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1. People ……… work together often get same diseases (illnesses).

a) that

b) Which

2. These people probably get these diseases …………. their work.

a) because

b) because of

c) therefore

3. …………. he had poor eyesight, he loved riding on fast motorbikes and driving even faster

sports cars.

a) because

b) although

c) if

4. For centuries town and country ………………. as being in opposition to each other.

a) was regarded

b) have regarded

c) have been regarded

5. Which, then, is better to live in, the country or the city? The latter causes stress and a

feeling of isolation- constant noise damages the senses. The latter?

a) The country

b) The city

c) Both of them
6. Marketing consists ….. both physical activities such as transporting, storing and selling

goods, and a series of decisions.

a) in

b) of

c) from

7. Not only ………………….. gather facts, it can also store them as fast as they are gathered.

a) can the competer

b) the competer can

8. ………. books you read, the more information you have.

a) many

b) the more

9. …………………. or captured the Persian fleet, Alexander moved into Mesopotamia in

pursuit of Darius in 331 B.C.

a) having destroyed

b) to have destroyed

c) he destroyed

10. It was ……… a beautiful meteor storm that we watched it all night.

a) so

b) such

c) As
11. In recent years, dramatic new reasons have made people …..….. again about what they


a) think

b) to think

c) to be thought

12. Most of the time a mother fails to use her common-sense when it comes to ………….. for

a baby, especially the first one.

a) buy

b) bought

c) buying

13. Perhabs the most surprising theory to come out of kinesics, ………………… ………….,

was suggested by Professor Ray Birdwhistell.

a) that is the study of body movement

b) the study of body movement

c) which the study of body movement

14. Communication was certainly helped by the railways, ………….. trains were being used

in postal service.

a) although

b) now that

c) even if
15. This illness, …………. to be caused by a virüs, cannot be treated with antibiotics.

a) to have believed

b) believing

c) believed

16. If you don’t know how to swim, …………………………………………..


a) there will be no requirement to wear a life jacket

b) you must wear a life jacket when on the water

c) you had insisted on a jacket that fits yoıu appropriately

17. How ……………….. soething to taste often influences how it actually does taste.

a) people expect

b) do people expect

c) are people expect

18. ………. she delivered a marvelous performance pleased her parents.

a) the

b) because

c) that

19. For the overall development of a sosciety, governments need to offer high-quality public

services, ………… free education, sanitation, or public transportation.

a) such as

b) as well as
c) Unlike

20. The problem is to ……. authorities and governments to make it easy to re-use what we

throw away.

a) have

b) make

c) Get

21. Turkish TV soap operas ……….. ……… so popular in the Arabic World that the shows

…………….. a boom in trourism from the Middle East to Turkey .

a) have become/are driving

b) became/will drive

c) had become/have driven

d) become/had driven

e) will become/were driven

22. ……….. a modern day detective, the geologist must search for clues about the nature of

the ancient geography among the rocks.

a) in spite of

b) unlike

c) like

23. ……… studying these clues, the geologist gains direct knowledge about the distribution

of land and seas.

a) ın order to
b) by

c) rather than

24. The remains of corals and clamshells (sea animals9 in veri old limestonne deposits

indicate that the area was once part of a shallow sea. Ana fiil hangisidir?

a) deposits

b) indicate

c) was

25. Much of ………. Agassiz saw could be explained only by glacial action.

a) taht

b) what

c) whose

26. For more than 2000 years,the Chinese people ………………….. by the ideals of


a) have guided

b) have been guided

c) had been guided

27. ……………………… the traditonal Latin and Greek, he studied French, Italian, Spanish,

and h,story and become especially well educated in geography.

a) In addition to

b) In addition

c) Because of
28. The man-made agent of climatic change is the carbon dioxide that …… ………….. out

of the World’s chimneys in ever-increasing quantities since the industrial revolution


a) has been pouring/begins

b) has been pouring/had begun

c) has been pourin/began

29. Trees and other vegetaition represent a huge stock of carbon …………... from circulation

like money in a bank.

