Grammar II

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Lic. Ronald Fallas Astorga

Evaluation Chart

Student’s Names Oral Home

Part exposit Work Test 1 Test 2 Final Total
10% 20% 10% 20% 20% 20% 100%
1. Aviles Barrera Daniela

2. Castro Jimenez Maria

3. Cortes Zúñiga Angélica

4. Loria Cordero Miguel

5. Madrigal Álvarez Adriana

6. Rodríguez Fuentes Andrea

7. Tencio Campos Mayerlyn


Lic. Ronald Fallas Astorga
Exposition Evaluation Chart

Student’s Names Oral X

Written Preset Visual Total Points
4% 10& 6% 20%

1. Aviles Barrera Daniela

2. Castro Jimenez Maria

3. Cortes Zúñiga Angélica

4. Loria Cordero Miguel

5. Madrigal Álvarez Adriana

6. Rodríguez Fuentes Andrea

7. Tencio Campos Mayerlyn

Tag Questions / Short Responses
(present, past, present perfect, past perfect, future)

Affirmative sentence + negative tag Answers expected

Manuel can dance salsa, cannot he?
Tomas should go to the doctor, shouldn’t he?

Negative sentence + affirmative tag

Manuel cannot dance salsa, can he?
Tomas shouldn’t go to the doctor, should he?

Use the corresponding tag question for the given sentences

1. Michael and José could dance merengue, _______________________?

2. You would go with me to the soccer game, ____________________?
3. Marta and Marlene are sisters, _____________________?
4. Marco called me yesterday, _________________?
5. she is watching TV, __________________?
6. Tomas shouldn’t take an aspirin, __________________?
7. Maria can take two courses this semester, __________________?
8. Everything was good, ________________?
9. They will go to the concert,_________________?
10. Jorge is not a good boy, _________________?
11. All the students did not pass the exam, _______________?
12. You don’t like to go to the beach __________________?
13. She likes to eat mangos, ________________?
14. He has gone three there times, ________________?
15. We had not already eaten pizza, __________________?
Short Responses
Affirmative sentences Agree disagree
I like reggae so, do I oh, I don’t
I hate to study I do too / me too really, I like it
I am good at using computers so, am I gee, I’m not
We can go to the beach so, can I oh, I can’t
Negative sentences Agree disagree
I don’t like heavy metal neither do I - I don’t either well, I do
I am not good at dancing pop neither am I - I am not either oh, I am
I can’t stand people chewing gum neither can I - I cannot either well , I can

Write one affirmative or negative short responses for the given sentences
1. Carlos doesn’t like to listen to reggae ___________________
2. Jose dislikes eating junk food ___________________
3. He is not a good salsa singer __________________
4. He can stand people dancing reggaeton ___________________
5. They like to stay in silent ____________________
6. She is so intelligent and smart ____________________
7. He does not like heavy fruits ____________________
8. they cannot do the test ____________________
Passive Voice
(Be + past participle)
(simple present) Mary helps John. ___________________________________________
(present progressive) Mary is helping John ___________________________________________
(present perfect) Mary has helped John ___________________________________________
(simple past) Mary helped John ___________________________________________
(past progressive) Mary was helping John ___________________________________________
(past perfect) Mary had helped John ___________________________________________
(simple future) Mary will help John ___________________________________________
Mary is going to help John ___________________________________________
(future perfect) Mary will have helped John ___________________________________________
Using modals
(can) Mary can watch John ___________________________________________
(should) Mary should love John ___________________________________________
(had better) Mary had better call John ___________________________________________
(ought to) Mary ought to invite John ___________________________________________
(have/has to) Mary has to report John ___________________________________________
(is/are supposed to ) Mary is supposed to clean John
1. Air pollution threats the health of older people.

2. Acid rain is damaging forest

3. Exhausted gases from cars have depleted the ozone layer

4. Industrial waste contaminated the river

5. A factory was polluting the river

6. The growth of cities had eaten up huge amounts of farmlands

7. Green World is going to plant thousand of trees this year

8. We can’t throw stuff everywhere

9. Parents should teach their children to protect the environment

10. People had better stop the consuming drugs, alcohol and cigars

11. Our government ought to solve the problem of Rio Azul

12. The government has to forbid over fishing

13. Ultraviolet rays are suppose to cause skin cancer

Universidad Central Time allotted : 120 minutes

Teacher: Lic. Ronald Fallas Astorga Points: 50
Percentage: 20%
Subject: Written Expression and Grammar II (B1-131) Obt. Points: ________
I Test, I four-month-Period Percentage: ________
Name__________________________________________ Score: _________
General Instructions
 Read every indication of the exam carefully. Use only blue or black ink pen
 Be sure to answer all the items without leaving empty spaces.
 To use pencil or liquid paper or make crossing outs will not allow you to possible
 Write on the given and indicated spaces otherwise you could not complain about


1- Mario went to bed at 10:30. At 11:30 Mario (sleep) ___________________.

2- While Marco (eat) _______________, the phone (ring) ________________.

