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Rockwell Automation

Training Manual
VP.3 – Design and Deploy
December 2009
TRDO.100045.03.004 - VP.3 Training Labs
Table of Contents
SECTION 1 SECURITY .......................................................................................................................................... 5

LAB 1.1 CONFIGURING USER SECURITY.........................................................................................................................6

LAB 1.2 NAMED AND CONCURRENT USER LICENSING ....................................................................................................13

SECTION 2 VANTAGEPOINT-SPECIFIC TAGS ...................................................................................................... 31

LAB 2.1 USING AN INCUITY TAG FOR DATA ENTRY ........................................................................................................32

LAB 2.2 USING A CALCULATED TAG TO EVALUATE EXPRESSIONS ......................................................................................38
LAB 2.3 USING AN EXPRESSION TEMPLATE WITH MULTIPLE CALCULATED TAGS..................................................................43

SECTION 3 MODELING ...................................................................................................................................... 53

LAB 3.1 CREATING A SIMULATOR INSTANCE ................................................................................................................54

LAB 3.2 EXTENDING THE MODEL ...............................................................................................................................59
LAB 3.3 USING TYPE BUILDER...................................................................................................................................65
LAB 3.4 EXPORTING / IMPORTING SECTIONS OF THE MODEL ..........................................................................................77
LAB 3.5 MAPPING LOGIX DATA TYPES........................................................................................................................80

SECTION 4 PORTAL DESIGN .............................................................................................................................. 95

LAB 4.1 CREATING A PORTAL COMPOSITE REPORT .......................................................................................................96

LAB 4.2 CREATING A PORTAL MODEL VIEW ..............................................................................................................111
LAB 4.3 CONFIGURING THE PORTAL MENU ...............................................................................................................120
LAB 4.4 CREATING A PORTAL HYPERLINK ..................................................................................................................127
LAB 4.5 DISPLAYING A REPORT WITH SPECIFIC PARAMETER VALUES ...............................................................................129
LAB 4.6 CREATING A CONTENT TYPE RULE ................................................................................................................133
LAB 4.7 CREATING A CONTAINER TYPE RULE .............................................................................................................139

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Lab 1.1 – Configuring User Security

LAB 1.1 Configuring User Security

Security is one of the most important issues considered in the design of the VantagePoint System.
VantagePoint has moved away from traditional program development, where software is installed and
run on a local disk, to an environment that allows for zero-touch deployment of software across an
intranet. VantagePoint allows access to diverse data sources – including sensitive plant equipment. For
these reasons, tight security is a non-negotiable feature.

VantagePoint is developed and deployed using the .NET Framework which provides developers with two
levels of security management. First, and most evident to users, is Role Based Security. This
implementation of security is similar to the security employed by many operating systems. Users are
assigned to Groups, or Roles, and Roles carry specific access rights. VantagePoint has five pre-configured
roles, or User Profiles.

Perhaps more importantly, however, the .NET Framework also provides security on code itself. This is
referred to as code access or evidence-based security. With code access security, a user may be trusted
to access a resource, but if the code the user executes is not trusted, then access to the resource will be
denied. This security, based not only on Roles but also on code, is a fundamental facility to permit
security on web based applications such as VantagePoint.

The .NET Framework security system functions on top of traditional operating system security. Both
layers complement each other. Users in VantagePoint are authenticated by their Windows log-on
process. When a user accesses VantagePoint programs, their Windows log-on name is handed over to
VantagePoint where a further authentication and identification of the user will occur, and the Role of
the user will be established.

VantagePoint roles and users are generally maintained through VantagePoint Manager, although a
VantagePoint Administrator can manage users from any application through the model browser by
navigating the System folder.

The following lab will walk you through the common practice of hiding objects within the Model
Browser from specific User Roles.

The lab assumes the following:

You are an administrator on your local PC and have the permissions to create local user
You have VantagePoint installed on your local PC.

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Lab 1.1 – Configuring User Security

Hide a Folder from a VantagePoint User Role

You are the administrator for your company’s VantagePoint System. Your Manager has requested that
access to the folder containing confidential financial reports be hidden from Domain Users.

Your VantagePoint server is a member of your company’s Active Directory and so are all users on your
network. You are also aware that all Domain User accounts are automatically mapped to the
VantagePoint Role called Everyone. Therefore, if you were able to restrict the Everyone user role from
accessing the folder, you will have met your Manager’s requirements.

In order to test your approach you will first need to create a local user account that will by default be
mapped to the Everyone User Role.

NOTE The steps for creating user accounts are slightly different on various Microsoft operating
systems. The following example is based on the Window 2003 operating system.

1. Make sure you are on the VM-FTVPSVR virtual machine (VM) image. To check the name of the
virtual image you are currently on, minimize all open windows and you should see the
virtual image name in the background image used for the desktop.
2. Right-click on the My Computer icon in your desktop and select Manage.
3. Expand the folder Local Users and Groups and then select the folder Users.

4. Right-click on Users and select New User.

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Lab 1.1 – Configuring User Security

5. Uncheck User must change password at next logon. Enter TestUser for the User name. Enter a
password and again a second time to confirm. Click Create then Close.

6. Launch VantagePoint Manager.

7. Navigate to MyEnterprise.Samples.Extruders.Reports. In the right pane, select the Security
tab, then select the Everyone role permissions row.

8. Note that by default the Everyone role has read permissions on this folder. This is indicated by a
check mark in the Read column.

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Lab 1.1 – Configuring User Security

9. Let us first verify that the user we created above has access to the Reports folder. Open Internet
Explorer by right-clicking on Internet Explorer in the Quick Launch menu and selecting Run

10. Enter the credentials for the user we created above.

11. Browse to http://vm-ftvpsvr/VantagePointPortal/.

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Lab 1.1 – Configuring User Security

12. If you are prompted for credentials, check the Remember my password checkbox and enter
credentials for the user again. Click OK.

13. If the Microsoft Phishing Filter dialog pops up, select the Ask me later option and click OK.
14. If the Information Bar dialog pops up, check the Don’t show this message again checkbox and
click Close.
15. Once in the Portal, click Reports then MyEnterprise. Our test user can currently view the
MyEnterprise.Samples.Extruders folder.

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Lab 1.1 – Configuring User Security

16. Return to VantagePoint Manager. The Security tab for the Reports folder should still be visible.
Uncheck the option for Inherit security settings. For the Everyone role, uncheck the Read
permissions box and click Save.

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Lab 1.1 – Configuring User Security

17. Return to Internet Explorer and click the Refresh button. After the page reloads, notice that the
Samples.Report folder is no longer visible in the model view.

18. To make the folder visible again, we will now return to VantagePoint Manager.
19. In the Security tab, check the box for Inherit Security Settings then click Save.
20. Verify that the folder is visible again.

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Lab 1.2 – Named and Concurrent User Licensing

LAB 1.2 Named and Concurrent User Licensing

The VantagePoint Server allows for user access through the licensing scheme of named users and
concurrent users. A named user is typically one that requires dedicated access to the VantagePoint
system, that is, this user that must always have access. A concurrent user is typically one that does not
require dedicated access to the VantagePoint system, that is, this user can afford to wait for a
concurrent license to free up if one is not available immediately.

In this lab, you will learn how to add a named user in the VantagePoint server. That is, you will assign a
specific user to consume one of the named user licenses. You will also see how a license, both named
and concurrent, is consumed in VantagePoint. Some notes before we begin.

1. The trial VantagePoint license used in the VM allows for 3 named users and 3 concurrent users.
We will verify this.
2. For a user logging in from a client (VM-FTSOURCES) to be recognized on the VantagePoint server
(VM-FTVPSVR) we need the user to exist on both machines with the same password.

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Lab 1.2 – Named and Concurrent User Licensing

The table below lists the steps in the scenario we will try to walk through. NU is short for Named User
and CU is short for Concurrent User. Read the text immediately below the table for an explanation of
the steps.

