A Story About Power, Politics, Networking and Negotiation

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By : Group 4 - Dynamic Leadership

Author : Olya Dollah, Iqmal Hakim, Nuruljannah, Nur

Chapter One : Power

Once upon a time, in a distant land, there existed a kingdom. 

It was known as "Cosmo land" because of its vast size, population, and number of kings
that ruled the kingdom.
King Oxford was named the King of Cosmo land. 

After his brother, King Leo, passed away, King Oxford gained the throne and was given the
responsibility to govern the realm. 

In his kingdom, Monarch Oxford uses his legitimate power as monarch to grant the right
to lead and govern other citizens. 
One day, King Oxford wished to appoint an officer to oversee the west's agriculture and

Despite having a son named Prince Zed, he appointed his nephew Arious, who was an
orphan, to the throne instead. 

Arious was a young man with a powerful physique and a furious appearance.

 Prince Zed was saddened by his father's decision but remained silent because he knew he
would become a successor after King Oxford. 

King Oxford appointed Arious because he promised to his late brother, King Leo, that he
would raise Arious as his own child.
Therefore, Arious was transported to the west at the age of

Initially, Arious utilised a reward power to increase the profit of those residents who
worked hard to produce more crops for the nation. 

King Oxford was so pleased with Arious's progress that he tasked him with enhancing it
further in order to enrich the Cosmo land. 
Arious was enthusiastic and determined to achieve the goal.

Instead of Prince Zed, he intended to demonstrate to King Oxford that he is the best
contender to become the next ruler of the Cosmo land. 

So, while having the ability to oversee the charity for his people, Arious abuses his position
by compelling all farmers to work day and night on the farm and threatening them with
less food if they do not. 

The western villagers became upset and set up a picket and attempted to tell King Oxford
of the situation.
When King Oxford found out, he was enraged because Arious was using coercive power to
complete the assignment.
But, King Oxford cannot remove Arious from the kingdom, as it is he who demands that
Arious earn more revenue for the kingdom.
To overcome this issue, King Oxford searches for a westerner to serve as his ears and eyes
for Arious. 

Commander Helix possesses the informational power to alert King Oxford of all of Arious'

King Oxford analysed the situation after getting all of the data and referred to his prime
minister, Sir Nathan, by name. 

Because Sir Nathan was well-versed in the history of the kingdom, he was qualified to
advise the monarch on these issues.

As a result, he is regarded as an expert when it comes to handling difficulties for the


In the instance of Arious, Sir Nathan advised King Oxford to call King Melik, the ruler of
Seljuk Land who is renowned for his ability to solve difficult problems without harming any

At the time, King Melik served as a referee for all kings from the various

With the assistance of Sir Nathan and King Melik, King Oxford was able to banish Arious
from his realm without recourse to violence or bloodshed.

........as a reminder of what has happened to

Chapter 2 : Political Behavior

Arious left Cosmo land with full of regret for another kingdom called "Land Of Dawn"
after being exiled from Cosmo land.
At Land Of Dawn, Arious had no where to stay and meet with the old farmer named Uncle
McDonald. Uncle McDonald was a lonely man who had recently lost his son. As a result,
Uncle McDonald adopted Arious and provided him with a home. He had no idea Arious
was the nephew of King Oxford and a prince.

During his visit, Arious kept a secret, pretended to be a normal citizen, and assisted him on
the farm.