3- Marlon left his house at 7:00 A.M. and (begin) _______________to walk. While he (walk)

_________________to class he (see) ________________Mrs. Tavares.


1- The post office is not far from here. So I ____________________there many times. ( Walk)

2- I am so tired. We ________________for more than two hours. Let’s stop for a while. (Walk)

3- I _______________my folks at least a dozen times since I left home and came here. (write)

4- How long __________________to wear glasses? (have)

5- I don’t know. I ___________________any of those fish. (eat never)



1- A: are you going to finish your work before you go to bed?

B: We __________________it (finish, already). We ______________our homework
two hours ago. (do)
2- A: do you want to go to the movies to see Titanic?
B: No thanks, we __________________ (see, already) it. We ___________that movie last

1- When they left for school this morning, it ____________________(rain) so they used the
2- By the time class was over this morning, the rain _____________________(stop) so we
didn’t need my umbrella anymore.
3- Last night they started to study at 7:30. Dick came at 7:35.

They___________________(study) when Dick came.

4- Last week she started to study at 7:30. She finished studying at 9:00. Tomas came at 9:30.

By the time Tomas came, she _________________ her homework. ( do)


1- A month after an art show ___________________(open) in New York, it was

discovered that some ______________________(hang) a famous painting by the

French painter Henri upside-down.

2- In 1960, a Turkish diver _________________(discover) the remains of a 3.000 year old

shipwreck while he ___________________(dive) for sponges off the coast.

3- In 1995, an earthquake ______________ (strike) Kobe, Japan. An earthquake

_____________________(not strike) the city for a very long time.


1- The girl is happy. She won the race.


2- The taxi driver was friendly. He took me to the airport.


3- We are studying sentences. They contain adjective clauses.


4- The pencil is mine. It is on the desk.


1- The book was good. I read it.


2- The people were very nice. We visited them yesterday.


3- I like the composition. You wrote it.




1- The man is standing over there. I was telling you about him.


2- The meeting was interesting. I went to it.




1- The people were very nice. We visited their house.


2- We apologized the man. We spilled his coffee.


3- I live in a dormitory. Its residents come from many countries.


4- I know the boy. His bicycle was stolen.

5- The town is small. I grew up there.




6-Monday is the day. We will come then.




Universidad Central Time allotted : 120 minutes

Teacher: Lic. Ronald Fallas Astorga Points: 61
Percentage: 20%
Subject: Written Expression and Grammar II (B1-131) Obt. Points: ________
I Test, III four-month-Period Percentage: ________
Name__________________________________________ Score: _________

General Instructions:
 You have only 30 minutes to read the entire test and clear up any doubt about it.
 Read every indication of the test carefully
 Use only black or blue ink and work clearly and neatly on the indicated spaces.
 Be sure to answer all the items and don’t leave empty spaces.
 To use pencil or liquid paper will not allow you to make future complains.

A- Read carefully the sentences and pay attention for the Time Clauses and expressions, then
choose the verbs in parenthesis to complete them. Sentences can be in past, present or future)
(8 points)

1- Jane (meet) ___________me at the airport when my plane (arrive) ___________tomorrow.

2- Jorge goes to New York often. When he (be) ___________ is there, he usually (see) ___________
a Broadway play.

3- As soon as the test (be) __________over in class yesterday, the students (leave) __________the

4- The guys (watch) ___________a soccer game on TV right now. As soon as the game (finish)

___________, they (start) ___________with their obligations against

5- When we (walk) ___________ into the living room last Sunday evening, grandpa (read)

___________a newspapers and my aunt (smoke) ___________her pipe.

6- Mark is obsessed with video games. He (play) ___________ everyday in the morning, noon and

night. If he (study, not) ___________harder he (flunk) ___________

7- When my friends and I (graduate) ___________ from the Chicago college, they (return)

___________home, but I (travel) ___________around the world for six months.

B- Read the paragraph carefully and identify the underlined words and their functions in it, by
writing the corresponding part of the speech in the right given column (10 points)

In relation to goods and services, technology is the use of 1. __________________

scientific and technical knowledge. As a result of
2. __________________
technology, mass production is possible due to the use of
power driven machinery. Mass production is the 3. __________________
manufacturing of great numbers of the same kind of an
4. __________________
item. With mass production, many more items can be
produced at a lower cost than if they were made by hand. 5. __________________
In mass production, no one person does all the work 6. __________________
needed to make one product. Instead, Each of them is
involved in making a single product. Many workers are 7. __________________

highly skilled in operating a machine that makes one part 8. __________________

or is skilled in fitting parts together. This specialization of
9. __________________
work is called division of labor.
10. __________________

C- Read the sentences carefully and combine them by using the second one as an adjective
clause. Use only WHO, THAT OR WHICH (5 points)

1- The movie was not very good. We saw it last night.


2- English grammar contains hard patterns. They stand for different languages

3- The teacher was so kind. He took me to my apartment.


4- They listened to the CD. You brought it.


5- We are using the sentences. They contain adjective clauses.


D- Complete the following sentences using SINCE and FOR (5 points)

1- He has not had response ____________He ran the ad.

2- The lights have not worked ___________March 11, 2007.

3- Rob has had his car __________a year.

4- It has made funny noise _____________several weeks.

5- Marlon has had problems ____________the day he got it.

E- Read the sentences carefully and combine them by using the second one as an adjective
clause. Write two different possibilities.
Use only, whom, about whom, which, to which or that (4 points)

1- The man is standing over there. I was telling you about him.

