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LEVEL 3 Media Production Yr.

2 2021-22


Rob Forrester /
Weebly URL: Trevor McCready
PROJECT START DATE: w/c: 31/10/22 ASSESSMENT (HAND IN) DATE: w/c: 12/12/22
PATHWAY: Media Production PROJECT TITLE: Ambient Loop
Complete P/F
10 - Engaging with an audience in creative media production / P/F
ASSESSMENT Criteria Met? Comment
Unit Understand the
S/G/E Your analysis of the characteristics of the audience for a chosen
audience for a chosen creative media production activity and interpretation of research
10: creative media activities to develop ideas and creative proposals for a chosen
pt 1 production activity audience demonstrates:

(Research / Design) Little or no evidence presented or information does not relate sufficiently
to task (F)

Sufficient relevant information has been gathered, documented and used

in the development of ideas (S)

Thorough and sustained research and investigation of relevant sources,

interpretation and synthesis of information used to inform, support and
develop ideas (G)

Independently identified, thorough and sustained research and

investigation of a range of relevant sources, insightful interpretation and
synthesis of information used to inform, support and develop ideas (E)

Unit Be able to plan and

implement a creative S/G/E Your demonstration of independence in decision making in planning
and developing creative solutions has shown:
10: media production
pt 2 activity for an identified Ineffective planning and little or no evaluation against aims. Task or tasks
audience. are incomplete (F)
(Design / Build)
Evidence of effective planning and evaluation against aims that have
contributed to a satisfactory completion of the task or tasks (S)

Coherent and reasoned planning, subject engagement and commitment.

Realistic evaluation against aims and efficient production against timescales (G)

Detailed and coherent self- directed planning and negotiation, subject

engagement and commitment. Continuous evaluation against aims and
efficient production against timescales (E)

Your selection of appropriate media and processes to communicate

ideas for an identified audience demonstrates:

Ineffective communication and presentation of ideas. Lack of clarity in structure,

selection and organisation (F)

Competent communication and sufficient clarity and consistency in presentation

of ideas appropriate to the intended audience (S)

Confident selection, organisation and communication of ideas. Consistent

approach to presentation demonstrating a good understanding of conventions and
standards (G)

Confident selection, organisation and communication of ideas. Demonstrating

autonomy, personal style and an ambitious use of available resources to
communicate ideas effectively to an intended audience (E)
Unit Be able to use
S/G/E Your critical evaluation of creative solutions against identified audience
evaluation in support of characteristics and reflection on learning to inform personal development
10: creative media shows:
pt 3 production for an
identified audience Insufficient evidence of ongoing evaluation, lack of or only basic analysis and
little or no justification for ideas (F)
Clearly communicated evidence of valid evaluation and realistic analysis
independently used to inform and develop ideas (S)

Effective communication of analysis and interpretation, independent synthesis of

information and application of reasoned decision making to inform development
of ideas (G)

Accomplished and professional communication of perceptive analysis and

interpretation, demonstrating clarity and sophistication in thinking and maturity
in decision making to progress ideas (E)
Final comments
Review Date Offered : Student Comment
Internal Verifier: Steve Bell Assessor Name & Date: T. McCready/R. Forrester 03/01/23

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