a) removed

b) removing

c) having removed

30. Computer studies have suggested that if the concentration of carbon dioxide in the

atmosphere were to be tice that of today’s, there …………. be a rise of between 2 C and

3 C in average temperature.

a) will

b) used to

c) would

31. Ecologist often divide resources …….. two groups: renewable and non-renewable.

a) into

b) at

c) for
32. When animals …….. the grass, usually more grass …………...

a) had eaten/will grow

b) are eaten/grows

c) eat/will grow

33. ………. they have left school or college, many feel they never want to open a book again.

a) although

b) despite

c) Once

34. Some of the most useful inventions in modern times have resulted ………. momenr of

inspiration and have been developed by amateur scientists.

a) in

b) from

c) against

35. The pandemic, the first and last story of this year, naturally distrupted television-talk

shows, sports and ………….. scripted comedy and drama.

a) suprisingly

b) especially

c) Adversely
36. With vaccines and a new administration, the pandemic will be tamed. …… experts say the

coming months “are going to be just horrible.”

a) but

b) therefore

c) so

37. Although American community colleges have existed since the late 19th century,

……………………. ……………………………………. ………..

a) little sociological attention has been paid to these institutions until recently

b) many scholars view them as a great invention of US higher education

c) they have made post-secondary education accessible to many Americans

38. The technology ………….. to keep astronauts alive on Mars isn’t ready and it may not be

from many years.

a) required

b) requires

c) requiring

39. …… the food and supplies needed for these stations must come from other continents

a) whole

b) all

c) many

40. In its efforts to save mony, the government has cut down on money for programs

………….. the metric system.

a) supporting

b) supported

c) to support

41. Inflation is a modern economic disease ………….. all consumers suffer.

a) which

b) from which

c) of which

42. People are impatient and prefer to vote for a new government …………… waiting for

old economic for old economic methods of action to become effective.

a) instead of

b) in spite of

c) due to

43. A number of parents believe that they can provide a better education ……… their

children at home .

a) with

b) for

c) into

44. Although the experience obtained by home schooling is more interested than ………

received in regular schools, home-schoolers miss many important things.

a) that

b) those

c) which
45. Most parents are not qualified enough …………….. their children and may pass on their

own views to their children.

a) for teach

b) to teach

c) teaching

46. The results of a new survey published in the form of a report have led to a certain amount

of discussion. Ana fiil hangisidir?

a) published

b) have led to

c) survey

47. According to the report, which claims to have strong statistical evidence, children who

attend a number of diffrent schools through their parents having to move around the

country are not academically succesful. Ana fiil hangisidir?

a) claims

b) attend

c) are

48. ……… we ge on well with a number of people, we usually friends with only a very few.

a) because

b) while

c) in spite of
49. When people visit or live in a countrey fort he first time, they are often surprised at the

differences that exist ………….. their own culture and the culture in the other country.

a) into

b) because

c) of

50. The most common way of comparing two cultures is …………… their differences – not

their similarities.

a) in terms of

b) due to

c) regardless of]

51. Despite the political upheavals in the Arab World, …………………

…………………………………… …………………..

a) The Middle East is graining ground to become one of the world’s popular tourist


b) Stability, strong economic growth and the volue for money are the factors of economic


c) Business boomi in places likee Dubai and Abu Dhabi, has had little impact on the


d) The airlines are rapidly expanding their routes in the Europe and Asia

e) Emphasis on new policies is required to overcome recession in these countries

52. As the basic building blocks of communication, words communicate meaning, …….

culture is the most important factor that influences the meaning of words.
a) because

b) but

c) if

53. If we are willing to learn to communicate ……. in a foreign language, we must

understand the culture that affects the language.

a) good

b) well

54. With the pandemic surging and initial vaccine supplies limited, the US faces a hard

choice: Should its immunization program focus in the early months ….. the elderly and

people with serious medical conditions, dying of the virus ……. the highest rates.

a) with/at

b) to/on

c) on/at

55. An independent committee of medical experts …….. advises the C.D.C. on immunization

practices will soon vote on whom to recommend fort he second phase of vaccination.

