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Searching For The Primer

Ian Beardsley

Copyright © 2023

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List of our Equations……………………………………………….4

1.0 The Constant k…………………………………………………..6

2.0 The Radius of a Proton and the Hydrocarbons……..10


3.0 Charge of a Proton…………………………………………….17

4.0 Logos……………………………………………………………….19

5.0 Atomic Systems Mirror Planetary Systems……………….24


Appendix 1……………………………………………………………..28

Appendix 2……………………………………………………………..29

Appendix 3……………………………………………………………..33

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The moon perfectly eclipses the sun as seen from the earth. This is an incredible
fact because not only does the moon have to be the right distance and size from the
sun to do this, the sun also has to be the right size. If this is for a reason, perhaps
for the reason to let us know we are here for a reason by forces unknown, then
there should be more clues. Perhaps our distant ancestors from which we evolved
when sitting around a fire at night flaking stones into spearpoints noticed this and
it spoke to them. I find if we consider the universe as the unfolding of six-fold
symmetry that we can predict the radius of a proton and its charge as a
consequence of the geometry of space as well as predict the hydrocarbons, the
skeletons of biological life. We can further show that the planetary orbits are all 6
in a language I formulate that is universal in its structure. The curious thing is we
find the duration of one second is natural and common to both atomic systems and
planetary systems. The unit of a second was arbitrarily defined historically, but I
show that the way we defined it came out giving it structure by mistake because we
chose it such that it reconciled the calendar with the earth rotation (day) lunar
orbital period (month), earth orbital period (year) and the dividing of the the
circle into 360 degrees. It had an effect because the earth day is 365 days is
approximately 360, giving it going through one degree a day. The current distances
of planets from the sun is what the solar system evolved to and it is the purpose of
planetary astronomy to formulate a theory that predicts how from a spinning
protoplanetary disc we get these distributions that determine by Kepler’s laws the
their orbital periods. We find here that this natural duration of a second describes
not just the protons and atoms that make up matter, including the planets
themselves, but the structure of the solar system and the hydrocarbons that are
the skeletons of biological life that occur here on Earth. Aside from building the
Universe here like this, I have found what looks like a message mirroring the
earth-moon-system with the atom. I suggest the search for a primer, the keys that
unlock what it is saying, what seems to be a message written into our local

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List of our Equations

I have found the following…

Equation 1.1. k ve = 6

4 8π 3G
Equation 1.2 k = mp (1 + α) ⋅ NA
3 c 3h

= 773.5m /s
K Emoon
Equation 2.13. (Ear th Da y) ≈ 1secon d
K Eearth
3rp 4πh
Equation 2.14. mp =
18α 2 Gc
One second gives carbon Equation 2.15:

1 h 4π rp2
= 6pr oton ⋅ secon d s = carbon(C )
α 2 mp Gc

Six seconds gives 1 proton is hydrogen Equation 2.16:

1 h 4π rp2
= 1pr oton ⋅ 6secon d s = hydr ogen(H )
α 2 mp Gc

3 2 h 1 R
Equation 2.17. ⋅ ⋅ 2 ⋅ H = 1secon d
16 π G α mp NA

1 hc R
Equation 2.19. rp = ⋅ H
mp 2π G NA

Which gives

rp = 8.26935E − 16m ≈ 0.827f m

1 hc RH
Equation 2.23. mp = ⋅
rp 2π 3G NA

h 4π rp2
ke ( 6 k )
c α2 1
Equation 3.2. ⋅ = q2

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q 9.1435E − 19C
Equation 3.3. =⋅ = 5.71pr oton s ≈ 6pr oton s
qp 1.602E − 19C

1 ϕ
Equation 4.2. ⋅ 360∘ = 1AU
2 100
m3 AU 3 1.98847E 30kg 9.9477E14s 2
G = 6.67408E − 11 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
kg ⋅ s 2 3.3479E 33m 3 M⊙ year 2

AU 3
G = 39.433
M⊙ ⋅ year 2

AU 3
G ≈ 40
M⊙ ⋅ year 2

5 GM
3 ϕ

2,404,512s vm
Equation 4.5. (6 6 6) 31,557,600s
= ve

You will find this gives vm = 964.886m /s, ve = 28,443m /s, vv = 33,463.9m /s

vm 6
( ϕ )
5 GM 5 GM 5 GM Re
Equation 4.6. 3 ϕ 3 ϕ 3 Te
= ve = 6
vv 6

2 h 4π rp2
( K Eearth ) α mp
K Emoon 2 1
Equation 5.6. k ve Ear th Da y = 4 2 ⋅
2 Gc

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1.0 The Constant k

There exists some k that serves as a constant the describes both the microcosmos
and macrocosmos from the proton, to the atoms, to planetary orbits. It is such that
the square root of it times the earth orbital velocity is 6, because we are guessing
we are dealing with six-fold symmetry as the basis of Nature. That is

Eq. 1.1 k ve = 6

We have that k is

4 8π 3G
Eq. 1.2 k = mp (1 + α) ⋅ NA
3 c 3h

This follows from what Warren Giordano noticed that

Eq. 1.3 h(1 + α) ⋅ 10 23 = G

Without the right units. I noticed since Avogadro’s number is 6.02 × 10 23 ≈ 6 × 10 23 that I
could introduce an equation of state for the periodic tables of the elements:
gr a m
Eq. 1.4 ℍ=1
(1 + α) kg 2 ⋅ s
Eq. 1.5 h NA H = 6.0003
G m
Let us say we were to consider Any Element say carbon ℂ. Then in general

