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A healthy diet in pregnancy is needed to

prevent miscarriage
helps the baby grow
provide low glycemic index
prevent birth defects

2. It is generally believed that you should 'eat for two' in pregnancy

all of the choices
This is a good guide for eating in pregnancy
It is now an out of date view of how much you eat
It means you should eat twice as much as normal in pregnancy

3. Taking extra folic acid in pregnancy can help prevent:

neural tube defects

4. Calcium is important in pregnancy to

Make the mother's bones healthy
make the baby's bones and teeth
prevent rickets
prevent neural tube defects

5. Iron deficiency anemia is associated with higher preterm births. What can a mother do to
receive adequate amount. The following are the choices except:
Intake of 20mg/day
intake of dark leafy vegetables
intake of lean meats and eggs
Take iron supplements with orange juice

6. Which deficiency is associated with cheilosis?

Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin B
Vitamin C

7. Which fatty acid(s) is essential for the development of the CNS system of the fetus?
docosahexanoic acid
eicosaheptanoic acid
docosaheptanoic acid
eicosahexanoic acid

8. Which immunoglobulin can be found in breastmilk?


9. Which of the following is considered an early sign of dehydration among infants?

sunken eyes
sunken fontannel
dry mucous membranes

10. This refers to binge eating disorder:

Malabsorption Disorder
Anorexia Nervosa

11. The following are appropriate nursing interventions for eating disorders except:
Close supervision after eating (in case of purging episodes)
treatment with institution-based approach
closely supervise and encourage to eat, have trusting relationship
Food should be discouraged as a means of reward or comfort

12. In early adulthood, less healthy food consumption is a common problem. Which of the
following interventions are appropriate?
Include low fiber foods
Choose more vegetables, fruits and root crops; consume Ca- containing foods every day
Increase alcoholic beverages
Limit salty and fatty food (rock salt preferred)

13. The elderly has a problem in chewing and swallowing. Which of the following is
appropriate in resolving this problem?
Cut food in small portions
Serve soft foods, with plenty of spices
do not consider food preferences
Serve fish with bones

14. Which of the following recommendations would be inappropriate for the elderly in
resolving the difficulty to sleep?
drink tea and coffee before going to sleep
set a routine
avoid energy drinks
drink milk before going to sleep
15. Which of the following can best slow down the aging process?
Engage in regular exercise
Not using alcohol
Sleep irregularly and adequately
Well-balanced meals regularly

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