1990 Provincial Profile - Pampanga

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PAMPANGA 7% REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES HER EXCELLENCY PRESIDENT CORAZON C. AQUINO x NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE TOMAS P. AFRICA, Administrator NELIA R, MARQUEZ Deputy Administrator, FOREWORD With the increasing demand for emall area statistics, the National Statistics Office in mid-1988 started the compilation of the Provincial Profiles to provide users a convenient statistical reference on the geogrerhic, economic, social and Gemographic aepects of the 73 provinces of the country s well as the National Capital Region. This maiden issue consists of 20 chapters. Data included are the latest available at the time of compilation. Much effort was exerted to include Statistics for various years co as to make this publication useful to those wi are. interested in time series date. In addition, an explanatory note and a rie: analysis are included at the start of each chapter. Grateful acknowledgment is due to the different national and local agencies for their invaluable assistance in providing the needed information. We hope that the local government units will take up the initiative for the updates and upgrades of these compilations. We shall be most willing to assiet. Dh. P.Africa dmifhisthator Manila, Philippines December 1990 Table of Contents Page Foreword aaa List of Tables wih List of Figures xv Map of the Province xvi Chapter i Overview of the Province 1 2 Physical Characteristica 3 3 Demography 8 4 Health and Welfare 31 5 Crime and Delinquency 33 6 Education 36 7 Labor Force and Employment 43 8 Incomes, Expenditures and Prices 50 9 Agriculture 64 10 Fishery ~ 86 at Forestry 92 12 Mining and Guarrying 96 13 Manufacturing 98 i4 Housing and Construction ~ 201 15 Transportation 18z 16 Electricity. Gas and Water 156 17 Trade and: Tourism 159 18 Community, Social and Personal Services 162 19 Financing. Insurance. Real Estate and Business Services 164 20 Administrative Machineries 166 Table Number Chapter 2 1 Chapter 3 ok OD o List of Tables Physical Characteristics Status of Land Classification: 1981-1986 Demography Population Density and Growth Rate: Censal Years 1903-1990 Population and Household Projections: 1980-2000 Age and Sex Composition of the Population: 1960-1980 Urban-Rural Population by Sex: 1970, 1975 and 1980 Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group by Marital Status: 1970. 1975 and 1980 Population and Sex Ratio by Municipality/City: 1960-1980 Literacy of Private Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group and Sex: 1980 Population 7 Years Old and Over by Sex, Age and Highest Grade Completed: 1970-1980 Live Births by Month of Occurrence: 1980-1986 Registered Births by Type of Attendance: 1980-1986 Deaths by Sex and Age Group: 1980-1986 vii Page is 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 24 24 25 12 13 14 15 16 17a 17> Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Registered Deaths by Type of Attendance: 1980-1986 : ~ Foetal Deaths by Type of Attendance: 1980-1966 5 weed an. Infant Deaths by Age and Sex: 18801966" « Maternal Deaths by'Age Group: 1980-1986 Sande Marriages by Month of Occurrence: 1980~1986"" Number of Migrants to Pampanga by Area of Origin! Censal Years 1975-1960 Number of Migrants from Pampanga by Area of Destination: : Censal Years 1975-1980 . Health and Welfare Estimated Vital Rates and Life Expectancy at Birth: 1980-2000 Crime and Delinquency . Age-Sex Composition of Jail Population: 1986-1987 Jail Population by Month: 1986-1987 Number of Drug Dependents by Sex: 1980-1966 Education Distribution of Schools by Level of Education by Sector: SY 1962-1983 - SY 1988-1989 Enrolment in Government and Private Schools by Level of Education: SY 1977-1978 - SY 1988-1989 viii 32 34 35 Chapter 7 Number of Teachers in Government and Private Schools by of Education: SY 1977-1976 ~ SY 1988-1989 Education Indicators in Government Elementary Schools: SY 1977-1978 ~ SY 1986-1989 Education Indicators in Government Secondary Schools: SY 1977-1978 - SY 1988-1989 Enrolment in Seven Areas of Non-formal Education: SY 1976-1979 - SY 1987-1986 Labor Force and Employment Level Population 15 Years Old and Over by Sex by Employment Status, Urban-Rural: October 1986 and January 1989 Employed Persons by Type of Industry, Urban-Rural: October 1988 and January 1989 Labor Force Projections by Age Group and Sex: 1980-2000 Incomes, Expenditures and Prices Number of Families, Total