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MR. Orwell was an English political writer and intellectual but like Kipling, he was born in India.

Orwell never went to university, he was a policeman in Burma.

With all his works Orwell was rebellious against totalitarianism and he deserves a lot of respect
from us because, yeah, there are many writers, but Plato, Salinger, Erasmus Roterodamus,
Orwell... these are the authors whose help and effort made the world and living better.
I believe Christ tried this too...

From his works the novel 1984 and the fable Animal Farm, Orwell rapidly became extremely

In 1946 he wrote an essay titled "Why I write". here it says the following:
“When I sit down to write a book, I do not say to myself, ‘I am going to produce a work of art.’ I
write it because there is some lie that I want to expose, some fact to which I want to draw
attention, and my initial concern is to get a hearing”.

Orwell's attitude reminds me of Lady Diana's words:

"Anywhere I see suffering, that is where I want to be, doing what I can".

No one knows for sure what is the main purpose of the writer in this world, not even Faulkner
among them... But everyone serves this work as they understand, and I think Orwell
understood everything well...

Animal Farm - is about how revolutions turn their backs on their own idea. He revealed the sins
of revolutions. Orwell found a way to tell us about ourselves for all time even for the future.

1984 - is one of my all-time favorites.

Such books are defense mechanisms for society and I hope someday some government will
dare to include this novel in some form in schools or exams, but I have only hope, not
expectation... of course...

In the novel, total control is established through media and speech, but the interesting thing is
that citizens don't feel they are enslaved while everything is under control and while BIG
Actually, they need "De Big Brotherisation"

In a novel, the party can change reality.

They cut out unpleasant information from newspapers and replace it with a favorable one.

Orwell shows what horrors can happen to a person fighting against the system. he shows
Winston Smith's torture and moral decline, and despite everything, the reader still chooses his
This is the great talent of the author to make you want to choose painful roads or ways.
This is what I call the Orwell effect.

Both these books are similar in idea but different in form. This is because Orwell wanted to
attract mass attention and that's why he wrote a fable apart from a novel, which is a short form
of literature and easily, widely readable by everyone.


and towards the end 3 quotes from the novel (1984):

ეს ჩემი ახალი რუბრიკაა :დ
(sorry for this, but they are Georgians, because I have read it in Georgian... and that's why...)

1. და როცა მეხსიერება ღალატობდათ, მატიანე კი გაყალბებული იყო, მაშინ

ადამიანებს სხვა აღარაფერი რჩებოდათ, გარდა იმისა, რომ მიეღოთ პარტიის
მტკიცება ცხოვრების პირობების გაუმჯობესების შესახებ. ნუთუ ხალხი თვალის
დაუხამხამებლად ჩაყლაპავდა სულ რაღაც ოცდაოთხ საათში შეტრიალებულ
ამბავს? როგორც ეტყობოდა, ჩაყლაპავდა.

2. ბრძოლის ველზე, საწამებელ ოთახში, ფსკერისკენ წასულ გემზე ყოველთვის

დავიწყებას ეძლევა ის მიზნები, რომელთათვისაც იბრძვი.

3. გამუდმებით გქონდა იმის შეგრძნება, რომ ისეთ რამეში გატყუებდნენ, რისი

მოთხოვნის უფლებაც ნამდვილად გქონდა.

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