2- The picture was beautiful. She was looking at it.


F- Read the sentences carefully and combine them by using the second one as an adjective
clause using whose (3 points)

1- The girl poured a glass of water on his face. Her face caught on fire when he lit it.

2- I have to call the man. I accidentally picked up his umbrella after the meeting.

3- The professor is excellent. I am taking his course.


G- Read the sentences carefully and combine them by using the second one as an adjective
clause using when and where and three of their different possibilities (9 points)

1-The city was great. We spent our vacations there.




2- July is the month. The weather is usually the hottest then



H- Use the practices and vocabulary studied in class and the group or given words to write
either complete sentences or a questions in PRESENT PERFECT tense. ( 5 points)

she/ mountain / climb / ever


take / they / the medicine for their fever


good food / eat / Marlon


you / walk / Central Park


swim / ever / ocean / you


I- Complete the sentences in the dialogues using and different English tense marked. Use the
appropriate form of the verb in parenthesis and the corresponding auxiliaries. (11 points)

Alonso: Daniel, I am sorry its time for you and your brother to find another place to live.
Daniel: Why? What is wrong?
Alonso: Well it is simply. You (be)______________________a terrible roommate. For example: today

you (drink)____________________my milk and you (break)__________________my window.

Daniel: Don’t be so sensitive, Alonso.

Alonso: That is not all. Your brother, Jorge (not, pay) ____________________the rent for three

month. And finally he (try) ____________________to steal my girlfriend.


Maria: what things (do) _____________________up to now?

Antonio: lots of things. I (drive) ____________________my new car to my job but because of my time
I (not, visit) _____________________my parents. They are so up set with me.


When I got home, my son (eat, already) ___________________dinner. Said he was hungry because

he (not, have) _______________anything to eat all day. He got sick because he (play)

_________________too much during the day.

Universidad Central Time allotted : 120 minutes
Teacher: Lic. Ronald Fallas Astorga Points: 60
Percentage: 20%
Subject: Written Expression and Grammar II (B1-131) Obt. Points: ________
II Test, III four-month-Period Percentage: ________
Name__________________________________________ Score: _________

General Instructions:
1. You have only 30 minutes to read the entire test and clear up any doubt about it.
2. Read every indication of the test carefully
3. Use only black or blue ink and work clearly and neatly on the indicated spaces.
4. Be sure to answer all the items and don’t leave empty spaces.
5. To use pencil or liquid paper will not allow you to make future complains.

A- Write down one personal Short Response of Agreement or Disagreement for each of the
given sentences. Don’t repeat the answers. (7 points)

1- I am not good at practicing sports ____________________

2- They love to work in groups ____________________
3- I am a bad person ____________________
4- She hates to English classes ____________________
5- They can’t stand nasty people ____________________
6- He is so confident ____________________
7- He does not need help ____________________

B- Use the phrasal verbs from the list to make a complete sentence. Separate verbs must be
separated. (10 points)
1- (turn on) ___________________________________________________________

2- (find out) ___________________________________________________________

3- (lie down) __________________________________________________________

4- (set out) ___________________________________________________________

5- (write down) ________________________________________________________

6- (stay up) ___________________________________________________________

7- (break down) _______________________________________________________

8- (look up) ___________________________________________________________

9- (get up) ____________________________________________________________

10- ( throw out) _________________________________________________________

C- Complete the following sentences using the appropriate TAG questions for each of the given
sentences (8 points)

1- Carlos won’t do the homework. __________________?

2- The dog likes to chicken bones. __________________?
3- They had already seen that movie. __________________?
4- The teacher didn’t give them. __________________?
5- They are doing laundry. __________________?
6- He would copy it for me. __________________?
7- She bought last week. __________________?
8- Carmen and I have repeated it many times. __________________?

D- Based on the Conditional Sentences Pattern complete the following sentences with the
appropriate forms of the verbs in parenthesis (14 points)

1- It sounds great. If I (be) _____________you I (accept) _______________ that job.

2- She got wet because she didn’t carry her umbrella. However, she (get, not) _______________wet,
if she (remember) _______________to carry her umbrella with her yesterday.

3- Aerosol spray cans will explode if he (throw) _______________them into the fire.

4- If the weather had been nice last week, our family (go) _______________to the park.

5- Carlos is not home right now. If he (be) _______________at home right now, I would visit him.

6- I have a lot of money to buy things. Maybe I have more than I need. If I (have, not)
_________________it, I (give, not) _________________some of it to my mother.

7- If they had enough pizza, they (bake) _______________one big pizza this afternoon.

8- If Jason (have)_______________a sharp razor, he (shave)_______________today

9- The students failed the test. However if they (study)_______________for the test, the
students(pass)_______________ it.

E- Change the following active sentences to PASSIVE sentences. Include the BY phrase when it
is necessary and be careful with the intransitive verbs. (11 points)

1- The mail carrier had already delivered the mail by the time I left for school this morning.

2- Somebody told me to get more exercise.

3- People are fishing sharks on the lake.

4- The students should attend the English classes to pass the course.

5- When will someone announce the results of the contest?

6- The teacher teach great English

7- As it is usual my wife came late to the meeting.

8- Drugs threat students of high school and universities.