and Average Family Income and Expenditure by Income Class: 1985 and 1968 Number of Families, Total and Average Family Income and Expenditure by Family Size: 1985 and 1988 Number of Families by Main Source of Income and Income Glass: 1985 and 1988 Distribution of Expenditures by Expenditure Group and Income Class: 1985 and 1988 ix 39 40 41 42 46 47 48 54 55 56 59 5a 5b Chapter 9 moe o da 4b 10 Consumer Price Index for All Income Households, Pampanga: 1981-1989 Consumer Price Index for All-Income Households, Central Luzon: 1981-1989 Agriculture Number of Farms Number and Area Number and Area Number and Area Number and Area Number and Area Number and Area Number of Farms vy Size by Municipality: 1971 and 1980 of Farms by Land Use: 1971 and 1980 of Farms by Land Use and by Municipality: 1980 of Farms by Type of Tenure: 1971 and 1960 of Farma by Size and Tenure: 1971 and 1960 of Farms by Tenure. and by Municipality: 1980 of Farms by Type and by Tenure: 1971 and 1960 Reporting. Area Harvested and Production by Type of Temporary Crop: 1980 Number of Farms Reporting, Number of Productive Trees and Production by Type of Permanent Crop: 1980 Livestock and Poultry- Number of Farms Reporting and Population by Municipality: 1980 Number and Area of Irrigated Farms by Land Use and by Municipality: 1980 62 63 69 73 4 76 76 a0 a1 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 1 2 3 4 Chapter 12 1 Chapter 15 1 Number of Household Members 10 Years Old and Over by Type of Activity, by Type of Worker and by Size of Farm: 1980 Fishery Area and Production of Inland Fishponds in Operation by Type of Ownership: 1981-1987 Operating Cost by Type of Aquafarm and Type of Expenditure: 1980 Number of Municipal Fishing Households and Population by Sex and Age Group by Municipality: 1980 Forestry Census of Forest Occupants: 1981-1986 Integrated Social Forestry Projects: 1966 and 1987 Pasture Leases and Permits: 1980-1986 Active Sawmills: 1980-1986 Mining and Quarrying Overall Mineral Production: 1980-1986 Manufacturing Number of Manufacturing Establishments by Average Monthly Sales/Receipts by Municipality: 1983 ah 85 89 90 al 94 94 94 95 38 100 Chapter 14 re} 10 1 Housing and Construction Number of Households in Occupied Dwelling Unite by Type of Building: 1970 and 1980 Number of Occupied Dwelling Unite by Type of Building by Municipality: 1980 Number of Households in Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Building by Floor Area: 1930 Number of Households in Occupied [welling Units by Type of Building by Type of Occupancy: 1970 and 1980 Number of Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Building: 1970 and 1980 Number of Households in Gecupied Dwelling Units by Year Built. by Construction Materials of Roof snd Outer Walls Number of Households in Occupied Dwelling Unite by Kind of Lighting by Municipality: 1980 Number of Households in Occupied Dwelling Units by Use and Source of Water Supply, Urban-Rural: 1980 Number of Households in Occupied Iwelling Units by Source of Water Supply for Drinking by Municipality: 1980 Number of Households in Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Toilet Facility by Municipality: 1980 Exieting Road Length by System Classification and Standard: 1987 104 105 107 108 110 wa 115 116 118 120 122 12 13 14 15 16 17 Chap’ ter 15 Chapter 16 1 Number of New Building Construction Started, Floor Area and Value of Construction by Type of Residential Building by Municipality: 1988 Number of New Building Construction Started, Floor Area and Value of Construction by Type of Non-Residential Building by Municipality: 1988 Number of Construction Establishments by Average Monthly Sales/Receipts by Municipality: 1983 Number of Buildings in Urban and Selected Areas by Type of Structure and Ownership, by Province and Municipality: 1989 Number of Buildings in Urban and Selected Areas by Floor Area and Type of Structure, by Province and Municipality: 1989 Number of Buildings in Urban and Selected Areas by Type of Structure and Condition (State-of-Repair), by Province and Municipality: 1989 Transportation and Commnications Comparative Statistics on Motor Vehicles by Type: 1983-1988 Registered Motor Vehicles by Major Classification: 1983-1988 Number of Transportation, Communication and Storage Establishments by Average Monthly Sales/Receipts by Municipality: 1983 Electricity, Gas and Water Status of Energization by Cooperative by Municipality: 1986 xiii 123 124 125 126 132 142 154 154 155 157 Chapter 17 Trade and Tourism 1 Number of Wholesale