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I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude

to my teacher Mrs. P. Sinha as well as our Principal
Mr. P. K. Nayak , who gave me the golden
opportunity to do this wonderful project on
The Cancer – Causes , Diagnosis and Treatment
which also helped me in doing a lot of research and I
came to know about so many new things. I am really
thankful to them.
Secondly, I would also like to thank my parents and
friends who helped me a lot in finishing this project
within the limited time.
At last, I am making this project not only for marks
but also to enhance my knowledge regarding Cancer.



This is to certify that SREEJA SWAIN,

Roll no. - 08 has completed the Biology Project
work on the topic “ Cancer – Cause, Diagnosis
and Treatment ” under the guidance of Mrs.
syllabus of standard XII Science Biology.

Sl No. CONTENT Page No.
1 About 5

2 Comparison 6

3 Types of Tumor 7

4 Stages 7

5 Types of Cancer 8

6 Causes 9-10

7 Signs and Symptoms 11

8 Prevention 11

9 Diagnosis 12

10 Treatment 13

11 Awareness 14

12 Bibliography 15
 Cancer is a disease involving abnormal cell growth with a potential to invade to other parts of
the body.

 Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases of human beings and major cause of death all over
the globe.

 The development of cancer or oncogenic transformation of cells’, its treatment and control
have been some of the most intense areas of research in biology and medicine.

 In our body, cell growth and differentiation is highly controlled and regulated. In cancer cells,
there is breakdown of these regulatory mechanisms.

 Normal cells show a property called contact inhibition by virtue of which contact with other
cells inhibits their uncontrolled growth.

 Cancer cells appears to have lost this property of contact inhibition. As a result of this,
cancerous cells just continue to divide giving rise to masses of cells called tumor

 They form a subset of neoplasm. A neoplasm or tumor is a group of cells that have undergone
unregulated growth and will often form a mass or lump, but may be distributed diffusion.

 Cancer cells stealing energy from normal healthy cells.

 Cancer develops when the cell’s genetic material gets damaged or mutated.
Types of Cancer
1. Carcinoma:
 It is the cancer of the epithelial lining, which can be ectodermal, mesodermal or
endodermal in origin.
 This type of cancer can develop in the gut lining, glands (exocrine or endocrine) or
skin etc.
 About 80% of the cancers are carcinomas.
 Lung cancer, Breast cancer, Duodenal cancer, Colon cancer, Skin cancer, Cervix
cancer etc.
2. Sarcoma:
 It is the cancer of connective tissues or muscles, and is mesodermal in origin.
 Only 1-2% of cancers are of this type.
 Cancer of bones and cartilages etc.
3. Leukemia:
 It is the cancer of blood particularly of granulocytes (WBCs) and hence is also
called granulocytic leukemia.
 It is a specific abnormality in chromosome 22 of leukemia cancer cells
(particularly chronic myeloid leukemia cells).
4. Lymphoma:
 It is the cancer of lymphatic tissues or lymphocytes present in the lymph.
 The most common lymphoma is Hodgkin’s disease.
5. Mixed types of cancer:
 Lipoma: it is the cancer of adipose tissue subcutaneous fats (beneath the skin).
 Melanoma: the cancer of melanocytes present in skin.
 Teratoma: it is the cancer of embryonic or fetal tissue that is a tumor-like embryo or
embryo-like tumor formed by the heterogeneous mixture of tissues.
 Myeloma: the cancer of bone marrow.
 Myoma: the cancer of muscles.
 The cancer causing agents or factors are called carcinogens.

 Carcinogens may be physical, chemical or biological factors.

 Physical agents (Radiations):

 Non ionizing (UV rays), Ionizing [ϒ-rays (gamma rays), infra-red rays or
X-rays] can cause gene mutation and produce oncogenic transformation.
 The radiation from nuclear bombs and leakage from nuclear reactors can
also cause mutation.

 Chemical agents:
 Certain chemicals may cause cancer e.g. n-nitroso-dimethylene (in
cigarette smoke) and asbestos dust causing lung cancer.
 Cadmium oxide causing cancer of prostate gland, PVC (polyvinyl
chloride) and Aflatoxin (from fungus Aspergillus) causing liver cancer.
 Nitrosamine causing colon cancer, diethylstilbestrol causing vaginal

 Biological agents (viruses):

 Viruses don’t cause cancer as pathogens but alter DNA sequence which
produces abnormal proteins.
 Such viruses are called oncoviruses.

 Carcinogens can also be categorized on the basis of their mode of action as:

 DNA transformers: these agents can cause alteration in DNA that leads to

 Tumor promoters: these agents (e.g. growth factors or hormones) promote

the proliferation of cells which have already undergone genetic alteration.