(1 + α) s
h ⋅ NA = 6.0003kg 2 ⋅
G m
We have

6gr a m s 6(6E 23pr oton s)

ℂ= and NA =
6pr oton s 6gr a m s
Because there are six grams of protons in carbon which has 6 protons and 6 neutrons and a
molar mass of 12. We have

12-6=6 grams of protons in the 12 grams of protons and neutrons. Thus

NAℂ = 6E 23
And it follows that

(1 + α) s
h ⋅ NAℂ = 6.0003kg 2 ⋅
G m

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We see in general since the atomic number Z is the number of protons in an atom that in general
this holds for all elements because

Z ⋅ 6E 23pr oton s
NA =
Z ⋅ gr a m s

Z ⋅ gr a m s
Z ⋅ pr oton s
Therefore we always have:

NA ⋅ = 6E 23

NA is a variable, the number of protons in multiplied by Avogadro’s number.

Put in the Earth mean orbital velocity which is 29.79km/s (Zombeck, Martin V. 1982). We get:

(1 + α)
Eq. 1.6 h ⋅ NA ⋅ ve = 422.787kg
While we have masses characteristic of the microcosmos like protons, and masses characteristic
of the macrocosmos, like the upper limit for a star to become a white dwarf after she novas (The
Chandrasekhar limit) which is 1.44 — More mass than that and she will collapse — we do not
have a characteristic mass of the intermediary world where we exist, a truck weighs several tons
and tennis ball maybe around a hundred grams. To find that mass let us take the geometric
mean between the mass of a proton and the mass of 1.44 solar masses. We could take the
average, or the harmonic mean, but the geometric mean is the squaring of the proportions, it is
the side of a square with the area equal to the area of the rectangle with these proportions as its
sides. We have:

Eq. 1.7 M⊙ = 1.98847E 30kg

We multiply this by 1.44 to get 2.8634E30kg. The mass of a proton is mp = 1.67262E − 27kg.
We have the intermediary mass is:

Eq. 1.8 mi = (2.8634E 30)(1.67262E − 27) = 69.205kg

All we really need to do now is divide equation 1.6 by equation 1.7 and we get an even number
that is the six of our six-fold symmetry.

1 (1 + α)
Eq. 1.9 h ⋅ NA ⋅ ve = 6.1092 ≈ 6
mi G
The six of our six-fold symmetry.

We have something very interesting here. We have


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1 s
6kg 2 ve = 6
69.205kg m

This is:

k ve = 6

Where k is a constant, given

1 s
k =
773.5 m

It was the Indian physicist Chandrasekhar who found the limit in mass for which a white dwarf
will not have its gravity overcome the electron degeneracy pressure and collapse. The non-
relativistic equation is:

c 3ℏ3
M ≤ 0.77 = 1.41 ⊙
GN3 mp4

Let us approximate 0.77 with 3/4. Since we have our constant

1 1+α
k = h ⋅ NA
mi2 G

And mi = Mmp

3 c 3 ℏ3
mi =
2 G 3mp2

Since ℏ = h /2π our constant k in terms the Chandrasekhar limit is

4 8π 3G
k = mp (1 + α) ⋅ NA
3 c 3h

The fine structure constant squared is the ratio of the potential energy of an electron in the first
circular orbit to the energy given by the mass of an electron in the Bohr model times the speed of
light squared, that is it represents the ground state. It is

α2 =
mec 2

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k ve = 6

We are suggesting the earth orbit is the ground state for our planetary system. We suggest it
holds for any planetary system because k as we will see is a natural constant that solves many
physical problems on many levels, not just planetary systems but atomic systems and the
particles that make them up.

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2.0 The Radius of a Proton and the Hydrocarbons

The natural constants measure the properties of space and time. We can list some of them here:

mP : 1.67262 × 10−27 kg (Proton Mass)

h : 6.62607 × 10−34 J ⋅ s (Planck Constant)
rp : 0.833 × 10−15m (Proton Radius)
G: 6.67408 × 10−11N 2 (Gravitational Constant)
c : 299,792, 459m /s (light speed)
α : 1/137 (Fine Structure Constant)
qp = qe = 1.6022E − 19coulom bs
Nm 2
ke = 8.988E 9 2
Gravity is a property of space measured by the universal constant of gravity, G:

m2 m3
Equation 2.1 G = 6.674E − 11N 2 = 6.674E − 11 2
s s ⋅ kg
Matter, or inertia, which measures matter’s ability to resist a force is for each particle (protons
and neutrons) we will suggest given by:

h kg ⋅ s
Equation 2.2 =
Gc m
Which describes mass per meter over time, which is:

kg ⋅ s
Equation 2.3 1.82E − 16
It must be adjusted by the fine structure constant α. It is my guess the factor should be which
is 18,769.:

Equation 2.4 (1.82E − 16kg ⋅ s /m)(18,769) = 3.416E − 12kg ⋅ s /m)

