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KJF Nyelvvizsgaközpont, illesztett felsőfok preteszt NÉV: _________________________

Iskola / osztály: _________________________ Angoltanár: _________________

Dátum: _________________________

Írott szöveg értése 1

Olvassa el a szöveget és egészítse ki a kihagyásokat a szöveg után található mondatok
listájából (A-H). A nyolc megadott mondatból természetesen csak hatot lehet felhasználni. Két
mondat tehát nem kerül felhasználásra. Egy mondat csak egyetlen helyre írható.
A szöveg után található táblázatba írja az Ön által helyesnek vélt mondat betűjelét. A
feladat megoldásához szótárt nem használhat.

Debt problem soars as 1m face threat of bankruptcy

A million people in Britain could be on the verge of bankruptcy, while one in five adults - or
eight million - have unsecured debt of more than £10,000, according to a report out today.
Research by YouGov for debt consultancy Thomas Charles suggests 1.7 million people often
struggle to meet their debt payments. Nearly a million of those could have problems meeting
their obligations every month.

Bank of England figures last year showed the amount of personal debt in Britain had broken
through the £1 trillion mark. (1)_________. People are continuously encouraged by low
interest rates and the easy availability of credit.

Of the 1,366 people YouGov interviewed, 13% said they were quite likely, or even certain, to
declare themselves bankrupt in the near future. That equates with one million people across
Britain. Recent government figures showed there were 23,351 personal insolvency filings in
the first quarter of this year in England and Wales. (2)_________. Experts predict the number
going bankrupt this year will top 100,000 but YouGov showed that 900,000 people across
Britain have sought help from a debt solutions company. "Our research shows an enormous
uptake of unsecured debt in all areas: credit cards, personal loans, student loans, hire purchase
and overdrafts. This puts literally millions on the borderline," said James Falla, director of
Thomas Charles. "(3)_________. It needs addressing at grassroots level and that means via
the educational system.”

Citizens Advice said recently that rising debt is its number one problem and called for
government action to curb what it sees as sharp lending practices by banks.
Mark Allen, personal insolvency partner at Grant Thornton, said: "The number of people
coming to us with debt problems has doubled in the past year. (4)_________. The average
salary of people we see is nearly £30,000 a year. When it comes to being in the red those who
are least able to pay back their debts are the elderly."

The company had recently seen a woman who had run up debts of £327,000 on 64 credit
cards. Britons, he said, hold 55% of all the credit cards in Europe. "It is wrong to say the
numbers are increasing because bankruptcy laws have been made softer. (5)_________. "

The YouGov/Thomas Charles survey showed that debt problems were worse than the national
average among divorced and separated people (33%). They were above the national average
of 21% for women (26%), 25- to 34-year-olds (23%), those on low incomes (44%), and those
living in the south (24%) and Scotland (23%). Scams target almost 30 million people a year,
costing the country about £1bn and it is the elderly who are the most vulnerable when it
comes to scams and frauds.
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Iskola / osztály: _________________________ Angoltanár: _________________
Dátum: _________________________

Asked what was the one overriding reason for having such high levels of unsecured debt, 23%
blamed overspending. (6)_________. Unemployment, redundancy, illness, divorce, leaving
work to have a child and loss of overtime were also listed.

A. And it is not just at the bottom of society.

B. Banks are being accused of promoting advantageous loans, but in fact very few
customers qualify for taking out loans.

C. Her credit card details, which she sent off hoping to win a fortune, have been
fraudulently used to siphon money from her account.

