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KVP > Adding filtration (filters out low energy photons

as they cannot reach up until IR, just reduces the

> The primary controlling factor for radiographic
quality and only adds radiation dose to patients) to the
x-ray tube reduces x-ray beam intensity but enhances
> INCREASE IN KVP = INCREASES both quantity and quality.
quality of X-Radiation > Change in SID, changes OD (Inverse Square Law)

Why? When there is an increase in kVp, there are also > Time of exposure should be as short as possible – to
greater number of x-rays that are transmitted through avoid motion blur as well as reduce patient dose
the patient + Higher portion of the primary beam reacts (reduce exposure time)
to the image receptor or reaches the image receptor
The continuing trend in rad. technique is to use high kVp
because of higher kVp thus increasing the quantity and
with compensating reduction in mAs to produce a
quality of x-radiation = It affects the OD.
radiograph of satisfactory quality while reducing the
> Increases Compton Effect – releases of scatter patient dose and repeat examination due to technique
radiation, decrease in differential absorption and error = high kVp and low mAs
subject contrast. = increase in kVp

> Increased scatter radiation, increase noise thus there

will be loss of contrast

> Increased kVp reduces patient dose. In what way?

Because of high penetrating power – meaning less
adsorption of patient; wide latitude of exposures

> Use grids to compensate for contrast – grids reduces

scatter radiation and improves contrast.

MAS (current, filament current)

> Primarily controls the Optical Density, Quantity of
Radiation, Beam Quantity, Number of X-Ray Photons.

> Radiation quantity, number of x-rays in image EXPOSURE TECHNIQUE CHART

receptor, and optical density is increased with lower
noise but increases patient radiation dose.

Increase in mAs = lower noise (quantum mottle) in the

radiograph. Drawback – increses patient dose.

Maximum contrast (determines the quality of the image)

is attained only when the film is exposed over a range
that results in optical density along the straight line
portion of the characteristic curve.

• Radiographic technique charts are tables that provide

a means for determining the specific technical factors to
be used in given radiographic examination.

• An RT must understand its purpose, how it is made,

and its uses.

> Too low mAs ⇢ low OD • If used properly, technique charts allows consistently
> Too high mAs ⇢ high OD good diagnostic images.
• The scale of contrast and the Optical Density are more If the generator is single phase or 3 phase, 30 or 25,
predictable. respectively is the additive factor.

• Radiographic technique charts can be prepared to

accommodate all types of facilities. 3. Using the product of the formula stated, determine
the optimal mAs
• The type of chart prepare usually depends on the
technical director of a radiological facility.





• X-ray equipment must be calibrated by a medical


• Processing system must be evaluated.

• Total filtration should be determined, because a total

filtration of more than 3mm Al, can significantly alter the
contrast, and makes a considerable difference in any
technique chart.
To prepare a variable –kvp chart for other anatomical
• The type of grid used should be known and the parts, the same procedure is used.
collimator or beam restrictor checked for accurate light
field and x-ray beam coincidence.
• These things should be checked so that all variables
are reduced to a minimum. • This chart is often used and developed by Arthur

1. VARIABLE KILOVOLTAGE TECHNIQUE CHART • It is a method of selecting exposures hat produce

radiographs with a longer scale of contrast.
• It uses a fixed mAs value and a kVp that varies
according to the thickness of the anatomical part. • The kVp is selected as the optimum required for
penetration of the anatomical part. This usually results
• The basic characteristics of the Variable kVp in somewhat higher kVp values for most examinations
technique chart is an inherently short scale of contrast. than are produced by the variable-kVp chart.

• In general, exposures made with this method provide • Once selected, the kVp is fixed at that level for each
radiographs of shorter contrast scale because of the type of examination and does not vary according to
use of lower kVp. different thickness of the anatomical part. The mAs
value, however, is changed according to the thickness
• Exposure directed by the variable kVp chart usually of the anatomical part, to provide proper optical density.
results in higher patient dose and less exposure
latitude. • Measurement of the part is not critical because part
size is grouped as small, medium and large.



1. Select a body part for examination. For example, if • The kVp selected for high-kVp technique charts is
the knee is chosen, use a knee phantom for test usually greater than 100.
• High kVp techniques are ideal for barium procedures
2. Measure the thickness of the knee phantom, using a to ensure adequate penetration of the barium sulfate.
caliper. Multiply that thickness by 2, and add 23; this
• This type of exposure technique could also be used in
indicates a kVp with which to begin if the high voltage
for routine chest radiography to attain improved
generator is of high frequency.
visualization of the various tissue mass densities
present in the lung fields and the mediastinum.
• The preparation of high kVp technique chart is similar GEOMETRIC FACTORS
to preparing the variable kVp chart.
The geometric conditions also apply to the production
4. AUTOMATIC EXPOSURE TECHNIQUES of high-quality radiographs.
• Radiation exposure in most x-ray imaging system is
determined by an automatic exposure control (AEC). 3 Principal geometric factors affect radiographic quality:
1. Magnification
2. Distortion
• It incorporates a device that senses the amount of 3. Focal-spot Blur
radiation incident on the image receptor.

