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Be built up of Made-up of or composed of

Border, restrict surrounded or enclosed or to limit

separate subdivided
be contained ,occupy or seat to house
hold ,include to store ,comprise, contain
ooze ,secrete excreted, to remove
Remove excreted , to eliminate
Expel extract
deliver ,forward ,distribute, excrete To past to
collect, contain, hold comprise , to store
join ,connect accumulate, attach
consist of ,include, contain to unite, to combine
be composed of ,be made-up of
comprise ,contain
Be located ,lie
Surround Situated
be situated set, rest bounded or bordered
attach located or lie
connect, join

Torso The trunk

extremities the limbs
collar bone clavicle
thorax chest
abdomen tummy or belly
bowels Guts or intestines
articulations joints
To articulate = Form a joint

erect Up right
at the side Laterally
at the
ventral or anterior
behind or at the back dorsal or posterior
below inferior
above superior
to the left and to the right of ,,,,, on either side of on both sides

Concerned of To refer to responsible for or related

foodstuffs Nutrients

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