9- The girl on the corner has eaten a lot of seafood.

10- My sister’s plane was arriving by the time I got at the airport.

11- When does the university begin the new course?

F- Based on the reported speech grammar patterns, complete the sentences by reporting the
speaker’s words in a noun clause (10 points)

1. John said, “I am getting my hair cut.”

2. She asked me, “have your mother seen you?”
3. Jim said, “I may have some houseguests on Saturday.”
4. They said, “They have to buy something to eat.”
5. Carlos said, “I am sorry, but I will be busy that day.”
6. Mary said, “I signed up for a scuba diving class.”
7. Alfonso said, “ I drink one beer everyday?”
8. Carlos asked, “Did you visit Europe during your trip?”
9. Mary asked, “Does he need help?”
10. Mary said, “We ought to study harder?”
Universidad Central
Sede Central Points: 81
School of Education Percentage: 20%
Subject: Written Expression and Grammar II (B1-131) Time allotted : 120 minutes
Teacher: Lic. Ronald Fallas Astorga
I Test, III Quarter 2009 Obt. Points: ________
Name__________________________________________ Percentage: ________
ID number: _________________ Score: ________

General Instructions:
6. You have only 30 minutes to read the entire test and clear up any doubt about it.
7. Read every indication of the test carefully
8. Use only black or blue ink and work clearly and neatly on the indicated spaces.
9. Be sure to answer all the items and don’t leave empty spaces.
10. To use pencil or liquid paper will not allow you to make future complains.

I - Read the article carefully and extract the part of the speech requested (18 points)

With little fanfare, Costa Rica quietly renewed their proud commitment to democracy the
last April 7th by peacefully and dutifully election their next President in the country’s first-
ever runoff vote. Pulling off the second election was no easy task. New money had to be
raised, a new round of debates had to be organized, new ballots had to be printed and
delivered to 6.600 voting centers around the country and perhaps the most difficult task –
enthusiasms among voters. Pollsters and politician gurus – who predicted a 40 to 50
percent runoff abstention rate – didn’t have much faith that people could be motivated to
vote again. However, it may not have been the most exciting campaign ever but, at the end
Ticos showed the world that they understand the importance of being able to
democratically elect their leaders. Both parties displayed wisdom and maturity, echoed by
the overwhelming majority of Costa Ricans who deplored the political violence.

Nouns Prepositions Adjectives

1- ______________ 1- ______________ 1- ______________
2- ______________ 2- ______________ 2- ______________

Verbs Articles Adverbs

1- ____________ 1- ___________ 1- ____________
2- ____________ 2- ___________ 2- ____________

Conjunctions Pronouns Auxiliaries

1- _____________ 1- ______________ 1- ______________
2- _____________ 2- ______________ 2- ______________
II - Read the sentences carefully and identify the DO or ID by underlining each of them and
writing the corresponding element. (5 points)

1- Erick is wearing a new shirt today.

2- We have classes in this room everyday.

3- They walked to school with Maria.

4- The hungry man stuffed his mouth with rice.

5- Carlos saw his brother’s book under the desk.

III- Write the plural form for the following nouns (10 points)

1- Waltz _______________ 6- Species _______________

2- Shelf _______________ 7- Crisis _______________

3- Lady _______________ 8- Cactus _______________

4- Zero _______________ 9- Phenomenon _______________

5- Goose _______________ 10- Sheep _______________

IV – Use the most appropriate modal auxiliary that completes sentences. Sentences meaning
can be negative or affirmative. (10 points)

1- Shirley is sleepy. She _____________ keep her eyes open more time.

2- They didn’t come to the party last night because they _____________ study a lot.

3- A: somebody called me while I was out, but the person didn’t leave the name.
B: who did it sound like? Anybody you know?
A: Well, it _____________ be Jorge, but that is just a guess. I __________ ask who was calling.

4- In Costa Rica, elementary education is compulsory. So, all the children ___________ attend the six
years of elementary school.

5- Neither of us knows the way to their hoses. We __________take a map with us.

6- When I was a boy, I ____________ run five miles without stopping. But now I just ___________ run
more than one or two

7- In my city, a girl and a boy ___________ go out on a date unless they are accompanied by a

9- __________ I make an appointment to see Doctor Gregorio Rojas?

V- Complete the following sentences using past and present perfect and the verbs in
parenthesis (10 points)

We _________________ (learn) many interesting things since we (come) ______________to this new
city. We are so happy because we ____________________ (make) a lot of friends through this time.

Last night my roommate and I (have) _________________ some free time, so I (go) ____________ to
a show and he unexplainable (be) ____________________in his room making his homework all this

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, librarians (make) _______________________many

important discoveries. They discovered that libraries today are different from those in the 1800s for
example, the contents of libraries (change) __________________ greatly through the years. In the
1800s, libraries (be) _______________ simple collections of books. However, today most libraries
(become) ____________________ multimedia centers that contain tapes and computers

VI- Use SINCE or FOR to complete the sentences correctly. (5 points)

1- He has not had response ____________He ran the ad.

2- The lights have not worked ___________March 11, 2007.

3- Rob has had his car __________a year.

4- It has made a funny noise _____________several weeks

5- Marlon has had problems ____________the day he got it.

