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1. What is an Alert Management System (AMS)? ...........................................................2
2. What is alert? ..................................................................................................................3
3. What is Alert Category? ................................................................................................3
4. What is the difference between Alert Category A/B and C? ......................................4
5. What is the difference between “Acknowledged” and “Silence”? ...........................5
6. What is the [Silence] button on the [ACTIVE ALERT] window of AMS? ..................5
7. There is same alert on the screen [ACTIVE ALERT] but is it normal? .....................5
8. What is the main screen of the AMS? ..........................................................................5
9. What is escalation of the Alert?....................................................................................5
10. How does the alert transferred to BANWAS? .........................................................6
11. How can I stop the alarms when the ship is in the port?.......................................7
12. What is kind of alert will be shown on the screen? ................................................8
13. What is the difference of the unit name color shown the [ALERT LIST] tab? .....8
14. What is the alert acknowledgment flow? .................................................................9
15. What will be the typical alerts for Category A Alert? ............................................10

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1. What is an Alert Management System (AMS)?

An AMS warns the navigator, with audio-visual indications, when safety parameters are
violated or there is a failure of connected equipment. The AMS also transfers un
acknowledged Alarm level alerts to the BNWAS.

The main functions of the AMS are;

• Organize the alerts that occur on the vessel.

• Acknowledge alerts.

• Transfer alerts not acknowledged within 30 seconds to the BNWAS.

Screen example will be as below.

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2. What is alert?

"Alert" is a generic name for a notice to any unusual or potentially dangerous situation
generated within the system.
Alerts are classified according to priority and category.

Priority of alert Description

Emergency Immediate danger to human life or to the ship and its machinery exists
and that immediate action must be taken. Emergency alerts are handled
the same as alarms.
Alarm Alarms indicate situations or conditions which require immediate
Warning Conditions or situations which require immediate attention for
precautionary reasons.
Caution Awareness of a condition which continues to require attention out of the
ordinary consideration of the situation.

3. What is Alert Category?

For The AMS system, the “Alert Category” will be the big key point.
An alert is further classified by category, A, B or C, according to its degree of severity
or source.

Category Description
A Category A alerts include the following, and must be confirmed from the
equipment that generated the alert.
• Danger of collision
• Danger of grounding
B No additional information for decision support is necessary.
C Alert category for engine alert.

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4. What is the difference between Alert Category A/B and C?

When the Alert happens

Alert Category AMS Local Equipment
A Audible signal: NO Audible signal: YES
B Audible signal: YES Audible signal: YES
C* Audible signal: YES Audible signal: YES

Category “C” will be a special category for IAS (Integrated Automation System)

When Acknowledging from AMS

Alert Category AMS Local Equipment
A Nothing happens Just change Audible signal change
No Ack signal is send to Local to Silence.
B Audible signal change to Audible signal change to Silence.
Silence. Ack signal is received to the Local
Alert is Ack on the AMS and Equipment
Ack signal is send to Local (Same as when it is Ack at the
Equipment Local Equipment)
C Nothing happens Just change Audible signal change
No Ack signal is send to Local to Silence.

When Acknowledging from Local Equipment

Alert Category AMS Local Equipment
A Ack signal is received from Audible signal change to Silence.
B the Local Equipment And Ack signal is send to AMS
C The Alerts will be

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5. What is the difference between “Acknowledged” and “Silence”?

“Acknowledged” is action that the alert had be notice by crew.
When it is “Acknowledged”, alert will not be transferred to the BNWAS.
“Silence” will be silent the just stopping the buzzer for 30seconds.
After 30Seconds, the buzzer again sounds.
Also the transferring to the BNWAS postpone 30 seconds, but only once.
So, to stop the buzzer, the alert should be acknowledged.

6. What is the [Silence] button on the [ACTIVE ALERT] window of AMS?

Temporary silencing of the buzzer for 30 seconds against any alert, from the equipment
that generated the alert or from the AMS. The buzzer again sounds after 30 seconds if
the alert is not acknowledged. The [Silence] button also postpones the transfer of an
alert to the BNWAS, but only once.

7. There is same alert on the screen [ACTIVE ALERT] but is it normal?

Yes it is normal. The “Source” of the alert should be different.
The AMS will show all the alarms from each unit.

For example, if you have as follows,

It means that No.1 Chart radar and No.2 Chart Radar has “BNWAS COM Error”

8. What is the main screen of the AMS?

[ACTIVE ALERT] screen will be the main screen for the AMS. If you are in the different
screen, when the alert is received, the screen changed to [ACTIVE ALERT] screen

9. What is escalation of the Alert?

Alerts can be escalated to “alarm” level or repeated as a warning. This can be selected
inside the Alert setting menu. All “Warning” alerts are set to “repeated as a warning” as
a default.
(For more detail, see Setting menu->Alert setting part written on the operator’s manual.)

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10. How does the alert transferred to BANWAS?

AMS is transferred to the BNWAS if it is not acknowledged within 30 seconds.

For DNV class Vessel, Only Category “A” alarm are transferred.
For Lioyd class Vessel, Category “A” and “B” Alarm should be transferred.


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11. How can I stop the alarms when the ship is in the port?
Please set the system to “Silent mode”
Click the [SILENT] button on the status bar then enter the password.
Also transferred function to BNWAS will be stop.

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12. What is kind of alert will be shown on the screen?

You could see the all alert which is active (possible to show on the screen) by press the
[Alert List icon] which is located on the left side top corner of the screen.
All alert which is listed on here are configured to show on the AMS.

13. What is the difference of the unit name color shown the [ALERT LIST]

The unit name will be change from white to other color depend on the alert that it is
The color will be same as which is shown on the top of the screen.

For example, when it shows as follows

It means;
No.1 ECDIS has 1 or more “Warning” Alert(may be “Caution” Alert also).
No.2 ECDIS has 1 or more “Alarm” Alert(may be “Warning”“Caution” Alert also)
AMS has “Warning” Alert(may be “Caution” Alert also).
No.1 Chart radar has 1 or more “Warning” Alert(may be “Caution” Alert also).
No.2 Chart radar has 1 or more “Warning” Alert(may be “Caution” Alert also).
No.1 Sensor Adapter has no Alert (Normal condition).
No.2 Sensor Adapter has no Alert (Normal condition).

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14. What is the alert acknowledgment flow?

AMS is designed according to the IEC’s recommendations for Alert Handling (80/

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15. What will be the typical alerts for Category A Alert?

Indication Priority of alert Alerts (Category A)

Emergency, Alarm ・Wheel Over line
・Crossing safety Contour
・Off Track Alarm
・Emergency call
・RM stop
・Depth Limit
・Autopilot mode Conflict

Warning ・Early Course change

・Actual Course Change
・Position Monitor
・Heading Monitor
・Course Difference
・Crossing Special Area
・Target Capacity
・Actual UKC Limit
・REF(Refence) Target Lost
・Anchor Watch
・End of track
・Navigational Hazard
Caution No Category A alerts for Caution
(Only Category B)

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