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Student: Year 12 Task Number: 1- Depth Study
Subject: Chemistry Weighting: 20%
Year / Class: Year 12, 2023 Date Issued to Class: Week 6, Term 4 2022
Teacher: Mr Scollay, Mr Vasram, Dr Ramachandran, Date: Week 8, Term 4, 2022
Ms Trkulja, Ms Adams
Task Title: Sulfuric Acid - A study in equilibria LOCATION: Houliston
• CH 12-1 to 7
• CH12-12
• CH12-15
The following modules will be examined:
• M5 IQ2 “What factors influence equilibrium and how?”

• M5 IQ3 “How can the position of equilibrium be described and what does the
equilibrium constant represent?
• M8, IQ3 “What are the implications for society of chemical synthesis and design?” will
be addressed.

• N.B. The test will examine certain aspects of the research you have done. It will involve
stoichiometric calculations and applications or understanding of your research.
You will not have to submit your worksheets and research.

The task is in two parts:

1. Simulation of the Contact Process (Worksheets)
2. Research on the global (economic and social) impact of the Contact Process.

• Elements of this task will be completed online.
• You will be allowed to take into the examination a set of handwritten notes on the
coloured paper provided to you with this notification.
• are away you must inform HT Science- Mr Scollay and the Deputy Principal, Ms Clarke
If you
TASK 1: DEPTH STUDY - Hand-in Task Online

You are a Chemical Engineer.

Please read the Role Statement below:

A chemical engineer must design various items such as measurement and control systems,
chemical manufacturing equipment and chemical manufacturing processes. This is a major duty
on the part of the chemical engineer and one which must be carried out with preciseness at all
levels and stages

The preparation of multiple reports is also in the hands of the chemical engineer. The chemical
engineer must prepare data which specifically details the findings of certain tests and evaluations.
These reports can be text or tables depending on the type of report which is needed

A chemical engineer designs and scales up chemical reactions to industrial scale. What works on a
lab benchtop, may not work on an industrial scale.

In this depth study you will revisit the concepts behind rates of reactions and
equilibrium. Equilibrium reactions are reversible reactions – the chemical reaction
can move in both the forward and reverse direction. These reactions can often
occur in a closed system, where the mass is conserved. Equilibrium systems can be
influenced by changes in temperature, pressure, and concentration.

Le Chatelier’s Principle states that if a factor influencing an equilibrium system is

changed, the system will shift to counteract that change, so equilibrium can be re-
established. In this task you will apply these factors to an equilibrium system, the
Contact Process.

In this assessment task, as a chemical engineer, you are to become an ‘expert’ on

the Contact process. This will allow you to be able to determine the best
conditions for maximum output of sulfuric acid as well as consider costs, profit,
the environment, safety, and future directions of this industry.

Little Johnny took a drink, but he shall drink no more.

For what he thought was H2O was H2SO4.


Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is a colourless liquid that is a highly corrosive strong mineral acid. Sulfuric
acid has a wide range of applications including production of fertilisers, manufacture of titanium
dioxide used in paints, paper, plastics and sunscreens, electrolyte in lead-acid batteries and various
cleaning agents. It is also a central substance in the chemical industry. Sulfuric acid is the most
commonly manufactured chemical in the world. In 2004, the chemical industry produced
37,515,000 metric tons (41,266,000 short tons), of which more than half was used in the
manufacture of fertilizers.

The Contact process is the main method used to produce sulfuric acid from elemental sulfur.
Sulfuric acid can be produced by reacting sulfur trioxide directly with water according to the
equation below.
SO3(g) + H2O(l) → H2SO4(aq) ∆H = -130 kJ mol-1
However, so much heat is released that the reaction chamber becomes full of sulfuric acid mist
which is very difficult to collect. For this reason, sulfuric acid is produced in several stages known
as the contact process.
It’s four stages are summarised in Figure 1 below. In the first stage, sulfur combusts in air to form
sulfur dioxide. The sulfur dioxide is then catalytically converted to sulfur trioxide. The sulfur
trioxide is dissolved in previously manufactured sulfuric acid to form oleum. Finally, the oleum
reacts with water to form sulfuric acid.

Fig 1. The Contact process is named after the contact that sulfur dioxide and oxygen make with the catalyst.

The link below is a video that will give you a clearer understanding of the process:

This task will be conducted in THREE parts.

1. Conduct simulations of the Contact Process
2. Research on the global (economic, environment and social)
impact of the Contact Process.
3. Written ONE hour examination
Task Part 1.

Your task is to investigate and find the ideal conditions to make the largest
profit for making sulfuric acid using the simulation found at the following

Your login is:


Password: studentBHHS

Note that some factors will increase rate or yield as well as increase cost and thus
drive down profits.

You will be required to use your knowledge of equilibrium systems, specifically

the content in the following two inquiry questions, to analyse equilibrium data,
perform calculations, make predictions and draw conclusions:
• M5 IQ2 “What factors influence equilibrium and how?”
• M5 IQ3 “How can the position of equilibrium be described and what does
the equilibrium constant represent?
• In addition, M8, IQ3 “What are the implications for society of chemical
synthesis and design?” will be addressed.
To complete the task, complete all seven worksheets attached for the M5 IQ
questions nominated. The worksheets should contain key information relating to
equilibrium systems including:
o Le Chatelier’s Principle.
o Factors affecting equilibrium systems – concentration of reactants,
pressure & temperature
o Interpreting equilibrium graphs.
o Data to validate your ideal conditions for the Contact process using
the simulation.
o Appropriate graphs to represent the data and correct interpretation of
that data.
o Analysing the effect of catalysts on the production of H2SO4
o Analysing the functioning of a catalyst in the contact process

This completes Part 1.

Part 2.
Research on the global (economic, environment and social) impact of the
Contact Process.

The following concepts should be researched:

• Briefly outline the use(s) and source(s) of sulfuric acid before its synthesis
(before 1830), made possible by the Contact process.

• Discuss the economic and social impact of the synthesis of sulfuric acid
on a global scale after its implementation.

• Read the following abstract:

Sulfur: A potential resource crisis that could stifle green technology

and threaten food security as the world decarbonises
Mark Maslin, Livia Van Heerde, Simon Day
First published: 21 August 2022

Evaluate the statement made by these authors regarding the availability of

sulfur in the production of sulfuric acid.

This ends Part 2.

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