D. The rise of the 'credit junkie' phenomenon and the 'spend, spend, spend' culture is a
long-term issue.

E. Much of that debt is mortgage, or secured debt, but a growing proportion is unsecured
credit card or overdraft debt.

F. A fifth cited poor cash flow while 13% said it was student debt legacy.

G. The reason is, there is much more credit available.

H. This means a 13% rise on the previous quarter and a 73% increase from a year earlier.

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KJF Nyelvvizsgaközpont, illesztett felsőfok preteszt NÉV: _________________________
Iskola / osztály: _________________________ Angoltanár: _________________
Dátum: _________________________

Írott szöveg értése 2

Olvassa el a szöveget és egészítse ki a kihagyásokat a szöveg után található mondatok
listájából (A-H). A nyolc megadott mondatból természetesen csak hatot lehet felhasználni. Két
mondat tehát nem kerül felhasználásra. Egy mondat csak egyetlen helyre írható.
A szöveg után található táblázatba írja az Ön által helyesnek vélt mondat betűjelét. A
feladat megoldásához szótárt nem használhat.

Goodbye Viral Marketing, Hello Social Marketing

It's interesting how some terms are used to describe the exact opposite of what they really
mean. Take 'viral marketing' as an example. The term is derived from the word 'virus', which
means an 'infectious agent that replicates only within the cells of living hosts' as well as 'a
self-replicating code planted illegally in a computer program, often to damage or shut down a

None of these definitions convey the impression that a virus moves around with its host's
permission. In fact, in most cases, a virus host has no idea that it is actually spreading the
virus in the first place. (1)________. The term viral marketing was coined to describe the
Hotmail phenomenon where every user of the service became an unwilling advocate. Every
email sent from Hotmail contained a short advert at the bottom. The sender never had an
opportunity to switch this facility off, and by merely using the service, they helped to spread
its message. (2)________. The size of audience of both sites indicates that both methods are
successful, but which one has emerged to be more popular in the long run?

It is therefore important to understand the difference between a viral marketing campaign,

where the message is spread involuntarily, and a social marketing campaign, where
participants are both willing and eager to participate.

The clear difference between viral marketing and social marketing is the consent of the
participant. Typically, social marketing is more difficult to execute. (3)________. For
maximum effectiveness, it also needs the participant to make a conscientious choice to get
involved and spread the word.

Traditionally, marketers have used incentives as a means of gaining the minimum level of
permission required to move the message around. (4)________. Yet, the returns from each
campaign continue to decrease. Is an incentive therefore the best way to perpetuate a
marketing message? With viral marketing, it is. With social networking, it's not. (5)________.
Viral marketing involves unwilling participants who would prefer not to pass on your
message, but may if the benefit is suitable. On the other hand, social marketing involves a
willingness of participants to pass along the message, and therefore less physical or monetary
incentive should be required.

Let's look at it another way. (6)________. The viral marketing concept offers a financial or
personal reward for involvement. In social marketing this could actually cause the participant
to feel guilty about their participation. The thought of passing on a commercial message to
someone where the recipient stands no immediate benefit would make many people think
twice before sharing the message.
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Dátum: _________________________

So, tap into the social needs of your target audience and target your campaign around social
rewards rather than physical rewards. You may find your marketing campaign spreads more
naturally and with a significantly lower cost than through using the conventional, safe and
unrewarding technique that viral marketing has become.

A. But with each promotion, the need to offer bigger, better and more original incentives
drives the costs of such campaigns higher and higher.

B. Conversely, a site like Facebook requires each participant to willingly invite friends in
order to grow their own network and that of their friends.

C. In social marketing, the social aspect of the campaign is the incentive.

D. So why then do marketers bandy around the term 'viral marketing' like it's a good

E. The message is compelling, compressed, and copied at the bottom of every free e-mail

F. The reason for this is due to the key difference between the two marketing methods.

G. They would likely only send the message to their closest friends and colleagues who
would be less likely to judge them.

