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Best Technical Staff

2022 DSWD PRAISE Individual Award

Award Definition
This award is given to a technical staff/officer who is able to effectively use his/her knowledge,
skills and attitude in collaborating with officials/employees in delivering exemplar output
through comprehensive and completed staff work, thereby significantly contributing to the
achievement of the organizational outcomes of the Office/Bureau/Service and DSWD.

Assessment Criteria
1. Exemplary Work Performance – The degree to which the individual rendered 40
excellent work performance; it is the overall display of technical competence,
translated into concrete, verifiable outputs that contributed to the attainment of the
unit and/or office deliverables
2. Commendable and Unique Contributions – The extent to which the 20
extraordinary value and/or uniqueness of the achievements/contributions of the
individual made an impact within his/her own workplace, in the DSWD, and/or
outside the Department
3. Harnessing Interpersonal Relationships to deliver work results – The extent 20
to which the individual was able to manifest good interpersonal relationships with co-
workers, external partners and clients/public; leveraged on this relationship in order
to advance/ deliver the requirements of the unit/office
4. Pursuit of Professional and Personal Development – the commitment to public 20
service that is honest, trustworthy, and with integrity as well as the commitment to
commitment to create an environment for learning and growth, and the ability to
master new technical knowledge for oneself and for his/her team members;
recognizes own strengths and weaknesses and pursues self-development; is flexible
and open to change; deals effectively with pressure, maintaining focus and intensity
Total 100

Eligibility Criteria
□ Must hold a permanent, temporary, coterminous, contractual or casual status employment in
DSWD as well as the employees under Contract of Service (COS) status, as
applicable,subject to existing budgeting and auditing rules and regulations and have
rendered at least three (3) years of continuous service in the Department as of deadline of
nomination’s submission (Updated CSC Form 212 or Personnel Data Sheet and/or Special
Order, if applicable)
□ Have at least Very Satisfactory performance rating or its equivalent for six (6) semestral or
three (3) annual rating periods prior to the nomination (performance rating certificate)
□ Have not been found guilty of any administrative or criminal offense involving moral turpitude
and/or with no pending case at the time of nomination (certificate of no pending
□ Must be performing tasks, which usually require the exercise of a particular profession or
application of knowledge acquired through formal training in a particular field or involved in
research and application of professional knowledge and methods1; and

These positions require thorough knowledge in the field of arts and sciences or learning acquired through completion of at least four (4)
years of college studies; based on Professional Non-Supervisory Category, Section 5(b), Republic Act No. 6758

2022 DSWD PRAISE Best Technical Staff 1

□ Must have accomplishments, which the nominee is being recognized for, within the last three
(3) years prior to the nomination, and have been consistently and continuously carried out by
the nominee during said period (supporting documents)
□ Have no overdue unliquidated cash advances, suspensions, and/or disallowances or
deficiencies due to controllable factors as of the time/date of submission of nominations

Nomination Details


Position Project Development Officer II
Designation (if any) 8888 Focal Person
Division Protective Services Division
Contact Nos. 09363184-092
Email Address
Status of Employment Contract of Service
Length of Service in the DSWD 3 years
Length of Service in the Position 3 years

Name of Nominator RYAN D. BALANZA, RSW

Position Social Welfare Officer IV
Designation (if any) Protective Services Division Chief
Office/Division/Unit Protective Services Division
Contact Nos.
Email Address
Date of Submission

Additional information about the Nominee:

Were you a previous DSWD ◻ Yes ◻ √ No Year: Award category:
Were you a previous DSWD ◻ Yes ◻ √ No Year: Award category:
Were you a previous DSWD ◻ Yes ◻ √ No Year: Award category:
PRAISE National Finalist?
Were you a previous DSWD ◻ Yes ◻ √ No Year: Award category:
PRAISE National winner/awardee?