a) whom

b) whose

c) that

56. There is such a joke: the factory of the future will be …… automated that only two

workers will remain on its staff-a guard dog anf a person who feeds the dog.

a) such
b) so

c) as

57. Facial recognition programsa re used by law enforcement to identify and arrest criminal

suspects (and also by some activists to reveal the identities of poliçe officers …….. cover

their name tags in an attempt to remain anonymous).

a) whose

b) whom

c) that

58. In California, many of the biggest school districts were already closed before new

restrictions …….. effect on Sunday in three regions of the state.

a) took

b) are taking

c) were taken

d) will take

59. We do not have to know everything about something …………… understand it.

a) in order that

b) in order to

c) for

60. As we said at the beginning, we will be principally concerned in these pages ………. the

development of skill in the reading boks.

a) about
b) with

c) do

61. I will take a rain chek on the party tonight, I have a lot of work to finish right now. “take a

rain check” ne anlama gelmektedir?

a) cannot accept an invitaiton, but would like to do so later

b) never accept an invitation

62. The immidiate cause of obesity is the prolonged consumptionof a diet ... …………..more

calories than are needed to provide fort he body’s tissue repair, vital functions and

physical activities.

a) contained

b) containing

c) being contained

63. Students often embark ….. their research with the naive view that, having identified their

topic, they will follow a predictable path to its conclusion.

a) for

b) on

c) of

64. The main reason that intial enthusiasm diminishes is the length of time ……… has to be

spent working n a single problem.

a) that

b) when
c) for which

65. Property taxes represent the largest source of city revenue, and commercial property

accounts for the largest share of that overall levy, 41 percent, according to Thomas P.

Dinapoli the state comptroller. “Account for” burada hangi anlamda kullanılmıştır?

a) constitutes

b) explains

c) clarifies

66. Although the Beresheet lunar landing …….. in a crash last year, SpaceIL ……… to try

again with a more complex mission by 2024.

a) ended/wants

b) ends/wants

c) ended/wanted

67. The tests for the virus in animals are not the same as those done for humans and can only

be done at specialized labs that do not test people. “those” kelimesi aşağıdakilerden

hangisinin yerine kullanılmıştır?

a) the virus

b) animal

c) tests

68. …………. the advantages of computer work at home have always been obvious, the

disadvantages haven’t been discussed too much.

a) because
b) although

c) despite

69. Industrial pollution is not only a problem for Europe and North America, …… it is also an

extremely serious problem in some developing countries.

a) but

b) neither

c) both

d) and

70. Some developing countries want to develop new industries, so they put ……… controls

on industries which cause pollution in order to attract large international companies.

a) little

b) a little

c) few

d) a few

71. If you are to be own trading coach and guide your trading development, we ……………

make you the best coach you can possibly be.

a) can

b) have to

c) had to

72. The legal theory …………………….

…………………………. is an absurdity.
a) put forward by hs legal team and by the president

b) which put forward by his legal team and by president

c) who is put forward by his legal team and by the president

73. As offices around the World remain closed this winter ……………. the pandemic, many

end-of-year and holiday paties are being planned virtually. [despite-due to-because]

a) despite

b) due to

c) because

74. Meetings tend to function most efficiently when everyone is ……….. together in person

…… all participating remotely.

a) neither/nor

b) but/and

c) either/or

75. ………….. leaders have discovered thar remote work can be just as productive, many

have also noticed that it has some shortcomings.

a) if

b) because

c) Although

76. Unprovoked shark attacks are very rare in the waters off Siesta Key, with just seven

unprovoked shark attacks having been recorded …… the cost of Sarasota County since

1882, according to the Florida Museum’s International Shark Attack File.

a) off

b) into

c) under

77. At the age of 107, the Minnesota woman recently beat Covid 19 after …………….. this

fall, according to officials at the Ecumen Detroit Lakes community home, where she has

lived since 2015.