After a while, Arious discovered that the farm was poorly managed. Due to system
malfunction, the farm cannot produce a large amount of veggies and fruits.
Arious had a fantastic understanding and expertise on handling farm at Cosmo land
before, therefore he decided that he wanted to alter the farm.
However, in order to complete the metamorphosis, he will require the assistance of a
large number of individuals.
Arious and Uncle McDonald visit with the villagers and seek for assistance in transforming
the farm. In exchange, Arious will teach them how to manage the farm in a systematic
The villagers agreed, and all of the farms in Land Of Dawn were
 As a result, all of the farms in Land Of Dawn produced a large amount of vegetables and
fruit, which were also sold to other countries.
The growth of the farms in Land Of Dawn has improved the country's
This incident catches the notice of King Land of the Dawn Kingdom,
King Moses, who is named by him.
He directed his adviser to explore the problem.
King's adviser travel to villagers' farm, and ask them "How can the farm become
successful?". "If you want to know what happened to the farm, go locate Arious," said the
The adviser visits each farm and receives the same
The adviser afterwards met Arious at his farm and invited him to the palace to meet the
King Moses.
He told Arious that the monarch was overjoyed with the farm makeover and wanted
Arious to be the Kingdom of Dawn's Minister of Agriculture.

Chapter three : Networking Leadership

Arious, as Minister of Agriculture, knew that his main responsibility was strengthening ties
with other kingdoms, which is the action or process of connecting with others to trade
knowledge and build professional or social contacts.
This is critical for Arious because he knows that networking will help him build a solid
reputation and provide him with the advantage of having a large network of contacts.

Arious also understands that through leadership networking, he will be able to connect
with many different individuals and kingdoms. However, it is important to be able to
leverage those relationships intelligently in order to solve issues and create possibilities!
Agriculture is a vast subject, and in order to get more and satisfactory outcomes, it is
always important to advance through numerous cutting-edge technology. The more
agricultural products there are, the richer the Land Of Dawn will be! And...

he will undoubtedly be more loved and trusted in carrying out his responsibilities.
As a result, Arious travels to other kingdoms to meet with colleagues and expand his
network. Every time he meets a Minister of Agriculture from another kingdom, he will be
serious in selling his abilities, competencies, and knowledge to acquire the respect of
ministers from other kingdoms.

His networks would be shut down if they lost faith in him, according to him!

Arious is also expanding his network using the "give and take" philosophy. He will share all
of his friends and connections from other kingdoms' resources, such as information,
services, and access to anything linked to agricultures that Land of Dawn has. In exchange,
he expects the same or more from all of his contacts.
Arious also make sure that he always maintain in touch with all of his coworkers, because
that is one of the crucial component of cooperating across kingdoms. And now, all
kingdoms recognized Arious as a highly respected Minister of Agriculture from the Land of

One day, King Oxford was enjoying his kingdom when all of a sudden, he was confronted
with a significant obstacle in the form of a drought that made it impossible to cultivate
crops.  It had a significant impact on the economy and riches of the Kingdom, which at the
time was on the decline.
At the same time, farmers in Cosmo land go on strike because they are unwilling to work
owing to the fact that their compensation is inadequate and the interest on their taxes is
skyrocketing as a result of the government's efforts to revive the nation's economy. 

The monarch had no idea what to do and was unable to come up with a solution to this

When Sir Nathan learned about this, he immediately rushed to meet with King Oxford to
discuss the issue. Sir Nathan has advised King Oxford that Arious be recalled and given the
position of Minister of Agriculture in order to assist in resolving this situation.

This is due to the fact that Arious possesses an expert power in the management of crises
of this nature. 

Arious' initial response was to decline the offer and stick to his intention to keep serving
the Land of Dawn. However, after negotiations, it was decided that he would accept the
role for one term, with the additional stipulation that he would be elevated to the position
of King after King Oxford's reign ended. 
Despite the fact that King Oxford is aware that Prince Zed has his sights set on being the
next ruler after Arious, he has agreed to the condition and made a promise to Prince Zed
that he will do so in the event that he is successful in his efforts to revive the economy of
the kingdom.
The key takeaways of the story is ….

It can be difficult to not know what to do or say. Its like a game that we go in without
having strategy or not knowing the rules. Therefore, the trick is to start off knowing what
strategy to use in a negotiation.


This story is entirely fictitious, and the plot has no connection to historical data.

All of the characters in the story are original creations, and any resemblances are totally

All images and photographs are sourced from the internet for educational purposes only.


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