Because the fine structure constant squared is the ratio of the potential energy of an electron in
the first circular orbit to the energy given by the mass of an electron in the Bohr model times the
speed of light squared, that is it represents the ground state. It is

Equation 2.5 α2 =
mec 2
Here we are suggesting that the proton and neutron are the 3-dimensional cross-sections of a
hypersphere. Thus we consider the surface area of a proton, Sp:

Equation 2.6 Sp = 4π rp2 = 8.72E − 30m 2

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We take the square root to get meters:

Equation 2.7 Sp = 2.953E − 15m

We multiply that with the value we have in equation 2.4:

kg ⋅ s
Equation 2.8 (2.953E − 15m)(3.416E − 12 ) = 1.009E − 26kg ⋅ s
We find that the mass of a proton mp realizes if we divide this by six seconds:

1E − 26
Equation 2.9 mh = = 1.67E − 27kg
6secon d s
That is hydrogen. We see that the element carbon manifests if we divide instead by 1 second:

1E − 26kg ⋅ s
Equation 2.10 mc = = 1E − 26kg = 6pr oton s = 6mp
1secon d
Carbon (C) is the core element of life chemistry and it combines with hydrogen (H) to make the
skeletons of organic matter, the so-called hydrocarbons:

1E − 26kg ⋅ s
Equation 2.11 mp =
6secon d s
1E − 26kg ⋅ s
Equation 2.12 mc =
1secon d
If we divide 1E-26kgs by something greater than 6 seconds we get fractional protons. The rest of
the elements in the periodic table occur for dividing by something less that 1-second. It seems
the duration of a second is natural. If it is, since it was formed by a calendar based on
reconciling the periods of the moon and the sun in the earth sky, it should be in the Earth-moon
orbital mechanics. I find it is, that (See appendix 1 and appendix 2):

K Emoon
Equation 2.13 (Ear th Da y) ≈ 1secon d
K Eearth
That is, the earth day (86,400 seconds) times the kinetic energy of the moon to the kinetic
energy of the earth is about 1 second (about 1.2 seconds). The earth day changes very little, by
very small amounts over millions of years. The solar system has evolved towards this since the
explosion of life called the Cambrian, and will slowly decay away from it. But we need to derive
the second in terms of something else. For now we have the mass of a proton as:

3rp 4πh
Equation 2.14 mp =
18α 2 Gc
I then developed the concept of proton-seconds where time is associated with atoms through the
number of protons they have.

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This way of looking at things is to say matter is that which has inertia. This means it resists
change in position with a force applied to it. The more of it, the more it resists a force. We
understand this from experience, but what is matter that it has inertia? In this analogy we are
suggesting a proton is a three dimensional bubble embedded in a two dimensional plane. As
such there has to be a normal vector holding the higher dimensional sphere in a lower
dimensional space. (See Fig. 1) Thus if we apply a force to to the cross-section of the sphere in
the plane there should be a force countering it proportional to the normal holding it in a lower
dimensional universe. It is actually a 4-dimensional hypersphere whose cross-section is a
sphere. This counter force would be experienced as inertia. Since Planck’s constant h is a
measure of energy over time where space and time are concerned it must play a role. Of course
the radius of a proton plays a role since squared and multiplied by 4π it is the surface area of our
proton embedded in space. The gravitational constant is force produced per kilogram over a
distance, thus it is a measure of how the surrounding space has an effect on the proton giving it
inertia. The speed of light c has to play a role because it is the velocity at which events are
separated through time. The mass of a proton has to play a role because it is a measurement of
inertia itself. And alas the fine structure constant describes the degree to which these factors
have an effect. We see the inertia then in equation 6 is six protons over 1 second, by dimensional

Fig. 1

Equation 2.15

1 h 4π rp2
= 6pr oton ⋅ secon d s = carbon(C )
α mp
2 Gc

We find six seconds gives 1 proton is hydrogen:

Equation 2.16

1 h 4π rp2
= 1pr oton ⋅ 6secon d s = hydr ogen(H )
α 2 mp Gc

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For time t greater than 6 seconds we have fractional protons. For t<6 we the have other

1 h 4π rp2
α mp
2 Gc

Is proton-seconds. Divide by time we have a number of protons because it is a mass divided by

the mass of a proton. But these masses can be considered to cancel and leave pure number. We
make a program that looks for close to whole number solutions so we can create a table of values
for problem solving (Program in Appendix 3):

By what value would you like to increment?: 0.25

How many values would you like to calculate for t in equation 1 (no more than 100?): 100
24.1199 protons 0.250000 seconds 0.119904 decpart
12.0600 protons 0.500000 seconds 0.059952 decpart
8.0400 protons 0.750000 seconds 0.039968 decpart
6.0300 protons 1.000000 seconds 0.029976 decpart
4.0200 protons 1.500000 seconds 0.019984 decpart
3.0150 protons 2.000000 seconds 0.014988 decpart
2.1927 protons 2.750000 seconds 0.192718 decpart
2.0100 protons 3.000000 seconds 0.009992 decpart
1.2060 protons 5.000000 seconds 0.205995 decpart
1.1486 protons 5.250000 seconds 0.148567 decpart
1.0964 protons 5.500000 seconds 0.096359 decpart
1.0487 protons 5.750000 seconds 0.048691 decpart
1.0050 protons 6.000000 seconds 0.004996 decpart
0.2487 protons 24.250000 seconds 0.248659 decpart
0.2461 protons 24.500000 seconds 0.246121 decpart
0.2436 protons 24.750000 seconds 0.243635 decpart

