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Third year

(scientific stream )

syllabus summary
Unit one: ethics in business

Grammar lessons:

1/ providing that – provided that – as long as :

Eg : we will eradicate corruption providing that we act now

 When we use (providing that – provided that – as long as - unless) we use the same
tenses of conditional type 1
 Providing that/provided that/as long as + verb (present simple) , verb (future )

2/ expressing wish, regret and desire :

Regret about the present I wish + verb ( past simple)

Regret about the past I wish + verb ( past perfect )

Future desire I wish + would (verb in infinitive without to)

N.b: the use of “if only” instead of “wish” shows a stronger felling of regret and desire

- We can use the expression It’s (high) time + subject + verb (past simple) . to refer to
present moment

- We use the expression It’s (high) time + verb (infinitive) . to refer to the speaker
and the listener together

N.b: we add (high) to make the expression stronger

-We use “had better” + verb (infinitive without to) to give advice

Eg: you had better (‘d better) stop talking / you had better (‘d better) not go there

3/ The use of “so that” “such that”:

They usually express consequence or result

So + adjective+ that such + adjective+ singular noun +that

Eg 1:

It was so dark that i couldn’t see her face


We had such horrible day that we felt depressed.

4/ the active and the passive voices :

Active sentence : Subject + active verb ( active tense) + object

Passive sentence : Object + to be ( active tense) + pp (active verb) + by + subject

Vocabulary lessons :

1/ forming nouns :

We add the following suffixes t to form nouns :

Tion – sion – ity – ment – ism ....etc

Eg : responsible : responsibility - agree : agreement

2/ forming opposites :

We ad the following prefixes to the following words to form opposites

Ir – il – im – in – dis- un

Eg : pure ≠ impure - legal ≠ illegal - approve ≠ disapprove

Pronunciation and spelling :

The stress:

Bi-syllabic words:

a- Nouns with 2 syllables:

The stress falls on the first syllable
b- Verbs with 2 syllables:
The stress falls on the second syllable
The Penultimate : (the second from the end)

In words ending by (tion – sion – al – ic – ism), the stress falls on the second
syllable from the end

The ante –penultimate : ( the third from the end)

In words ending by (cy– gy – ty – phy), the stress falls on the third syllable from
the end

Compound words:

a- Compound noun:
The stress falls on the first word, while secondary stress under the second

b- Compound adjective:
The stress falls on the second word, while secondary stress under the first

c- Compound verb:
The stress falls on the second word, while secondary stress under the first

Some Vocabulary used in the unit:

Corruption : ‫الفساد‬ - legal : ‫شرعي‬ - ethics in business : ‫األخالق في العمل‬

Ethical/unethical : ‫غير شرعي‬/‫ شرعي‬- bribery : ‫الرشوة‬ - embezzlement : ‫اإلختالس‬

Money laundering : ‫تبييض األموال‬ - fraud: ‫اإلحتيال‬ - counterfeit: ‫التزييف‬

Genuine : ‫أصلي‬ - prohibition: ‫ممنوع‬ - piracy : ‫القرصنة‬

Fake : ‫مزيف‬ - imitation : ‫تقليد‬ - tax evasion : ‫التهرب من الضرائب‬

Economy: ‫اإلقتصاد‬ - honesty: ‫األمانة‬ - false accounting : ‫تزييف الحسابات‬

Unit two : safety first

Grammar lessons:

1/ The gerund “-ing”:

We use –ing form in three different ways :

a- As a part of verb called (participle)

Eg: i’m singing / she has been working since one o’clock
b- As an adjective
Eg : we cook spaghetti in boiling water
c- As a noun or gerund
Eg: The smoking of cigarettes harms your health

2/ expressing condition:

The conditional types :

Conditional type “0”   :

If (when/ whenever) + verb ( present simple) , verb ( present simple)

If clause result clause

The use : when we have a general truth

Conditional type “1” :

If + verb ( present simple) , verb ( future simple)

If clause result clause

The use : when we have many possibilities

Conditional type “2” :

If + verb ( past simple) , would verb ( infinitive without to )

If clause result clause

The use : when we have a present or a future unreal, imaginary situations

Conditional type “3” :

If + verb ( past perfect) , would have + pp of verb

If clause result clause

The use : when we have a past unreal, imaginary situation

N.b : ( providing that / provided that/ as long as/ unless ) take the rule of conditional
type “1”
3/The use of “unless” :

The link word “unless” means : except if or if....not and introduces a condition

Eg: I won’t speak to him unless he apologizes

I won’t speak to him except if he apologizes

If he does not apologize, i won’t speak to him

Unless he apologizes, i won’t speak to him

4/ expressing cause :

To express cause we use :

(Because – because of – as – since – owing to – due to ...etc )

Eg: Because of the advertisement of fast foods, many people have developed unhealthy
eating and drinking habits.