VII- Complete the following sentences using present or present progressive and the verbs in
parenthesis (6 points)

1- Oscar, _______________ (come) over the window. Look at that guy in the blue shirt he
_______________ (ride) his bike with one hand.
2- Right now Guillermo _______________ (sit) at the desk. He usually _______________ (study) at
this time everyday.
3- Michael _______________ (want) to know what happens out side so in this moment he
_______________ (watch) out the window.
VIII- Complete the following sentences using past and past progressive and the verbs in
parenthesis (6 points)

1- Three sisters _______________ (live) in a castle in a faraway land. One day while the king
_______________ (think) about his family, he _______________ (have) an idea.

2- Yesterday the groom _______________ (choose) three diamonds and _______________ (take)
them into the house while his bride _______________ (lay) down on the sofa.

IX- Complete the following sentences using present perfect and past perfect and the verbs in
parenthesis (6 points)

1- A: Oh no! We are too late. The train _______________ (leave-already)

B: That is Okay. Let’s catch the next one.

2- Sorry, they are not sleepy. They _______________ (sleep) for eight hours

3- A: I will introduce the class to Professor Garcia at the meeting.

B: you don’t need to they _______________ (meet-already) him.
Yesterday, the whole class _______________ (know) him at the library

4- Carlos didn’t go to the movie with Francisco last Tuesday night. He _______________ (see-already)
that movie. In fact, he _______________ (go) to the movies many times during this week.

X- Complete the following sentences using past progressive and past perfect and the verbs in
parenthesis (5 points)

1- Hannia enjoyed visiting Tammy’s class. It was an arithmetic class. The students _______________
(learn) their multiplication tables

2- While Sergio _______________ (walk) up the mountains, he got tired. But he didn’t stop until he
reached the top.

3- When Gina went to the bed, it _______________ (rain) but when she woke up the snow
_______________ (stop-already)

4- A couple of week ago Mr. Gonzalez surprised all of us, when he walked into the office, he
_______________ (wear) a T-shirt and jeans. Before that time, he _______________ (wear)
anything but a blue or gray suit
Universidad Central
Head Office Points: 76
School of Education Percentage: 20%
Subject: Written Expression and Grammar II (B1-131) Time allotted : 120 minutes
Teacher: Lic. Ronald Fallas Astorga
II Test, III Quarter 2009 Obt. Points: ________
Name__________________________________________ Percentage: ________
ID number: _________________ Score: ________

General Instructions:
 You have only 30 minutes to read the entire test and clear up any doubt about it.
 Read every indication of the test carefully
 Use only black or blue ink and work clearly and neatly on the indicated spaces.
 Be sure to answer all the items and don’t leave empty spaces.
 To use pencil or liquid paper will not allow you to make future complains.


1- The people were very nice. We visited their house.


2- We apologized the man. We spilled his coffee.


3- I live in a dormitory. Its residents come from many countries.


4- I know the boy. His bicycle was stolen.


5- The girl poured a glass of water on his face. Her face caught on fire when he lit it.

6- I have to call the man. I accidentally picked up his umbrella after the meeting.

7- The professor is excellent. I am taking his course.


1- The girl is happy. She won the race.


2- The taxi driver was friendly. He took me to the airport.


3- We are studying sentences. They contain adjective clauses.


4- The pencil is mine. It is on the desk.


5- The movie was not very good. We saw it last night.


6- English grammar contains hard patterns. They stand for different languages

7- The teacher was so kind. He took me to my apartment.


8- They listened to the CD. You brought it.


9- We are using the sentences. They contain adjective clauses.


10- The book was good. I read it.


11- The people were very nice. We visited them yesterday.


12- I like the composition. You wrote it.


1- The man is standing over there. I was telling you about him.


2- The meeting was interesting. I went to it.


3- The picture was beautiful. She was looking at it.


IV- Complete the sentences with the given nouns in parenthesis and according to the
appropriate meaning of the sentences choose if they are count or noncount noun by
adding or not the “s” in case of being necessary to convey the meaning. (10 points)

( TIME) 1- José spends a lot of ____________in the bar.

2- José goes to the bar many ____________a week

(COFFEE) 3- My mother doesn’t like the ___________ that this restaurant serves.

4- O.K Mrs. Santos, we serve a lot of kinds of _____________

(GLASS) 5- the window is beautiful, I think they used a lot of __________ to make it.

6- It is indispensable to wear ___________ when you go to the beach, the sun is hot

(HAIR) 7- I really love my boyfriend’s ___________it is curly and long.

8- I hate this restaurant I found some __________in my food

(PAPER) 9- You have to take several notes so use a lot of different ____________

10- You don’t need a lot of ___________to make that magazine

V- Use the following expressions of quantity to complete the sentences with the correct
form of the count or noncount nouns don’t repeat them and meaning must convey.
(10 points)

Some a few several there is there are

Too much a lot of too many a little much

1- In this country I have to study ___________ slang.

2- There is ___________ sand on the lobby of the beach hotel.

3- Today the highway is wonderful I can see just some ____________ cars.

4- I don’t want to stay here _____________dust all over this apartment.

5- ______________ letters on the mail this morning

6- I hate my brother when he finished eating always let ___________food on the table

7- Marta has ____________compact disks of Michael Jackson

8- I love this country because a saw _____________ lakes, mountains, rivers and valleys.