A very interesting thing here is looking at the values generated by the program, the smallest
integer value 1 second produces 6 protons (carbon) and the largest integer value 6 seconds
produces one proton (hydrogen). Beyond six seconds you have fractional protons, and the rest of
the elements heavier than carbon are formed by fractional seconds. These are the hydrocarbons
the backbones of biological chemistry. We now write

1 h 4π rp2 1 Gc rp Gc
t = 6s = 2 , = α 2 mp , v = = α 2 mp
α mp Gc t h 4π rp2 t h 4π

Radius of hydrogen atom RH = 1.2E − 10m

Rh 1 h 4π
t = = Rh ⋅ 2
v α mp Gc

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Remember our constant k equation 1.21 (Don’t forget to divide by two somewhere):

1 3 1 c 3h 1 1 1 3 1 c 3h 1
= ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ≈ = ⋅ ⋅
k 4 mp 8π G 1 + α NA
3 k 4 mp 8π G NA

t 3 2 h 1 R
Equation 2.17. = ⋅ ⋅ 2 ⋅ H
ck 16 G π α mp NA

t 3 2 6.626E − 34 18769 1.2E − 10 1

= ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ = 1.12secon d s
ck 16 6.674E − 11 (1.6726E − 27) 2 6.02E 23 π
Since we have the equation of the radius of a proton is given by, by evaluating it at one second
which is carbon:

18 2 Gc
rp = α mp = 8.288587 × 10−16 m = 0.829f m
3 4πh
And 1 second in terms of the atom is given by

3 2 h 1 R
⋅ ⋅ 2 ⋅ H = 1.12secon d s
16 G π α mp NA

Then the equation for the radius of a proton is:

9 1 hc RH
Equation 2.18 rp = 2⋅ ⋅
8 mp 4π 3G NA

Let’s verify our equation:

9 1 (6.626E − 34)(299,792, 459) 1.2E − 10

rp = 2 ⋅ = 0.93f m
8 1.67E − 27 (6.674E − 11)4π 3 6.02E 23

Making the approximation 9/8~1 we can write equation 1.22 as (We have picked up the fraction
9/8 by making several approximations)

Equation 2.19

1 hc RH
rp = ⋅
mp 2π 3G NA

Which gives

rp = 8.26935E − 16m ≈ 0.827f m


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( s )( s )( m ) NAℍ
1 m2 m s2 RH 1
rp = kg kg 3 = (kg)m
kg kg

We form constants:

Equation 2.20 k = = 6.93E − 9kg
2π 3G
Equation 2.21 = 1.99E − 34m
And we have the Equation:

Equation 2.22 rp mp = k
We can say that Avogadro’s number is not an arbitrary number because it is such that there are
twelve grams of carbon and carbon is 6 neutrons plus 6 protons equals 12. We now want to add
to this section the equation of the mass of a proton.

1 hc RH
Equation 2.23 mp = ⋅
rp 2π 3G NA

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Thus we have

1 hc RH
rp = ⋅
mp 2π 3G NA

Let us see if this makes sense.

2π 3 = (2π)(π)(π)

2π is the circumference of a unit circle and π is the area of a unit circle. For the constant of

m3 m2 N m2
G= =N 2 = ⋅
kg ⋅ s 2 kg kg kg
is a measure of the force of space pushing back on the proton per kilogram in our theory.
This is what G measures but over square meter per kilogram . Planck’s constant h is
h = kg
The speed of light is m/s thus we have

( s )
m2 m m
h c = kg ⋅ = kg 2 ⋅ m 2
s s
Is a measure of force over surface or,…

kg ⋅m
Is a measure of energy over a length. Thus we see we have force canceling with force and area
with area to give us the radius of a proton:

( ) ( kg m m )
hc m 1 s 2 kg 2
= kg 2 ⋅ m 2 ⋅ 2 = kg 2
G s

We see we have force cancelling with force, surface area m 2 cancelling with surface area m 2,
leaving the square kilograms (kg) of the proton. We take the square root because we are forming
a geometric mean and then we divide by the mass of a proton mp and multiply by the radius of a
hydrogen atom RH to get the proper units for the radius of a proton. That is equation 1.26 makes

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3.0 Charge of a Proton I construct the electric field as such (Fig. 2): x is one component of
ℝ3(x, y, z). Events in ℝ3(x, y, z) are through time with components ct1 and ct2 where c is the
speed of light. The electrons and the protons qe and qp in the presence of one another cross ct1
into ct2 giving themselves acceleration in the x and −x directions.