 Tumor viruses: such viruses are capable of making oncogenic

 Tobacco use is the cause of about 33% of cancer deaths major cause of lung
cancer due to chemical carcinogens
 Another 10% is due to obesity, poor diet, lack of physical activity, excessive drinking
of alcohol.
 Nearly 20% of cancer cause is due to hepatitis B, hepatitis C and human
 Approximately 5-10% of cancer is due to inherited genetic defect from person’s
 Several genes called cellular oncogenes / proto oncogenes have been identified in
normal cells which, when activated under certain conditions, could lead to
oncogenic transformation of the cell.
Types of Tumor
 Cancer (symbolized by a crab) is a non-communicable disease.
 Cancer is the unregulated and uncontrolled proliferation of cells or it is a
breakdown of the regulating mechanism that governs normal cell division.
 The study of cancer is called oncology.
 The tumor(a mass of tissue of abnormal cells)or neoplasm formed by
uncontrolled cell division can be of two types:
 Benign tumors:
o They are localized tumors and are bound within a connective
tissue coating.
o They don’t spread over the surrounding tissues.
o They are not fatal or harmful. E.g. moles and warts
 Malignant tumors:
o They are cancerous and harmful and spread into the
surrounding tissues by two means: invasion and metastasis.
o Invasion is the penetration of the cells of malignant tumor into
the neighboring tissue where they from invasion tumors.
o Metastasis is the penetration of cancerous cell into the blood
capillaries from where they are carried to different parts of the


Stage 0: Cancer cells are present but have not spread to surrounding tissues.

Stage I, II and III: Higher the number, more advanced the disease in terms of size of the tumor
and invasion of surrounding organs and tissues.

These cells may have gene mutation or Cell reproduction is needed to replenish
chromosome mutation that affect the the cell population that ages or becomes
reproductive properties of the cells. They damaged or destroyed. Normal cells
do not experience biological aging and
maintain their ability to replicate and grow.
reproduce properly

Cancer cell lose the ability to Cells communicate with other cells
communicate with other cells through through chemical signals. These
chemical signals. They also lose signals help normal cells to know when
sensitivity to anti-growth signals from to reproduce and when to stop
surrounding cells. These signals reproducing. Cell signals are usually
normally restrict celluar growth. transmitted into a cell by specific
They are unspecialized and do not They have the ability to differentiate or
develop into cells of a specific type. develop into specialized cells. For
Similar to stem cells, cancer cells example, cells can develop into heart
prolife rate or replicate many times, for cells, brain cells, lung cells or any other
long periods of time. cell of a specific type.
When the genes in a normal cell are They have the ability to self destruct
damaged beyond repair, certain DNA when they become damaged or
checking mechanisms signal for cell diseased. Cells break down and are
destruction. disposed of by white blood cells.

 Early detection of cancers is essential as it allows the

disease to be treated successfully in many cases.
 Cancer detection is based on biopsy and histopathological
studies of the tissue and blood and bone marrow tests for
increased cell counts in the case of leukemias.
 In biopsy, a piece of the suspected tissue cut into thin
sections is stained and examined under microscope
(histopathological studies) by a pathologist.
 Techniques like radiography (use of X-rays), CT
and MRI are very useful to detect cancers of the internal
 Computed tomography uses X-rays to generate a three-
dimensional image of the internals of an object.
 MRI uses strong magnetic fields and non-
ionizing radiations to accurately detect pathological and
physiological changes in the living tissue.
 Antibodies against cancer-specific antigens are also used
for detection of certain cancers.

 Techniques of molecular biology can be applied to detect

genes in individuals with inherited susceptibility to certain
cancers. Identification of such genes, which predispose an
Individual to certain cancers, may be very helpful in
prevention of cancers.
 Such individuals may be advised to avoid exposure to
particular carcinogens to which they are susceptible (e.g.,
tobacco smoke in case of lung cancer).
The treatment depends on the type and stage of the cancer.
Treatment includes radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgery and target therapy.
In radiotherapy, tumor cells are Irradiated lethally, taking proper care of the normal
tissues surrounding the tumor mass.
Several chemotherapeutic drugs are used to kill cancerous cells. Majority of drugs
have side effects like hair loss, anemia, etc.
Most cancers are treated by combination of surgery, radiotherapy and
Tumor cells have been shown to avoid detection and destruction by immune
system. Therefore, the patients are given substances called biological response
modifiers such as a-interferon which activate their immune system and help in
destroying the tumor.

Symptoms of Cancer
Cancer is a disease in which there are not many apparent or
pronounced symptoms in early stages and this is the reason mostly
cancers are detected when they reach a late stage of the disease.
Symptoms vary according to the location, stage and type of the
cancer. Few cancer specific symptoms include abnormal lump,
unexplained weight loss, fatigue, change in bowel movements,
abnormal bleeding or prolonged cough. All these symptoms can
also occur due to other health issues as well.

Prevention from Cancer

1. Avoiding known causes of cancer like tobacco use, radiation
exposure etc
2. Lifestyle changes
3. A diet low in fat and high in fiber, fruits, and vegetables lowers
the risk of certain types of cancers
4. Vaccination against hepatitis B virus and human papillomavirus
5. Screening tests at regular intervals of those who are at higher
risk e.g., people who have family history of cancers or who are
exposed to ionizing radiations.
6. Regular preventive complete body checkup.
 Create cancer awareness and remove the stigma and fear attached.
 Help people recognise the early sign and symptoms of cancer, thus
enabling them to seek treatment at an early stage.
 Educate people about the key risk factors, since more than 30% of
cancer cases could be prevented by modifying lifestyle or avoiding the
risk factors.
 Inform people about the importance of regular screening and check-ups.
 Inform women about mammograms,dinical breast exam and breast self-
 Inform woman about Pap smear tests to check for signs of cervical
 The primary goal of ICS is to promote and develop awareness in the
public andemphasis the importance of early detection, all of which play a
major role in the treatment of cancer. Cancer awareness can also lead to
people making healthier lifestyle choices.
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