Cut Nyak Dien

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Cut Nyak Dien “The Unbreakable Woman”

Pasukan belanda masuk ruangan sambil membawa senjata dan ada suara dooorrr…

Disisi kiri datang Teuku Ibrahim Lamnga sambil sempoyongan dan berkata ,,,

Cuuuttt Cuuuuuttt…. My wife ,,,, (kemudian jatuh tersungkur)

Hello everyone, the story that I want to told you is about a woman who lost her
husband because of the Dutch. She is a real warrior. She has no fear to keep her
homeland ACEH. She took Rencong with her to fight the Dutch. Can you guess who
she is? Yes She is CUT NYAK DIEN The unbreakable woman from Aceh.

I might only have one match But I can make an explosion.

My power’s turned on

Starting right now I’ll be strong.

I’ll fight for ACEH

And I don’t really care

If nobody else believe

Cause I still got a lot of fight with the DUTCH

When the first Aceh War broke out, the Dutch landed at Ceureumen Beach. The
troops under General Rudolf Kohler immediately attacked Baiturrahman Grand

Cut Nyak Dhien was furious with the Dutch then she shouted bravely!

"Oh all believers named Acehnese! Take a look! Watch for yourself with your eyes!
Our mosque is burning! They oppose Allah Subhanahuwataala! Your place of worship
is destroyed! Keep that in mind!”

Cut Nyak Dhien's anger to the Dutch became even worse after her husband, Teuku
Ibrahim Lamnga, was killed.

Time pass by, came a man, named Teuku Umar wanted to marry her with his

I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky. I’ll be there
I swear always fight with the DUTCH by your side. I’ll be there.

For better or worse

Till death do us part

I love you for every beat of my heart. And I swear……

At first Cut Nyak Dhien rejected Umar's proposal. But when Umar promised he
could go to war, the proposal was accepted. From Umar Cut Nyak Dhien had a
daughter named Cut Gambang. From that moment on, she actively involved in the
front line. The war is continued. Teuku Umar tricked the Dutch by pretending
joining them.

“Teuku Umar my husband,, I believe in you and your mission. Be careful in your
disguise” said Cut Nyak dien.

The trick was almost success. The Dutch gave him a large amount of weapons,
bullets and money. But instead of attacking Aceh fighters, Umar led the battle
against the Dutch. But there was a spy who knew the trick and reported to the

in Meulaboh, The War Commander, Teuku Umar was killed with a chest pierced by a
Dutch bullet.

Once more, Cut Nyak Dhien lost her husband because of the Dutch.

Cut Nyak Dhien promised to continue the struggle to the death. Continue the
action of both of her husband.

"As long as I'm alive we still have the power, this guerrilla war, we will go on! For
the sake of Allah! Umar is indeed a Shah! Let us continue the work! For Religion!
For the independence of our nation! For Aceh! Allah is the Greatest!"

Cut Nyak Dien was the Commander in Chief; she controlled the attacks inside the
jungle for sixteen years.

she was never captured until she was an old woman with blurry eyes. From inside
her prison, she continued to communicate her mission, which disturbed the Dutch,
and as a result, she was exiled to Sumedang, West Java. Even in her exile, she was
still ubreakable. She taught Al-Quran to the people in surrounding community until
the rest of her life. She died on November 8th 1908, however her struggle and
spirit of freedom live on.

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