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Management is a process used to achieve certain goals .

Decision making is a systematic process and can be

through utilization of resources (people, money. Energy, simply described by the following steps:
materials, space, time)
a.) Defining the problem
Management science – an approach to managerial
b.) Searching for alternative course of action
decision making based on the specific method, makes
extensive use of quantitative analysis. c.) evaluating the alternatives
Operations research – alternative name for quantitative d.) Selecting one alternative
approaches to decision making
Systems approach involves finding and defining all of
The significant development of the Operations the mentioned elements and relations between them in
Research techniques started during World War II in the real world. This approach is the necessary
form of military applications (Strategic and Tactical assumption for using management science techniques,
Tasks). After this period many more methodological as they require the exact description of a problem.
developments followed and at the end of 20 th century
the information technology explosion created new Models - Is a fundamental term of management science
possibilities for decisions without computers. Modeling - Is the process of handling real-world
Two classical definitions of management science problems and describing them in mathematical terms
(operation research), according to Turban and Modeling and modeling defined:
Meredith are:
-definition of problem
1. MS/OR is the application of scientific methods,
techniques and tools to problems involving the -formulation and construction of the mathematical
operations of systems so as to provide those in model
control of the operations with optimum -solution of the model
solutions to the problems.
2. MS/OR is the application of the scientific -model validation and sensitive analysis
method to the study of the operations of large,
complex organizations or activities.
The first step is the recognition of the problem in reality
Management Science can be briefly defined as: The
and its definition. If we, for example, produce different
application of the scientific method to the analysis and
products, the question is: how to set the production, i.e.
solution of managerial decision problems.
how many of each product should be produced?
The major characteristics of management science are:
In this step it is necessary to define goals that the
1. A primary focus on managerial decision making management wants to achieve. In the example, it could
2. The application of the scientific approach to the be maximization of revenue or minimization of total
decision-making process. cost. It is obvious that we have to know the details of
3. The examination of the decision situation from production process and all the necessary information
a broad perspective from marketing, finance, accounting, etc
4. The use of methods and knowledge from
several disciplines.
5. A reliance on formal mathematical models The following step is the key issue of the modeling
6. The extensive use of computers process – formulation and construction of a
mathematical model. The problem defined above is
Decision making is a process of choosing between two
being transformed into the mathematical form, i.e. into
or more available alternative courses of action for the
the world of numbers, symbols, parameters, variables,
purpose of attaining a specific goal. The conclusion of
functions, equations, inequalities, etc. In this case,
the process is a decision
variables correspond to the amounts of products,
parameters are the material stock, budget, unit prices,
etc. There are several constraints (equations, The final and very important step of the modeling
inequalities) in the model, which do not allow us to process is the implementation of the proposed solution
exceed production possibilities and which assure that to the real system.
the produced amount is on the demanded level. The
This is actually the main goal of management and the
model includes the objective function for revenue (or
original purpose of the whole process - not the model
total cost).
itself, but adjustment of reality according to the
recommendations ensuing from the results of the
modeling process. In case we do not use the results in
There are two kinds of models: deterministic and
the real production process, all our effort was
absolutely vain.
Deterministic models are not certainly perfect, but they
On the contrary, if we constructed the model in a wrong
may offer a reasonably good approximation of reality.
way and we did not validate it, the applied results could
Probabilistic models contain a specific level of seriously harm the real system. In order to achieve the
uncertainty. Probabilistic models, of course, require best management results, each step must be carefully
different (mostly more complex) approach to their considered and cannot be skipped.
solutions, the methods therefore differ from the
methods used for deterministic models.