• Radiation exposure is terminated when a sufficient MAGNIFICATION

number of x-rays has reached the image receptor to
• When image/object on the radiograph are larger than
produce an acceptable optical density.
the object they represent.
• Changing the OD is termed as “TWEAKING” • For most medical images, the smallest magnification
possible should be maintained.
• With AEC devices, usually two or more exposure • Some examinations, however, magnification is
sensors are available. desirable and is carefully planned, known as
Magnification Radiography.
• Regulations require that AECs have a 600-mAs safety
• Quantitatively, magnification is expressed by
Magnification Factor (MF)
• In addition to selecting exposure cells, the RT has a 3
– 7 position dial labeled “OD” with numeric steps for MF= image size/object size = SID/OID
• 2 factors affect image magnification: SID and OID
• Minimize Magnification:
• Microprocessors are being incorporated even more > Use Large SID
frequently into operating consoles. > Small OID, place the object as close to the image
receptor as possible.
• This allows the operator to select digitally any kVp or
mAs setting, the microprocessor automatically activates DISTORTION
the appropriate mA station and exposure time.
• Unequal magnification of different portion of the same
• With falling load generators, the microprocessor object, called shape distortion
begins exposure at a maximum mA setting and then • Distortion can interfere with diagnosis.
causes the tube current to be reduced during exposure. • 3 Conditions that contribute to image distortion:
> Object Thickness
• The overall objective is to minimize exposure time to
Thick objects are more distorted than thin object.
reduce motion blur.
> Object Position

❖ Foreshortened or elongated
5. ANATOMICALLY PROGRAMMED RADIOGRAPHY ❖ Spatial resolution – misrepresentation in the image
(APR) of the actual spatial relationships among objects. As
object position is shifted laterally from the central
• APR also uses a microprocessor technology. Rather
ray, spatial resolution can become more significant.
than have the RT select a desire kVp, and mAs,
graphics on the console guides the RT on what to > Object Shape
select. • A single image is not enough to define the three-
dimensional configuration of a complex object.
• The Microprocessor selects the appropriate kVp, mA
Therefore most, radiographic examinations are made
and time setting.
with two or more projections.
• The whole process uses an AEC resulting in a near
flawless radiographs and fewer repeats.
• Focal spot blur is caused by the effective size of the
• The principle of APR is similar to the of AEC , with the
focal spot, which is larger to the cathode side of the
technique chart stored in the microprocessor of the
control unit.
• The physical dimensions of the focal spot on the anode
target in standard radiographic applications are usually:
0.5 and 1.2mm
• Small focal spot sizes are usually 0.5 of 0.6 mm
• Large focal spot sizes are usually 1.0 mm or 1.2 mm
• Focal spot size is an important consideration for the Motion unsharpness (due to motion)
radiographer because the focal spot size only affects
recorded detail. • The factors affecting motion unsharpness are:
1. Motion of the tube
2. Part being examined (patient factor)
Important relationship 3. Image receptor.

• As focal spot increases, unsharpness increases and

recorded detail decreases. FILTRATION
• As focal spot decreases, unsharpness decreases and
recorded detail increases.

Object – to – image receptor distance (OID)

• Increasing the OID increases the amount of
unsharpness and decreases the recorded detail,
whereas decreasing the amount of OID decreases the
amount of unsharpness and increases the recorded
• The radiographer should select the smallest focal spot
when maximal recorded detail is important; one should
also consider the amount of heat load within the x-ray
tube. In addition, the radiographer should select the
standard SID when OID is minimal.
• When increased OID is unavoidable, SID should be
increased slightly to compensate.

Image receptor unsharpness (of the IR)

• The type of device used to record the image also
affects the amount of unsharpness recorded in the
• Variations in the construction and composition of the
intensifying screen combined with different types of
radiographic film affect not only the photographic
properties of the image but also its geometric
• Filtration is the process of eliminating undesirable low-
energy x-ray photons by the insertion of absorbing
materials into the primary beam.

• It allows the radiographer to shape the photon

emission spectrum into a more useful beam.

• It is referred to HARDENING THE BEAM, sometimes.

• The primary reason for filtration is the elimination of

photons that would cause increased radiation dose to
the patient but would not enhance the radiographic
• It is defined as the ability of the imaging system to
resolve or distinguish between two adjacent structures.
• Expressed in the unit of line pairs per millimeter
• Can be tested by a device used to record and measure
line pairs.
• The greater the line pairs per millimeter resolved, the
greater the resolution and recorded detail.
• Resolution can be considered a combined result of
both spatial and contrast resolution.
• At 20 KeV, 45% of the incident photon will penetrate 1 TYPES OF FILTRATION

cm of soft tissue. Filtration occurs at various points between the x-ray

tube and image receptor. It is either inherent in the
• At 50 KeV 3.5% of the incident photon will penetrate design of the tube or added between the tube and the
15 cm of soft tissue image receptor.