9- To make a delicious bread is necessary to put just __________ salt on it.

10- How __________ money do you need for the surgery?

VI- Complete the sentences with the correct form, singular or plural, of the given nouns.
(10 points)

1- (Fact) I can find a lot of _____________ in an encyclopedia.

2- (poem) I really like to read _____________

3- (garbage) The street is very dirty. I see a lot of ________________

4- (grass) When we went on a picnic, we sat on the _________________

5- (toast) We had eggs and _____________for breakfast.

6- (clothing) Michael has a lot of _____________

7- (fruit) There is a lot ___________on the table

8- (mail) Did he get any _____________today?

9- (music) We enjoy listening to different kinds of ______________

10- (stuff) In Juan house it is easy to see a lot of ________________

VII- Complete the sentences with MUCH or MANY and the correct form, singular or plural, of the
given nouns. (5 points)

1- ( stamp) How _______________________ do you need for the letter?

2- (fun) I did not have ______________________at the party yesterday.

3- (pollution) They don’t like San José because of the __________________.

4- (traffic) Today is terrible there is _____________________.

5- (star) Do you know how ___________________ there are in the universe?

VIII- Complete the sentences with LITTLE or A FEW and the correct form, singular or
plural, of the given nouns. (5 points)

1- (money) If a accept that job, I will make ___________________

2- (laugh) Greg’s joke produced ______________________in the audience yesterday

3- (progress) I have made _______________________ in the last couple of days

4- (apple) José bought ______________________at the market

5- (hour) My plane will arrive in ____________________

IX- Complete the sentences with the appropriately using the expression of quantity and
adding the preposition OF when it is necessary. (5 points)

1. Some _______ the teachers in my school are strict and rude.

2. Most _____ books are interesting.

3. Margarita read a few _______ books yesterday.

4. Many _______ those magazines have gossip news.

5. I know several ________ my girlfriend’s classmates.

Universidad Central
Head Office Points: 60
School of Education Percentage: 20%
Subject: Written Expression and Grammar II (B1-131) Time allotted : 120 minutes
Teacher: Lic. Ronald Fallas Astorga
Final Test, III Quarter 2009 Obt. Points: ________
Name__________________________________________ Percentage: ________
ID number: _________________ Score: ________

General Instructions:

 You have only 30 minutes to read the entire test and clear up any doubt about it.
 Read every indication of the test carefully
 Use only black or blue ink and work clearly and neatly on the indicated spaces.
 Be sure to answer all the items and don’t leave empty spaces.
 To use pencil or liquid paper will not allow you to make future complains.

A- Complete the following Conditional Sentences with the appropriate forms of the verbs in
parenthesis (14 points)

1. It sounds great. If I (be) _____________you I (accept) _______________ that job.

2. She got wet because she didn’t carry her umbrella. However, she (get, not) _______________wet,
if she (remember) _______________to carry her umbrella with her yesterday.

3. Aerosol spray cans will explode if he (throw) _______________them into the fire.

4. If the weather had been nice last week, our family (go) _______________to the park.

5. Carlos is not home right now. If he (be) _______________at home right now, I would visit him.

6. I have a lot of money to buy things. Maybe I have more than I need. If I (have, not)
_________________it, I (give, not) _________________some of it to my mother.

7. If they had enough pizza, they (bake) _______________one big pizza this afternoon.

8. If Jason (have)_______________a sharp razor, he (shave)_______________today

9. The students failed the test. However if they (study) _______________for the test, the students
(pass) _______________ it.
B- Read the situations of the statements carefully and write an appropriate Conditional
Sentences for each of them. Don’t repeat vocabulary or use it from any item of this test (5 points)

1- My mother does not speak English, so she never helps me with my homework.

2- Raquel wanted to be a famous actress, but she was usually so nervous and introvert.

3- My high school is dirty because the students don’t help to pick up the garbage.

4- Eddy has had a poor family, so his parents have worked day and night to support his studies.

5- Lucia always got terrible grades because he did not care her studies.

C- Read carefully the sentences and pay attention for the Time Clauses and expressions, then
choose the verbs in parenthesis to complete them. Sentences can be in past, present or future)
(18 points)

1- Jane (meet) ___________me at the airport when my plane (arrive) ___________tomorrow.

2- Jorge goes to New York often. When he (be) ___________ is there, he usually (see) ___________
a Broadway play.