Solution to the proposed model is more or less a
technical job. When we make a decision on the form of
applied model, we should consider methods, techniques Linear programming - It is one of the best-known tools
or principles used for the solution. Each area of of management science. This approach mostly defines
management science gives typical examples of the problem as the maximizing (minimizing) a linear
problems and suggests specific ways of solution. function, respecting the set of linear constraints.
Knowledge of these typical examples facilitates the
Integer linear programming - Further requirements for
selection of the model form and the used methods. The
the values of variables are added to the original linear
typical goal of the most problems is to find an optimal
model (i.e. the model with the linear function and linear
solution, i.e. the best of all feasible solutions (solutions
constraints). All or some of the variable values have to
that satisfy all the constraints)
be an integer. The special type of those variables is
binary variable (0-1 variable), value of which can be 0 or
Expansion of computers brought new opportunities for
solving wide range of real problems and nowadays it is Goal programming - When several competing objectives
hardly possible to get results without the use of have to be considered simultaneously, more powerful
computers and efficient software. Professional software tool is needed. Goal programming is a special technique
offers the user-friendly environment with easy control, for dealing with such cases, usually within the
enables flexible entering of inputs and provides detailed framework of linear programming.
outputs with possibility of experiments with the model.
From this point of view very important step is the
model validation and sensitivity analysis. Validation of
the model is its comparison with the real system. The
better a model represents the reality, the more valid it
is. General method for testing the validity of a model is
to compare its performance with some past data
available for the actual system.
Distribution models - A distribution problem is a special program simulates the real system. The typical
type of linear programming problem. There are two situations for successful use of simulation are complex
main types of distribution problems: the Transportation waiting line models and inventory models.
Problem and the Assignment Problem. The
Decision analysis - These techniques can be used to
transportation problem deals with shipments from a
select optimal strategies out of several decision
number of sources to a number of destinations,
alternatives. Managerial problems and appropriate
whereas the assignment problem deals with finding the
tools are divided, according to the kind of manager’s
best one-to-one match for each of a given number of
information, into three classes: decisions under
possible “candidates” to a number of proposed
certainty (deterministic), decision under risk
(probabilistic) and decisions under uncertainty. We
Non-linear programming - Models used in this area of consider special tools for this purpose: decision tables
management science are similar to the models of linear and trees.
programming; however there is an important difference
Theory of games - This area is an extension of decision
between them: nonlinear models contain nonlinear
analysis to the situations with two or more decision
objective function and/or some nonlinear constraints.
makers. Simultaneous decisions (selected strategies) of
Methods used for solving tasks from this area of
all managers initiate an action that affects all decision
management science are, of course, rather different
makers (players), i.e. their profit, cost, etc. In some
from the linear programming methods.
conflicts, there is a possibility for two or more decision
Network models - Some types of networks may be makers to cooperate, while competing with the others.
evaluated by capacities instead of distances and then In economic theory we can find a typical case of
the problem of maximal flow can be solved. In many strategic game – oligopoly game.
problems, solved with use of the network models, the
Forecasting - Forecasting methods support the
most important value is unit cost and the goal is to find
manager’s prediction of future aspects of a business
the minimal total costs.
operation. Statistics and econometrics offer many
Project management - In many situations the managers techniques based on time-series and regression
are responsible for planning scheduling and controlling analysis.
projects that consist of many separate jobs performed
Multricriteria decision making - In many managerial
by a variety or departments or individuals.
problems the decision maker needs to consider multiple
Inventory models - Inventory control is one of the most criteria. If we find a solution improving one criterion, it
popular techniques, which helps managers to mostly worsens some of other criteria. It is usually
determine when and how much to order. The main goal impossible to optimize simultaneously all the criteria.
is usually to find a proper balance between the The reasonable opportunity for the management is to
inventory holding cost and the cost of executing an find a suitable compromise.
order. There are many various inventory models
Markoy analysis - This technique can be used to
because of many various real inventory systems.
describe the behavior of a system in a dynamic situation
Wating line models - Simple waiting line models can be (evolution of the system throughout the time). If - at a
solved analytically (exact solution using derivative given time point - the system is in one of possible
formulas), whereas for complex queuing systems the states, at following time point the system can remain in
technique of simulation is required. The main current state or can move into any other state.
managerial goal in waiting line models is the decision
Dynamic programming - Dynamic programming helps
about the number of service lines (finding a proper
managers to solve certain types of such sequential
balance between size of the queue and the total service
decision problems. There is no single model for solving
dynamic programming problems and the problems are
Simulation - Simulation is a computer experimentation therefore classified into many groups.
with a simulation model aimed at describing and
evaluating the real system’s behavior - the computer
of linear programming in which all the decision variables expressed in terms of decision variables, which is to be
are binary optimized (maximized or minimized).