Action on NU List NU CU List CU User Access

NU List License License Attempting Allowed
Count Count Access
Used/ Used/
Total Total

1 Administrator 1/3 0/3

2 Add Administrator, 2/3 0/3
ManagerAA ManagerAA

3 “ 2/3 0/3 ManagerAA Allowed

4 “ 2/3 0/3 OperatorA Allowed

5 Administrator, 3/3 0/3 OperatorB Allowed

ManagerAA, (CU
OperatorA license

6 “ 3/3 OperatorB 1/3 OperatorC Allowed

7 “ 3/3 OperatorB, 2/3 OperatorD Allowed


8 3/3 OperatorB, 3/3 OperatorE Denied

OperatorC, (license
OperatorD count

9 “ 3/3 “ 3/3 ManagerBB Denied


10 Remove Administrator, 3/3 “ 3/3 ManagerBB Allowed

OperatorA ManagerAA,
and add ManagerBB

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Lab 1.2 – Named and Concurrent User Licensing

First, we will see how many named and concurrent user licenses are currently being used. We will find
that 1 out of the 3 named user licenses is in use; the 1 user in the Named User List is VM-
FTVPSVR/Administrator. This leaves us with 2 unused named user licenses. Also, none of the
concurrent user licenses are being used currently.

We will add ManagerAA to the Named User List. There is still 1 named user license left which is not in
use. When a random, let’s say lower-priority, user OperatorA logs in and accesses a report, this user
automatically uses up this unused named user license. Now, all 3 named user licenses are in use.

Later, other lower-priority users, OperatorB, OperatorC, and OperatorD, log in and use up all of the
available concurrent user licenses. OperatorE, when he/she tries to log in, is denied access because
now there are no named or concurrent user licenses available.

When ManagerBB (say a higher-priority user who must have access), tries to log in, he/she is also not
allowed access because the named and concurrent user license count limits of 3 have each been

The random user OperatorA is removed from the Named User List by a VantagePoint administrator and
ManagerBB is assigned a license. Now, ManagerBB has access.

View the Named User Limit and the Named User List
1. Make sure you are on the VM-FTVPSVR image.
2. Launch VantagePoint Manager.
3. Click on the System.License node and view its properties (select the Properties tab) to view the
named user limit. It is 3 in this case. Also note that the concurrent user limit is 3.

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Lab 1.2 – Named and Concurrent User Licensing

4. Click on the System.License.NamedUsers node. The list below shows all the users currently in
the Named Users List. Currently, only the local administrator, who you logged in as from the
client VM-FTSOURCES in earlier labs, is consuming a named user license.

5. Leave VantagePoint Manager running.

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Lab 1.2 – Named and Concurrent User Licensing

Setup Windows User Accounts

We will need several user accounts to test our scenario. These user accounts will need to be created on
both the VM-FTVPSVR and the VM-FTSOURCES VM images.

1. Start by creating the user accounts on VM-FTSOURCES.

2. Switch to VM-FTSOURCES. To verify if you are on the correct image, minimize all applications
and look on the desktop to confirm you are on the VM-FTSOURCES image.
3. Right-click on My Computer and select Manage. The Computer Management console appears.

4. Right-click on Users and select New User.

5. Name the user ManagerAA and give it a password of ManagerAA. Uncheck the User must
change password at next logon option.

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Lab 1.2 – Named and Concurrent User Licensing

6. Click Create.
7. Similarly, create the following users. Note we have already created the user in the first row –

Username Password

ManagerAA (already created) ManagerAA

ManagerBB ManagerBB
OperatorA OperatorA
OperatorB OperatorB
OperatorC OperatorC
OperatorD OperatorD
OperatorE OperatorE

8. Now switch to the VM-FTVPSVR image and create the same user accounts as shown in the
previous step.

Add a User to the Named User List – ManagerAA

1. Stay on the VM-FTVPSVR image.
2. In VantagePoint Manager, navigate to System.License.NamedUsers.
3. Right-click on NamedUsers and select New > Item.

4. For the user name, type in ManagerAA. Click the Check Name button. The dialog should
resemble the following.

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Lab 1.2 – Named and Concurrent User Licensing

5. Click OK. We have now added a user to the Named User List in VantagePoint.

Accessing VantagePoint from a Client – ManagerAA

1. Switch to the VM-FTSOURCES image, which acts like a VantagePoint client.
2. Open Internet Explorer by right-clicking on Internet Explorer in the Quick Launch menu and
selecting Run as.
3. In the Run As dialog, enter ManagerAA and the password (also ManagerAA). Click OK.

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Lab 1.2 – Named and Concurrent User Licensing

4. Internet Explorer will now launch using the ManagerAA credentials. If an Internet Explorer
dialog appears, uncheck Continue to prompt when Web site content is blocked and click Close.

5. If another Internet Explorer dialog appears, check In the future, do not show this message and
click OK.

6. Browse to VantagePoint Portal – http://vm-ftvpsvr/VantagePointPortal/.

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Lab 1.2 – Named and Concurrent User Licensing

7. If prompted, enter the ManagerAA credentials again, check Remember my password and click

8. If the Microsoft Phishing Filter dialog appears, select Ask me later and click OK.

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Lab 1.2 – Named and Concurrent User Licensing

9. Double-click the text Internet at the bottom of Internet Explorer.

10. Select Local Intranet and click Sites.

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Lab 1.2 – Named and Concurrent User Licensing

11. Click Add to add the VantagePoint Server URL to the Local Intranet list.

12. Click Close.

13. Click OK to exit the Internet Security Properties dialog.

14. Click the Refresh button in Internet Explorer.

15. Now the Portal launches correctly and in the right zone – Local Intranet. Note that we will need
to do these steps once for each user.

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Lab 1.2 – Named and Concurrent User Licensing

16. In the Portal navigation menu at the top, click on Reports > MyEnterprise.
17. In the tree, click on MyEnterprise.Samples.Extruders.Reports.Extruder - Compare Efficiency to
view the report.
18. The report generates. This shows that ManagerAA has access.

19. Switch to the VM-FTVPSVR image, which is the VantagePoint Server.

20. VantagePoint Manager should still be open.
21. Click Refresh .

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Lab 1.2 – Named and Concurrent User Licensing

22. Navigate to System.License.NamedUsers and click on vm-ftvpsvr\ManagerAA.

23. Note the access details for this user in the Properties pane on the right.

Accessing VantagePoint from a Client – OperatorA

1. Switch to the VM-FTSOURCES image (VantagePoint client).
2. Close any open Internet Explorer windows.
3. Repeat Portal login steps from the earlier section but this time “run as” the OperatorA account.
4. Verify that OperatorA has access by viewing a dashboard. Note that launching the Portal itself
does not trigger the consumption of a license.
5. Switch to the VM-FTVPSVR image (VantagePoint Server).
6. VantagePoint Manager should still be open.
7. Click Refresh.
8. Navigate to System.License.NamedUsers.
9. Note OperatorA has been automatically added to the Named User List.
10. Click on vm-ftvpsvr\operatora.

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Lab 1.2 – Named and Concurrent User Licensing

11. Note the access details for this user in the Properties pane on the right.

Accessing VantagePoint from a Client – OperatorB

1. Switch to the VM-FTSOURCES image (VantagePoint client).
2. Close any open Internet Explorer windows.
3. Repeat Portal login steps from the earlier section but this time “run as” the OperatorB account.
4. Verify that OperatorB has access by viewing a trend report.
5. Switch to the VM-FTVPSVR image (VantagePoint Server).
6. VantagePoint Manager should still be open.
7. Click Refresh.
8. Navigate to System.License.NamedUsers.
9. Note OperatorB has NOT been added to the Named User List.
10. Navigate to System.License.ConcurrentUsers.
11. Note OperatorB has been added to the Concurrent User List. This happened because the
named user license limit had been reached.

Accessing VantagePoint from a Client – OperatorC, OperatorD and OperatorE

1. Switch to the VM-FTSOURCES image (VantagePoint client).
2. Close any open Internet Explorer windows.
3. Repeat Portal login steps from the earlier section but this time “run as” the OperatorC account.

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Lab 1.2 – Named and Concurrent User Licensing

4. Verify that OperatorC has access by viewing a trend report.

5. Close any open Internet Explorer windows.
6. Repeat Portal login steps from the earlier section but this time “run as” the OperatorD account.
7. Verify that OperatorD has access by viewing a trend report.
8. Close any open Internet Explorer windows.
9. Repeat Portal login steps from the earlier section but this time “run as” the OperatorE account.
10. Try and view a Trend report, e.g. MyEnterprise.Samples.Extruders.Reports.Extruder - Compare
Efficiency. You will find that OperatorE does NOT have access. This happened because now
both the named and concurrent user license limits have been reached.