Fig. 2

We have

⃗ ⃗ ⃗
i j k ⃗
0 ct1 0 = (ct1 − ct 2 ) i
0 0 ct2

We suggest

·· ⃗
Equation 3.1 x ∝ (ct1 − ct2 ) i

The position of x changes in the space of ℝ3(x, y, z) and has travelled to t (0,ct1, ct2 ) a place in
·· ⃗ m
time, as well. Since ct=meters there is a g such that x = g(ct1 − ct2 ) i . Thus since g ⋅ m =

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1 1 1 m m
and g = = 2 that is 2 ⋅ ⋅ s = 2 . Thus g is frequency squared (f 2) and we suggest it is
s 2 t s s s
derived from the separation between the charges qe and qp. That there is some velocity v such

that f = . We call upon our equation for 1 second:

rp h 4π
= 1secon d
mp Gc

2 rp
v h 4π ke q 2
(c) = ⋅
mp Gc m x2

rp h 4π q2
v 2(c) = ke
mp Gc m

α2 1
Letting v= ⋅ from our equation for k
6 k

4 8π 3G 1 s
k = m (1 + α) ⋅ NA =
3 p c h
3 773.5 m

1 m
= 773.5
k s
And m = mp we have

h 4π rp2
ke ( 6 k )
c α2 1
Equation 3.2 ⋅ = q2

h 4π rp2 (6.626E − 34)(4π)(0.833E − 15)2

= = 5.37E − 31
Gc (6.674E − 11)(299,792, 459)

We get

q= (0.033) 773.52(5.37E − 31) = 9.1435E − 19C
36(18769 )

q 9.1435E − 19C
Equation 3.3 =⋅ = 5.71pr oton s ≈ 6pr oton s
qp 1.602E − 19C

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4.0 Logos

We see if we suggest there is a language of Nature that describes things universally

(logos) then to do this for planetary systems we need to work in units where their
physical parameters are all one, like earth orbit is one astronomical unit (AU). We
find if we do this we get orbital velocity is always 6 for all planets. This is nice
because we have set out from the beginning guessing the basis of Nature is in the

With the information we have for the earth-moon-sun orbital parameters we see we can make
the following equation in table form:

orbit r otat ion orbit m oon

min ⋅ d a y k m
29.786k m minute 1d a y k ilom eter = ⋅ 2
d eg s
secon d 27.83k m d egree secon d

Consider minute times day:

(min)(d a y) = 60(24 ⋅ 60 ⋅ 60) = 864,000sec 2


min ⋅ d a y k m 86,400s 2 k m km
⋅ 2 = ⋅ 2 = 86,400 ⋅
d eg s d eg s d eg
The circle is divided into 360 units, each unit (each degree) is the distance the earth moves
around the Sun in a day, where a day is one turn of the earth on its its axis, and as such there are
360 such turns in the time it takes the earth to go around the sun approximately (365.25 days).
We have:

86,400 ⋅ ⋅ 360∘ = 311,040,000k m
d eg
1 astronomical unit (AU) is the distance of the earth from the sun on the average, and is always
close to that because its orbit is approximately circular. We have

311,040,000k m
= 2.079AU
149,598,000k m /AU
This is approximately the diameter of the Earth orbit. We define our variables:

Earth orbits: ve = 29.786
27.83k m 27.83k m min km
Earth rotates: ωe = = ⋅ = 0.4638
min min 60sec sec
1d a y (24)(60)(60) sec
Earth orbits: θe = = = 14,400
d eg d eg d eg

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1k m
Moon orbits: vm =
Earth completes a 360 degree orbit yields:

ve ⋅ θe ⋅ vm 360∘ v ⋅θ ⋅v
⋅ = 2π e e m
ωe 1AU ωe ⋅ re

Where on the right it is in radians and re = 1AU is the radius of the Earth’s orbit. We have

(29.786)(14,400)(1k m /s)
360 = 2.225AU
This is (0.00618)360=2.225

0.00618 is
Where ϕ is the inverse of the golden ratio. ϕ = 0.618 = .
We have:
Equation 4.1 360∘ = 2AU
Our base ten counting is defined

100 = 1,101 = 1,10 2 = 100,...

ϕ is defined

5+1 a a b
=Φ= , = such that a = b + c
2 b b c
b 1 a2 a
ϕ= = which is given by − −1=0
a Φ b2 b
Thus since the diameter of the Earth orbit is

360∘ = 2AU
Then its radius is

1 ϕ
Equation 4.2 ⋅ 360∘ = 1AU
2 100
Since we have established a connection between the microcosmos and the macrocosmos we
would do well to introduce the units of AU (astronomical unit), year, solar masses. Thus we want
to know the universal gravitational constant in these units:

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G = 6.67408E − 11
kg ⋅ s 2

m3 AU 3 1.98847E 30kg 9.9477E14s 2

G = 6.67408E − 11 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
kg ⋅ s 2 3.3479E 33m 3 M⊙ year 2

AU 3
G = 39.433
M⊙ ⋅ year 2

AU 3
G ≈ 40
M⊙ ⋅ year 2

AU 3
GM⊙ = 40
year 2
= 0.99885 ≈ 1
4π 2
For a year we have

(365.25)(24)(60)(60)=31557600 seconds

And for an AU

1 AU=1.496E11m

We can immediately put this to work. In order for the earth to stay in orbit its centripetal force
must equal the gravitational force. Its orbital velocity must be given by:

Mm mv 2
G 2 =
R r
Since in our theory we present R as:

1 ϕ
⋅ 360∘ = 1AU
2 100
5 GM
Equation 4.3 v=
3 ϕ
Which evaluates:

5 (40)(1) AU
v= =6
3 0.618 year

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Converting this to meters per second:

AU year 1.496E11m m
6 ⋅ ⋅ = 28,441
year 3.156E 7 AU s
Which should be about right. The orbital velocity is given in the data tables as about 30,000m/s
is an average over a varying velocity due to the Earth’s slightly elliptical orbit.

