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Chasti-Permalock: Chasti-Punk

By Allen Red
Copyright Redstarstories 2022
Other commissions and stories available at

This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are

entirely coincidental. All characters in this story are 18 and over.

Tags: chastity, permanent, body modification, cyberpunk, blind, tattoo,

twinning, cyberware

Stan was flat on his back, adjusting a stubborn bolt on the bottom of a nanite tank,
when he heard footsteps walk into the room. “Stanley, are you down here?”
The use of his full name cause Stan to jolt upright, nearly whacking his head on the tank.
Extracting himself from under the metal cylinder, Stan found himself staring up at the green
eyes of his friend and colleague Becky. “You know there are only two people who can call me
Stanley. My mother, when she gets angry. And my younger sister, as throttling her would
result in situation one.”
“What are you going to do about it?” Becky teased, sticking out her tongue adorably.
Though several years younger than Stan, they had started working at the Chasti-Permalock
corporation at the same time. Stan had a crush on her since they met in orientation, but had
long ago resigned himself that it would be unrequited. Becky had a magnetic manic-pixie-
dream-girl air around her, while Stan was bland enough that people tended to forget him
within five minutes of meeting.
Stan got back to his feet and dusted off his hands. “As much as your visits brighten up
my dreary basement workspace, I’ve got a lot of work to do today. What can I do for you,
“I just got done with a client consult and the total package is rather complicated. I
wanted to run it by you to make sure there wouldn’t be any interference between the
applications.” Becky worked as a transformation concierge, engaging directly with clients to
help match their fetish desires to Chasti-Permalock’s extensive catalogue. If she came to him
for a review, it meant the package was built on the cyberpunk line.
“I can certainly take a look. Why don’t you step into my office?” The term was a bit of a
joke; the walls being racks of mechanical components and jars of raw materials, his desk two
safes with a metal panel on top. Stan jiggled the mouse to wake up the machine and held out a
hand to Becky. “Design please.”
The concierge handed over a small flash drive and Stan plugged it in. As a 3D
representative of a female figure hummed to life on the holo-screen, Becky leaned in behind
Stan. He could feel one of her breasts pressing into his shoulder in a very distracting manner.
“Let’s take it one step at a time.” Stan clicked his way through the options. “Looks like
you picked an Elric limb replacement pattern to start.” The female image’s right arm turned
silver chrome up to the shoulder, indenting to give the impression of cylinders and other metal
structure. A similar silver substance flowed up the model’s left leg to the knee, the foot
reshaping into a platform stiletto heel.
“You need to be careful with built in shoes,” Stan tapped on the model’s left leg. “Right
now, you client is looking at over four inches of height difference between her legs. Without
wearing shoes all the time on her organic foot, the best she’ll be able to do is hobble.”
“I brought that up and she was fine with it. She likes high heels almost as much as I do.”
Stan glanced downward at Becky’s feet, where the four-inch pattern leather pumps she
wore stretched the boundary of appropriate office attire. “Ok, as long as she’s sure. Are you
doing a coating or actual limb removal?”
“We decided on a coating for the leg and upper arm, but the client wanted to splurge
and go for lower arm replacement. That way she could have fun with all sorts of alternative
Stan double checked the model, zooming in on the arm and running a cross section. The
upper arm had regular flesh sandwiched between half-inch-thick layers of chrome, while the
lower section was fully metallic with pumps and cylinders. “A decent compromise. A lot of
clients want too much metal too fast. We can always take more flesh away, but adding it back
is next to impossible.”
“We went with sythskin plates for the rest of the body.” Becky explained. “Enough for
an artificial look without requiring too much additional work.”
The rest of the model’s skin took on a silicone look, with grooves and screw holes
around the joints like the surface was bolted in place. Stan spun the model around and studied
the numbers on the screen. “You decreased skin sensitivity to 50%. I would bump that up to
75%. You client is already losing 90% of the sensation from her metal limbs, best not to overdo
“I think they can live with that. What’s next?”
Stan zoomed in on the model’s chest. “You went with a removable boob-plate. Rather
than the stock Cs, you went up to G cups.”
Becky nodded. “My client wants to show off her assets.”
“I would shrink those to DDs to start.” Stan tapped a few buttons and the chrome
breasts on the model shrunk slightly. “After she gets used to her new body, your client can
always make them bigger. You forgot to select a shape option. Should they be more natural
looking or artificial?”
“Can I see the options?” Becky asked. Stan toggled the setting, the artificial breasts
high, firm, and almost spherical while the natural breasts sagged and had a more cone shape.
“I think she’ll like the artificial more.”
“I guess there’s no point trying to hide it if your body already looks this modded.” Stan
locked in the option and scrolled down to the next. “I guess they’ll match the ultra-wide hips
and butt pads you selected.”
“We needed somewhere to store the batteries for the artificial arm.” Becky explained.
“With the breasts being removable, they weren’t an option.”
“So, you do listen when I talk about mod limitations.” Stan checked a few figures. “Hip
storage is a less efficient option as the batteries have to be thinner, but she should have plenty
of change for a half limb replacement. Though if she later decides to upgrade, you may need to
fit additional storage in there somewhere.”
“Is a battery belly still an option? If she wants to upgrade later.”
Stan nodded. “So far nothing should conflict. Let’s see what you put for the genital
mods, sometimes those…holy shit Bex, you went with an XL Devastator?”
“It’s the biggest and baddest vaginal plug from the cyberpunk line, isn’t it?”
“It is, which is why I would recommend something simpler first. The Devastator is flat
plate, zero penetration model. This thing will fill up every inch of space between vaginal lips
and ovaries with solid metal, creating a plug that can cause the bearer’s entire body to shake
when it gets up to max vibration. You selected the max teasing and orgasm lock options as
