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Task 3 p 16: Listen to the second part of the radio interview and indicate whether statemenrs (A-F) are

true (T) false (F) or not mentioned (NM)

1- The sumerian civilizations is the oldest civilization in the world. ........
2- Most of the ancient civilizations rose along rivers. ........
3- Agriculture did not form the basis of ancient civilizations . ........
4- Ancient civilizations flourished during periods of peace . ........
5- Most ancient civilizations fell into ruins because of war . ........
6- Ancient Egyptians invented agriculture . ........

Task 5 p 17: Use the information from the previous tasks to complete the dialogue below. Pay attention to the
underlined information.
 You: …………………………………………………………………………………………………?
 Your partner : Well, according to some historians the world has known 26 or 27 civilizations so far.
 You : ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
 Your partner : The world’s earliest civilization is the Sumerian civilization.
 You : ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
 Your partner : It started in Mesopotamia some 4000 years ago.
 You :What about ……………………………………………………………………………………….?
 Your partner : Well, Ancient Egyptian Civilization ……………,……………
 You : What was the major cause of the collapse of these civilizations ?
 Your partner: ………………………………………………………………………………...................

Grammar Explorer 1
Task: Fill in each of the blanks in the text below with a zero article, a definite or an indefinite
article. ( a , an or the)
For me , ........ civilization is synonymous with ....... refinement ……………refinement in
......... architecture, in ....... law, and in ......lifestyles. .......culture and....................literature of
.......... society also contribute to.....................flourishing of its civilzation .

Grammar Explorer 2

Task 1: Fill in the gaps with the grammatical structures (used to – had to -was/were able to)
1-The first inhabitants of Mesopotamia were the Sumerians .They ………… next to the banks of the Tigris
and the Euphrates rivers .The Sumerians ………… farm the land and extract all resources .They……………
make many inventions like the irrigation system
2-Ancient Egyptians …………. obey the pharaoh as it was a part of their sacred life .After the death of the king
pharaoh .They…………….bury him in a tomb under the sands in The pyramids
3-The Abbasids ………… in what is known today as Baghdad the capital city of Iraq. They were highly
knowledgeable Muslims they ……………make the first Islamic scientific center known as the house of wisdom.
4-The Aztecs were a Mesoamericans tribes .They ……………live in what is today Central Mexico.
Task 2: Rewrite sentence “b” so it means the same as “a”
a:The Phoenicians were obliged to barter their goods with other nations
b:The Phoenicians …………………………………………………………………………………..
a:The Ancient Romans had the habit to enslave warriors in the battlefields
b:The Ancient Romans……………………………………………………………. ………………
a:Ancient Egyptians managed to build sophisticated temples and Pyramids
b:Ancient Egyptians……………………………………………………………………………..

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