Accessing VantagePoint from a Client – ManagerBB

1. Ensure you are still on the VM-FTSOURCES image (VantagePoint client).
2. Close any open Internet Explorer windows.
3. Repeat Portal login steps from the earlier section but “run as” the ManagerBB account.
4. Try and view a Trend report, e.g. MyEnterprise.Samples.Extruders.Reports.Extruder - Compare
Efficiency. You will find that ManagerBB also does NOT have access. Our presumed goal is
to ensure ManagerBB always has access. OperatorE would also like access but has lower

5. Close this Internet Explorer window.

6. We will now try to attempt to add ManagerBB to the Named User List.
7. Switch to the VM-FTVPSVR image (VantagePoint Server).
8. VantagePoint Manager should still be open.
9. Navigate to System.License.NamedUsers, right-click NamedUsers and select New > Item.

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Lab 1.2 – Named and Concurrent User Licensing

10. You will get a dialog stating that another named user could not be added because the maximum
named user license count would be exceeded. Click OK.

11. We will now delete OperatorA from the Named User List.
12. First, close VantagePoint Manager.
13. In the Run dialog (Start > Run), perform an IISRESET by typing in iisreset and clicking OK.

14. Launch VantagePoint Manager and navigate to System.License.NamedUsers.

15. Remove OperatorA by right-clicking on it and selecting Delete Item. Click Yes to confirm the

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Lab 1.2 – Named and Concurrent User Licensing

16. Now add ManagerBB.

17. Switch to the VM-FTSOURCES image (VantagePoint client).

18. Close any open Internet Explorer windows.
19. Repeat login steps from the previous section but “run as” the ManagerBB account.
20. Verify that ManagerBB now has access by viewing a report.

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Lab 1.2 – Named and Concurrent User Licensing


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VantagePoint-Specific Tags

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Lab 2.1 – Using an Incuity Tag for Data Entry

LAB 2.1 Using an Incuity Tag for Data Entry

There are still a number of data points within your facility that require manual data entry or the
integration of data existing within text files, such as:

Systems, meters and instruments not connected to your control system

Operator logs and comments
Remote monitoring systems
Test samples

In this scenario, there is a requirement for operators to log comments on equipment performance
hourly as well as to import data collected from an offline sampling system. You need to provide users
with an easy method to enter the data and utilize it in reports. These requirements can be met with
Incuity Tags.

Incuity Tags are VantagePoint-specific tags that can be used to store logs, comments, etc. These tags
can be consumed like any other tag in VantagePoint clients like Trend and the Excel Add-In with which
reports can be created.

Create the Incuity Tags

1. Open VantagePoint Manager and navigate to System.Sources.Incuity.Tags.

2. Right-click the Tags folder and select New > Item.

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Lab 2.1 – Using an Incuity Tag for Data Entry

3. Select Connector.Tags.FloatTag and click Create.

4. Configure the instance as shown in the image below. Click Create.

5. Create a second tag that is of type string.

6. Configure it as shown in the image below. Click Create.

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Lab 2.1 – Using an Incuity Tag for Data Entry

Ensure Storage is Enabled

In order for VantagePoint to store data, the Storage service needs to be turned on. You can view
whether the service is running by viewing its Status property. If it is not On, right-click on the Storage
item and select Start Storage.

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Lab 2.1 – Using an Incuity Tag for Data Entry

Operator Log Data Entry

1. Launch VantagePoint Portal.
2. Under the Tools menu, select Tag Manual Data Entry.
3. In the drop down for Select Tag FQN, select System.Sources.Incuity.Tags.Operator Log.
4. Configure the input fields as shown below.

5. Click Save.

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Lab 2.1 – Using an Incuity Tag for Data Entry

Offline Data Entry

Data can also be imported into the VantagePoint system through the use of a comma-separated (CSV)
text file.

1. If it isn’t already running, launch VantagePoint Manager and navigate to

2. Right-click on the Storage node and select Store Manual Data.

3. Select the Bulk tab and copy in the data from the CSV file provided by your Instructor.

4. Click Store then click Close.

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Lab 2.1 – Using an Incuity Tag for Data Entry

Utilize the Data

1. Launch VantagePoint Trend.
2. In the model browser, navigate to System.Sources.Incuity.Tags and select the two tags we
created above: Offline Data Sample and Operator Log. Drag them onto the trace area.
3. Change the time period to 5/1/2008 8:00 AM to 5/1/2008 8:20 AM. Click the refresh icon
between the start and end date times.

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Lab 2.2 – Using a Calculated Tag to Evaluate Expressions

LAB 2.2 Using a Calculated Tag to Evaluate Expressions

Calculated tags are tags whose value is the result of evaluating an expression. The expression can
include references to other tags, as well as constants and functions in shared libraries. In this lab you will
create a calculated tag to evaluate an expression.

Create a Calculated Tag

1. Launch VantagePoint Manager.
2. Navigate to MyEnterprise.Public.<Your Name>. Create a new folder called Calculated Tags.

3. Right-click the Calculated Tags folder and select New > Item.
4. In the Types tab at the bottom of the dialog, select the Core.Tag shortcut. Then, at the top,
expand Core.Tag. Expand Connector.Incuity.Calculation.Tag. Select the discrete tag item
Connector.Incuity.Calculation.DIscreteTag and click Create.

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Lab 2.2 – Using a Calculated Tag to Evaluate Expressions

5. In the next dialog, enter PumpIsRunning for the Name and Tracks when extruder pump is
running for the Description

6. Click Edit Expression. This opens the Expression Editor.

7. Click the If button.
8. Highlight the text condition in the expression. Then click Item Value.

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Lab 2.2 – Using a Calculated Tag to Evaluate Expressions

9. In the model browser dialog, navigate to

MyEnterprise.Samples.Production.Chicago.Plant.Lines.Line 1.Equipment.Extruder001.

10. Select the Start Command property then click OK.

11. The Expression Editor should resemble the following image. Click OK.

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Lab 2.2 – Using a Calculated Tag to Evaluate Expressions

12. Click Test Expression to evaluate your expression.

13. Click Close in the Test Results dialog, then click OK in the Expression Editor dialog.
14. Select the Properties tab. This is where you can enter a display value for the results of your
expression. Enter the following text for the TRUE and FALSE messages then click Create

15. Launch Trend.

16. Navigate to MyEnterprise.Public.<Your Name>.Calculated Tags. Select the PumpIsRunning tag
and drag it onto the trace area. You can also double click the tag to place it on the trace

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Lab 2.2 – Using a Calculated Tag to Evaluate Expressions

17. Turn on discrete shading. You can do this by selecting an area in the trend then right-clicking
and selecting Properties > Trace. In the Properties dialog, check Enable shading checkbox
and click OK. Your trend should look similar to the following image.

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Lab 2.3 – Using an Expression Template with Multiple Calculated Tags

LAB 2.3 Using an Expression Template with Multiple Calculated Tags

An expression template gives us the ability to refer to item names that are relative to a calculation tag
so that we may reuse that expression in multiple calculation tags. This means that you could have
hundreds of calculation tags using the same expression, and manage the expression in one place. If you
change the expression in an expression template, any tags that reference the expression template are
updated with the new expression the next time they are accessed after the template is updated.

In this lab, you will learn how to create an expression template to be used with multiple calculation tags.

Import the Type Package

1. In VantagePoint Manager, import the type package that has been prepared for this lab. The type
package is called RockwellSoftware.Training.itp and should be provided to you by your
2. Verify the import by selecting View > Types View > Packages. The package should be listed at
the bottom of the list.

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Lab 2.3 – Using an Expression Template with Multiple Calculated Tags

Create the Instances

1. Switch back to the instance view by selecting View > Item View.
2. Navigate to MyEnterprise.Public.<your name>.
3. Right-click on <your name> and create a folder called MyInstances.
4. Under MyInstances, create another folder called Calculation Templates.
5. Right-click on MyInstances and select New > Item.
6. Select the Base.Equipment shortcut, choose RockwellSoftware.Training.Machine and click

7. Configure the instance as shown in the image below. Note that the tags are from the
ExtruderData1 simulator.

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Lab 2.3 – Using an Expression Template with Multiple Calculated Tags

8. Create another instance in the same location but this time use tags from the ExtruderData2

9. Under MyEnterprise.Public.<YourName>.My Instances.Machine001, there is a collection called

CalcTags. Right-click on CalcTags and select New > Item

10. Configure the instance as shown below then click Save.

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Lab 2.3 – Using an Expression Template with Multiple Calculated Tags

11. Under MyEnterprise.Public.<YourName>.My Instances.Machine002.CalcTags, create a new

item with the same configuration as shown above. Your model tree should now resemble
this image.