a) being diagnosed

b) have diagnosed

c) is diagnosed

78. With the U.S. experiencing record-number cases of Covid-19 and hospitalizations, Fauci

pleaded for Americans ………….. the necessary precautions during the holidays.

a) to take

b) taking

c) to be taken

79. With many people …………… remotely, digital nomads - people who earn a living

online while they travel- are on the rise.

a) work

b) are working

c) working

80. Defined simply, a digital nomad is someone ………. earns their living mostly online and

uses this location independence to travel as much as they please – usually often.
a) that

b) whome

c) whose

81. Due to the combination of her personal warmth and business acumen, her new company

was an instant success. “Acumen” ne anlamda kullanılmıştır?

a) insight

b) weaken

c) fondness

82. Colours are a favourite example in many central philosophical arguments ………… they

are used systematically in supprt of some theses and as counterexamples in refutation of

their theories.

a) which

b) where

c) why

83. I know that all the good things that have happened to me in life were possible

…………….. a new language.

a) despite

b) thanks to

c) Because

84. If Korean children really ……. a problem with their tongues, than Koreans born in

America ……… also have trouble with their English pronunciation.

a) had had/will

b) have/would

c) had/would

85. People who have low levels of Vitamin D have higher rates of illness, ........... cancer, bone

problems, heart disease, an deven the common cold.

a) despit

b) such as

c) in order to

86. Millions of Americans and countless people around the World suffer ……… insomnia

and other sleep disorders.

a) from

b) on

c) in

87. We all have trouble sleeping from time to time, …… many people are afflicted with sleep

issues that are far more problematic.

a) however

b) but

c) despite

88. Most precipitation that forms in wintertime clouds starts out as snow beacuse the top layer

of the storm is usually cold enough …………… snowflakes.

a) to create
b) create

c) creating

89. ……. permanent residents live in Antarctica, but hunderds and sometimes thousands of

scientists and support staff work there at any given time.

a) many

b) much

c) no

90. Researchers in Korea have broken their own record …… recreasting the intense

conditions of the Sub ….. a very small scale.

a) by/on

b) at/on

c) by/in

91. Officials are talking with Native American groups to …………………… what to do with

prehistoric human remains discovered at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park along Lake


a) help determining

b) help to determined

c) help determine

92. While axioms like these are vital in geometry and mathematics, they merely define what

is true within the particular system of geometry or mathematics …………they belong.

a) to which
b) which

c) for which

93. …………….. get their dose, people set up camp Tuesday night outside the Cultural Park

Theater in Cape Coral, one of the sites offering the Covid-19 vaccine on Wednesday.

a) determined to

b) determining to

c) having determined to

94. …………… we’re living through an age of great biodiversity loss, the scope and breadth

of life on planet Earth is still revealing itself to scientists around the World.

a) however

b) even though

c) for

d) despite

95. ……… vaccines are distributed and more countries reopen their borders to foreign tourists

there’s hope that Americans will regain a sense of noemalcy in 2021 in terms of where

and how they can travel abroad.

a) as if

b) as

c) as of
96. Bringing the Covid-19 pandemic to an end will require the active participation of religious

Americansi who should view vaccines as an answered prayer …………. a threat to their


a) rather than

b) for

c) in order to

97. A new space telescope will help scientist look back in time at the origin of our universe

and the galaxies and panetary systems that ………………… it ever since.

a) have populated

b) populated

c) were populated

98. The mission will further our understanding of how the universe rapidly …………… right

after the Big Bang ………………...

a) expands/occured

b) expanded/occurs

c) expanded/occured

99. ………… the Earth wanted 2020 to be over in a hurry: Our planet spun faster than normal

last year, scientists say.

a) ıf

b) even

c) even if
100. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many people have had to become accustomed to

………….. out of home.

a) working

b) work

c) worked

101. Whether you prefer cardio, ………. ……………………, HIIT, or something else

entirely experts say it’s more important than ever to maintain a consistent exercise

routine for both mental and physical health benefits.

