Leonardo Da Vinci

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Leonardo da Vinci was a wonderful artist of the 15th century of the modern age of

the Renaissance. His enormous curiosity and desire to learn about everything made
him the greatest genius in history. Leonardo invented and designed incredible things
such as the helicopter, the parachute, the bicycle, the diving suit, and even the
submarine. But these wonders had to wait hundreds of years before they could be
built. Because in Leonardo’s time, the materials needed to make them didn't exist.
Can you believe it? That's why they say that Leonardo da Vinci was ahead of his

Leonardo was born in 1452 in a small town in Italy called. So his name is Leonardo
da Vinci. From a very early age, he showed a great ability to observe nature and a
great imagination. He was a special boy; even when it came to writing. He wrote
backwards. Instead of writing from left to right, like almost everyone else, he wrote
from right to left. In order to be able to read them you have to use a mirror.
strange, isn't it?
Leonardo learned to paint with the best master of the time; Andrea Verrocchio in
Florence. He was such a good student and such a hard worker. He quickly surpassed
his master.
He also designed buildings bridges and even war machines. He also did fun things
he worked organizing parties.
He imagined cars hundreds of years before they even existed.
Leonardo showed such interest in being curious and learning that he never stopped
investigating painting and studying many different things.
But Leonardo above all dreamed of flying. He studied for years the flight of birds and
the bat; the only flying mammal. He built his flying machine, the ornithopter. It's a
very funny and weird name, isn't it?
as you can see it was the first thing that resembled an airplane. But unfortunately,
Leonardo never got to fly with it but he never gave up.
he kept on researching working, learning, creating, and enjoying himself until the last
day of his life. That is his true genius.
500 years later his works continue to
inspire scientists, inventors, artists, and all visionaries. We ask you to never stop
dreaming or learning and always be curious and never ever give up.

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