and Retail Trade Establishments by Average Monthly Sales/Receipts by Municipality: 1933 161 Chapter 18 Community, Social’ and Personal Services 1 Number of Public and Private Services Establishments by Average Monthly Seles/Receipts by Municipality: 1963 163 Chapter 19 Financing, Insurance, Real Estate and Business Services a Number of Financing, Insurance and Real Estate Establishments | by Average Monthly Sales/Keceipts by Municipality: 1983 165 Chapter 20 Administrative Machineries | 1 Voting Population by District by Municipality: January 18, 1988 Local Election 187 xiv List of Figures Figure Number Page 2.4 Status of Land Classification: 1986 6 3.1 Vital Statistics: 1980-1986 14 3.2 Urban-Rural Population: 1970. 1975 and 1980 12 al Employed Persons by Type of Industry, Urban-Rural: January 1989 45 8.4 Distribution of Families by Main Source of Income: 1985 and 1988 51 8.2 Distribution of Expenditures by Expenditure Group: 1985 and 1988 52 8.3 Consumer Price Index for All Income Households: 1981-1989 53 9.4 Number of Farms by Land Use: 1971-1980 67 2.2 Number and Area of Farms by Type of Tenure: | 1871-1980 68 10.1 Area and Production of Inland Fishponds: 1981-1987 88 ied Area of Forestry Projects: 1986 and 1987 93 12.1 Value of Non-Metallic Mineral Production: 1980-1986 97 | wueva eqisa | PROVINCE OF PAMPANGA Chapter 1 i OVERVIEW OF ‘THE PROVINCE | Kapangpangans” or “the people by the river bank” was the name given to the early settlers of the province who were found along the banks of the rivers and riverine \ aveas before the Spaniards came. It is one of the six provinces comprising Region IIL (Central Luzon) and is surrounded by the province of Tarlac and Nueva Ecija on the north and northeast, Bulacan on the east, Manile Bay on the south and Zambales and Bataen on the west. Basically an agricultural region. Pampanga was the site of a land reform pilot project during the administration of President Diosdado Macapagal. Rice and sugar cane are its important crops. Pampanga, which was first explored by Martin de Goiti was completely controlled by the Spaniards in 1572. Many revolts occurred in the province but were unsucceasful. At the outbreak of the Philippine Revolution in 1856, the lend was controlled by the revolutionary forces of General Mariano Lianera. Local revolutionary groups from Bacolor, Macabebe and Masantol joined the revolution Shortly after the fall of the capital town of San Fernando to the hands of the American forces and after the defeat of General T. Mascardo, Pampanga was overruled by General Frederick Dent Grant with San Fernando as headquarters. In 1901, a civil government was established in the province by the Americans and Bacolor was retained as the capital. | In March 1917, the province of Fampanga was created under Republic Act 2711. Afterwards, Pampanga became the seat of Hukbalahap and later. the nucleus of the New People’s Army. | The province, covering an area of 2,180.7 square kilometers, is composed of 21 municipalities and one city, broken down into 537 barangays. It 1s classified as a i first class province with San Fernando as capital. 1 te . Below is the list of city/municipalities with their corresponding land area, , classification and number of barangays: City/municipality Land area Classification! Number of (eq km) barangaye Angeles City 80,3 5 let 33 be Apalit 61.5 bth 42 Arayat 134.7 5th 30 rs Bacolor 71.7 Sth at E Candabs 208.7 Sth 33 Florida Blanca 125.0 Sth 33 “ Guagua 62.3 3rd 30 Lubao 156.8 Sth 44 Mabalacat 162.6 ath 27 . Macabebe 44.0 Sth 26 Magalang 97.3 Sth 27 Masantol 129.8 5th 26 Mexico 117.4 Sth 43 Minalin 29.1 6th 18 Porac 343.1 Sth 29 San Fernando B1.2 2nd 34 San Luis 56.8 6th 17 San Simon 57.4 6th 14 Santa Ana 45.9 6th 14 Santa Rita 33.0 6th 10 Santo Tomas - 21.3 5th 7 Sexmoan — 91.8 6th 12 sMkecutive Order Wo.249 ienued on July 25,1967 provides for incone clasaification of provinces, cities and emnicipalities based on the average annua incone realized doving the Last four caleadar years 1983 to 196. Sources: Hational Statistica Office and Departuent of Finance, Chapter 2 Topographical and hydrological features PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Pampanga is one of the six provinces comprising Region III. Pampanga’s terrain is characterized by low plains with a narrow strip of elevated land along the western border. It has three mountains ranges. Mt. Arayat is in the northeast and opposite it, lying near the Zambales mountain range, are Mt. Dorst and Mt. Cutano. : The province is drained by its many rivers, all of which flow southward. Of these rivers, the largest and the longest is Pampanga River (and Paeag River are the principal rivers) which originates from Nueva Ecija, flowing along the slope of Mt. Arayat (principal voleano), cutting through the entire eastern section of the province and emptying ite waters into Manila Bay. | Other notable rivers like the Guagua Kiver originate from large springs and flow through the eastern side into Manila Bay.