Since we have

1 ϕ
⋅ 360∘ = 1AU
2 100
For the earth, we show now it is true for venus as well, and indeed it would hold for any system
circular, or approximately circular. For the Sun and its planets

T 2 = a3
If you use astronomical units and Earth years. In general we use

M+m 3
T2 = G a
4π 2
Which has the constant of proportionality

1 M+m
k 4π 2
If m is small compared with M, you can write

1 M
=G 2
k 4π

5 (40)(1)
vm = =6
3 ϕ

5 (40)(1)
ve = =6
3 ϕ

Where vm is the orbital velocity of the moon, and ve is the orbital velocity of the earth, That is G
is always 40, and M is always 1 providing the orbit is circular. Let us show this for Venus. Its
orbital distance VU (Venus units) is 1.082E11meters. It orbital period is 1.94E7s is the Venus
year (VY).

m3 V U3 1.989E 30kg (1.94E 7s)2

G = 6.674E − 11 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ =
kg ⋅ s 2 (1.082E11m)3 M⊙ VY2

23 of 34

V U3
39.44 ≈ 40
M⊙V Y 2

Thus we have

Equation 4.4

5 (40)(1)
vv = =6
3 ϕ

We can then express all orbital velocities as 6, but to find there values in a formal system of
units, we need to convert from these natural units to something like kg/m/s. Thus logos
translated into a language we understand can best be done in a square array, or as a matrix
transformation. We have

Equation 4.5

2,404,512s vm
(6 6 6 ) 31,557,600s
= ve

You will find this gives vm = 964.886m /s, ve = 28,443m /s, vv = 33,463.9m /s

All of which are correct within the variations of these velocities in their deviations from a
perfectly circular orbit. Logos is:

Equation 4.6
vm 6
( ϕ )
5 GM 5 GM 5 GM Re
3 ϕ 3 ϕ 3 Te
= ve = 6
vv 6
Equations 4.7

1 ϕ
Rm = ⋅ 360∘ = 1LU
2 100
1 ϕ
Re = ⋅ 360∘ = 1AU
2 100
1 ϕ
Rv = ⋅ 360∘ = 1V U
2 100

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5.0 Atomic Systems Mirror Planetary Systems

We have our equation for the Earth-Moon-Sun Orbital System

K Emoon
Equation 5.1 (Ear th Da y) ≈ 1secon d
K Eearth
And our equation for the proton

1 h 4π rp2
Equation 5.2 = 1secon d
α ⋅ 6mp Gc

Where 6mp is six protons is carbon (C). We also have that for the Earth orbital velocity

Equation 5.3 k ve ≈ 6

This results in

K Emoon 1 h 4π rp2
Equation 5.4 ⋅ Ear th Da y =
K Eearth α 2 k ve mp Gc

Which gives

2 h 4π rp2
( K Eearth ) α mp
K Emoon 2 1
Equation 5.5 k ve Ear th Da y = 4 2 ⋅
2 Gc

This is

k (m ⋅ s) = s 2
Because k is in s/m is 1/k=773.5 m/s. Thus we have something like a quantum state on the left
but for the planets equal to a quantum state for the proton on the right, and conclude k connects
the larger scale macrocosmos to the microcosmos of the atom. Or perhaps better to write:

2 h 4π rp2
( K Eearth ) α mp
K Emoon 2 1
Equation 5.6 k ve Ear th Da y = 4 2 ⋅
2 Gc

Because then we have

s2 = s2
s m
Because k ve = ⋅ = 1. It makes one think of how the energy of a wave is the amplitude
m s
squared. Here amplitude then is in seconds and energy is the square of time.

25 of 34

( K Eearth )
K Emoon
Ear th Da y 2

Is actually equal to 1.2 seconds seconds squared, but we can say 1.2 seconds is a rough sketch for
the idea that it is one second, which you can do because in any physical theory there is room for
play for the physics to still serve its function. So we will evaluate it at one second. We have

k ve = 38.5

On the right we have

1 h 4π rp2
⋅ = 36.555
α 4 mp2 Gc

This is an accuracy of about 95%.

