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com Learn English Presents:Sentence

Compound:and,or,nor,yet,but Complex:wh words,since,that,though
Simple Complex Compound

to so that and /or

We read to learn We read so that we can learn We read and we learn

Inspite of/Despite Though/Although but

Despite being poor he is Though he is poor he is He is poor but he is honest.
honest. honest.

Verb+ing Since/As and so

Being punished he wept. As he was punished, he wept. He was punished and so he

enough/too ….to so…..that(negative)

so… very…..and
He is too weak to walk. He is so weak that he can not He is very weak and he can
walk. not walk.

Without If/In case or

Without reading you will fail. If you do not read you will Read or fail/you will fail.

at the time when and

He woke up at the time of He woke up when it was It was raining and he woke
raining raining. up.

Adjective that/which and

It was a red ball. It was a ball that/which was It was a ball and it was red.

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