1; 2;    ; n w1
Compute the time of multi-objective task completion by BL ¼ ð10Þ
utilizing the goal of shortest time that customers need to wait. w
In combination with the computing of degree of resource load The smaller the value of BL is, the better the load balance
balance and cost of multi-objective task completion, establish of multi-objective task in the data center is during the process
the mathematical model that measures the effect of multi- of cloud computing multi-objective task scheduling.
objective task scheduling, and select the goal of cloud comput- For the cloud computing users, it is required to spend the
ing multi-objective task scheduling. minimum cost within the shortest time. Therefore, take the
minimum values[11] for ttotal and ctotal . Considering that cloud
2.2. Construct the objective function of cloud computing multi- computing belongs to a commercial service pattern, during the
objective task design of Pareto domination relationship, the time and cost
related to user interests are higher than load balance[12] in
A certain constraint relationship[7] exists among optimized terms of priority. As a result, construct the objective
objectives of multi-objective task in cloud computing. Hence, function of cloud computing multi-objective task, as shown
based on understanding the impact of various steps upon such in equation (11):
relationship during the process of cloud computing multi- > minðttotal Þ ¼ minðte ðTlast Þ  ts ðTfirst ÞÞ
> p 
objective task scheduling, the optimized multi-objective func- >
> P
< minðctotal Þ ¼ min ci  ðte ðTi Þ  ts ðTi ÞÞ
tion[8] of cloud computing multi-objective task scheduling
may be determined.
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ! ð11Þ
>  2
> P
Assume that, in the cloud computing multi-objective task >
> VLj
set, Tfirst refers to the first processed multi-objective task and : minðBLÞ ¼ min u
 VL =w
Tlast refers to the last processed multi-objective task. Then,
the equation (6) may be utilized to compute the processing Define the number of multi-objective tasks in the multi-
time of cloud computing multi-objective task set, namely: objective task set through computing the processing time of
cloud computing multi-objective task set. According to the
ttotal ¼ te ðTlast Þ  ts ðTfirst Þ ð6Þ expected execution time of all multi-objective tasks on the vir-
5606 X. Guo

tual machine, compute the load balance variance of multi-

objective task scheduling, and construct the objective function
of cloud computing multi-objective task scheduling.

2.3. Design the cloud computing multi-objective task scheduling

optimization algorithm

The cloud computing multi-objective task scheduling opti-

mization algorithm is a model established based on the fuzzy
self-defense algorithm. For bird flock foraging, it features
small individual number, simple algorithm structure, and
easily completed procedure[13]. It achieves better effects upon
non-linear optimization and combination optimization, based
on the network optimization and engineering management
[14]. During the design process of particle simulation based
on bird flocks, the particle velocity represents its flying speed
and the position represents the flying direction[15]. It is the
solution that is obtained after the optimization of particle posi-
tion. The population p refers to the aggregate of all particles.
The quality of particle is expressed by the value of fitness func-
tion[16]. The present individual extremum of particle i repre-
sents the historical optimal solution obtained after the
search, and the optimal solution obtained by search in p is rep-
resented by the global optimal solution g. During the particle
iterative replacement process, the computing equation of new
solution[17] search is as shown below:

vi ðt þ 1Þ ¼ xvi ðtÞ þ c1 r1 ðp Best i  xi ðtÞÞ þ c2 r2 ðgBest  xi ðtÞÞ
xi ðt þ 1Þ ¼ xi ðtÞ þ vi ðt þ 1Þ
In which, vi ðt þ 1Þ represents the speed of multi-objective
task at the iteration t þ 1 and vi ðtÞ represents the speed of Fig. 1 Basic Procedure of Cloud Computing Multi-objective
multi-objective task at the iteration t; x represents the inertia Task Scheduling Optimization Algorithm.
weight; r1 and r2 are random numbers; c1 and c2 are accelera-
tion factors; xi ðt þ 1Þ represents the position of multi-objective
task at the iteration t þ 1; xi ðtÞ represents the position of multi- objective function through the fuzzy self-defense algorithm,
objective task at the iteration t. and finally obtain the global optimal solution of the objective
The basic procedure of cloud computing multi-objective function, realizing the cloud computing multi-objective task
task scheduling optimization algorithm is as shown in Fig. 1. scheduling optimization.
For the cloud computing multi-objective task scheduling
optimization, the fuzzy self-defense algorithm is adopted.
3. Analysis of simulation experiment
The particle and population solutions are the set of optimal
solutions and the high quality new solutions of particles will
be obtained[18]. Therefore, considering the algorithm perfor- On the simulation platform, add the cloud computing multi-
mance, it is required to study how to select the individual objective task scheduling optimization method to the Datacen-
extremum and find the global optimal solution. In general, terBroker category, carry out scheduling according to the
optimal solutions are selected by the degree of crowdedness cloud computing multi-objective task scheduling optimization
and stored by external documents [19]. For the particles in method based on fuzzy self-defense algorithm and literature[4]
external documents, the lower the density is, the easier they method and literature[5] method, and make the quantitative
will be selected. For the density computing of particles in exter- analysis of cloud computing multi-objective task scheduling
nal documents, the grid method shall be adopted to divide the results in terms of maximum completion time, deadline viola-
target space into many small zones. The particle density refers tion rate and utilization of virtual machine resources.
to the number[20] of particles contained in the zone where the Compare the maximum completion time results through
particles are located. setting the number of different cloud computing multi-
In conclusion, first select the shortest time that customers objective tasks. The results are as shown in Fig. 2.
need to wait, the degree of resource load balance and the cost As shown in Fig. 2, with the increase of number of cloud
of multi-objective task completion as the goal of cloud com- computing multi-objective tasks, the maximum completion
puting multi-objective task scheduling, then construct the time of these three methods becomes much longer. Literature
objective function of cloud computing multi-objective task [5] method not only improves the optimal solution search dis-
scheduling, obtain the new solution search equation of the advantage of traditional methods, but also considers the multi-
Multi-objective task scheduling optimization in cloud computing 5607

Fig. 2 Comparison Results of Maximum Completion Time of

Cloud Computing Multi-objective Task Scheduling. Fig. 3 Test Results of Deadline Violation Rate of Multi-
objective Task Scheduling.

objective nature. It has shorter maximum completion time

than Literature[4] method. The Literature[4] method has
slower convergence speed, which results in the longer maxi-
mum completion time. However, the cloud computing multi-
objective task scheduling optimization method based on fuzzy
self-defense algorithm plans the three objectives, namely,
shortest time that customers need to wait, degree of resource
load balance and cost of multi-objective task completion as a
single objective evaluation function, and takes it as the
scheduling goal. As a result, it obtains a better scheduling
effect, with the shortest maximum scheduling completion time.
Compare the deadline violation rate of these three methods
through setting different numbers of cloud computing multi-
objective tasks. The results are as shown in Fig. 3.
As shown in Fig. 3, with the increase of number of cloud
computing multi-objective tasks, a low deadline violation rate
is maintained for both the cloud computing multi-objective
task scheduling optimization method based on fuzzy self-
defense algorithm and Literature[5] method. However, the
deadline violation rate of cloud computing multi-objective task
scheduling optimization method based on fuzzy self-defense
algorithm is lower, namely, about 5%; Literature[4] method
takes the deadline as a constraint condition, so the final
scheduling effect is affected as the multi-objective task schedul-
ing algorithm is not properly optimized. Therefore, the dead- Fig. 4 Comparison Results of Virtual Machine Resource
line violation rate of the design method is the lowest, with a Utilization of Cloud Computing Multi-objective Tasks.
better scheduling effect.
When the number of multi-objective tasks is 100, randomly balanced with regard to the task scheduling, which indicates
select 10 virtual machines and compare and analyze the that the resource utilization rate on the virtual machine is rel-
resource utilization rate of these three methods on the virtual atively adequate, namely, always above 95%. The Literature[5]
machines. The results are as shown in Fig. 4. method adopts the task execution energy consumption and
As shown from the results in Fig. 4, under a certain number task execution cost as the loads among virtual machines. As
of multi-objective tasks, the results obtained with the cloud a result, the resource utilization rate on the virtual machine
computing multi-objective task scheduling optimization is very high, almost above 90%; however, the Literature [4]
method based on fuzzy self-defense algorithm are relatively method adopts the task execution energy consumption and
5608 X. Guo

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