12. Right-click MyEnterprise.Public.<YourName>.My Instances.Machine001.CalcTags.FloatTags

and select New > Item.
13. Choose FloatTag then click Create.
14. In the Name field, enter PerformanceRatio.

15. Click Edit Expression.

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Lab 2.3 – Using an Expression Template with Multiple Calculated Tags

16. Click Item Value.

17. In the model browser, navigate to Machine001 and select Pressure. Select the option Use
relative fully qualified name. Click OK.

NOTE Relative referencing is a technique used to reference properties of an item by employing syntax
that resolves fully qualified names by traversing up the model tree structure

18. You are now returned to the Expression Editor. Type a slash following the value that was just
inserted then click Item Value.

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Lab 2.3 – Using an Expression Template with Multiple Calculated Tags

19. Select the Speed property, check the relative name option and click OK.

20. Click Test Expression to verify that the expression evaluates.

21. Click Close.

22. Click OK.

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Lab 2.3 – Using an Expression Template with Multiple Calculated Tags

23. Click Save As Template.

24. Name the template PerformanceRatioTemplate and save it in the MyEnterprise.Public.<Your
Name>.My Instances.Calculation Templates folder.

25. Click Save.

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Lab 2.3 – Using an Expression Template with Multiple Calculated Tags

26. Note that the Use template option is now checked.

27. Click Create.

28. Right click on FloatTags located under MyEnterprise.Public.<YourName>.My
Instances.Machine002.CalcTags and select New > Item.
29. Choose FloatTag then click Create.
30. Name it PerformanceRatio then click on the Use template checkbox.

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Lab 2.3 – Using an Expression Template with Multiple Calculated Tags

31. In the model browser, navigate to the template MyEnterprise.Public.<Your Name>.My

Instances.Calculation Templates.PerformanceRatioTemplate and click OK.

32. Click Create.

33. Launch VantagePoint Trend. Trend the PerformanceRatio tag from Machine001 and
Machine002 as shown below.

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Lab 2.3 – Using an Expression Template with Multiple Calculated Tags


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Lab 3.1 – Creating a Simulator Instance

LAB 3.1 Creating a Simulator Instance

VantagePoint has several installed simulators. You have the ability to create new simulators should you
choose to do so.

1. In VantagePoint Manager, navigate to System.Sources.Simulator.

2. Right-click on Simulator and select Create Instance.
3. Configure the instance as shown in the image below.

4. Click Execute.
5. Launch Trend and navigate to Sim60Lab.Tags.
6. Drag the Sine tag onto the trace area.

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Lab 3.1 – Creating a Simulator Instance

7. Right-click on the Sine tag in the items pane and select Edit.
8. Set Min to 0, Noise Amount to .05 and Phase to 110. Leave the Value field as is.

9. Click OK.
10. Edit the MachineSpeed tag as shown in the image below. Leave the Value field as is. Click OK.

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Lab 3.1 – Creating a Simulator Instance

11. Edit the MachineRunning tag as shown in the image below. Leave the Value field as is. Click OK.

12. Edit the Production Count tag to have a Max of 10.

13. Trend the 4 tags we just edited in live mode and stacked as shown in the image below.

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Lab 3.1 – Creating a Simulator Instance

Create a Noisy Simulator

1. In VantagePoint Manager, create a new simulator named Sim60NoisyLab and give it a 60 second

2. Select the Tags folder, right-click on the Sine tag and select Edit.
3. Set the Phase property to 110 to match the phase on the Sim60Lab simulator’s Sine tag. Set the
NoiseAmount to 0.1. Click OK.

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Lab 3.1 – Creating a Simulator Instance

4. In Trend, drag the Sine tag from Sim60Lab onto the trace area. Drag the Sine tag from
Sim60NoisyLab onto the trace area and stack the traces. Note the noise amount in the Sine
tag from the Sim60NoisyLab simulator.

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Lab 3.2 – Extending the Model

LAB 3.2 Extending the Model

When the VantagePoint server is installed, some type packages are also installed in C:\Program
Files\Incuity\Packages. When these are imported into the model they will extend the types available
from which to model.

In this lab, you will use some of the types defined in a custom type package imported in a previous lab –
VP.2, Lab 5.2. You will create some equipment items from the imported types and tie them to simulator

Create a New Simulator

We will create a new simulator with the same period but different discrete behavior. This simulator as
well as existing simulators will be used in the lab.

1. Select System.Sources.Simulator, right-click on Simulator and select Create Instance.

2. Configure the new simulator as shown below.

3. Expand the Sim60_2 item and click on Tags.

4. Right-click on the MachineRunning tag and select Edit. Configure it as follows then click OK.
Leave the Value field as is.

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Lab 3.2 – Extending the Model

View the Tank Monitor Package

1. In VantagePoint Manager, select Views > Packages.

2. Scroll to the bottom of the list and expand Incuity.TankMonitor.Package to view the Tank
Monitor Package.

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Lab 3.2 – Extending the Model

Create the Items

1. Select Views > Item View.
2. Right-click on MyEnterprise and select New > Folder. Name it Area1.
3. Create a new folder in Area1 and name it Production Line 1.
4. In the MyEnterprise folder, create a new folder and name it Equipment. Your folder hierarchy
should now resemble the following image.

5. Right-click on Equipment and select New > Item.

6. Select the Base.Equipment shortcut and expand Base.Equipment to view the types that inherit
from it. Select the Incuity.Pump item type and click Create.

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Lab 3.2 – Extending the Model

7. Configure the pump as shown below and click Create.

NOTE In the image below, the scope indicates that the tags are from the Sim60_2 simulator that was
created at the beginning of this lab.

8. Create a valve in the same location, configure it as shown below and click Create.

9. Now, create a tank in the same location, configure it as shown below and click Create.

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Lab 3.2 – Extending the Model

10. Drag and drop the Tank001 item from the Equipment folder to the Production Line 1 folder.

11. Launch Trend. Drag the tank, pump and valve items onto the trace area.

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Lab 3.2 – Extending the Model

12. Select the Run Indication tag in the list below the trace area. Right-click on the trace area and
select Properties > Trace.
13. Check the options for Enable Shading, Use trace color and Apply these trace settings to all new
Trends. Then click OK.

14. If you have stacked your tags, turn off the stacking option. Your trace area should look similar to
the following.

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Lab 3.3– Using Type Builder

LAB 3.3 Using Type Builder

In this lab the participant will create and import a Type Package to introduce a user-defined type into
VantagePoint. An instance will be created from this type to extend the VantagePoint Model. The
package will then be removed from the VantagePoint system, edited to add more properties, and then

Create the Type Package

1. Launch Type Builder (Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk VantagePoint >
Type Builder).
2. Select File > New.
3. In the Package name field, replace the text MyCorp.NewPackage with
RockwellSoftware.Manufacturing. In the Types section, click Add.

4. Enter Machine for the type name and click OK.

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Lab 3.3– Using Type Builder

5. In the Type details area, click Add. This will add a new property with the default name Prop1.

6. Double-click Prop1 in the properties list and configure it as shown in the image below then click

7. Select File > Save and save the package file to your Desktop. Use the default file name.

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Lab 3.3– Using Type Builder

Import the Type Package

1. If it is not already running, launch VantagePoint Manager.
2. Select File > Import Type Package.
3. Browse for the package file you saved in the previous section then click Open. Click OK when
the import completes.
4. Select View > Types View > Packages.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the list to verify that the package was imported.

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Lab 3.3– Using Type Builder

Create an Instance from the Type

1. Select Views > Item View.
2. Navigate to MyEnterprise.Public.<Your Name>.
3. Right-click on the folder <Your Name> and select New > Folder. Name it
4. Right-click on the folder MyTypeBuilderInstances and select New > Item.
5. Expand Core.Object and scroll through the list until you find the type we created earlier –
RockwellSoftware.Manufacturing.Machine. Click Create.

6. Configure the instance as shown in the following image then click Create.

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Lab 3.3– Using Type Builder

Add a New Property

1. Return to Type Builder. Your type package file should still be open. If it is not, you can open it by
choosing File > Open and browsing to it. Or you can select it in the most-recently-used list
at the bottom of the File menu.
2. In the Type Details area, click Add to add a new property.
3. Double-click Prop1 and configure it as shown in the following image.

4. Save the updated type package file by selecting File > Save.

Delete the Old Type Package

1. Return to VantagePoint Manager and select View > Types View > Packages.
2. Right-click on your package (RockwellSoftware.Manufacturing.Package) and select Delete
3. Select Yes on the confirmation dialog.