Vocabulary lessons :

1/ forming adjectives using suffixe “-y”:

Eg: sugar sugary

Fat fatty

Some Vocabulary used in the unit:

Advertisement: ‫ اإلعالن‬/ ‫اإلشهار‬ - safety: ‫األمن‬ - trade: ‫تجارة‬

Expiry date: ‫تاريخ إنتــهاء الصالحية‬ - consumer: ‫مستهلك‬ - consumption: ‫اإلستهالك‬

Organic food: ‫أكل طبيعي‬ - genetically modified: ‫معدل جينيا‬

Health: ‫الصحة‬ - environment: ‫البيئة‬ - pollution: ‫التلوث‬

Harmful: ‫مضر‬ - product: ‫منتوج‬ - eating habits: ‫عادات األكل‬

Balanced food: ‫أكل متوازن‬ - healthy: ‫صحي‬ - unhealthy: ‫غير صحي‬

Unit three : Astronomy and the solar system

Grammar lessons:

1/ the use of “used to/used for”:

When we describe the purpose of something, we use one of the following structures:

- It is used for + verb + ing eg; it is used or cooking

- It is used to + verb in infinitive eg: it is used to cook

2/comparatives and superlatives:

Vocabulary lessons :

1/ definite and indefinite articles:

Pronunciation and spelling lessons :

1/ pronunciation of final “s”:

2/ pronunciation of final “d”:

Some Vocabulary used in the unit:

Astronomy : ‫ علم الفلك‬- space: ‫الفضاء‬ - planets: ‫الكواكب‬

Moon: ‫القمر‬ - sun : ‫الشمس‬ - solar system: ‫المجموعة الشمسية‬

Satellite: ‫قمر صناعي‬ - earth: ‫األرض‬ - weather forecast: ‫النشرة الجوية‬

Stars: ‫النجوم‬ - telescope: ‫المنظار‬ - orbit: ‫المدار‬

Gravity: ‫الجاذبية‬ - astronaut: ‫رائد فضاء‬ - spacecraft: ‫المركبة الفضائية‬

Asteroids: ‫الكويكبات‬ - comets: ‫المذنبات‬ - earth surface: ‫سطح األرض‬

Spaceship: ‫سفينة فضائية‬ - collision: ‫االصطدام‬ - rockets: ‫صوار‬

Unit four : feelings and emotions (we are a family )

Grammar lessons:

1/ modals :

Obligation Prohibition Absence of obligation

Must Mustn’t Don’t have to
Have to Shouldn’t Don’y need to
Ought to

2/ The reported speech:

Direct speech Indirect speeh

Present simple Past simple
Present continuous Past continuous
Present perfect Past perfect
Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous
Past simple Past perfect
Past continuous Past perfect continuous
Past perfect Past perfect
Past perfect continuous Past perfect continuous
Modals change :

Direct speech Indirect speech Direct speech Indiret speech

Will Would Would Would
Shall Should Should Should
Can Could Could Could
May Might Might Might
must Had to Had to Past perfect
Time and place expressions’ changes :

Direct speech Indirect speech

Today That day/the same day
Tomorrow The following day/the day after
Yesterday The previous day/the day before
Next week/next month/next year The following week/month/year
Last week/last month/last year The previous week/month/year
Ago Before
2weeks ago 2weeks before
Last Saturday The previous Saturday /the Saturday before
Next Monday The following Monday /the Monday after
This That
these those
Here There
Now Then

Reporting question:

1 “ wh” questions: eg : He asked me :”what is your name”

He asked me what was my name

(Replace the marks of the direct speech by ‘wh’ question and make the necessary changes)

2 “yes/no” questions: eg : She questioned me: “ Are you happy?”