well…I’m sorry, but I have to recommend against this piece. It’s too much to handle when set
this way, it will drive your client nuts.”
“All revved up and nowhere to go, those were the client’s explicit instructions. And she
will have somewhat of an out. Check out the anal plug.”
Stan spun the model around and zoomed in. “It looks like you chose a sex-doll charger.
When the plug is removed, she’ll either be limp or frozen solid until it’s returned. I think I see
what you were going for here, but you set the sensitivity values wrong. This would leave her on
the verge of orgasm 24/7, not when the plug is removed. Let me fix that…add in a chain
orgasms function…adjust the cooldown period…ok, now she’ll be able to experience some relief
from the Devastator. Though if she doesn’t get fucked at least once a day, your client is going
to lose her mind.”
“I don’t think she’ll have a problem finding suitors, especially when all of the mods are
“True.” Stan admitted. “She’ll literally be a walking sex machine.” He shook his head
slowly in amazement. “Let’s see, what’s left? You went with only a single cybereye?” Stan
tapped his way through another screen. “Oh, that’s why. You went with a permanent porn
vision option. I don’t know what kind of crazy pervert came up with that idea.”
“Before you ask, the eye is another non-negotiable mod.”
“Not even to upgrade it to a Mk2, so she’ll gain some depth perception back?”
Becky shook her head. “The client liked the feeling of helplessness the eye would instill.
I will also add to her sexual frustration from the plugs.”
Stan shrugged. “If you say so. Video only, no audio?”
“The client was worried it would interrupt her business activities.”
Stan wanted to ask how the client would be able to focus on business at all given the
totality of her changes, but decided to hold his tongue. “It doesn’t have to be on all the time. I
can set the earpiece to only play sound where there hasn’t been speech for the last few
minutes, or when the ambient lighting drops.”
Becky rubbed her chin, thinking. “Can you make it turn on when the anal plug is
removed? To heighten her arousal?”
“Easy.” Stan tapped a few keys. “Sound overlay or total replacement?”
“I like the idea of it acting like a privacy mode. Remove the plug and she would be
helpless and lost to the world. Go with total replacement.”
Stan nodded and input the option. “It looks like the rest of this is mostly cosmetic.”
Stan applied the final mods one after another. A triple length tongue, capable of
reaching the client’s collarbone. A fake jack plate on the back of the neck. Full head shave,
with a rune plate on one temple and the rest replaced with silver hair the consistence of fine
wire. “Did you finalize the tattoo options?”
Becky shook her head. “I was hoping to get your suggestions.”
“They have some good stock options in the library, let’s see what we can do.” After
fifteen minutes of looking the pair settled on a pair of wings that flowed across the entire
client’s back. One side was white like a dove’s, while the other was collage of gears, pistons,
and clockwork. A Dirty Girl tramp stamp in red ribbons curled around her upper butt cheeks,
while a No Entry counterpart encircled the flat metal base of the Devastator in black barbed
wire. Tattooed stockings covered the legs up to mid-thigh, transitioning to micro-etches on the
metallic skin of the left leg. Finally, some gold Celtic knotwork around the silver nipples on the
As he leaned back and studied the complete package, Stan had to work hard to conceal
the bulge growing in his pants. You didn’t join up with a company like Chasti-Permalock unless
you had buried (or not so buried) kinky desires, and the model on the screen was hitting all of
Stan’s highlights.
“Fuck, I’m going to look so hot.”
Confused, Stan looked back to find Becky with one hand fumbling inside her shirt and
the other under her skirt. “What was that?”
Becky blushed, removing her hands but making no move to straighten her outfit. “I may
have told you a teensy lie earlier. These mods, they’re not for a client. Well, not just for a
client. They’re also for me.”
“I don’t understand.” Stan looked from the model to his friend and back.
“One of my clients was so happy with my design that she offered to pay for a few
changes of my own. What started small quickly got out of hand and she liked my personal
design more than the one we had originally worked on for her. Her feedback to my boss was so
well received that the company is covering the entire package.”
“But why didn’t you tell me up front this was for you?” Stan asked. “Why lie about a
“Because I know how you feel about me.” Becky gave Stan a sly smile. “Don’t try to
deny it, you’ve had the hots for me ever since we met.” Wordlessly, Stan nodded. “If I told you
up front the mods were for me, you would have done everything you could to talk me into
something simpler.” Another sad nod. “And between that simplified version and the full
package you see on the screen, which one turns you on more?”
Stan hated to admit it, but the thought of Becky as a half blind, perpetually horny
cyberpunk goddess turned him on like nothing had before. Knowing he had helped do it to her,
set her on the path to restricted sexiness, was causing the bulge in his pants to throb painfully.
Becky leaned in and went for the kill. “Which one would you rather hold in bed, curling
your arms around me after fucking me mercilessly?”
That popped Stan’s arousal bubble and his confused face caused Beck to laugh. “Oh,
Stan, you really are dense. Did you ever stop to think that I might be into you as well?”
“But I’m just…just a regular guy.” Stan stammered.
Becky snorted. “A regular guy who designs permanent body mods for a living? Yea,
sure. Admit it, you’re just as kinky as the rest of us. And that makes you perfect for me.”
Stan swallowed the lump in his throat and decided it was time to do what he should
have done months ago. He hit a few final buttons on his keyboard and pushed back from the
desk. “It’s going to take hours to program the nanites for a job this complicated. They won’t be
ready until the morning. Want to catch a bite to eat with me while we wait?”
“You mean, do I want to go on a date with you?” Becky teased. “Why yes, I would be
delighted. But only on one condition.”
“Which is…” Stan had to work to keep the waver out of his voice.
Becky leaned in and gave him a long, sensual kiss on the lips. When they broke apart,
she gave Stan a sexy smile. “That you take me home afterward and fuck my brains out. I’m so
horny that my underwear could double as a swimming pool. And I want to give you a good
before and after experience.”
Becky’s grin was contagious and a mirror image spread across Stan’s face. “You know
what…how about we do take-out instead…”