NOTE VantagePoint does not have any merge functionality. Before you are able to import an updated
package file, you must delete the previous version in order to have a successful import. Upon
deletion of an old package, any instances that you have created using types defined in that
package will also be deleted.

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Lab 3.3– Using Type Builder

Import the New Type Package and Create an Instance

1. In VantagePoint Manger, select File > Import Type Package.
2. Browse to your type package file and click Open.
3. Select Views > Item View.
4. Right-click on your MyTypeBuilderInstances folder and select New > Item.
5. Expand Core.Object, find your type (RockwellSoftware.Manufacturing.Machine) and click
6. In the instance dialog, notice the new Run Status property.

7. There is no need to create the instance right now. Click Cancel.

Add a Collection Property

1. In Type Builder, add a new property to your Machine type and configure it as shown below.
Then click OK.

2. Save the package file.

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Lab 3.3– Using Type Builder

Import the Updated Package

1. In VantagePoint Manager, delete the old package and import the updated package file as
described earlier in this lab.
2. If the instance view is not selected, click Views > Item View.
3. Right-click on your MyTypeBuilderInstances folder and select New > Item.
4. Find your type under Core.Object and click Create.
5. Configure the instance as shown and click Create.

6. Notice the new AdHoc Tags collection item under the Machine001 instance.

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Lab 3.3– Using Type Builder

7. To test the collection, browse to System.Sources.Simulator.ExtruderData1.Tags. Select several

of the tags from the list then click and drag them to the AdHoc Tags collection below your
machine instance.

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Lab 3.3– Using Type Builder

Add an Enumeration Property

1. Return to Type Builder and add a new property to your machine type.
2. Enter Asset Class for the name and choose Enum for the data type.
3. Click the Add button next to the SubDataType field.
4. Enter RockwellSoftware.Manufacturing.AssetClass and click OK.

5. In the Description field, enter Asset Class to which the Machine belongs.
6. Click Detail.
7. At the bottom of the dialog, click the Add button twice.

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Lab 3.3– Using Type Builder

8. Click Index1 and change the name to SmallMachinery. Change Index2 to LargeMachinery.

9. Click OK.
10. Save the new package file.

Import the Updated Package

1. In VantagePoint Manager, delete the old package and import the updated package file as
described earlier in this lab.
2. If the instance view is not selected, click Views > Item View.
3. Right-click on your MyTypeBuilderInstances folder and select New > Item.
4. Browse the list for your type and click Create.
5. Notice the Asset Class property.

6. Click Cancel.

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Lab 3.3– Using Type Builder

Make a Type Inherit from an Existing Type

1. Return to Type Builder.
2. In the Required Packages section, click Add.
3. Select Base.Package then click OK.

4. In the Implements section, click Add.

5. Select Base.Equipment in the dropdown list then click in the white space below it to confirm
your selection.

6. Save the package file.

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Lab 3.3– Using Type Builder

Import the Updated Package

1. In VantagePoint Manager, delete the old package and import the updated package file as
described earlier in this lab.
2. If the instance view is not selected, click Views > Item View.
3. Right-click on your MyTypeBuilderInstances folder and select New > Item.
4. Click the Base.Equipment shortcut at the bottom of the dialog. Then at the top, expand
Base.Equipment so see that your type is now listed here.

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Lab 3.4– Exporting / Importing Sections of the Model

LAB 3.4 Exporting / Importing Sections of the Model

The VantagePoint Model is made up of instances that have been created from types. Types are defined
using a type package, which is an XML document with an .ITP file extension. Instances can also be
defined using an XML file but with an .IIP file extension. The .IIP extension stands for Item Instance
Package. Both type and instance packages can be imported into a VantagePoint system.

Instance packages can be exported, edited, and re-imported. In this lab, the participant will import one
of the sample type packages installed on the server and will use its types to build an instance structure.
The instance structure will then be exported, edited and re-imported.

Export the Instance Structure

Instance exporting is currently performed using a simple .VB script. You will use the NScript environment
that is deployed with VantagePoint on install.

For this exercise, we have an existing plant model defined and an instance created for our Chicago
facility. We want to bring another plant on line in Cleveland that is a replica of the existing plant. We will
use the Export tool to extract part of the model then make changes to the external file before re-
importing back into the model.

NOTE Usage: NScript Export.vb /items:"Fully Qualified Name (FQN) of the top level item to be
exported" /out:"Location to place the output file (with an .IIP extension)".

Example: NScript Export.vb /items:"MyEnterprise.My Structure" /out:"C:\MyStructure.iip"

1. Copy the Export.vb file found in C:\Program Files\Incuity\Samples\Scriptlets and place it in this
location – C:\Program Files\Incuity\Bin.
2. Open a command prompt (Start > Run, type in cmd and click OK) and change the directory to
C:\Program Files\Incuity\Bin. Now, enter the text below at the prompt and hit the Enter
key. When the export completes, push the Enter key again.

NScript Export.vb /items:”MyEnterprise.Samples.Production.Chicago Plant”


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Lab 3.4– Exporting / Importing Sections of the Model

Edit the Instance Structure

1. Using the file explorer, browse to the exported file C:\MyPlant.iip.
2. Open the file with Notepad.
3. Do a replace operation – search for the text Chicago Plant and replace it everywhere (Replace
All) with Cleveland Plant.
4. Save the file.

Import the Edited Instance Structure

1. Move the edited MyPlant.iip file to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Incuity\Import.
2. Close all VantagePoint client applications.
3. Open a command prompt, type iisreset at the prompt and push the Enter key.
4. Launch VantagePoint Manager and navigate to MyEnterprise.Samples.Production.Cleveland

5. Check the C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Incuity\Import folder and verify that the .iip file has been
moved to the Success folder. If there were any errors, the .iip file would appear in the
Failure folder and further information would be available in the Incuity.log file located in the
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Incuity\Logging folder.

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Lab 3.4– Exporting / Importing Sections of the Model

6. Delete the newly created Cleveland Plant instance before proceeding to the next lab. You can
delete this instance by browsing to MyEnterprise.Samples.Production.Cleveland Plant, right-
clicking on it and selecting Delete.

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Lab 3.5 – Mapping Logix Data Types

LAB 3.5 Mapping Logix Data Types

Certain Logix Data Types such as User-Defined Types (UDTs) and some System-Defined Types (SDTs) or
Predefined Types are not known to VantagePoint when VantagePoint is first installed. That is, there are
no import rules defined in VantagePoint for these Data Types. When these Data Types are imported,
they will be mapped to a generic VantagePoint Type (Connector.FactoryTalk.Logical.UDT) and Instances
of these different Logix Data Types will not be distinguishable from each other in VantagePoint.
In order to preserve the uniqueness of these Logix Data Types, corresponding VantagePoint Types can
be created and import rules can be defined to map each Logix Data Type to an equivalent VantagePoint
Type. The import rule would specify the VantagePoint Type we want to map the Logix Data Type to, and
the members of the Logix Data Type which are to be mapped to the properties of the VantagePoint
Once the import rule is created and the structures (instantiated Logix Data Types) are imported, all
Instances of these Logix Data Types, for which import rules have been defined, will become available as
Instances of the specified Types in VantagePoint. Users can then leverage this in the model when
creating template reports against these Types.
In this lab, the participant will map a UDT called WorkOrder to a VantagePoint Type called

View the UDT and Structure in RSLogix 5000

1. Switch to the VM-FTSOURCES virtual machine (VM) image.
2. Launch RSLogix 5000 (Start > Programs > Rockwell Software > RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series >
RSLogix 5000).
3. Click on File > Open then navigate to C:\RSLogix 5000\Projects.
4. Select the file FTVP_Simulations_v1.ACD and then click the Open button.

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Lab 3.5 – Mapping Logix Data Types

5. In the tree view window on the left, browse to the folder Data Types > User Defined and select

6. Double-click WorkOrder. Note the list of Members and also the Data Type of each Member.

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Lab 3.5 – Mapping Logix Data Types

7. In the tree view window, right-click on the WorkOrder node and select Monitor Tags.

8. Note that WO_DB contains an array, of size 10, of the data type WorkOrder.

9. Expand WO_DB. Note that the Data Type of WO_DB[0] is WorkOrder. Click on the plus sign (+)
next to WO_DB[0] to expand this node. Note the Data Types of each of the members and
also the values.