• Significant soft-tissue penetration occurs between 30 1. INHERENT FILTRATION

and 40 KeV. • Filtration that is the result of the composition of the

tube and housing is often
called inherent filtration because it is a part of these
• Any material designed to selectively absorb photons structures:
from the x-ray beam is called a FILTER.
> The thickness of the glass envelope
• Aluminum is the most common filter material used,
although other materials such as: > The dielectric oil that surrounds the tube

a. Glass > Glass window of the housing

b. Oil • A typical x-ray tube might have a total inherent filtration

of 0.5 – 1.00 mm Al/eq.
c. Copper
Most of the inherent filtration comes from the window of
d. Tin the glass envelope.
• Aluminum is considered the standard filtering material • Mammographic tubes designed to produce lower
and all filtration can be expressed in terms of the energy photons utilizes BERYLLIUM windows in the
thickness of aluminum equivalency (Al/eq). glass envelope to eliminate the majority of the inherent
filtration. Which can reduce the inherent filtration to 0.1
mm al/eq

• As tubes become gassy, the anode begins to pit and

the glass envelope may gain a mild coating of vaporized

• All these factors will cause an increase in the inherent

filtration, thus reducing the tube efficiency.


• Any filtration that occurs outside the tube and housing

and before the image receptor is considered added

• Filtration materials are selected to absorb as many

low-energy photons as possible while transmitting a
maximum number of high-energy photons.

• Aluminum, with an atomic# of 13, functions very well

as a low-energy absorber.

• The collimator device also adds filtration to the beam

and is considered to be added filtration.

• Collimators average 1.0 mm Al/eq. most of which

• Half-Value Layer (HVL) is the amount of absorbing
comes from the silver mirror situated in the beam.
material that will reduce the intensity of the primary
beam to one-half its original value. • The mirror is designed to reflect the collimator light to
simulate the primary beam field size for positioning
• It is the indirect measure of the total filtration in the
path of the x-ray beam.
• This addition to the inherent filtration is why
• HVL’s are usually expressed in terms of aluminum
mammographic units often do not use collimators.
filtration equivalency.

• If the HVL is at the appropriate level, the total filtration

in the x-ray tube is adequate to protect the patient from
unnecessary radiation.
3. COMPOUND FILTRATION • The wedge filter can be useful for procedures on the
thoracic spine, the feet and the lower extremities,
• A compound filter uses two or more materials that particularly during venography and femoral
complement one another in their absorbing abilities. angiography.
• Most compound filters are constructed so that each • A trough filter is useful to even the density differences
layer absorbs the characteristics photons created by the between the mediastinum and the lungs on a chest
previous layer. radiograph.
• Compound filters are also referred to as K-EDGE TOTAL FILTRATION
• Total filtration is equal to the sum of inherent and
• Compound filters place the highest atomic number added filtration. Mathematically expressed as:
material closes to the tube and the lowest atomic
number material closest to the patient.

• The final layer is usually aluminum.

• The thickness of the added filtration varies depending
• Although aluminum is the most common filtering on the anticipated uses of the equipment.
material, COPPER, with an atomic number of 29,
• The percentage of photons attenuated decreases as
functions well for slightly higher energy. photon energy increases, even when filtration is
• When copper filter is used, it must be backed by an increased.
aluminum filter to

absorb the 8KeV K-shell characteristic radiation

produced by the copper.

• Copper filters should be at least 0.25 mm thick and

backed with a minimum

of 1mm aluminum.

• A good example of a compound filter is the THOREUS

FILTER used in radiation therapy. This filter combines
tin, copper, and aluminum in that order.

• Tin has the highest atomic number (50) and is placed

first in the beam. Next, a copper filter is added to absorb
the 29.3 KeV characteristic photon created by the tin.
Finally, aluminum is added to the copper to absorb
copper’s characteristic photons, which would only
contribute to increasing patient dose.

• The 1.5 KeV K-shell characteristic radiation produced

by the aluminum filter is absorbed in the air between the
filter and the patient.


• A compensating filter is usually designed to solve a

problem involving unequal subject densities or
thickness. The goal is to add an absorber to
compensate for unequal absorption within the subject,
thus making the overall absorption of the primary beam
more equal.

• Compensating filters can be made of aluminum,

leaded plastic trademarked under the name ClearPb™
or plastic. Even a simple saline solution bag can be
used as a filter.

• The 2 most popular compensating filters are:


• The thicker portions of the filter are matched to the less

dense patient body parts.
• The national Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurements (NCRP) recommends minimum total
filtration levels for diagnostic radiography shown above.


• Not only does filtration reduce the patient exposure

dose by eliminating low-energy photons from the
primary x-ray beam, it also removes a portion of the
useful beam. This has a visible effect on radiographic
film density.

• To compensate for the loss of exposure when filtration

is increased, technical factors must be increased to
maintain same image receptor exposure.

• Beyond 3.0 mm/Al filtration a point of diminishing

return is reached. The reduction in ESE does not
warrant the tube loading increase.

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