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Chapter one

Turtles can fly?

It starts out as any other day at the farm, which is a.k.a bad. also my name is Michael,To me
farm stands for fields all day right till midnight f.a.r.m. But what makes this day so worse is when
I go to school there's no way to stop what comes, so like I said it starts out like…am I forgetting
something…ohhh! My age, im at least sixteen years old turning seventeen in a week fun right,
NO! It is my least favorite week. Papa always makes me do all the chores around the house
though Ma tries to help. Ok… ok now we start storytelling. Again it starts out like any other day
with my sister yellen in
my ear…
“Ughhhh”! I moaned. Why do you yell in my ear? It's rude, you really should know that. Chloe
snickered and yelled. It’s time for school! This is the part of the morning I really despise, it’s
nonstop yelling from her in the morning and my mom is pretty much deaf, so it might sound
like I'm whispering and she’s talking at normal volume. I scowled and asked. Ok… what time
is it? It’s nine thirty. She said it straight forward like it was nothing, well it is nothing for her but
to me that means im dead late. I scrambled out of bed and went through all my clothes till I
found appropriate clothes for school. I went down the stairs and tripped on the last step. Do
not judge me. Ahhh! I yelled.
Why do I always fall on the last step? Though it wasn’t my fault. Chloe laughed till I shoved
her off the stairs. Owww. She complained. Why did you do that? You deserved it. I mumbled.
She really deserved it but I shouldn't have done that. “MICHAEL MY SUPERMAN”! Yelled
Ma. Yeah my mom calls me superman, all of florida calls me that , I tell her I don’t like being
called that but she never listens. My dad is working for a top secret thing called s.c.p which
stands for Special containment protection. What Ma? I asked. Why are you sleeping in?
You're supposed to be with your father. She said, My sister tricked me to get up but perfect
timing, why does this happen to me?'' What! You told me I was going to… that's a bad
I heard a chuckle that came from my dad. I scowled everyone in the room, making my dad
laugh harder. You know what, lit us skip to the car scene, the fight was humiliating. Dad? I
say a lot of things just to annoy my dad. He said. Yes? And I'm very sorry for getting mad at
you. Yes! He is not mad at me anymore. So i say. I’m also sorry for fighting with you. DAD! I
screamed. Watch out! He saw what I was looking at and said. How did wikifur escape? Next
thing I know is we were doing flips in mid air. We finally landed(not smooth)on the road. What
I said might have changed my perspective for the rest of my life. w-what is a wikifur dad? I
looked at dad but he was not exactly. He was in the hand of the wikifur thing. What the hell!
Run you damn kid! yelled dad. Shit, shit, shit, shit! I could not stop yelling that word while I
was running. I'm pretty sure my dad said. Scp-1471

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