3- As soon as the test (be) __________over in class yesterday, the students (leave) __________the

4- The guys (watch) ___________a soccer game on TV right now. As soon as the game (finish)

___________, they (start) ___________with their obligations against

5- When we (walk) ___________ into the living room last Sunday evening, grandpa (read)

___________a newspapers and my aunt (smoke) ___________her pipe.

6- Mark is obsessed with video games. He (play) ___________ everyday in the morning, noon and

night. If he (study, not) ___________harder he (flunk) ___________

7- When my friends and I (graduate) ___________ from the Chicago college, they (return)

___________home, but I (travel) ___________around the world for six months.

D- Change the following ACTIVE sentences to PASSIVE sentences. Include the BY phrase when
it is necessary and be careful with the intransitive verbs. (16 points)

1. As it is usual my wife came late to the meeting.

2. My sister’s plane was arriving by the time I got at the airport.

3. Exhausted gases from cars had depleted the ozone layer

4. Green World is going to plant thousand of trees this year

5. We can’t throw stuff everywhere

6. Industrial waste contaminated the river

7. When does the university begin the new course?

8. The teacher teaches great English

9. People are fishing sharks on the lake.

10. Parents should teach their children to protect the environment

11. When will someone have announced the results of the contest?

12. The mail carrier had already delivered the mail by the time I left for school this morning.

13. People had better stop the consuming drugs, alcohol and cigars

14. Our government ought to solve the problem of Rio Azul

15. Ultraviolet rays are suppose to cause skin cancer

16. Somebody told me to get more exercise.

E- Change the following PASSIVE sentences to ACTIVE sentences. Be careful with the
intransitive verbs. (7 points)

1. Paper, the main writing material today, was invented by the Chinese.

2. Margarita cried a lot yesterday.

3. About 30 years ago an excellent coffee is produced in San Jose downtown.

4. The classes of English were given yesterday at night in room #5.

5. I was invited to a nice party yesterday.

6. Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro were planned by Lucio Costa and O. Niemeyer in 1950s.

7. La Calle de la Amargura in San Pedro is filled with bars, restaurants and night clubs.
Universidad Central
Head Office Points: 98
School of Education Percentage: 20%
Subject: Written Expression and Grammar II (B1-131) Time allotted : 120 minutes
Teacher: Lic. Ronald Fallas Astorga
First Test, I Quarter 2011 Obt. Points: ________
Name__________________________________________ Percentage: ________
ID number: _________________ Score: ________

General Instructions:

 You have only 30 minutes to read the entire test and clear up any doubt about it.
 Read every indication of the test carefully
 Use only black or blue ink and work clearly and neatly on the indicated spaces.
 Be sure to answer all the items and don’t leave empty spaces.
 To use pencil or liquid paper will not allow you to make future complains.

A - Read the article carefully and extract the part of the speech requested (18 points)

Causes of the Greenhouse Effect

One of the main causes of Global Warming is the Greenhouse effect. When the emission of infrared
radiation in the atmosphere warms a planet’s surface, it is known as the greenhouse effect and is a
natural phenomenon occurring on planet Earth. The natural causes of the greenhouse effect are the
emission of gases like nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone and water vapor. The
greenhouse effect is actually beneficial to the Earth. It is only when human made processes increase
its speed that the problems occur. One main problem is the off repeated Global Warming. One of the
man-made causes of the greenhouse effect is deforestation. It increases the amount of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere. Also due to the disappearance of trees, photosynthesis cannot take place.
Greenhouse gases also can be release into the atmosphere due to the burning of fossil fuels (oil,
coal, and gas). Another man-made cause for the increase in the greenhouse effect is due to the
emission of gasses from electrical appliances. These gases are known as chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs) and are used in refrigerators, cans and so forth.

Nouns Prepositions Adjectives

1. ______________ 1. ______________ 1. ______________
2. ______________ 2. ______________ 2. ______________

Verbs Articles Adverbs

3- ____________ 3- ___________ 1. ____________
4- ____________ 4- ___________ 2. ____________

Conjunctions Pronouns Auxiliaries

1. _____________ 1. ______________ 1. ______________
2. _____________ 2. ______________ 2. ______________
B- Complete the sentences with the prepositions IN – ON – AT – OVER (7 points)

1- I moved to this school ______ December 15th, 2000.

2- The ceiling is _________ the students and furniture.

3- Kevin is ____ his taxi driving to Alajuela.

4- Ok. Let’s see each other ____ the rock concert.

5- The Soccer World Cup takes place ____ South Africa.

6- Where is Carlos? He is ____ the bus right now.

7- Khaled is ____ the traffic light in this moment.

C- Read the sentences and questions carefully and chose the correct alternative to complete or
answer them. Write an X in side the parenthesis chosen (12 points)

1- When Ellen was a child, she used to be shy. Now she is not.
Ellen ____________ shy, but now she is not.
( ) used to ( ) use be
( ) used to be ( ) is used to

2- Yesterday Carlos went to the cash station and _____________ some money.
( ) withdrew ( ) laid
( ) lay ( ) upset

3- Kevin ____________ a beautiful woman at the beach.

( ) slid ( ) met
( ) meant ( ) broadcast

4- When Carlos was in school he _____________ jeans, but now he doesn’t.

( ) used to wore ( ) used to strike
( ) used to use ( ) used to wear

5- Yesterday, Betzy ____________ the window because it was raining.

( ) close ( ) rode
( ) rise ( ) shut

6- Pedro was so nervous when he ___________his baby in his arms for the first time.
( ) fell ( ) held
( ) met ( ) drew
7- My Father ______________ to smoke, but he does not do it anymore
( ) did not use ( ) uses
( ) used ( ) use

8- My father is upset with my sister because she ___________ a short dress for her birthday party.
( ) struck ( ) wore
( ) fed ( ) forgave

9- Hugo volunteered to __________ the dinner for the party.

( ) made ( ) prepared
( ) lead ( ) cook

10- I _________________ at the Universidad de Costa Rica next year.