She questioned e if/whether I was happy

(Replace the marks of the direct speech by ‘if/whether’ question and make the necessary

Reporting orders: eg: He ordered her: ”Open the door” he ordered her to open the door

(put the verb of the speech in the infinitive and replace the marks of the direct speech by it)

Vocabulary lessons:

1/ forming verbs using “-en”:

Eg : adj : bright verb : brighten

broad verb : broaden

2/ Forming adjectives using the following suffixes :

(ous - ful – less – ing – ed – ic – y ....etc)

Eg : care careful / careless

Fun funny

Some Vocabulary used in the unit:

Family : ‫عائلة‬ - love: ‫حب‬ - care: ‫يهتم‬

Fun: ‫المرح‬ - happiness: ‫سعادة‬ - feelings: ‫مشاعر‬

Admire: ‫أعجب‬ - hate: ‫يكره‬ - share: ‫يشارك‬

Anger: ‫غضب‬ - peace: ‫السالم‬ - loneliness: ‫الوحدة‬

Prefer: ‫يفضل‬ commitment: ‫اإللتزام‬ - tolerance: ‫التسامح‬

Cry: ‫يبكي‬ - laugh: ‫يضحك‬ - sad: ‫حزين‬

Weep: ‫نحيب‬ - embarrassed: ‫محرج‬ - shy: ‫خجول‬

Emotional: ‫ عاطفي‬- sel-control: ‫التحكم في النفس‬ - joke: ‫نكتة‬

Some useful link words :

1/ Enumerating: first – to begin with – to start with – first of all .....etc / second –
third ....- next – then – after this ......etc/ lastly – at long last – finally – eventually – in
the end – to end up – to close up .....etc .

2/ Addition: besides - moreover – what is more – in addition – and ...etc

3/ Explaining: that is – that is to say – in other words – to put it more simply – for
example – for instance.....etc

4/ Comparing: in comparison with – like – likewise – similarly – compared with –

both..and – neither ......nor-........etc

5/Contrasting : but – unlike - however – while – whereas – on one hand -the other
hand ...etc

6/ Conceding : admittedly – despite the fact that – though – certainly – of course –


7/ Expressing cause: because – as – since – for – due to – owing to .......etc

8/Expressing result/consequence: so – thus – as a result – as a consequence –

consequently – therefore – as+adjective+that – such+noun+that .......etc

9/Expressing purpose: so that – to – in order to – so as to – in order to .....etc

10/Expressing time : after – before – when – while – since – afterwards- later –
from – at the same time – shortly.....etc

11/ Summing up/concluding: in a word – to sum up- in short – on the whole – to

conclude – in the conclusion – all in all – to end up .....etc

How to write a structured written expression

1: writing an article/ a composition:

...............................(topic sentence )............ . ...........................short

detail .................................................. . ................................thesis statement ......................... .

........................................(topic sentence) ........ . .....................................................

supporting ideas..............................................................................supporting
ideas..................... ..................................................... supporting
ideas..........................................................................supporting ideas.............................................. .

...............................................(concluding sentence)................

Concluding link word, ............. answering the thesis statement

Or/ you suggest solutions................................................................................................................. .

2: writing an opinion article:

...............................(topic sentence )............ . ...........................short

detail .................................................. . ................................thesis statement ......................... .

........................................(topic sentence) ........ . .....................................................

supporting ideas ..............................................................................supporting

ideas..................... ..................................................... supporting
ideas..........................................................................supporting ideas.............................................. .

...............................................(concluding sentence)................
Concluding link word, ............. answering the thesis statement giving your
own opinion ................................................................................................................ .

3: writing a policy statement :

...............................(topic sentence )............ . ...........................short

detail .................................................. . ................................thesis statement ......................... .

(defend the idea in the development giving arguments)

........................................(topic sentence) ........ . .....................................................

supporting ideas ..............................................................................supporting

ideas..................... ..................................................... supporting
ideas..........................................................................supporting ideas.............................................. .

...............................................(concluding sentence)................

Concluding link word, ............. answering the thesis statement giving a

deduction/ you need to be objective...............................................................................................

4: writing a public statement/ speech:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank the audience for the presence.............+ mention the aim of the speech ( why you
deliver the speech) + ( giving your program: first, ..........second, ...................etc till
Finally,..................................supporting ideas ...................................................................................

.....................................................supporting ideas trying to convince the audience (being

persuasive) ..................................... Conclude with expressing the future desire ( I wish +
could/would + verb in infinitive without to), ............... thank again the audience for being
present /time ..................... .

close with ( thank you very for your attention)

5: writing a letter of complaint:


I am writing this letter to ............(aim of the letter) .

My holiday with your company did not correspond to what the advertisement claims.
First, the advert sates that............but in fact................ Second, ..... .........Finally, .......

In general, as a result of all non kept promises, I feel ..............because......

As a result, I ....................

Yours faithfully,

6: writing a letter:

Address of the sender

Address of the receiver


I am writing this letter to ............(aim of the letter) .




Yours faithfully,

7: writing an e-mail:

To :


Object:.... the main idea of the e-mail.......


I am writing this letter to ............(aim of the letter) .




Yours faithfully,

Nb: the use of link words is very important to make your paragraph coherent
Ms : Messaouda Djafer

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