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Lab 3.5 – Mapping Logix Data Types

View the Type in Type Builder

1. Switch back to the VM-FTVPEMISVR virtual machine (VM) image.
2. Launch Type Builder (Start > Programs > Rockwell Software > Rockwell Software VantagePoint
> Type Builder).
3. Click File > Open and open the Type Package RSSample.WorkOrder.itp provided to you by your
4. Note that the Type RSSamples.Workder.WorkOrder has been created with properties that
correspond to the members of the Data Type.

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Lab 3.5 – Mapping Logix Data Types

5. Note also that Members of the Logix Data Type that are of the Data Type STRING have
corresponding Type properties that of the Sub Data Type Core.StringTag. For INT, it is

NOTE As a reference, here is a list of the recommended VantagePoint SubData Types to use
when creating VantagePoint Types to match a given Logix Data Type.

Native Logix Data Types VantagePoint SubData Types

STRING Core.StringTag
INT, SINT, DINT Core.IntegerTag
REAL Core.FloatTag
BOOL Core.DiscreteTag

Import the Type Package in VantagePoint Manager

1. Launch VantagePoint Manager.
2. Click File > Import Type Package and import the Type package file RSSamples.WorkOrder.itp
we just viewed.

View the Mapping Rule Definitions

1. If the instance view is not selected, click Views > Item View.
2. Navigate to System.Common.Connectors.FactoryTalk.ImportRules.DataTypes and expand the
DataTypes node.

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Lab 3.5 – Mapping Logix Data Types

3. Import Rules have been defined for the Data Types you see listed. Note that currently no
Import Rule has been defined for the Logix Data Type WorkOrder.

Specify the Mapping – WorkOrder

1. Right-click on the DataTypes node and select New > Item.
2. In the Name field, enter WorkOrder and click the Create button.

3. Below the WorkOrder Instance, right-click on the MappingRule node and select Assign Item.

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Lab 3.5 – Mapping Logix Data Types

4. Click the New button at the bottom of the dialog.

5. Select Connector.FactoryTalk.MapType. Click Create.

6. In both the Name and ItemType fields, enter RSSamples.WorkOrder.WorkOrder.

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Lab 3.5 – Mapping Logix Data Types

7. Click Create.
8. Below Mapping Rule, right-click on the Members node and select New > Item.

9. For the Name, PropertyName and Type fields, enter CustomerName, Customer Name and
STRING respectively. Note that the PropertyName value has a space in it.

10. Click Create.

11. Repeat steps 8 to 10 and create rules for all Members in the table below. We have already
created the rule for the first Member in the list. Note the subtle differences between the
names and the corresponding property names (e.g. space between words, Qty versus

Name Property Name Type

CustomerName Customer Name STRING
PartName Part Name STRING
OrderName Order Name STRING
OrderNumber Order Number INT
OrderQty Order Quantity INT

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Lab 3.5 – Mapping Logix Data Types

12. The list of Members should look like the following screenshot.

Import the Logix DataType – WorkOrder

1. Navigate to System.Sources.FactoryTalk.localhost.
2. Right-click on localhost and select Import.

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Lab 3.5 – Mapping Logix Data Types

3. Click Next.

4. Click Next.
5. In the tree browser, select FTVP App > CLX1.

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Lab 3.5 – Mapping Logix Data Types

6. Click Next.

7. Click Next.
8. Note that WorkOrder is shown in the list. This indicates that we now have an import rule
defined for this Data Type. Check the WorkOrder checkbox. This means that this Data Type
will be imported. Also, note that the VantagePoint Type is

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Lab 3.5 – Mapping Logix Data Types

9. Click Next.
10. Click Next.
11. Click Next.
12. Click Finish.
13. Click OK when the import is complete.
14. Browse to System.Sources.FactoryTalk.localhost.Applications.FTVP App.CLX1.Online.WO_DB
and expand the WO_DB node to view the imported structure.

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Lab 3.5 – Mapping Logix Data Types

15. Below WO_DB, select WO_DB[0] and view its properties in the Properties pane on the right.
Note that the Type is RSSamples.WorkOrder.WorkOrder. The same is true for WO_DB[1],
WO_DB[2], etc.

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Lab 3.5 – Mapping Logix Data Types

Additional Exercise
If you have finished early, create an ad-hoc Template Excel report showing the live values of all the
properties of the selected RSSamples.WorkOrder.WorkOrder Instance. Publish the report and verify
that you can change the selected work order at runtime in the Portal.

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Lab 3.5 – Mapping Logix Data Types


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Portal Design

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Lab 4.1 – Creating a Portal Composite Report

LAB 4.1 Creating a Portal Composite Report

VantagePoint allows the creation of composite reports. These reports may contain several types of
content – trends, dashboards, excel reports and HTML content. In this lab, you will create a composite
report that contains two trends and some HTML content.

Create a Composite Report

1. Launch VantagePoint Manager.
2. Navigate to MyEnterprise.Public.<Your Name>.Reports.
3. Right-click on Reports and select New > Item.
4. Click the shortcut for Core.Template.Report. Expand the list then select
Portal.CompositeReportTemplate. Click Create.

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Lab 4.1 – Creating a Portal Composite Report

5. In the creation dialog, enter ExtruderCompositeReport for the Name field.

6. Click Add.
7. In the Parameter Editor, click the browse button next to the Default Value field.

8. In the model browser, choose MyEnterprise.Samples.Extruders.Extruder001 and click OK.

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Lab 4.1 – Creating a Portal Composite Report

9. The parameter editor should now resemble the following image.

10. Click OK.

11. Click OK.
12. VantagePoint Manager currently displays the composite report in the items list below the
model. However, more configuration is needed on that item. In order to see the additional
nodes below the report, click the wrench icon . The additional nodes under
ExtruderCompositeReport are now shown in the tree.

NOTE The ExtruderCompositeReport item contains three nodes: ParameterTypes, OwnedItems and
Rows. ParameterTypes and OwnedItems are internal to the report and should not be edited.
Configuration on the composite report is done in the Rows node.

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Lab 4.1 – Creating a Portal Composite Report

13. Right-click on Rows and select New > Item. Configure the creation dialog as shown below then
click Create.

14. Below the TitleRow node, right-click on Cells and select New > Item. Configure the creation
dialog as shown below then click Create.

15. Below the Cell1 node, right-click on Content and select New > Item.
16. Choose Portal.ViewableHtmlContent and click Create.

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Lab 4.1 – Creating a Portal Composite Report

17. Configure the creation dialog as shown below. Leave the HTMLMarkup field empty for now. Do
not click Create.

18. Launch Internet Explorer and enter the following in the address bar:

19. In the HTML editor, enter a title for your report similar to the following image (the text in the
image uses the font Verdana, is of size 5, and is centered.

20. Click the HTML button in the bottom left corner to switch to the raw HTML. Select the HTML you
see and copy it to the clipboard.
21. Return to the instance creation dialog in VantagePoint Manager. Click the magnifying glass icon
to the right of the HTMLMarkup field.

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Lab 4.1 – Creating a Portal Composite Report

22. Right-click in the text area and select Paste. Click OK. The instance creation dialog should look
similar to the following.

23. Click Create.

24. Below the ExtruderCompositeReport node, right-click on Rows and create a new row called
TrendRow with a display sequence of 2 and a height of 300.
25. Create 2 cells in the new row and name them Cell1 and Cell2 respectively. Cell1 should have a
DisplaySequence of 1 and Cell2 should have a DisplaySequence of 2.

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Lab 4.1 – Creating a Portal Composite Report

26. Right-click on the Content item under Cell1 and select New > Item. Select
Portal.ViewableTrendContent and configure as shown below.

27. Click Create.

28. You should have a structure that looks like the screen shot below.

29. Launch VantagePoint Portal.

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Lab 4.1 – Creating a Portal Composite Report

30. Click Reports > My Enterprise then navigate the tree for the composite report we just created –
MyEnterprise.Public.<Your Name>.Reports.ExtruderCompositeReport. Click on the report.
31. Once the report is generated, notice that the Stroke Length trend looks very busy. This is
because all the properties of an extruder are being displayed. We will now set the trend to
only display the Stroke Length tag property of the selected extruder.

32. Return to VantagePoint Manager. Right-click the ParameterMapping node below

StrokeLengthTrend and select New > Item. Configure the dialog as shown below then click

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Lab 4.1 – Creating a Portal Composite Report

33. Return to the Portal and click on your ExtruderCompositReport. Notice the change in the trend.

34. Return to VantagePoint Manager so we can configure the second trend.

35. Right-click on the Content node under Cell2 and select New > Item. Create a
Portal.Viewable.TrendContent instance and configure it as follows.

