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Dariya Myrzakhmetova

ID 20201769
Final paper proposal
Instructor: Frederick Emrich

The relationship between tradtional media and digital media in marketing

Many firms with established, 'old-school' leadership can't fully get their heads around

digital, despite its growth and prevalence. SMBs who use digital marketing as part of their

overall marketing strategy expand more quickly than those who don't. Mary-Jane Owen

looked at the many benefits of conventional marketing and compared them to those of digital

marketing (Owen, 2021).

People who read newspaper advertising are 70% more likely to recall the firm that

placed the advertisement. Digital marketing can be paid or organic, but it always relies on the

activities taken by the searcher before being provided with your ad or blog - sites visited,

Google queries entered, and so on. Campaigns that are underperforming might be suspended

while the marketing team determines what modifications are required to enhance

performance. A standard direct mail campaign might take weeks to complete, and the

analysis of the data can take months. As Owen noticed, digital marketing campaigns are

adaptable, allowing you to track outcomes during the campaign and pivot as needed. Owen

wrote that all you have to do with digital marketing is set up your website and online

advertising correctly, and you're ready to start doing business. You may obtain e-books,

online courses, coaching, and video materials without having to pay for delivery. One of the

advantages of this form of marketing is that your audience has less options for thwarting your

efforts. If you're utilizing a traditional marketing strategy and seeing a drop in results, it's

time to integrate some digital marketing methods into your plan (Owen, 2021).

However, it is unnecessary to set traditional and new media against one another.

They're often perceived as a "either/or" situation, which isn't the most effective method to
construct an advertising strategy. Your best bet is to use both old and new media to reach the

most number of people at the most effective frequency. Businesses gain from employing both

since one has specific benefits over the other. Consider splitting the pie in half and adding

some new media components if you're currently solely utilizing traditional media. Similarly,

if you largely rely on social media or other types of new media, it wouldn't harm to

supplement with some classic advertising (Shah, 2020).

This paper will use Owen’s article as a a tool to disassemble and compare digital

marketing and traditional. Helping to answer the question of why would any marketer resort

to traditional tactics when digital and social media marketing offer so many benefits? It will

provide an overview benefits and downsides to calculate the true return on investment for


The paper is relevant to the course material because through the application of

concepts such as digitization, interactivity, networks, and community, it develops an

understanding of networked digital information technologies and their impact on

communication and society, and through comparisons with traditional media, it shows how

the ideas help to deepen, extend, or otherwise alter our understanding of digital media.


Owen, M.-J. (2021, August 10). Digital Marketing vs traditional marketing: Who's winning
the battle? Asset Digital Communications. Retrieved from

Shah, M. (2020, April 1). Traditional media vs. new media: Which is beneficial. Techfunnel.
Retrieved from

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