a) that is a form of pilates or yoga

b) which a form of pilates or yoga

c) a form of pilates or yoga

102. Experts advise that people …………… those with allergies make sure that the location

they are getting vaccinations with natives it is prepared for emergencies and has the

necessary equipment.

a) purposely

b) especially

c) accordingly

103. We like to say nothing is certain in life ………. death and taxes, but the truth is even our

planet and the universe are constantly imposing changes on us.

a) but

b) such as

c) like
104. The US government is asking states to speed up COVID-19 vaccinations to people over

the age of 65 and others at risk ……….. holding back vaccines for a second dose.

a) owing to

b) despite

c) instead of

105. Physicists at the university of Constance have observed an entirely new states of matter

called liquid glass which …………. strange behavior never before seen under

microscopes like blacks or gel glasses.

a) exhibits

b) is exhibited

c) have been exhibited


1) A Which:cansızlar için , that/who: canlılar için kullanılır.

2) B Because of’dan sonra tam cümle gelmez.

3) B İki cümle arasında anlamca paralellik olmadığından dolayı –e rağmen

anlamındaki although en uygun şıktır.

4) C A şıkkı belli bir geçmiş zaman işareti yoksa kullanılmaz. Örneğin, in 1999, two

days ago gibi. B şıkkı aktiftir burada pasif bir kullanım gerekir. Be known as, be regarded as,

be seem as gibi.

5) B I have a car and a bus. The former (car) is cheap. However, the latter (bus) is


6) B ”consist of” daha fiziksel bileşenlerden bahsederken kullanılır. “Consist in” ise

daha temel özelliklerden kullanılır. Happiness consist in being satisfied with what you have.

7) A Not only, never, hardly gibi olumsuz kelimeler cümle başına geldiğinde cümle

devrik olur. Yani yardımcı fiil öznenin başına gelir.

8) B The comparative…the comparative kalıbı, cümlenin çevirisi: Ne kadar kitap

okursan, o kadar bilgi sahibi olursun.

9) A After düşmüş, uzun hali: After he had destroyed or captured… Adverbial

Clause kısaltması yaparken fiil +ing alır. After’ın düştüğünü anlamdan çıkarmak gerekir.

10) B So..adjactive/adverb…that , such..(adjactive) noun..that . Anlamı öylesine/o

kadar ki…

11) B ”make somebody do (something)” birine bir şey yaptırmak, ettirgen yapı.

Have somebody do (something), get somebody to do (something).

12) C ”when it comes to” özel bir kalıptır, kendisinden sonra gelen fiil +ing alır.

Anlamı: gelince, konusu olduğunda.

13) B Adjective clause cümlesi “which is” düşmüş. Virgülden sonra bu yapıda that

gelmez, son şıkta fiil olmadığı için olmaz.

14) B now that; because, since, as ile eş anlamlıdır. Diğer kelimelerin olması için iki

cümle arasında paralellik olmamalıdır.

15) C Adjective clause sorusu, kısaltma yapılmış. Uzun hali which is believed to…

16) B If clause sorusu, soru kökünden type 1 olduğu anlaşılıyor bu yüzden past tence

elenmelidir. Birinci şık anlamdan dolayı olmuyor.

17) A Cümlede soru işareti olmadığı için yardımcı fiilin başa geldiği şıklar elenir.

Cümlede hem özne hem nesne noun clausedur. Ve bu yapılarda yardımcı fiil öznenin başına


18) C Cümlede iki fiil var “delivered ve pleased” bunlarda birinin ana fiil olması

lazım. Son şık ile “pleased” ana fiil oluyor.(noun clause)

19) A Public services’tan sonra örnekler verilmiş o yüzden “such as” en uygun şıktır.

20) C Daha önceki sorularda da geçtiği gibi “get somebody to do” yapısında

ettirgendir. Diğerlerinde to gelmez direk fiil gelir.

21) A Zaman sorularında zaman uyumune ve kronolojik sıraya dikkat edilmesi

gerekir. Örneğin dördüncü şıkta önce sonuç olmuş, sonra sebebi. Son şıkta ise önce sonuç

olmuş sebebi daha olmamış.