26 of 34


Indeed we have shown that we can predict the radius of a proton and its mass in terms of the
properties of space:

1 hc RH
rp = ⋅
mp 2π 3G NA

Which gives

rp = 8.26935E − 16m ≈ 0.827f m

And the interesting thing is they do not yet have an equation for the radius of a proton, yet we
have it here and it doesn’t just use Planck’s constant, h, of the indeterministic microcosmos, but
uses the gravitational constant, G, of the deterministic macrocosmos. We have further shown
our theory of inertia is based on six-fold symmetry is centered around hydrocarbons, the
skeletons of life chemistry

We find 1 second gives

1 h 4π rp2
= 6pr oton ⋅ secon d s = carbon(C )
α 2 mp Gc

We find six seconds gives 1 proton is hydrogen:

1 h 4π rp2
= 1pr oton ⋅ 6secon d s = hydr ogen(H )
α 2 mp Gc

We further find this same sixfold symmetry describes not just proton systems (atoms) but our
solar system

rm /Tm vm
(6 6 6) re /Te = ve
rv /Tv vv

We also have that

k ve = 6

h 4π rp2
ke ( 6 k )
c α2 1
⋅ = q2

q 9.1435E − 19C
=⋅ = 5.71pr oton s ≈ 6pr oton s
qp 1.602E − 19C

27 of 34

My feeling is if we want to go further to explain why six-fold symmetry we have to go into the
mathematics of symmetry breaking and perturbation theory. A particle has an equal problem of
falling either left or right out of an unstable equilibrium into wells on either to the left of it or
right. In the mathematics we say that even though there is an equal probability of going to the
left as opposed to the right or vice versa, one is magically chosen over the other, because we
don’t say a force exists that choses a direction, but use the word perturbation. But is a
perturbation a small force that has a preference as to which direction something will go?
Whether it is, or not, is not clear because by quantum mechanics the particles does not have a
position, just a probability of existing in a given region at a given time. But does this mean if a
choice is made of falling in one direction or the other that there exists something physical going
on that we can explain that explains why the quantum mechanics is the way it is? Currently
quantum mechanics cannot describe anything deterministic, but only works in probabilities.

28 of 34

Appendix 1

We suggested the second was a natural unit, and that, if it was, should be in the orbital
mechanics of the earth because the second comes from the calendar, which is based on the
orbital period of the year (1 year, 365.25 days) and the orbital period of the moon, and the
rotation of the Earth. We found that it was as the following:

K Emoon
(Ear th Da y) ≈ 1secon d
K Eearth
Let’s show that…

K . E . Moon = 3.67E 28J

K . E . Ear th = 2.649E 33j

To find the translational kinetic energy of the moon:
Distance from earth: 3.85E8m
2π (3.85E 8m) = 2.419E 9m
Orbital period:
T=27.32 days=2.36E6seconds
Mass: 7.34767E22kg

Use E = mv 2
E=3.67E28 Joules

To find the translational kinetic energy of the earth:

Distance from Sun: 1AU=1.496E11m

2π (1.496E11m) = 9.399E11m
Orbital period: 1 year=3.1558E7 seconds
v=2.9785E4m/s, Earth mass: 5.9722E24kg
E=2.649E33 Joules

Earth day=(24)(60)(60)=86,400 seconds.

29 of 34

Appendix 2: Sexagesimal And The Cosmic Calendar

My book Abstract Cosmology could have easily been called The Book of Six, it was
Buckminster Fuller who said “Nature employs 60 degree coordination”. Sixty degrees are the
degrees of an equilateral triangle. The triangle is the structure that encloses an area with the
least amount of sides. Buckminster Fuller said, systems of triangles are the the only inherently
stable patterns. The regular hexagon, a six-sides polygon tessellates as equilateral, 60 degree,
inherently stable equilateral triangles. It was the scientist Shubnikov who said among the living
organisms the pattern with which we most frequently meet is ve-fold symmetry. It is well
known that the physical, like snow akes, are six-fold symmetry. Thus we should not be
surprised that our Abstract Cosmology is founded on six-fold symmetry. Two and three are the
smallest prime numbers and their product is six. Two times six is twelve, the number most
evenly divisible by whole numbers for its size (it is a so-called abundant number: divisible
evenly by 1,2,3,4,6, their sum is 16 which is greater than twelve itself and, three times six is
eighteen, the cyclical Nature of the periodic table (18 groups).

At the dawn of civilization, the Sumerians who settled down from wandering, gathering, and
hunting, to invent agriculture and and build ceramic homes, developed the rst mathematics,
and it was this sexagesimal (base 60) that passed on to the Babylonians, then ended up with
the Ancient Greeks, who divided not just the hour into 60 minutes of time and the minute into
60 seconds of time, but who divided the sky into hours, minutes, and seconds of arc which
was measured in time counted by the rotation of the Earth, and its orbital period around the
Sun, and the orbital period of the Moon around the Earth.

We are suggesting nature is founded on six-fold symmetry, six which is constructed by

multiplying together the rst two prime numbers, 2 and 3. Two factorial is two, three factorial is
6. Two times six is twelve, the number of months in a year, approximated by our moon’s
approximately 12 orbits around the earth in the time it takes the earth to go around the sun
once. There are four weeks in a lunar month, and

1 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 3 ⋅ 4 ⋅ 60 2 = 86,400

Is the number of seconds in the 24 hour Earth day. The duration of one second comes from
dividing up time and the sky like this in base 60, that came from the Sumerians, Babylonians,
and Ancient Greeks and it is believed they did this because 60 is evenly divisible by


The moon orbits the Earth in approximately 30 rotations of the Earth, hence the 30 day month.
January has 31 days, February 29, March 31, April 30 May 31, June 30, July 31, August 31,
September 30, October 31, November 30, December 31. This averages out to