36. Add a new parameter under the ParameterMapping node and configure it as follows then click

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Lab 4.1 – Creating a Portal Composite Report

37. Return to the Portal and click on ExtruderCompositeReport. You should see something similar
to the following.

38. Return to VantagePoint Manager so that we can change the time span on the Stroke Length
39. Right-click ParameterMapping under StrokeLengthTrend and select New > Item. Configure the
parameter mapping instance as follows. This will serve as the start parameter which is used
to set the start of the time period for which historical data is displayed in the trend.

40. Similarly, configure another parameter mapping instance as shown below. This will serve as the
end time which is used to set the end of the time period for which historical data is
displayed in the trend.

NOTE The default time span for a trend is the last 5 minutes. We are overriding the default time span
and setting it to the last 10 minutes. Available time options are s for seconds, m for minutes, h
for hours, and d for days.

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Lab 4.1 – Creating a Portal Composite Report

41. Return to the Portal and click on ExtruderCompositeReport. It should look similar to the
following. Note the difference in the time span in the Stroke Length trend compared to the
Hydraulic Pressure trend.

42. We will now add a more specific name to the title of our report.
43. Return to VantagePoint Manager and navigate to MyEnterprise.Public.<Your
44. Right-click on ReportTitle and select Edit.
45. Click the magnifying glass icon next to the HtmlMarkup field.

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Lab 4.1 – Creating a Portal Composite Report

46. Replace the text Extruder with [ShortName] then click OK.

47. Click OK.

48. Browse to MyEnterprise.Public.<Your
49. Add a new item under ParameterMapping and configure it as shown below. Note that the
TargetParameterName is the same as the one we entered between the square brackets in
the previous step.

50. Click Create.

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Lab 4.1 – Creating a Portal Composite Report

51. Return to VantagePoint Portal and click on ExtruderCompositeReport. The name of the selected
machine now appears in the title of the report.

52. Click the Parameters tab.

53. Change the parameter to Extruder002 and click generate. The title now reflects the name of the
machine for which the report was generated.

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Lab 4.1 – Creating a Portal Composite Report

Create a Dynamic XY Plot

1. Return to VantagePoint Manager.
2. Below our ExtruderCompositeReport, right-click Rows and select New > Item. Configure the
instance as shown below. Click Create.

3. Add a cell item and configure it as shown below. Click Create.

4. Under the Content node, add a ViewableTrendContent item and configure it as shown below.
Click Create.

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Lab 4.1 – Creating a Portal Composite Report

5. Under ParameterMapping, add a parameter configured as shown below. Click Create.

NOTE xtag defines the parameter for the x-axis while ytag defines the parameter for the y-axis.

6. Add a second parameter configured as shown below. Click Create.

7. Return to VantagePoint Portal and select Reports > MyEnterprise.

8. Browse to your report ExtruderCompositeReport . The dynamic XY plot has been added to the
composite report.

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Lab 4.2 – Creating a Portal Model View

LAB 4.2 Creating a Portal Model View

In this lab, you will learn how to better organize your available content using model views in
VantagePoint Portal. A model view displays only a portion of the model in the Portal. You also have the
ability to designate which items within that portion are to be shown. Model views can be created from
VantagePoint Manager as well as directly in the Portal.

Create a New Model View Using VantagePoint Manager

1. Launch VantagePoint Manager.
2. Navigate to System.Applications.Portal.Settings.ContentViewer and expand it.

3. Right-click on the ModelViews folder and select New > Item.

4. In the instance creation dialog, configure as shown below.

NOTE Name – View<n>. This is a recommendation naming convention where n is the next
available number starting from 1. This name cannot be modified after creation.
Description – This is an optional field and if defined will display as a tooltip item for the
view menu item.
Display Name – This is an optional field and if not defined will default to the internal name
described above. It is the name that is shown under the Portal’s Reports menu.
AutoExpandDepth – This defines the number of folder levels to expand when first
Anchor Node – This corresponds to the location in the model namespace where you would
like the content viewer to root the display.
Default Content – This defines any content that you would like to be displayed by default
on the right side of the content viewer when a user enters your view.
Menu Element – Can be the following:
i. MenuGroup
ii. MenuPage
iii. MenuLink
iv. Menu Command

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Lab 4.2 – Creating a Portal Model View

2. Click Create.
3. Navigate to System.Applications.Portal.Settings.ContentViewer.ModelViews.Sample Content
View and edit it.
4. Notice if the MenuElement was left blank during creation, it defaults to what was entered under

5. Launch VantagePoint Portal. Click Reports > Sample Content.

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Lab 4.2 – Creating a Portal Model View

6. Scroll down the tree and note that the Production folder is visible. We will hide this folder in
the next section.

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Lab 4.2 – Creating a Portal Model View

Configure a Hidden Node

In this example, we do not want to view the Production folder in the content viewer.

1. Return to VantagePoint Manager.

2. Under the Sample Content View folder, right-click HiddenNodes and select New > Item.
3. Configure the instance dialog as shown in the image below.

4. Click Create.
5. Return to the Portal. Select Reports > Sample Content to refresh the view and note that the
Production folder is no longer visible.

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Lab 4.2 – Creating a Portal Model View

Configure a Flattened Node

In this example, we are going to flatten the Extruders folder.

1. Return to VantagePoint Manager.

2. Under the Sample Content View folder, right-click FlattenedNodes and select New > Item.
3. Configure the instance dialog as shown in the image below.

4. Click Create.
5. Return to the Portal. Click Reports > Sample Content to refresh the view. Note that all content
in the MyEnterprise.Sample.Extruders folder level and deeper is visible in a single list under
the Samples folder.

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Lab 4.2 – Creating a Portal Model View

Create a New Model View Using the Portal Content Viewer

1. Return to the Portal. Select Reports > Sample Content.
2. Right-click in the content browser pane and select Create New View.

3. Enter Report Library in the Name field.

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Lab 4.2 – Creating a Portal Model View

4. Right-click the Report Library folder in the tree below and select Anchor > Anchor here.

5. Right-click the Report Library.Composite.Analog Tag Analysis report and select Visibility >
Make this the default content item.

6. Click OK to save the view.

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Lab 4.2 – Creating a Portal Model View

7. The view is refreshed and the report designated as the default content is shown.

8. Return to VantagePoint Manager.

9. In the tool bar, click the refresh button.
10. Notice that the view we just created in the Portal is now visible as part of the model.

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Lab 4.2 – Creating a Portal Model View

Create Menu Items for Model Views

1. In VantagePoint Manager, navigate to System.Applications.Portal.Settings.ContentViewer.
2. Right-click on ModelViews and select New > Item.
3. Configure the instance dialog as shown in the following image. Click Create.

4. Notice that along with a new Mode View called MyReports, a new Menu Group is added under
System.Applications.Portal.Settings.Menu.Reports called MyReports.
5. Launch VantagePoint Portal (or click on Home if the portal is already open). Select Reports in
the menu bar. Notice the new menu item in the drop down list. Click on My Reports.

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Lab 4.3 – Configuring the Portal Menu

LAB 4.3 Configuring the Portal Menu

In this lab, you will learn about configuring the VantagePoint Portal menu in the VantagePoint model.
The additional menu structure we will create will look like the following:

Extruder Reports (link to a Model View)
Direct Links
Extruder 1 Dashboard (link to a template dashboard and pass in Extruder001 as
the parameter value)
Extruder 2 Dashboard (link to a template dashboard and pass in Extruder002 as
the parameter value)
Efficiency Trend – Last 10 Minutes (link to a trend and pass in the start and end
date time)

1. Launch VantagePoint Manager.

2. Browse to System.Applications.Portal.Settings.Menu, right-click on Menu and select New >
3. Select Portal.MenuGroup and click Create.
4. Enter Equipment for the Name and the DisplayName fields. Enter 5 for the DisplaySequence
(we want this menu item to appear in the Portal to the right of the Help menu which has a
display sequence of 4).

5. Click Create.

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Lab 4.3 – Configuring the Portal Menu

6. Now we want to use the ContentViewer.aspx page to link to a pre-defined Model View. For this,
we will need the FQN of the view. Start by browsing to the following view and clicking on it
– System.Solutions.Samples.PortalSettings.ModelViews.Production. To the right, select
the General tab. Highlight the FQN, right-click and select Copy.