22) C “the geologist must search for clues..” bunu dedektifte yapar, yani ipuçları için

araştırma yapmak. Bu yüzden gibi anlamında gelen like buraya uygundur.

23) B By studying these clues; bu ipuçlarını inceleyerek, demek. In order to:

amacıyla, demek ve ardından v1 alır. Rather than: -den ziyade, demek ve buraya anlamca

uygun değil.

24) B Indicate(göstermek) burada ana fiildir. Deposits isim, was ise noun clause’un

ana fiilidir.
25) B Özne noun clause içeriyor. Edattan sonra noun clause that’i gelmez. Ve noun

clause that’inden sonra tam cümle alır, Agassiz saw cümlesinin nesnesi eksik ve what bu

nesneyi tamamlar.

26) B “For more than 2000 years” iki yüzyıldan fazla, present perfect işareti. Anlam

ve by pasifliğe işaret ediyor.

27) A In addition kendisinden sonra tam cümle alır. Because of anlamca buraya


28) C Since –den beri anlamındadır. Kendisinden sonra past tence alır, diğer cümlede

present perfect olur.

29) A A huge stock of carbon (which is) removed from circulation…

30) C If clause sorusu, type 2 şimdi ile ilgili hayali durumlar için kullanılır. If I were

you, I would buy this car. Yerinde olsaydım bu arabayı alırdım.

31) A Divide into: bölmek, sınavların sevdiği bir fiil.

32) C When’li kısım past ise diğer kısımda past olmalı. İkinci şıkta birinci kısım pasif

olduğu için elenir çünkü cümlenin nesnesi var yani aktif bir cümledir.

33) C Despite hem anlamca hemde tam cümle almadığı için buraya uygun değil.

Although –e rağmen demek ve anlamca uygun değil. Once’ın buraya kattığı anlam bir kere

okuldan ayrılınca..

34) B Result in=cause=neden olmak, result from=arise from =-den çıkmak,doğmak.

35) B Especially:özellikle, suprisingly:şaşırtıcı bir şekilde, adversely:olumsuz olarak.

Pandemi, bu yılın ilk ve son hikayesi, tv… özellikle scripted comedy ve dramayı doğal olarak


36) A Aşı ve yeni yönetimle, pandemi dizginlenecek (tamed). Fakat uzmanlar

(experts) önümüzdeki ayların “çok korkunç olacağını” söylüyor.

37) A Although’lu cümle olmulu bu yüzden diğer cümle anlamca olumsuz olmalı.

Birinci cümle bize bunu veriyor “Çok az sosyolojik dikkat veriliyor bu kurumlara..”

38) A The technology (which is) required to keep astronauts alive on Mars…

adjective clause cümlesi, isn’t ready ana fiil.

39) B All the world= The whole World, the’nın kullanımına dikkat. Many sayılabilen

isimlerle gelir.

40) A Adjective clause sorusu, programs which support the metric system. Which

düşer fiil cümle aktif olduğu için +ing alır.

41) B suffer from: -dan muzdarip olmak. Adjective clause’larda bazen clause

cümlesindeki edat which veya whom’un önüne gelir. Çoğu zaman bu edat fiilindir.

42) A …etkili olmaları için eski ekonomik yöntemleri beklemek yerine.. in spite of: -

e rağmen, due to: -den dolayı.

43) B Provide someone with something: the government provided us with food.

Provide something for someone: the school will provide tents for us.

44) A İlk cümle karşılaştırma yapıyor, home-schooling tarafından elde edilen

deneyimle regular schools tarafından elde edilen deneyim arasında. Boşluğa “the experience”

yerine that zamir olarak gelmiş.

45) B Enough+to+verb1, enough+for +noun

46) B A new survey(which is/was) published...Published adjective clause’ın fiili, ana

fiil have led to. Survey isim.

47) C Claims ve attend adjectve clause’ların fiili. Are ana fiil.

