Western Defense Pacts

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After appearing on the world map in 1947, Pakistan faced multiple challenges making country
stable in socially, economically, and politically as well. Pakistan's leaders decided to side with the United
States of America, ultimately joining western defense pacts. Secondly, Pakistan became security state
where strong defense capabilities was required. Thus, Pakistan joined western defense pacts. However,
the pacts negatively affected Pakistan. Joining the western defense pacts did not favor Pakistan, and it
suffered social and economic costs.


1. Western defense pacts were made by western countries, especially the United States of America,
during the cold world was against the Soviet Union to counter the spread of communism. There were
two main blocks, namely eastern and western. The USA led the western bloc whereas the Soviet Union
headed the eastern bloc. The western defense pacts include South East Asian Treaty Organization and
Central Asian Treaty Organization. In contrast, the eastern defense pacts include the WARSAW and
USSR. Being the part of Western blocks, Pakistan had to join western defense pacts.

2. Pakistan was founded on 14 August 1947 after the partition of British India. The division of India was
not welcomed by Hindus of India. India continued to propaganda to break Pakistan and reclaim it back
into India. Various reasons made Pakistan to join western defense pacts. In order to counter Indian
threats, the founding fathers understood the importance of having an effective defense system for the
country. Strong defense system was needed to defend boundaries, including army, navy, and air force.
Joining the western defense pacts means Pakistan would have access of efficient arms of the west. So,
Pakistan joined the western defense pacts and received the huge aid to strengthen its defense system.
Furthermore, At the time of independence, Pakistan had weak economy and industrial base. So, joining
the western defense pact was meant to supplying aid in terms of economic development as well. The
economy of a strong state has a better chance of surviving than the economy of a weak state. Therefore,
Pakistan joined the western defense pacts to improve the economic growth.

3. the journey of becoming the part of Western world was full of troubles. In many ways, Pakistan had to
face social, political, and economical problems. Pakistan paid the cost of joining the western defense
pacts. In the war, the rule applies that “friend of my enemy is also my enemy”, results, Pakistan made
various enemies by joining the war. Mujahedeen oppose the state of Pakistan, nourishing extremism,
and terrorism. This disturbed the law-and-order situation in the country. Secondly, joining of western
defense pacts affected Pakistan negatively at an economic level. To deal with extremism and terrorism,
millions of dollars were spent on expanding the country’s defense capacity. Apart from social and
economic, Pakistan also faced some political costs. For instance, countries like the Soviet Union became
the country’s enemy. It was evident that the Soviet Union supported India regarding Kashmir issue.


It is crucial for developing countries to receive social, political, and economic assistance from major
powers. No country helps other countries without its own national interest, and the country on the
receiving end always loses its sovereignty. Similarly, Pakistan joined the western defense pacts in order
to improve its security and reduce economic crisis. However, it lost its social and political stability.
Moreover, there was an increase in extremism and terrorism. Therefore, the conclusion is that Pakistan
will not benefit from joining western defense pacts in the future. In future, to maintain good relations
with other countries, Pakistan must remain neutral and unbiased.

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