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Hissam Abdelkader Secondary School Full Name : …………………………..

Streams: 2nd SC/ M / T.M / E.M Class : ………………………………...


PART ONE : Reading Comprehension.

Read the text and do the following activities.

Conflicts are a normal part of life, finding a solution in which both sides can benefit is the
cornerstone of conflict resolution, an important tool for bringing peace into our lives, our communities
and our world.
Today conflict resolution is being practised in school; teachers receive training to become”
peacemakers” when conflicts arise in the classroom. Organizations are being called on to help families,
communities, and even nations to work out their problems .
Take for example, the United Nations whose mission is to help create a more peaceful , just and
sustainable world . UN peacekeepers are soldiers, police and civilian personal from many countries.
They help conflicting sides to carry out peace agreements they have agreed upon. In its over 60 years
history , UN peacekeepers have been involved in 172 peaceful settlements.
Peace is more than the absence of war. It is a state of being balance and harmony .Peace is about
community, about encouraging and helping each other to live better .Most of all, peace is about
respect, respect for ourselves, for each other , and for the planet we share .

Adapted from: WWW.

A/ COMPREHENSION : ( 08 points)

1/Say whether these statements are true or false .

a. Conflicts are something very common. ……...
b. Teachers learn to restore peace. ……..
c. UN peacekeepers have resolved less than a hundred conflicts. ……..
d. Peace is only the absence of war. ……..

2/Answer the following questions according to the text :

a) Why do teachers receive training courses ?.................................................…………………………
b) What is the role of UN peacekeepers? ………………………………………………………………….
c) Who are the UN peacekeepers ? ……………………………………………………………………
3/ In which paragraph is it mentioned that the UN peacekeepers have often succeeded in their mission ?
4/ Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text ?
a. (§1) which … … … … … … … … … … b. (§2) their ……… ………………
c. (§3) they ………………………… d. (§4) it … … … … ……………

B / TEXT EXPLORATION : ( 07 points )

1/Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following.
a-Peace (§2) ≠ … … … … … … b- Harm (§1 ) ≠ … … … … … … c- worse (§4) ≠ … … … … …
2/ Complete the table below with the right noun, verb and adjective .
Verb Noun Adjective
to resolve …………… ……………
…………… organization ……………
…………… …………… agreeable

3/ Complete sentences ‘b’ so as to get the same meaning as sentences ‘a’.

1. a. They have settled the conflict recently .
b. The conflict … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
2. a. The UN peacekeepers help to maintain peace but they can’t stop war in the world .
b. Although … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …………………
3. a. All countries are obliged to create a more peaceful world.
b. All countries ………………………………………………………………………………
4/ Classify the words in the table according to the pronunciation of their final “ed” :
settled – practiced – respected – encouraged
/t/ /d/ / id /

Part two : Written Expression : ( 05 points )

Choose one topic
Topic one: Imagine you are a Palestinian child living under occupation, deprived of your basic
rights unlike all children of the world. Write a speech to tell the world about your dreams ?

Topic two : United Nations Organization is an international organization its aim is to maintain peace
in the world. Write a composition using the following points
Foundation:1945 in NewYork Members : all independent nations .
Agencies : UNICEF / UNISCO /FAO……. .
Aims : make peace/ settle conflicts by negotiating / Promote human rights/protect children and
civilian in wars
Best of luck

Conflicts are a normal part of life, finding a solution in which both sides can benefit is the cornerstone of
conflict resolution, an important tool for bringing peace into our lives, our communities and our world.
Today conflict resolution is being practised in school; teachers receive training to become” peacemakers”
when conflicts arise in the classroom. Organizations are being called on to help families, communities, and
even nations to work out their problems .
Take for example, the United Nations whose mission is to help create a more peaceful , just and sustainable
world . UN peacekeepers are soldiers, police and civilian personal from many countries. They help conflicting
sides to carry out peace agreements they have agreed upon . In its over 60 years history, UN peacekeepers
have been involved in 172 peaceful settlements.
Peace is more than the absence of war. It is a state of being balance and harmony .Peace is about
community , about encouraging and helping each other to live better .Most of all, peace is about respect,
respect for ourselves , for each other ,and for the planet we share .

Adapted from: WWW.


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