48) B While burada zıtlık bağlacı. Biz bir çok insanla iyi geçinirken genelde sadece

bir kaçıyla arkadaş oluruz. In spite of tam cümle almaz.

49) B Between genelde iki şey için kullanılır.

50) A In terms of:bakımından, due to: -den dolayı, regardless of: -e bakmaksızın
51) A (soru kökü) Arap dünyasındaki politik kargaşalara rağmen,… diğer cümle

olumlu olmalı ve bizi şaşırtmalı. İlk şık bunu sağlıyor.

52) B İletişimin temel yapı taşları olarak, kelimeler anlamı iletir, fakat kültür

kelimelerin anlamlarını etkileyen en önemli faktördür.

53) B Well burada fiili niteliyor ve adverb olarak gelmiş.

54) C Focus on, at the highest rates

55) C Adjective clause sorusu, advises fiil. Bu durumda nitelenen isim sıfat

cümleciğinin öznesi. Whose kendinden sonra isim ister, whom nitelenen isim nesne

olduğunda kullanılır.

56) B So+adjective/adverb+that, such+(adjective) noun+that

57) C Adjective clause sorusu, cover burada fill. Police officers who/that cover…

58) A Before zaman bağlacı olduğu için zaman uyumu ister. O yüzden 2. ve 4. şıklar

elenir. 3. şık pasif ama cümlenin nesnesi var. Pasif cümlelerin genelde nesnesi olmadığı için

1. şık tek aday.

59) B Hepsinin anlamı aynı ama kullanımı farklı. İn order that arkasından tam cümle

alır, for ise ardından fiil aldığında ing’li alır

60) B Be concerned about: (bir şey ile) ilgili olmak, be concerned with ise


61) A “take a rain check” genelde iptal edilen bir etkinliğin telafisi için kullanılır.

(şimdi olmaz) başka bir sefere (gelirim/yaparım) anlamı taşır.

62) B Adjective clause, a diet which contains yapısı kısaltılmış.

63) B Embark on: -e girişmek, başlamak

64) A Has ile başlayan kısım tam cümle olmadığı için when gelemez.

65) A “account for” burada “constitute”anlamında kullanılmıştır yani “oluşturmak”

anlamında. Account for’un hesap vermek anlamında da kullanıldığına da dikkat ediniz.

66) A ”last year” past tense alameti, “by2024” future alameti. Şıklarda future

olmadığı için present tense aramalıyız, ilk şık bunu sağlıyor. Simple present tense bazen

gelecek alamı vardır.

67) C Hayvanlardaki virüs için yapılan testler insanlar için yapılanlarla aynı

değildir… test anlamında kullanılmıştır.

68) B İki cümle arasında zıtlık var, despite ise tam cümle almaz.

69) A Not..only … but..also kalıbı

70) C Bazı gelişmekte olan ülkeler sanayiler edinmek istiyor, bu yüzden uluslararası

şirketleri çekmek için kirliliğe sebep olan sanayileri çok az kontrol ediyorlar. Few yetmeyecek

kadar, a few yetecek kadar.

71) B “be to” kalıbı if clause da kulllanıldığında genelde bir amaç kastedilir ve main

clause “must, have to” ile gelir. Şöyle şöyle olmak istiyorsan şunu yapmalısın gibi bir anlama


72) A The president ve legal team tarafından ortaya koyulan legal teori saçmalıktır.

Adjective clause cümlesi pasiftir, son şıkta “who” şıkkı eleyen kısımdır.

73) B ”Dünyanın her tarafında ofisler pandemiden dolayı kapalı kalacakları için, bir

çok yıl sonu ve tatil partileri sanal olarak planlanıyor.” Because olmaz çünkü tam cümle ister.

74) C Toplantı, herkes şahsen bir arada olduğunda veya uzaktan katıldığında en

verimli şekilde işlemeye verimlidir.