Nomination Write-up
◻ Each nomination requires the submission of one (1) original nomination packet containing
the fully accomplished DSWD PRAISE Nomination Form and other documentary
requirements neatly packaged to the PRAISE CO/FO Committee for screening
◻ The write-up must highlight outstanding accomplishments or exemplary norms of conduct
manifested within the last three years;
◻ Presentation of accomplishments or norms manifested should be in order of significance,
complete with descriptions, justifications and should adhere to the following pointers:
o Use specific terms;
o State outstanding accomplishments or exemplary norms displayed and impact in
brief factual and in bullet form;

2022 DSWD PRAISE Best Technical Staff 2

o Present Impact of accomplishments by indicating how it was sustained/adopted,
problems addressed, savings generated, people/office benefited and/or transactions

I. Executive Summary

Write an overall statement on the nominee’s effective use of his/her knowledge, skills and attitude
in collaborating with officials/employees in delivering exemplar output through comprehensive and
completed staff work.

Jul is known as a peace advocate, he discourages backbiting and fake news. He always
listens to the ideas and stories of people around him, and understands them. He does not judge
people prematurely, he has an open mind and heart and at the same time he offers advice to
make people see things clearly.

Jul’s dedication and hard work were evident. His professionalism and attention to detail are
unmatched, and he consistently goes above and beyond to ensure that projects are completed on
time and to the highest standards. He was able to uplift the BangUn team's morale through
teamwork and willingness to learn new things, for Jul he gets the reward from the satisfaction he
gets from doing his job. He has good work ethic and a person who never faked his kindness to
anyone. Not only is Mr. Kasid an asset to his sector, but he is also a valuable member of the
community. He is a responsible and civic-minded individual who is always willing to lend a hand
to those in need. He is a devoted father and son who always puts his family first and sets a great
example for others to follow. Furthermore, he has implemented various projects related to civic
engagement, such as peace education, nutrition and environmental protection.

II. Exemplary Work Performance

a.) Cite incidents displaying nominee’s demonstration of excellence in his/her delivery of work;
performance of assigned tasks in a timely, consistent and orderly manner or Complete Staff Work
(CSW) every time; application of his/her knowledge and expertise in troubleshooting/solving
problems quickly; nominee’s capacity for self-management such as through finishing his/her tasks
even with minimum description, direction or supervision:

Jul showed significant effect in the proper process of implementing the BangUn project; he
singled out the steps such as recognizing and learning the organization of the DSWD and its core
values to ensure that all actions are in the right track. The communication and coordination
among staff and stakeholders was smooth because he valued open communication and dialogue,
this is his strong weapon to emphasize how to be progressive in every task he is asked to do. He
helps with administrative works such as processing and creating communication letters and
guiding his fellow employees with skills such as effective writing and public speaking.
Moreover, Jul as BangUn's Project Development Officer, the limited staff and the pandemic
became a big challenge for him, but he did not give up because he is proactive and finishes his
work on time, turns in glowing reports, manages time well, and has initiative to deliver more than
expected. He volunteered and initiated to have a forum with his workmates with guidance of their
Focal person to discuss and share the tasks and responsibilities of each BangUn staff and make
a concrete action plan and task rotation to effectively utilize their skills

b.) Cite the nominee’s superior accomplishments/ achievements; how she/he handled multiple
workload effectively and delivered excellent results in a timely fashion, showed technical
competence on areas of expertise and are able to teach/mentor/share this to others in the
workplace. As applicable, indicate why the nominee’s accomplishments are considered
exemplary; also indicate whether or not accomplishments are part of the nominee’s regular

2022 DSWD PRAISE Best Technical Staff 3

functions/mandated of the office or of his/her own initiative:

As a Chief of Protective Services Division, I was impressed by Jul's unique motivation and
drive to succeed at work, because his big accomplishment was molding his entire team in
BangUn to become leaders, helping to improve their analytical skills, and imparting the
importance of having a positive attitude.

