Writting Anglès

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Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to inform you about a few complaints I have after joining the four-

week trip your company organised.

First of all, I would like to say that in my opinion the groups were too huge. I think

it would improve the experience if they were smaller.

Secondly, I would like to talk about the coaches. It is true that they were

experienced but I consider that they were too old and that it would be better if they

were a little bit younger.

Finally, I hope you also let me complain about the hotel facilities. I read that my

room might have a television, air-conditioned and suite facilities, however I am

sorry to say that they were not in mine. Also the pool had not water, accordingly we

could not use it.

Thank you for spending your time reading my letter.

I look forward to receiving your reply.

Yours faithfully

Marta Camino
John woke up one morning to see a large hole in the wall where his wardrobe used

to be. He was shocked when he saw it. Why was a hole in his wall and where was his

wardrobe? He didn’t know what could have happened.

The first thing he thought of doing was asking her mom if she knew anything, but

suddenly he saw a shadow in the hole. He was very curious and decided to get into

that large hole.

As soon as he got in, the hole disappeared. He was alone in a huge dark room. He

was extremely scared and started to scream. But then someone hugged him. He

stopped screaming because he felt saved. Instantly a light turned on and he didn’t

see anyone in the room. He was alone again.

In that moment he understood everything. Before his grandmother died she told

him that she would always help him from heaven when he felt alone. He was living

the worst time ever. He had no friends, everyone at school hated him, he felt pretty

alone, but there was his grandmother to help him and to remind him that he won’t

ever be alone because he will always have himself.

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