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ASSIGNMENT: Bringing Primark to India

MODULE: Introduction to Fashion Marketing

MENTOR: Ankita Brahmi

Primark offers a diverse range of products, including: baby and children's clothing, womenswear,
menswear, homeware, accessories, footwear, beauty products and confectionery. Internationally, the chain
sells clothes at prices below those typically charged. They go by the tagline, ‘adored by fashion fans and
value seekers alike’
Along with retailers such as Zara and H&M, Primark contributes to the contemporary fast fashion trend.
According to an article about Primark in The Economist, "For many shoppers, Primark has an irresistible
offer: trendy clothes at astonishingly low prices. The result is a new and even faster kind of fast fashion,
which encourages consumers to buy heaps of items, discard them after a few wears and then come back
for another batch of new outfits.” In 2020, Primark launched their Wellness collection which includes 80
eco-conscious products. All of the products are made of organic, sustainable or recycled materials. This is
part of the retailer's commitment to be more responsible for its footprint.

Over 300 international fashion brands are predicted to launch in India in the next two years, as the
country is expected to become one of Asia’s most attractive consumer markets, McKinsey’s Fashionscope
reported in 2019. The following articles illustrate the importance of India as a burgeoning market and
strategies opted by various market players to penetrate this.

Based on the aforementioned, students have to work in groups, to study Primark’s existing marketing mix
(in UK) and pitch one, hypothetically, to launch itself in India.
ASSIGNMENT: Bringing Primark to India
MODULE: Introduction to Fashion Marketing
MENTOR: Ankita Brahmi

• Study of Marketing Mix in UK
• Product (product segmentation categories in flowchart, tangible and intangible
characteristics, value proposition)
• Price (pricing strategy – price range indicated in flowchart, budget/value/luxury strategy,
price lining if any)
• Place – EBO/MBO, Online/Offline/Omni (analysis on store/web)
• Promotion – message strategy (how are the tangible & intangible characteristics or value
proposition communicated? What are the channels used - advertising/sales
promotion/direct marketing/ personal selling/pr & publicity)
• Process – experiential, immersive etc
• People (internal/ external - resources, stake holders, share holders, talent)
• Physical Evidence (testimonials, packaging etc)
• Intended Target Market for India
• Segmentation (product/price wise)
• Targeting (5 target profiles)
• Positioning (competitive landscape and aligned strategy, PPM not required)
• Proposed Marketing Mix for India (supported reasoning and hypothetical visuals)

Pitch to be supported with adequate visuals and reasoning. To be submitted in pdf format with file/folder
extension IntrotoFM_<group no. 2>

SUBMISSION DATE: January 20, 12 noon, to be uploaded on the link shared by SR

ASSESSMENT PARAMETERS - Research (20) + Analysis (20) + Strategy (20) + Strategy (20) +
Documetation (20)

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