Jul has successfully lifted the project entrusted to him as Project Development Officer; he
studied and understood the concept of the project properly and valued the proper coordination
among all the agencies that are part of the project. He carefully studied the DSWD standard and
memorandums to organize the implementation. Despite the pandemic and limited staff, teamwork
became his key, he strategized to train the technical staff and admin staff through learning the
organization of DSWD, protecting the image of the BangUn Project by representing it with
integrity, and improving their analytical skills to succeed and ensure proper project
implementation. Above all, he always highlighted that the project is a collaborative effort and in
order to succeed they should work as a team.

Mapagkalingang Serbisyo to all BangUn beneficiaries and its staff, the BangUn Project of Region
XII was recognized and honored as the Best Project Implementation 2022 by the National
Program Management Office led by Undersecretary Eduardo Punay. 97.13% out of 100%
beneficiaries have been rehabilitated and with normal nutritional status and the project was
already 100% completed.

DSWD BANGUN FACEBOOK PAGE. Jul used social media effectively, his first venture as a
Project Development Officer, he first decided to create a Facebook Page for the BangUn Project
"BangUn Maguindanao Dswd XII" to publish all the objectives, activities, updates, and reports of
the BangUn, this is to make the implementation transparent and expand the knowledge of the
project and fully understand by all stakeholders, beneficiaries, project partners, line agencies,
provincial government, and the National Government the true aspiration of the project to improve
the status of nutrition in the BARMM Region and achieve Zero Hunger.

thoroughly studied and dissected the BangUn Project Standard Operation Manual together with
the National Program Management Office and selected staff in DSWD Region IX and X. He
contributed greatly to the Planning, Monitoring and Implementation Phase of the Operation
Manual of BangUn in 2020.

8888 FOCAL PERSON. Jul responded quickly and answered all questions regarding the
BangUn project, 100% of the questions were answered and Jul was even able to provide
guidance to connect questions regarding other DSWD programs for the less fortunate.

BANGUN TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP. Because of Jul's commitment to get to know

BangUn and its dedication to organize the project, he was designated as a TWG member and he
was among those who proposed the amendments to turn the NFA rice fed to the beneficiaries
into commercial rice so that it can be consumed by children and health will be sustained. As a
result, it was 100% approved and will be used for the 2023 implementation.

BANGUN LGU RECOGNITION. Jul's proper guidance, monitoring, and house to house
visitation together with BangUn staff resulted in the recognition of the Local Government Unit of
Ampatuan in Maguindanao as the Best Implementing LGU during the 2021 DSWD Anniversary
and was recognized for its good dedication in helping BangUn and improving the nutritional status
of the children and pregnant and lactating women in Maguindanao Province.

2022 DSWD PRAISE Best Technical Staff 4

BUNTIS ASSOCIATION. Jul initiated the creation of a Pregnant Association in the
Municipality of Buluan in order to properly trace the needs of each mother who is a BangUn
beneficiary. Jul highlighted that it is important to properly educate mothers and continue to
provide them with information on proper self-care and the importance of the father's support
during their pregnancy. He also conducts extensive family planning information dissemination
with the staff of the Integrated Provincial Health Office- Maguindanao.

GAWAD PARANGAL. Along with the focal person and Staff of BangUn, Jul immediately
thought of doing a ceremony or Gawad Parangal to boost the morale of the LGUs so that they
can improve their work and spark innovation projects, and institutionalize the project in the local

COMMITTED TO ITS AFFILIATION. His commitment to his affiliation Philippine Youth

Leadership Program as Area Coordinator of North Cotabato and Maguindanao, BARMM, he
launched the project "3G Project: Connecting You to Transformational Leadership and
Healthcare", on December 27, 2020. It aims to help the youth, parents, and the whole family to
have knowledge of Herbal Plants recommended by the Department of Health as effective
medicines for common diseases and to broaden their knowledge regarding transformational
leadership. He gave herbal plants and planted them in their yards (gardening) to see the
sustainability of the project. This became his initiative to help people who are poor in remote
areas. His work at the DSWD has been a great help to Jul to continue his advocacy regarding
proper nutrition.

