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pdf The International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics

2016 © OSA 2016

Creation of entangled states via Transitionless Quantum

Koushik Paul and Amarendra K. Sarma
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Department of Physics, Guwahati-781039, Assam, India,

Abstract: Transitionless quantum driving, a well-known shortcut to Adiabaticity technique is

applied on a pair of two state systems to prepare a robust entangled state in extremely short time
and with high fidelity.

OCIS codes: (270.0270) Quantum optics; (270.5585) Quantum information and processing

1. Introduction
In quantum mechanics, controlling the dynamics of the time evolution of a system is of extreme importance. The
widely used method of adiabatic passage have been used rigorously to achieve precise control over system dynamics
in which a system follows a particular eigenstate through slowly varying time dependence of the relevant parameters
[1-3]. In principle, the adiabatic passage methods are slow with respect to time. However there are instances where
one would need to enhance the speed of the passage processes in order to avoid decoherence, noise etc. Recently a
few techniques known as shortcut to Adiabaticity techniques, have been proposed and studied which can be
implemented to speed up the adiabatic passage [4, 5]. One such proposition is Transitionless quantum driving
(TQD) by Berry [6], which uses inverse engineering approach to design interactions so that the system exactly
follows the adiabatic path in a short time. TQD approach has been investigated theoretically and experimentally in
different contexts of physics in recent years such as population transfer in atoms [7, 8], Non-hermitian systems [9,
10], in open quantum systems [11], to name a few. In this work we have studied the TQD approach on a system of a
pair of spin ½ particles inside a magnetic field to prepare the entangled state ⟩ ⟩ ⟩ ⟩ ⟩

starting from the un-entangled ⟩ state. Our study shows enhancement in both speed and fidelity with respect to
the conventional adiabatic passage approach.

2. Theory
Let us consider that two spin ½ particles, A and B, are coupled via exchange interaction and a time dependent
magnetic field along the direction. The Hamiltonian for such a system is given by
̂ ̂ (̂ ̂ ) (1)

Here  denotes exchange interaction parameter and  is the gyromagnetic ratio. ̂ and ̂ are respective spin
operators. This interaction Hamiltonian can be written using conventional triplet and singlet states,
⟩ ⟩ ⟩ ⟩] as basis in the following form

( ̅ ) ⟩⟨ ⟩⟨ ( ̅ ) ⟩⟨
⟩⟨ ⟩⟨ ⟩⟨ ⟩⟨ (2)

Here ̅ and magnetic field components are chosen as ̅ , ̅ and

̅ . It should be noted that the singlet state ⟩ remains uncoupled even after the application of .
Further simplification can be done by choosing around a particular diabatic crossing which can be taken as
], where , represents diabatic crossing between the energies
representing ⟩ and ⟩. Since is centered at , it effectively remains zero at other diabatic crossings and
thereby reducing the interaction Hamiltonian into the following form

{ ⟩⟨ ⟩⟨ } { ⟩⟨ ⟩⟨ } (3)

W3A. 30.pdf The International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics
2016 © OSA 2016

We define . The condition required for adiabatic evolution is , where

| ̇ ̇ | . The adiabatic eigenstates of , those are basically linear

combinations of ⟩ and ⟩, are given by
⟩ ⟩] ( ) ⟩ ⟩] (4)

( ) represents a rotation where √ ⁄ is the angle of mixing. When the adiabatic

condition is satisfied, time evolution follows a particular adiabatic state ⟩ or ⟩ in which the system
initially was. According to Berry’s algorithm of Transitionless quantum driving [6], one can always find an
additional interaction which can be used to remove the non-adiabatic corrections from adiabatic Hamiltonian to
drive the system exactly along the adiabatic path regardless of the adiabatic condition. This driving Hamiltonian
reads as { ⟩⟨ ⟩⟨ }, where ̇ . An additional phase ( ̇
√ ) occurs in the total Hamiltonian due to the addition of . With another unitary rotation we find the total
Hamiltonian for TQD as
{ ⟩⟨ ⟩⟨ } { ⟩⟨ ⟩⟨ }, (5)

where { ̇ } and √ .

3. Results and Discussion

We solved the Schrödinger equation for and numerically to study the time evolution of the adiabatic
states. In Fig. 1a, we depict the final population of the entangled state ⟩ with varying and . It clearly
shows that for small and larger , ⟩ does not reach maximum population and also a minimum value

Fig. 1. (a) Final population of the entangled state ⟩ for adiabatic case against and with , (b)
population transfer occurs with , when adiabatic condition is satisfied with . (c) Final population of the
entangled state ⟩ against and using TQD with , (d) Population transfer with when
adiabatic condition is not satisfied with , requires less time to transfer the population to the entangled state.

of is required for population transfer because for any less value of , cannot reach the crossing. For
adiabatic transfer, we choose , which is well within the adiabatic limit. The evolution of population from
⟩ to ⟩ is shown in Fig. 1b where population increases adiabatically from 0 to 1 in the entangled state. The
W3A. 30.pdf The International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics
2016 © OSA 2016

population switch occurs at while at the other crossings and no interaction takes place. Similarly in Fig.
1c we show final population of the entangled state using TQD approach, which demonstrates that even for very
small values of and relatively larger values of the final population of ⟩ tends to unity. The interaction time
has been scaled down to 0.01 times, of that needed in adiabatic case which causes violation of adiabatic condition as

Fig. 2 Fidelity in terms of total Transition time for two different

approaches, adiabatic (dash-dotted blue), TQD approach (solid red).

in this case and population still gets transferred along the adiabatic path as shown in Fig. 1d. In Fig. 2. We
have shown fidelities with respect to the variation in total transition time. Under the adiabatic regime, fidelity slowly
and gradually tends to 1 which also refers to the larger transition time. However in case of TQD, the fidelity is close
to unity regardless of the total transition time which is a signature of very fast population transfer process.
4. Conclusions
In conclusion we have applied the method of Transitionless quantum driving to a pair of coupled spin ½ particles.
Our study shows that adiabatic evolution can be useful to produce a final entangled state starting from a pure
diabatic state. However introduction of Transitionless quantum driving in this system reduces the requirement of
transition time and the strength of the field amplitude considerably. The robustness and the fidelity have also
been enhanced with the application of TQD.
5. Acknowledgements
K. Paul gratefully acknowledges a research fellowship from MHRD, Govt. of India.
4. References
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