31 + 29 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 367
= = 30.58333

12 12
We divide a circle into 360 units called degrees, which is six squared times ten. As such the
equilateral triangle has each angle equal to 60 degrees. There are approximately 360 earth
rotations in the time it orbits the sun once, Hence in one day the Earth moves through
approximately one degree in one day in its 365 day journey around the Sun. The sidereal
month, the time it takes the moon to return to the same position against the background of the
stars is 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes. We see the power of sexagesimal (base 60) in computing
time with the month divided into days, hours, and seconds where there are 60 minutes in an

30 of 34

hour and 60 seconds in a minute because we can convert this easily into seconds with such a
system as here, the duration of this sidereal month in seconds:

(24 ⋅ 27 + 7) ⋅ 60 2 + 43 ⋅ 601 + 0 ⋅ 600 = 2,358,000 + 2,580 + 0 = 2360580sec /m onth

The length of the synodic month, the completion of the phases of the moon, or the time it takes
the moon to return to the same position with respect to the Sun, is 29 days 12 hours 44
minutes 3 seconds. It is a little longer than the sidereal month because the earth has moved
with respect to the sun by the time the moon has come back around to a full orbit. We have:

(24 ⋅ 29 + 12) ⋅ 60 2 + 44 ⋅ 601 + 3 ⋅ 600 = 2,548,800 + 2,640 + 3 = 2551443sec /m onth

We looked at the arithmetic mean of the days in the month over a year, Let us look at the
harmonic mean:


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
+ 29
+ 31
+ 30
+ 31
+ 30
+ 31
+ 31
+ 30
+ 31
+ 30
+ 31

0.032258 + 0.034482759 + 0.032258 + 0.033333 + 0.032258 + 0.033333 + 0.032258 + 0.032258 + 0.033333 + 0.032258 + 0.033333 + 0.032258

Gathering like terms in the denominator:


= 30.486

Which is the most frequent value for the days in a month. Now let’s look at the geometric mean
which tempers the various values with one another.

31 ⋅ 29 ⋅ 31 ⋅ 30 ⋅ 31 ⋅ 30 ⋅ 31 ⋅ 31 ⋅ 30 ⋅ 31 ⋅ 30 ⋅ 31 =30.493

But perhaps it is more telling to take the mean between the individual days of the month that
we use:

31 + 29 + 30 90
= = 30

3 3

1 1 1
+ 29
+ 30


= 29.799 ≈ 30

31 ⋅ 29 ⋅ 30 = 29.98888 ≈ 30

31 of 34

We see that the arithmetic mean gives us exactly a 30 day month, hence we always speak
loosely saying a month is 30 days.

Indeed when Buckminster Fuller speaks of Nature employing 60 degree coordination he is

speaking of the equilateral triangle as the fundamental unit of one for area. That is the six-sided
regular hexagon can be divided into six equilateral triangles, giving it an area of six. Indeed he
takes the equilateral triangle as one because not only does it enclose an area with the fewest
sides, it has the smallest area for its perimeter; a regular hexagon with a perimeter the same
size encloses more area. I would like to say the Ancient Sumerians, Babylonians, and Greeks
made this connection, because in their sexagesimal (base 60) system of notation, one is a
straight line with a triangle on top. See gure below. Ancient Mesopotamian Cuneiform for
writing. It is not sexagesimal notation in the strict sense, as they have a unique symbol for a
tens column, but it was this sexagesimal structure that lead to the 60 minute hour and 60
second minute, as well as the angular division projected onto the sky in 60 minutes of arc in a
degree and 60 seconds of arc in a minute as a way of mathematically de ning time dynamically
in terms of the motions of the Earth and moon.

For equation our equation Earth day needs to be shorter. A long time ago it
was; the Earth loses energy to the moon. The days become longer by 0.0067
hours per million years. Our Equation

K Emoon
(Ear th Da y) ≈ 1secon d
K Eearth
Is actually 1.2 seconds.


32 of 34

We have

24h ours
= 20h ours

t=597 million years

This was when the earth went through a dramatic change and there was a big explosion of life
(The Cambrian). The dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago giving small mammals a
chance to evolve paving the way for humans.


x=23.5645 hours

We say 20 hours + 3 hours is 0 hours + 3 hours since 20 hours is the zero of our cosmic

3cos(0∘) + cos(30∘) = din osaur − ex t in ct ion =
What is the next term?

3 2
20hrs + 3hrs + hrs + =
3 3

Which bring us to today.

It would seem we could have divided that day, not into 24 hours but 20 hours and get our 1.2
seconds as a duration for measuring time:

(365.25d a ys)(24h ours)(60sec)(60sec)

= 1.2
(365.25d a ys)(20h ours)(60sec)(60sec)
Both work because



Both have an intimate structural relationships with sexagesimal.

33 of 34

Appendix 3: The Program

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {

int n;
float value=0, increment,t=0, p=1.67262E-27, h=6.62607E-34,G=6.67408E-11,

printf("By what value would you like to increment?: ");
scanf("%f", &increment);
printf("How many values would you like to calculate for t in equation 1 (no more than 100?):
scanf("%i", &n);
while (n>=101);

for (int i=0; i<n;i++)


int intpart=(int)protons[i];
float decpart=protons[i]-intpart;
if (decpart<0.25)
{ printf("%.4f protons %f seconds %f decpart \n", protons[i], t-increment, decpart);

34 of 34

The Author

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