OUTSTANDING YOUTH LEADER. Through his work and commitment to Peace, he was
recognized as one of the outstanding Youth who was included in "MasterPEACE V: Enriching
Youth Perspectives on Peace and Human Security", which was awarded to him by Secretary
Carlito G. Galvez, Jr. the Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation and Unity. Jul was also
one of those who participated in the first Local Youth Assembly of BARMM to talk about peace in
the region in August 2021. Jul was also invited as a resource speaker for the Peace Camp 2021-
Virtual Summit of Davao and BARMM Region, and he also appeared on TV programs of the 2030
Youth Force in the Philippines to share peace and 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, and
was recognized as the Regional Coordinator of BARMM. Truly, he demonstrated a strong spirit of

WORK-LIFE BALANCE. One of the most effective things he demonstrated was giving
guidance to his co-workers to take care of themselves and improve physical and mental health
through work-life balance.

All accomplishments are due to God's help, intense perseverance, self-confidence, and
teamwork. Jul's trust in his co-workers to be a leader has become true, seeing that the staff can
handle themselves, boosted confidence and being a good leader is his most superior

c.) Attach the following means of verification, if applicable or available

- Individual Performance Contract Reports (IPCRs) for the last three (3) consecutive years prior
the nomination
- Exemplary awards received/commendation
- Technical Reports
- On-time submission of reports
- Attendance and Punctuality
- Complaints/Grievance Filed

2022 DSWD PRAISE Best Technical Staff 5

III. Commendable and Unique Contributions

a.) Briefly describe the task/project/s that best demonstrates the nominee’s exemplary work
performance using the STAR Framework as guide for this portion:

Situation (Challenges/Situation the nominee faced)

The resumption of the BangUn project for 2019 implementation was during the height of the
pandemic. It was a huge challenge for Jul not to be trained about the nature of work and the
responsibility because of the pandemic, but that challenge prompted and motivated him to think of
a concrete action plan such as highlighting all the responsibilities of the staff and highlighting
teamwork, and making everyone understand that the implementation will be successful because
of the collaborative effort of everyone. The task rotation initiated by Jul became a good avenue for
the technical and admin staff to learn each other's work. I was still an inspectorate at the time, but
I saw Jul's inner drive to succeed, he is resilient and an effective communicator.

Task (Tasks involved in the challenge/situation)

*Ensure strict and proper implementation of the project

*Coordinate with project partners and line agencies,
*Task rotation
*Meeting Project Deliverables on time and turn-over
*Motivate co-employee
*Being honest and having an integrity

Action (Action s/he took and why; what were the alternatives)

In order to fully utilize all pending jobs and deliverables in BangUn, Jul initiated to coordinate
with all agencies and covered municipalities to deliver the items to them including those
equipment for obtaining the height and weight of the beneficiaries. The first thing Jul does is make
a courtesy call to all agencies and LGUs, and introduce BangUn and its true goal. BARMM's
IPHO and MSSD are some of Jul's direct collaboration for reliable and transparent
implementation and data results. He highlighted the BangUn strong commitment to implement the
project in a transparent and fair manner.

Result (Outcome of his/her action; were the objectives met and did it contribute to the overall
performance of DSWD)

All the agencies that are part of BangUn started to be alert because of Jul's constant
coordination with its entire staff. Rapport has been established. That all goods are delivered
properly and that the Local Government Units are properly oriented. He went and inspected the
deliveries in the remote areas of Maguindanao and he ensured the commitment of the Local
government to deliver the goods in good quality and correct quantity. All masterlists and
distribution relief sheets have been secured.