7. Browse to System.Applications.Portal.Settings.Menu.Equipment, right-click on Equipment and

select New > Item.

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Lab 4.3 – Configuring the Portal Menu

8. Select Portal.MenuLink and click Create.

9. Enter Extruder Reports for the Name and the DisplayName fields. Enter 1 for the
DisplaySequence. Uncheck the OpenInNewWindow checkbox. For the URL field, enter
gs.ModelViews.Production. Note that you do not have to type the FQN of the view as you
have copied it already in Step 6.

10. Click Create.

11. Now we will test our menu configuration so far. Launch VantagePoint Portal. If the Portal was
already started, you will have to refresh the web browser.

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Lab 4.3 – Configuring the Portal Menu

12. Click on Equipment > Extruder Reports.

13. Now we will create a sub-menu under Equipment. In VantagePoint Manager, browse to
System.Applications.Portal.Settings.Menu.Equipment, right-click on Equipment and select
New > Item.
14. Select Portal.MenuGroup and click Create.
15. Enter Direct Links for the Name and the DisplayName fields. Enter 2 for the DisplaySequence as
we want this displayed below the Extruder Reports menu item in the Portal. Click Create.

16. Now we want to create a link under Direct Links to a template dashboard and also pass in the
parameter value.
17. Right-click on Direct Links and select New > Item.
18. Select Portal.MenuLink and click Create.
19. Enter Extruder 1 Dashboard for the Name and DisplayName fields. Enter 1 for the

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Lab 4.3 – Configuring the Portal Menu

20. Uncheck the OpenInNewWindow checkbox.

21. For the URL field, we want to enter http://vm-
22. Note that you can use the copy/paste method for the report FQN as well as the Extruder FQN.
You can launch another instance of VantagePoint Manager for this, if it is more convenient.
23. The dialog should look like the following screenshot.

24. Click Create.

25. You can test the link in the Portal by clicking on Equipment > Direct Links > Extruder 1

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Lab 4.3 – Configuring the Portal Menu

26. Repeat steps 17 -22 to create a link to the same dashboard but this time pass in the FQN of
Extruder002. Set the DisplaySequence field to 2 and uncheck the OpenInNewWindow

27. Verify the Extruder 2 Dashboard link works as shown below.

28. Last, we want to configure the Portal menu to link to a Trend report and pass in the start and
end date time.

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Lab 4.3 – Configuring the Portal Menu

29. Repeat steps 17 -22 to create a link to the Trend report Plant Output. The URL should be the
following - http://vm-
eports.Plant Output&start=rel&end=10m&showparams=false. Again, you can use the
copy/paste method to get the Trend report’s FQN. Set the Name and DisplayName fields to
Efficiency Trend – Last 10 Minutes. Set the DisplaySequence field to 3 and uncheck the
OpenInNewWindow checkbox.

30. Click Create.

31. Test the Efficiency Trend – Last 10 Minutes link in the Portal.

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Lab 4.4 – Creating a Portal Hyperlink

LAB 4.4 Creating a Portal Hyperlink

In this lab, you will learn about the Portal.Hyperlink type in the VantagePoint system and how
to use it.
32. Launch VantagePoint Manager.
33. Right-click on the MyEnterprise.Public.<your name>.Reports folder and select New > Item.

34. In the ‘New Item’ dialog, click the plus icon to expand the Core.Object tree. Scroll down the list and
find Portal.Hyperlink and then click Create.

35. In the next dialog, fill in the values as shown in the image below then click Create.

36. In the Portal, select Reports > MyEnterprise.

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Lab 4.4 – Creating a Portal Hyperlink

37. The Incuity Web Link is now shown in the model browser under the Public folder with the display
name of Incuity. If you have Internet access, you can click the link to test it.

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Lab 4.5 – Displaying a Report with Specific Parameter Values

LAB 4.5 Displaying a Report with Specific Parameter Values

In this lab, you will learn about the Portal.ReportRuntimeInfo type in the VantagePoint system and how
to use it.

1. Start VantagePoint Manager.

2. Right-click on the MyEnterprise.Public.<Your Name>.Reports folder and select New > Item.
3. Click the plus icon to expand the Core.Object tree.
4. Scroll down the list and find Portal.ReportRuntimeInfo. Select it then click Create.

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Lab 4.5 – Displaying a Report with Specific Parameter Values

5. In the instance dialog, click the browse button next to the Report field. Browse to
MyEnterprise.Samples.Extruders.Reports and select the Extruder Comparison report. Click

6. Fill in the remaining values as shown in the image below and click Create. Note the scope to
determine the FQN of the selected report.

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Lab 4.5 – Displaying a Report with Specific Parameter Values

7. Right-click on RuntimeInfo under the newly created item and select New > Item. Configure the
instance dialog as shown below.

8. Click Create.
9. Right-click ParameterMapping and select New > Item. Configure the instance dialog as shown
below and click Create.

10. Create a second parameter with the following configuration.

11. If it is not already started, launch VantagePoint Portal.

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Lab 4.5 – Displaying a Report with Specific Parameter Values

12. Select Reports > MyEnterprise.

13. Click on Extruder Comparison Report in the Reports folder under your name. The report is
generated using the parameters we defined in the model.

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Lab 4.6 – Creating a Content Type Rule

LAB 4.6 Creating a Content Type Rule

In the lab, you will learn how to use VantagePoint Portal type rules. A type rule associates a specified
type, such as an Extruder, with one or more published reports.

Create a Type Rule

1. Launch VantagePoint Manager and navigate to the following location

2. Right-click on ContentTypes and select New > Item. Fill in the dialog as shown below then click

3. Below the newly created DiscreteTagRule node, right-click on ViewableContent and select New
> Item.

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Lab 4.6 – Creating a Content Type Rule

4. Select Portal.ViewableReportContent and click Create.

5. Name the report Event Report but leave Display Name blank for the moment.

6. Click the ellipsis next to the Report field

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Lab 4.6 – Creating a Content Type Rule

7. Browse for the report Single Discrete Tag Event Report as shown in the below image. The FQN
of the report is MyEnterprise.Samples.Report Library. Single Value Displays. Single
Discrete Tag Event Report.

8. Click Assign on the browser window and then Create.

9. In order to test our rule, we need to make a discrete tag viewable in the Portal. To do that, we
can simply copy a simulator discrete tag to a folder.

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Lab 4.6 – Creating a Content Type Rule

10. First, in the MyEnterprise.Public.<Your Name> folder, create a new folder called Sample Tags.
11. Next, browse to System.Sources.Simulator.ExtruderData1.Tags, select the MachineRunning tag
and copy it (as a shortcut) to the MyEnterprise.Public.<your name>.Sample Tags folder.

12. Launch VantagePoint Portal and select Reports > MyEnterprise.

13. In the browser pane, scroll down until you see your Sample Tags folder. Click on
MachineRunning. The report is generated using the MachineRunning tag as a parameter.

14. Let us return to our Event Report item and add the display name that we omitted earlier. In
VantagePoint Manager, navigate to
bleContent.Event Report.

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Lab 4.6 – Creating a Content Type Rule

15. Right-click on Event Report and select Edit.

16. For DisplayName, enter Event Report. Click OK.

NOTE The DisplaySequence field is used to define the relative order in which the viewable content is
displayed under the type item.

17. Return to the Portal and click on Reports > MyEnterprise. In the Browser pane, scroll down and
notice the change in the Sample Tags folder.

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Lab 4.6 – Creating a Content Type Rule

18. Click on the Event Report link under the MachineRunning tag. The report is generated using the
MachineRunning tag.

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Lab 4.7 – Creating a Container Type Rule

LAB 4.7 Creating a Container Type Rule

In the portal, the Content Viewer will only display items if they are contained in a recognized content
container. Normally, content containers would have been a Folder item however, VantagePoint allows
for the definition of a ContentContainerType which enables all instances of a specified type to be a

Create a Content Container

1. Launch VantagePoint Manager if it is not already running.
2. Navigate to System.Applications.Portal.Settings.ContentViewer.
3. Right-click on ContentContainerTypes and select New > Item.
4. Configure the instance dialog as shown below then click Create.

5. If it is not already running, launch VantagePoint Portal.

6. Select Reports > MyEnterprise.
7. Notice that all instances of the extruder type are now treated as folders in the Content Viewer.
Specifically, notice that the extruder’s Start Command property and its associated report
Event Report are now visible.

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