( ) am going to enroll ( ) is going to study
( ) I will not place ( ) am going to tear

11- My God! I have spilled coffee on my shirt. Just a minute I _____________ a damp cloth for you.
( ) am going lay ( ) will stick
( ) am going to get ( ) will get

12- Did Marcos _________ the English class last night.

( ) understood ( ) understand
( ) attended ( ) bend

B- Complete the sentences with the plural forms of the nouns in parenthesis (10 points)

1- My sister has two _____________ (knife)

2- The poor boys were found with _____________ (louse)

3- Fortunately, we have to dance only two _____________. (waltz)

4- Costa Rica is a country that defend its endangered _____________ (species)

5- Sofia hurt her two _____________ (foot)

6- The animals were infected of several _____________ (bacterium)

7- We love this neighbor. It has many colorful _____________ (house)

8- She hates going to the desert because of the many _____________ there (cactus)

9- During the concert eight _____________ got hurt. (person)

10- In the East of Asia many_____________ protect the environment (city)

F- Complete the sentences using the simple past or past progressive of the given verbs in
parenthesis. (9 points)

1- When they left from the school this morning, it (rain) ____________________ so they used their
2- Last night they started to study at 7:30. Dick came at 7:35. So, they (study) ___________________
when Dick came.
3- Last week she started to do the homework at 7:30. Tomas came at 7:35. By the time Tomas came,

she (do) _________________ her homework.

4- Hanna enjoyed visiting Tammy’s class. It was an arithmetic class. The students (learn)
_______________ their multiplication tables.

5- Sergio (tiptoe) _______________ toward the room door when he saw the baby was sleeping.

6- Yesterday the groom _______________ (choose) three diamonds and gave his bride while she

(lie) _______________ down on the sofa.

7- The class (be) _________________dark for long time until the teacher (light)

_________________up some candles.

B- Complete the following sentences using present or present progressive and the verbs in
parenthesis (6 points)

4- Right now, Oscar is at home. He _______________ (watch) his family doing many activities. For

example, his father ______________ (tie) his tennis shoes. Guillermo _____________ (light) the

candles because he _______________ (prefer) to study with a lot of illumination. Michael

_______________ (remember) his old friends during school days. Finally, his mother is outside

_______________ (buy) some vegetables to a traveling seller.

B- Use the following expressions of quantity to complete the sentences with the correct form of
the count or non-count nouns. Don’t repeat them and meaning must convey. (10 points)

some a few several any plenty of

too much a great deal of too many a little a bunch of

1- In this country I have to study ___________ slang.

2- There is ___________ sand on the lobby of the beach hotel.

3- Today the highway is wonderful I can see just ____________ cars.

4- I don’t want to stay here there is _____________dust all over this apartment.

5- Can you clean up your desk; there are ______________ letters on it.

6 – Marco needs to translate the song but he just speaks ____________ English.

7- Marta has ____________compact disks of Michael Jackson.

8- We could not see the game because there were ____________ hooligans who caused disturbs.

9- To make a delicious bread is necessary to put just __________ salt on it.

10- Carlos could you please check if there is _________ milk left?

C- Complete the sentences with MUCH or MANY and the correct form, singular or plural, of the
given nouns. (5 points)

1- ( stamp) How _______________________ do you need for the letter?

2- (fun) I did not have too ______________________at the party yesterday.

3- (pollution) They don’t like San José because of too __________________.

4- (traffic) Today is terrible there is too_____________________.

5- (star) Do you know how ___________________ there are in the universe?

D- Complete the sentences with A LITTLE or A FEW and the correct form, singular or
plural, of the given nouns. (6 points)

1- (money) If a accept that job, I will make ___________________

2- (laugh) Greg’s joke produced ______________________in the audience yesterday

3- (progress) I have made _______________________ in the last couple of days

4- (hour) My plane will arrive in ____________________

5- (Time) José spends ____________in the bar.

6- ( Time) José goes to the bar many ____________a week

IV- Read the following sentences carefully then complete them according to the correct form of
FUTURE using “going to” or “will” and the given verbs in parenthesis. Sentences can be
negative or affirmative. (5 points)

1- A: this letter is in French, and I don’t speak a word of French. Can you help?

B: sure, I _________________ it for you. (translate)

2- Do you want to go shopping with me? I _________________to the shopping mal downtown. (go)

3- A: This light does not work. The bull is probably burned out.

B: I _________________one for you. (get)

4- A: it is cold in here.

B: I agree with you. I ___________________the heater on (turn)

5- A: It is really cold in here. My nose is red and my fingers cold.

B: it is true, I __________________ a soup. (make)

II- Complete the following sentences using the correct Negative or Affirmative Modal Auxiliary
don’t repeat them more than twice. (10 points)

1- Johnny you ______________ play with sharp knives.

2- We ______________ go to the concert if you don’t want to, but it might be good.

3- Any person __________ eat everyday to live, however people ___________eat a balance diet.

4- Everyone ______________have certain goals in life.

5- He needs help in math. You ____________ talk to your teacher

6- ____________ you please pass me the salt?

7- In the past they ___________ dance three hours but nowadays they only ____________ dance one.

8- It is Ok but I _________ stay at home and study for the test I have tomorrow.

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