Epilogue-2 years later

The need to go to the bathroom slowly pulled Stan from a deep slumber. He kissed the
forehead of his still sleeping lover and carefully extracted himself from the sheets. Tiptoeing
out of the room, Stan headed off to use the downstairs bathroom and not wake his wife up.
As he exited the bathroom, feeling much better, Stan spotted light glowing under the
door of the home office. He knocked and opened the door to poke his head inside. An
identical woman to the one he left upstairs, clad only in a thin robe that left most of her
augmentations exposed, was tapping away at a computer behind a standing desk.
“Good morning sleepyhead.” Becky said, pausing her typing long enough to take a sip of
coffee. “I’m surprised to see you up so early. You didn’t get back from the social with Tina until
“When nature calls, you have to answer. I’m surprised I didn’t wake up sandwiched
between you two.”
“I had to take an early meeting with some overseas clients.” Becky explained. Six
months after getting her modifications, Becky had quit CP to become the full-time assistant,
maid, and sex toy of the woman who had paid for the package. Stan had been pulled over as
well, splitting time between design work for CP and serving as arm candy and sexual relief for
“If you’re done, I can head to the kitchen and get breakfast going. We can surprise Tina
in bed.”
“Breakfast sounds wonderful.” A sleepy voice said from behind Stan a moment before
two prominent mounds pressed into his back. Stan could feel the unyielding hardness of the
diamond false nipples that he’d given both of his wives on their wedding day. “But there’s
something I need more urgently to start my day.”
Tina’s hand slipped around Stan’s waist and into his gym shorts, stroking the metal
hardness within. Stan’s wives had gifted him the chastity device in return on their wedding,
ensuring he would always be ready to service them and only them.
“Care to join us, wifey?” Tina asked Becky, who shook her head.
“I need to finish this email first. You go on ahead and we can swap out when I’m done.”
“You heard the lady. Come along, dear husband.” Tina tugged Stan back toward the
bedroom. As they went, Stan couldn’t help but stare at Tina’s naked, tattooed backside and
think he was the luckiest guy in the world to have two cyberpunk goddesses as his wives. A
situation only possible thanks to the Chasti-Permalock corporation.

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