CONSTRAINTS - Restrictions on the problem solution OPERATION RESEARCH - The application of the scientific
arising from limited resources, policy requirements, etc. method to the study and analysis of problems involving
large and complex systems, organizations or activities
DECISION MAKING - A process of choosing between two
or more available alternative courses of action for the OPTIMAL SOLUTION - A feasible solution that maximizes
purpose of attaining a specific goal. or minimizes the objective function. The best of all
feasible solutions.
DETERMINISTIC MODEL - A model in which the
functional relationships and parameters are known with PROBABILISTIC MODEL - A model that incorporates
certainty uncertainty in its functional relations and uncontrollable
FEASIBLE SOLUTIONS - A solution that respects all the
constraints SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS - Measuring the effect of a
change in one input parameter on a proposed solution.
GOAL PROGRAMMING - A problem approach when
several objective functions are considered
simultaneously. The objective is to minimize the
undesirable deviations from the goals

INTEGER PROGRAMMING - A programming approach

that assumes the indivisibility of all the decision
variables (e.g. products, people, etc.). The values of the
variables must be integers.

LINEAR PROGRAMMING - A programming approach that

assumes the indivisibility of all the decision variables
(e.g. products, people, etc.). The values of the variables
must be integers.

MANAGEMENT SCIENCE – See operations research

MATHEMATICAL MODEL - system of symbols and

expressions aimed at representing a real situation

MAXIMIZATION - Optimization of objective function,

which looks for the highest objective value (e.g. profit,

MINIMIZATIONS - Optimization of objective function,

which looks for the lowest objective value (e.g. cost,


of integer linear programming in which some but not all
of the decision variables are integer.

MODEL – An abstraction of reality

NON-LINEAR PROGRAMMING - A problem approach

used when the objective function and/or one or more
constraints are nonlinear
- P = a₁X + b₁Y ( for maximization)

- C = a₂X + b₂Y ( for Minimization)

Objective Function

 Is an expression, which shows the relationship

between the variable in the problem and the
firm’s goal.
What is Linear Programming?
a₂X + b₂Y ≤ c a₂X + b₂Y = c a₂X + b₂Y ≥ c
 It is a method of dealing with decision problems
that can be expressed as constrained linear
models. There are two types of Constraints

 It is also a mathematical technique for finding 1. Structural Constraint – it is a limit on the

the best uses of an organization’s resources. availability of resources.

 it was developed by George Dantzig in 940s . 2. Non – Negativity constraint it is the constraint
that restricts all the variable to zero and positive
What is Graphical solution Method?
 It is a two - dimensional geometric analysis of
Lets take the linear programming model below
Linear Programming with two decision
variables. Maximize: P = 1, 200X + 1, 600Y (objective
The theory of Linear Programming states that the
optimal solution will lie at the corner point of the Subject to 3x + 2y ≤ 18
feasible region.
2x + 4y ≤ 20 Structural Constraint

x ≤ 5
Restriction on Linear Programming Graphical Method
x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0 Non negativity Contraints
Linear Programming Graphical Solution
 The highest ( Maximization Problem) or Lowest
 It is limited in a two dimensional set of axes value ( For minimization problem) of the
meaning, there are more than two or more objective function is referred to Optimal Value.
variables we cannot graph the constraints on a
Optimal Solution
two dimensional set of axes. But with an
appropriate tools or graphing software  Is the combination of decision variable amount
applications, the method can be used in three that yields the best possible value of the
variable corresponds to plane in a coordinate objective function and satisfy all constraints.
space and can be graph as shown in figure 2.1 .
It is difficult but not impossible, to graph and Feasible Region
determine its vertices of an LP problem with  It is the set of combination of values for the
multiple problem number of variables. decision variables that satisfy the non –
negativity condition and all shall the constraints
simultaneously that is allowable decision.
Solving Linear Programming Problem Graphically

- A linear Programming problem in two

unknowns X and Y is one in which we are to Extreme point Theorem
determine the maximum and minimum value of
a line expression.
The linear objective function will have optimal solution
at the extreme points(corner points) of the feasible
region whenever there the feasible is bounded.

Fundamental theorem of Linear Programming Problem:

- There are two things we need to consider in

solving their linear programming problem such

• if a linear programming (LP) problem has

optimal solution, there is always at least one
extreme point( corner point) solution of the
feasible region

• A linear programming (LP) problem with

bounded, non empty feasible regions always
contain optimal solution

Solving Linear Programming Maximization Problem:

Steps in Linear Programming Graphical Method

1. Graph the inequalities and determine the

feasible region

2. Determine the extreme point (corner point)

3. Substitute the coordinates of the corner points

to the objective function and identify the
highest (Maximization problem) or
lowest(minimization problem) results

4. the highest or lowest result obtained in step 3

serve as the optimal solution to the LP Problem.

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