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The Attentive Private Middle School

English First Term Exam

Full Name: Level: 3MS

My name is Edward Franklin. I am from Canada and I live in Montreal. I am fifteen years
old. I can speak both English and French. I think I am good at them. I can’t speak Spanish
unfortunately. I am interested in painting. I am also fond of playing tennis.I always do it in
my free time. My best friend is Sam. I love him because he is kind, curious, and friendly. He
is intested in horse riding and skateboarding. But he is not keen on playing tennis. He never
plays with me. Sam can write beautiful poems and he sometimes writes plays. He an honest
curious and passionate person. For me, I think I am serious, hard-working and confident boy.
What about your bestfriend?

Part One: A/Reading Comprehension (14pts)

Task 01: I read and I fill the table (3pts)

Name Intrests Ability Personality



Task 02: I read and whether these statements are “True” or “False” (2pts)

1. Edward is from Cardiff

2. He is not a fan of painting
3. Sam can’t write poems
4. He is not a fan of playing tennis
Task 03: I match each word with its appropriate definition: (2pts)

Words Definitions

Serious A person who doesn’t tell lies or cheat on people

Honest A person who is reasonable and practical
Curious Someone who strongly believes in his own abilities
Confident A person who wants to find out about something
B/ Mastery of Language:

Task01: I put verbs between brackets in present simple tense: (3pts)

Sarah Smith (to be/not) ......... interested in reading comics but she (to like) ................ botany. She
can’t (to remember) ............... the names of all the plants, but she can (to imitate) ................ sounds of
different birds. She ( to love) ................ camping and outdoors activities. Sarah isn’t lucky because she
(to have/not) ..............a big garden at home.

Task 02: I reorder the following sentences to get a coherent sentence (2pts)

 Guitar/ never/ Jullia/ playing/ practice

 fan/Skateboarding/ is/ of/ a/ not/uncle/my/

Task 03: I classify the following sentences according to their pronunciation (2pts)

Can you practice gymnastics? Yes, I can Yes, I can practice gymnastics No, I can’t

/kən/ /kɑːnt/ /cæn/

Part two: situation of integration (6 pt)

Edward is curious to know about your bestfriend. Writea short a paragraph in which you talk
about your bestfriend’s personality, likes and dislikes, abilities and inabilities.


Good luck ^^

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