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Michael Littman explains potential arguments in favor of the Artificial Machine and Robotics in

his article Rise of the Machines' is Not a Likely Future. Littman explained that the word robot

was coined initially in a 1920 play that dramatized the apocalypse. He provided references to

Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking about being worried about humanity being steamrolled by

power machines, which changed the focus of AI research toward AI "safety". He further

explained by giving reference to Nick Bostrom's book that the book has correctly depicted where

we are now regarding computational power and intelligent software. However, it has failed to

explain the consequences of super-smart computers because Littman thinks that if computers

outsmart humans, that will negate what we know about computers and intelligence. He criticized

Moore's law, which suggests that computers' speak increased and the size of the computer gets

smaller every two years. The law projects that intelligent computers will surface human

intelligence in few decades. Littman argued that to develop really fast computers, real-world

resources will be deployed, which is not technically possible. He further adds that all the

resources are controlled and managed by humans, the Artificial intelligent system will do what

we want them to do is part of the process and creating something that cannot be controlled is just

an idea provided by many researchers. Littman expressed his concerns regarding the future of AI

algorithmic because of systematic biases, which he believes can be managed by careful planning.

Michael Littman looks pretty optimistic about the future of Artificial Intelligent, which is true

somehow because Artificial Intelligence is not only going to help humans make this world a

better place, but it will also help to discover new endeavors, but as Artificial Intelligence grows

ubiquitous, the voices against AI grows louder. There are two broad categories of AI; Narrow

AI, which is based on user-friendly software such as SIRI, Alexa, Netflix, and Amazon to help

people get their jobs done. Any program that can be adapted based upon user interaction can be a

form of Narrow AI. AI is rarely considered a threat. The second category of AI is Artificial

General Intelligence AGI, this type of AI can be applied to more sophisticated machines, and it

can perform intellectual actions a human can. Researchers have name AGI as the strong AI

which can think and express consciousness. Indeed, it makes strong AI an existential threat to

humanity if machines start to think, understand, and reproduce.

Hanson Robotics has successfully developed a humanoid robot based on robust AI technology to

help commercial markets. Her name is Sophia, and she can effectively communicate in natural

languages, show facial expressions, and convey emotions like humans. Researchers are

convinced that if such robots are tough, how to program and learn themself. For millennia

humans have been trying to outsource some of the tasks that the brain performs to AI. From

writing that allows us to keep records rather than memorizing to advanced navigation tools such

as GPS, evolved from mythology and starts charts. This brings to a fundamental question what if

humans outsource self-awareness to technology.

Artificial Intelligence is now changing the future of almost every industry. Artificial Intelligence

has acted as the primary driver of emerging technologies such as IoT, GPT3, big data, and

robotics that have the power to think and produce new content and have the potential to excel
humans in every field. I could mention many other examples of progress in AI, but Google

Alpha Go is a landmark. In March 2016, Google’s Alpha Go beat Lee Sedol. Sedol was one of

the best go players in the world. Just in the five-minute game, AI has defeated humankind. May

Go masters predicted that AI would not be able to play Go as well as humans.

Since AI is excelling in many industries and in new technologies, it can cause bias,

unemployment. Since humans build algorithms, there are chances that algorithms are built-in

biased. Recently Amazon gave up its automatic resume filter because it showed preferences

towards specific ethnicity. It can not only be the algorithm's fault, but machine learning can help

AI learn bias on its own using trends and data sets. This can lead to unintended consequences

such as Microsoft’s chat box, which became racist. AI can replace jobs in many industries such

as logistics, hospitals, and driving. Tesla and Amazon have already proved that AI can pave its

success in the driving and logistics industry.

It is not so far when we observe AI working next to humans in every industry and start excelling

humans because they have faster, more accurate, and more practical computational skills. The

only thing that AI lacks now is self-awareness and emotional intelligence, and rapid growth of

machine learning made it clear that humans will ultimately transfer self-awareness to AI, and

indeed that day will be no less than any Dooms Day when humans will no longer have the

competitive advantage of being intelligent on this planet.

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