75) C İlk cümlede uzaktan çalışmanın olumlu yanını, ikincisinde olumsuz yanını

söylüyor. Shortcoming: eksiklikler

76) A Off the coast of… sahillerine yakın, unprovoked: kışkırtılmamış, nedensiz

77) A After’dan sonra özne düşmüş, after she was diagnosed iken “she was” düşüp,

“being” gelmiş.
78) A İngilizce cümleler genelde özne+fiil+nesne+to+fiil şeklinde olur. I am reading

this book to understand the subject.

79) C İlk ikisi withe’den sonra tam cümle getiriyor. Ama with’den sonra tam cümle

gelmez. Burada adjective clause varmış, “who” düşüyor “work” ing alıyor.

80) A Someone adjective clause’un öznesi bu yüzden son iki şık olmaz.

81) A

82) B “they are used systematically in supprt of some theses” cümlesi tam olduğu

için ardından which gelmez, why “reason” ile gelir.

83) B Hayatımda başıma gelmiş bütün iyi şeylerin muhtemelen yeni bir dil sayesinde

olduğunu biliyorum. Despite: -e rağmen, because kendisinden sonra tam cümle alır.

84) B İlk ve son şıklar İf clause şartını sağlamıyor, 2 şık second condition.

85) B illness’dan sonra hastalık örnekleri verdiği için such as geliyor. Genelde

despite ve in order to cümleden virgülle ayrılmaz.

86) A Suffer from: sıkıntısını çekmek

87) B However kendinden önce noktalı virgül veya nokta, kendinden sonra virgül

alır. Despite kendinden sonra tam cümle almaz. Üç kelimede anlam olarak birbirne yakın

olsada kullanım farkı vardır.

88) A enough+to+v1, precipitation: yağış, snowflake: kartanesi

89) C But iki cümle arasında gerilim olduğuna işaret eder. Bunu bize no verir. Not,

much sayılamayan isimler ile kullanılır.

90) A on a small scale: küçük bir ölçüde, by+ doing: yaparak

91) C help+(to)+ v1, normalde iki fiil arka arkaya geldiğinde aralarına ya “to” girer

ya da ikincisi “ing” alır. “help” fiili ya “to” alır ya da hiçbir şey. Bu sadece help’e özgüdür.

92) A Belong to’nun “to” su adjective clause cümlesinin önüne alınmış.

93) A People, who are determined to get their dose, set up camp… non-defining

adjective clauselar kısaltma yapıldıktan sonra başa geçebilir.

94) B However kendinden sonra virgül alır ve virgülle bağlanan iki cümlede gelmez.

For iki cümle arasında gelir. Despite kendinden sonra tam cümle almaz.

95) B As burada –den dolayı anlamında, “as if”: -mış gibi demek, cümle başına

gelmez ve genelde past tense alır. “as of”: -den itibaren demek ve tam cümle almaz.

96) A ”…aşıları inançlarına bir tehdit olarak görmekten ziyade yanıtlanmış bir dua

olarak görmeliler.”

97) A ”ever since” o tarihten beri demek ve present perfect ile kullanılır.

98) C ”after” zaman bağlacı olduğundan zaman uyumu aranır. İlk iki şıkta bir taraf

present diğeri past olduğundan zaman uyumu yoktur.

99) B Dünya bile 2020’nin hızla bitmesini istedi: bilim insanları diyor; gezegenimiz

geçen yıl normalden daha hızlı döndü.

100) A Become accustomed to V+ing: alışkın olmak, be used to il aynı anlamda.

101) C ”cardio (which is) a form of pilates or yoga” Virgülden sonra that gelmez

adjective clauselarda. İkinci şıkkında fiili yok.

102) B Purposely: kasıtlı olarak, especially: özellikle, accordingly: bu yüzden

103) A But burada “except(hariç, dışında)” anlamında kullanılmıştır.

104) C “Amerikan hükümeti eyaletlerden ikinci doz için aşıları saklamak yerine 65 yaş

üstü ve riskte olan insanlara aşıyı hızlandırmalarını talep ediyor.”

105) A Soru aktif pasif bilginizi ölçüyor. Adjective clause cümlemizin nesnesi olduğu

için aktif yapıyı şıklar da aramamız gerekiyor.

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