Jul is known to be good at providing technical assistance to his workmates and he affirms
teamwork and having a positive attitude.

b.) Attach the following means of verification, if applicable or available

- Project Proposals

2022 DSWD PRAISE Best Technical Staff 6

- Terms of Reference
- Write-ups of Contributions

IV. Harnessing Interpersonal Relationships to deliver work results

a.) Briefly describe how the nominee was able to:

1.) Consistently demonstrate an enabling work attitude to deliver results

Jul's motivation to make the implementation good is to have open communication not only
with BangUn staff but with every person regardless of their position and status in life. Jul's
flexibility and adaptability can be seen in the work environment amidst changes in conditions. Jul
is known as firm with his decisions and has a good work ethic. He has been consistent in his
performance since he started working; he recognizes his mistakes and seeks help from the head
if necessary.

2.) Demonstrate quality of character manifested in dealing with co-workers, internal and external

In Jul's service as a Project Development Officer, he is seen as a good example of an

effective leader, he performs his job well. His workmates say that Jul is just one call away, he
inspires and teaches his workmates on how to deal properly with people, how to share credit for
team success, and practice professionalism at all times. He is compassionate and willing to serve
and volunteer in all the tasks that are given to him, he values building a connection with his
workmates and even with the people he meets at work. He keeps everything professional and
highlights having good manners. Through Jul’s constant coordination and proper treatment of the
partner agencies of the BangUn project, fast confirmation in meetings and courtesy calls to
project partners and line agencies have achieved, this can be seen in the number and good
commitments of the LGUs that became project partners.

3.) Influence/motivate others (internal and external partners) towards doing the required
deliverables and in attaining
the unit’s/office’s commitments.

Jul was able to establish a good working relationship with staff and stakeholders. Issues and
concerns are immediately discussed so that solutions can be provided quickly.

He motivated the staff to work under pressure and being a team player. Jul took an initiative to
properly check the delivery of goods and supplies and used an enhance acknowledgment
template where the items that were actually delivered were highlighted. 2022 implementation was
completed and 97.13% of the 7,600 beneficiaries of BangUn improved their nutritional status.

b.) Attach the following means of verification, if applicable or available

- Feedback from co-workers, supervisors, peers and external partners (360 degrees feedback
- Client satisfaction survey
- Project write-up (including roles and functions of the team/co-workers),
- Project Proposal
- Written Commendations

2022 DSWD PRAISE Best Technical Staff 7

V. Pursuit of Professional and Personal Development

a.) What are the ways the nominee pursues professional and personal development?

One of Jul's excellent roles is his active and balanced implementation of peace and health
projects in Maguindanao and North Cotabato that were granted to him by the Education and
Culture: US Embassy in the Philippines. He implemented the "3G Projects: Connecting You to
Transformational Leadership and Healthcare", as his commitment to the 2030 Sustainable
Development Goals, including his beloved DSWD-BangUn Project for #Zerohunger2030 in
BARMM Region. In the year 2019 he completed his Master in Business Administration at Notre
Dame of Midsayap College and in year 2021 he earned units in Law at Notre Dame of Marbel

Jul became an inspiration for his workmates to pursue a master's degree, he encouraged them
and now 6 out of 16 BangUn staff are studying Master in Public Administration.

As a Social Worker who had witnessed Jul's performance, his personal growth and development
and major accomplishment was based on the outstanding performance of the entire BangUn
staff, for him, it is a great blessing/reward to see that he and his workmates are growing together
in common good.

b.) Attach the following means of verification, if applicable or available

- Write-ups, published write-ups
- Valid Professional License
- Engagement in different platforms of learning (learning journal, online courses, scholarship,


We attest to all facts contained herein and authorize the use of this information for publication. We
understand that the PRAISE Committee will validate the accuracy of the information contained in
this form and grant our consent to the conduct of a background investigation. Any misrepresentation
made by the signatories shall be a ground for disciplinary action pursuant to applicable Civil Service
laws and rules.

Printed Name and Signature:


Nominee Nominator

2022 DSWD PRAISE Best Technical Staff 8

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