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Case: 31C11:21-cr-00003-P2 _ Document #32 Filed: 02/11/2022 Paye Lof 3 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF JASPER COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT STATE OF MISSISSIPPI VERSUS CAUSE NO. 121-3-8S ANTHONY BRYCE GILBERT DEFENDANT SSN: 428-75-5171 DOB: 07/25/1993 FINAL JUDGEMENT AND SENTENCE OF THE COURT THIS DAY, this cause came on for sentencing after the State and the Defendant announced ready. A jury composed of twelve (12) good and lawful jurors of the jurisdiction aforesaid that had been previously empaneled and swom to try the above styled and numberec! cause. Evidence including, oral, physical and documentary, was submitted on behalf of the State and Defendant, The jury was instructed and argument of counse! was had. Thereafter, on the 8!" day of February, 2022, the jury retired to deliberate and in due course returned into open court the following verdict, towit: “We, the jury, find the defendant, guilty of Aggravated Assault, IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that the defendant is hereby sentenced to serve a term of seven (7) years under the supervision, direction and control of the Mississippi Department of Correction with two (2) years to serve incarcerated followed by five (5) years bf supervised post release supervision, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that the defendant was incarcerated for a total of three (3) days of pretrial jail time and the Defendant shall be given eredit for said pretrial jail time. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the defendant shall comply with the following conditions, and failure to abide by any one of these conditions is sufficient to revoke the Post-Release Supervision portion of this Order. Post-Release Supervision is a privilege. Itis not a right. It may be revoked for the slightest violation of this Order. The conditions are as follows: (A) The defendant shall hereafter commit no offense against the laws of this, state or any other State or of the United States of America, Case: 31C11:21-cr-00003-P2 Document #:32 Filed: 02/11/2022 Paye 2 of 3, @) © ©) (E) ) @ () oO ® ® a (™) ‘The defendant shall obey all orders of the Court and the Probation Officer. ‘The defendant shall avoid injurious or vicious habits, totally abstaining and avoiding the use of barbiturates, narcotics, marijuana or any habit ferming drugs including all controlled substances. The defendant shall avoid persons and places of disreputable or harmful character and specifically avoid associations with any persons. previously convicted of a crime and he shall not present himself at any location where @ criminal act is being committed. The defendant shall report to the Probation Oificer in person as ordered or directed by the Court once per month beginning as directed by the Court or the Probation Officer. The defendant must rt in person as directed unless specifically excused by the Probation Officer in advance. The defendant will permit the Probation Officer or any other Mississippi Department of Corrections Field Officer to visit and search him at any time or anywhere and to search his home and vehicles without the necessity of a search warrant and without restrictions, reluctance or delay. The defendant will not leave the State of Mississippi without the express written consent and permission of the Court or the Probation Officer. ‘The defendant will remain within the State of Mississippi unless authorized on proper application to the Court and/or the Probation Officer. The proceslure or making application is available upon request to the Probation Officer. ‘The defendant will immediately notify the Probation Officer of any change in address, employment, marital status or arrest. The defendant shell not wait until a scheduled reporting date. The defendant must make this notice without delay. ‘The defendant is to pay a probation supervision fee as directed by the Court or the Probation Officer ‘The defendant will support all dependants as required by law and conduct himsel! honorably at all times and have lawful employment. ‘The defendant shall abstain from the use of alcohol in any form at all times. ‘The use of alcohol may result in the revocation of the suspended sentence ‘The defendant shall waive extradition to the State of Mississippi from any jurisdiction where he may be found and he will not contest ay eifort by any Jurisdiction to return him to the State of Mississippi. ‘The defendant shall submit, as provided by law, to any type of breath saliva, urine or chemical analysis test, the purpose of which is to detect the possible Case: 31CI1:21-cr-00003-P2 Document #:32 Filed: 02/11/2022 Paye 3 of 3 presence of alcohol or any other substance prohibited or controlled by any law of the State of Mississippi or the United States. (N) The defendant is hereby advised that under the laws of the Siste of Mississippi, this Court shall determine the terms and conditions of his post-release supervision, and may, at any time during the period of post-release supervision, alter, modify, extend, terminate or direct the enforcement of the above sentence, (0) ‘The defendant shall comply with this Order and all future Orders of this ‘Court made and entered in this cause. (P) As an additional condition of post-release supervision, the defendant shall not possess any firearm or other weapons or devices as described in Section 97-37-5 (1) of the Miss. Code of 1972 annotated. SO ORDERED AND TERED this the_]| ApeupaeD: this the 8" day of February, 2022, ‘of February, 2022. STANLEY, CIRCUIT,

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