H. To begin with, it requires the permission of the participant.

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KJF Nyelvvizsgaközpont, illesztett felsőfok preteszt NÉV: _________________________
Iskola / osztály: _________________________ Angoltanár: _________________
Dátum: _________________________

Írott szöveg értése 3

Olvassa el a szöveget és egészítse ki a kihagyásokat a szöveg után található mondatok
listájából (A-H). A nyolc megadott mondatból természetesen csak hatot lehet felhasználni. Két
mondat tehát nem kerül felhasználásra. Egy mondat csak egyetlen helyre írható.
A szöveg után található táblázatba írja az Ön által helyesnek vélt mondat betűjelét. A
feladat megoldásához szótárt nem használhat.

Naples streets now free of trash but also tourists

The streets of Naples are cleaner than ever but there are few tourists to see them. Images of
head-high piles of trash have driven them away, and with them the southern Italian city's
biggest source of income.

(1)_________. This forced the government to appoint a "trash tsar" to take control of a crisis
blamed on years of weak governance and organised crime. More than halfway through his
120-day mandate, former national police chief Gianni De Gennaro has cleared the streets by
sending trash to other parts of Italy and Europe, and dumping it into temporary storage until
new landfills or incinerators are ready.

(2)_________. Hoteliers say it's too little, too late; the damage to the city's image has already
been done. "This crisis has been devastating," said Sergio Maione, chief executive of three
luxury hotels on the sea front. "You'd have to go back to the time of cholera for something
similar," he said. Maione's Hotel Vesuvio, where a room overlooking the Bay of Naples costs
220 euros in low season, closed one of its two restaurants, the renowned Caruso, as business
dried up. (3)_________. These are a far cry from the fat years around 2002 when some 80
percent of its rooms were full.

Out on the streets, the few foreign visitors are surprised not to see the great mounds of rotting
trash that piled up in the city centre just a few weeks before. But while downtown Naples and
the sea front are remarkably clean, stinking trash is still rotting on the outskirts and the
countryside, poor areas left off most tourist itineraries.

"I saw a lot of garbage on the way from Rome to here," said Tomoko Okura, a guide with a
group of Japanese tourists waiting to board a ferry to the isle of Capri. Her clients nodded in
unison when asked if they had heard about Naples' waste crisis before coming to Italy.
(4)_________. He kicked off a charm offensive at a tourism fair in Germany at the end of last
month, part of a global effort to counter Naples' bad publicity from the waste crisis.

"We are doing an immediate communications campaign to send a clear message that the
information about Naples they have received over recent months is only partially true, if not
to say completely wrong," he told Reuters.

The waste crisis not only scared away tourists, it also was one reason credit rating agency
Moody's downgraded Naples' long-term debt earlier this month. (5)_________. In order to get
higher credit scores Naples will have to sort out a workable waste disposal system, as well as
to rebuild a tourism industry where the timeless attractions of the Vesuvius volcano, Pompeii
and the Amalfi coast, have been eroded by crime and garbage.
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Dátum: _________________________

For Velardi, that means stressing the positive. "In the 1980s, New York was in crisis because
of insecurity and street crime. But no New Yorker, no American dreamt of admitting it.
(6)_________. My message is: come and see Naples like you went to see New York. Visit a
city that is suffering amid the many wonderful things." 

A. Add to those problems a record high euro/dollar exchange rate and the result is clear,
says Maione.

B. Also waiting to board the hydrofoil was Claudio Velardi, a public relations
professional and former political adviser, appointed head of tourism.

C. But sceptical locals dismiss the clean-up as a cosmetic exercise ahead of a general

D. But we are a bit self-destructive, we like to wallow in self-pity and describe things as
worse than they are.

E. It said it highlighted "the systematic challenges potentially weighing on Naples'


F. Naples' rubbish dumps were declared full at the end of last year and household waste
piled up in the streets.

G. This year it expects occupancy of no more than 30 percent compared with 50 percent
in 2007.

H. While the issue has landed on the agenda of politicians who use it in their electoral
campaign, the city counts the cost.

