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Simple Past Tense

We use Simple Past Tense

1) to express actions that started in past and ended in past at a specific time

-I sold my red car last year.

2) to talk about a series of completed actions in the past

-I arrived at 9, read my e-mails, had a coffee then called the client.

3) to talk about past habits

-I always studied hard when I was at university.

Present Perfect Tense

We use Present Perfect Tense

1) to talk about experiences when the time is not important

-I have been to Brazil. (we don’t know when.)

2) to talk about finished actions that have an effect now

-I have broken my leg. (I cannot walk now-the result present)

3) to talk about actions that started in the past and continue into the present

-I have lived here for five years. (I started living here in the past and I am still living
Simple Past Tense vs Present Perfect Tense

Past: action is finished

We were friends for five years. ---we are NOT friends anymore.

I ate two sandwiches for lunch.—the lunch time is over.

Present Perfect: action continues

We have been friends for five years. --- We are STILL friends.

I have eaten two sandwiches for lunch. --- Lunchtime is not over yet and I can still eat more
for lunch.

Past: life experience

My grandfather went to Italy twice. --- He is dead now. He cannot go to Italy anymore.

Present Perfect: life experience

My friend has been to Italy twice. --- S/he is not dead. So, there is a possibility that s/he can
experience Italy again.

Past: a finished action with not result in the present

I lost my wallet yesterday. --- I got the wallet now It was lost and found.

Present Perfect: a finished action with a result in the present

I have lost my wallet. --- I don’t have the wallet. It is still lost.

Past: a finished time word

I didn’t see Mr. Right last week. --- Last week passed and I cannot see him for that specific

Present: an unfinished

I haven’t seen Mr. Right this week.--- This week is still going on and there is possibility of
seeing him anytime.
Sarah: Hi, Kate. You look so pale. Didn’t you sleep last night?

Kate: I spent the whole night working on my essay but I am OK. I’ve stayed up lots of nights

Sarah: Have you finished your essay?

Kate: No, not yet. I’m still working on it. It’s about the Spanish Civil War. I have read two
articles on it, but I am still not ready to start writing yet.

Sarah: It’s an interesting topic. What have you found so far? Have you found anything

Kate: Well, it was between Republicans and Nationalists, and ended just before World War
II. Actually, it looks like a rehearsal for WWII. I want to read more about it.

Sarah: I remember my WWII essay. I did quite exhaustive research on the topic and wrote a
long essay about it. There was so much read. I even went to the National Library in the city

Kate: You handed your essay last term, right?

Sarah: Yes, I did. If you need to do more research, I’m happy to go with you to the National

Kate: Really? That’d be great!


1- Is it the first time Kate has stayed up all night?

2- Has Kate finished her essay last night?

3- Has Spanish Civil War attracted Kate’s attention?

4- Did Sarah complete her essay?

5- Has Sarah been to National Library before?


1- Have you ever travelled abroad?

2- When did you go on your last trip?

3- What is the longest time you have been away from home?

4- Which city is the best you have ever been to?

5- How many countries have you visited?

6- Where did you go on your last vacation?

7- Who did you go with?

8- How long did you stay there?

9- Did you enjoy being there?

10- Have you ever been to Egypt?

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