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Iskola / osztály: _________________________ Angoltanár: _________________
Dátum: _________________________

Írott szöveg értése 4

Olvassa el a szöveget és egészítse ki a kihagyásokat a szöveg után található mondatok
listájából (A-H). A nyolc megadott mondatból természetesen csak hatot lehet felhasználni. Két
mondat tehát nem kerül felhasználásra. Egy mondat csak egyetlen helyre írható.
A szöveg után található táblázatba írja az Ön által helyesnek vélt mondat betűjelét. A
feladat megoldásához szótárt nem használhat.

The plane truth: The secret life of luggage

Every year, tens of millions of air passengers willingly entrust their luggage to a tangled
system of conveyor belts, sharp corners, wet floors, clumsy hands and trucks, without a clue
what goes on behind the scenes, relying on blind faith that they will see their valuables again.

The cancellation of 430 flights from Heathrow's new Terminal 5 and faults with the terminal's
automated baggage-handling system, have spelt disaster for travellers. (1)_________. As the
biggest airline public-relations disaster in living memory lurched from one surreal revelation
to the next, it also emerged that British Airways had been reduced to sending 20,000 cases by
road to Milan, to be processed at a sorting facility and then, with any luck, reunited with their

It may sound like a crazy plan but it makes sense to the airline. There is no glory in losing
passengers' luggage. If a bag is mislaid on a short-haul flight, it can cost the airline more to
find and return it than the fare the passenger paid in the first place. (2)_________.

Although it takes 24 hours to transport luggage from Heathrow to Milan before being
returned, bizarrely it's quicker than sending the bags all the way by air. (3)_________.
Terminal 5, despite having the most hi-tech baggage-handling system available, still doesn't
have the wherewithal to process delayed bags on site.

If nothing else, the T5 debacle has highlighted the surprisingly tricky business of getting air
passengers' bags from A to B. You are never more likely than now to be separated, for longer
than you'd like, from your bags while flying. It goes without saying, insurance claims on lost
luggage are at a record high.

(4)_________. Departing Baggage Systems will "input" your bag, attaching a tag with a
barcode to it, before sending it along the conveyor belt, where it will be screened, sorted into
the baggage cart that's been assigned to your flight, and then loaded on to the aircraft.
Arriving Baggage Systems will unload the aircraft, stack the luggage on to a cart and then
unload it on to the designated carousel in the arrivals hall.

It all sounds straightforward, doesn't it? (5)_________. One in every 60 pieces of luggage
checked in at one of Europe's airports will fail to arrive with its owner. British Airways, the
largest carrier through Heathrow, is perennially named among the worst offenders. Last year,
it mishandled 1.14 million bags, that's 26.5 bags per 1,000 passengers. (6)_________.

Responsibility (i.e. blame) for the care of luggage is divided between the airport, the airline
and the company handling baggage, which adds yet more potential for things to go wrong.
The airline and its baggage-handling agent are responsible for bags during check-in, for
KJF Nyelvvizsgaközpont, illesztett felsőfok preteszt NÉV: _________________________
Iskola / osztály: _________________________ Angoltanár: _________________
Dátum: _________________________

removing bags from chutes to aircraft, and then getting bags from planes to terminal. The
airport manager is responsible for providing and operating the mechanical baggage systems,
which screen and sort the bags.

When things go wrong, they don't hesitate to blame each other.

A. Back in the summer of 2007, BA got into the habit of sending luggage-only jumbos to
the US in an effort to return passengers' belongings.

B. Behind the scenes, getting lost or being mishandled aren't the only perils faced by your

C. In theory, the procedure for handling checked-in luggage is straightforward.

D. Only Air Portugal was worse than BA last year.

E. They created a mammoth backlog of lost luggage.

F. This is due to the screening procedures, which are extra-tough when luggage is flying
without an owner.

G. Wrapping your luggage in plastic won't stop a determined thief, but it's a deterrent,
and you can at least take the mangled wrapping to the airline as proof of tampering.

H. Yet airlines manage to send luggage to the wrong place, not send it at all, or lose it,
with terrifying regularity.

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