- The deltas of these rivers form an area of mangroves and nipa palms. The, Candaba swamps and the Sexmoan ewamps located near the Bulacan border are also results of the flow of the rivers but these have become major agricultural areas. The province has-101 rivers, 42 streams, 9'creeks. 1 bay and 5 mountains peaks. In 1986, of the total land area of 218.1 thousand hectare: 164.9 thousand hectares or 75.6 percent were certified alienable and disposable lands while 53.2 thousand or 24.4 percent were forest lands. land classification Of the total forest land, 19.4 thousand hectares were established timberland. 12.5 thousand hectares were established forest. reserve; 7.5 thousand hectares were military and naval peservation, 3.7 thousand hectares were national parks and only 2 hectares were fishponds. About 10.1 thousand hectares were unclassified lands. Listed below are the different types of soil in Pampanga with their corresponding jand capability, dominant features, limitations. recommended land use and extent: Soil type land capability Dosinant Liaitations Reconseaded Extent features and dazards Jand ase Hectares Percent Goings silt loan Very good lend Level to Hore to Diversified 21,869 (0.89 (lands suitable nearly level; very alight upland for cultivation well drained; field crops nedius texture, deep to vert deep soils Candaba clay loan, Good land Level to Shight wet- For paddy 3114 17.08 silt lor {Lands suiteble nearly levels nese, subject rice: may be Sen Fernando clay for esitivation) ‘svpewbat to occasional weed for up- clay loan poorly alight land craps drained; fine overflow with sisple Bigaa clay loan subsoil, drainage Bantog clay leas deep soil aysten 5 Seid type land capability Ponizast Liitations ‘ecomtended rtext eatares aad basarés Jad vee Hectares Percent Angeles fine sand, ers 40.38 \ sad, | coaree sand \ la pas fine cand, \ ea \ Prease eile Joan Pastore {fo- 2,956 1.38 uesavista silt rage produc lous tion) or tree fara 31 10.34 el sandy clay loan Ayareeol Yery poorly Terr cevere 20 LoL drained; aa vetaces shy and swampy reoreation Source: Departnent of Agricltare, Bureaa of Soils and Hater Manapenent. / Je Fig. 2-1. Status of Land Classification: 1986 (Total area: 218,068 hectares) PRTSTCAL CHARACTERISTICS - PAMPANGA forest reserve AB 12,484 12,404 titberland 19,308 19,396 19,398 parks GRBS/WA 1/ 4,718 3,08 37k Military and naval reservation 1,452 1,482 182 Civil reservation - - - - ~ - Fiskponds : : : : a i 1/ Gane refage and bird canctuaries / wilderness areas. Source: Philippine Forestry Statistics, Bureau of Foreat Developent. Chapter DEMOGRAPHY This section contains population data and vital statistics. Population date were gathered from private as well as collective households. A private household Consists of a group of persons who sleep in the same dwelling unit and have a common Srrangement for. the preperation and coneumption of food. Persons who sleep with a household but individually cook their meals or eat elsewhere are considered separate households. Collective households consist of persons living in collective living quarters guch os welfare institutions, penal end corrective institutions, dormitories. military camps and lodging houses. While a complete count of the population was made, data on other population characteristics such as language or dialect generally spoken at home, school Sttendance, literacy and economic activity of the person were collected on a sampling basis. All persons were enumerated in their usual place of residence, the geographic place where the enumerated person usually resides. Vital statistics, on the other hand, are facts related to births, deaths, foetal deaths and marriages collected systematically by civil registration and compiled numerically by local and national offices involved. It must be noted that the data were based on the documenta filed and no adjustments for under-regietration were made. The National Statietics Office ia responsible for the collection, compilation and dissemination of population data and vital documents. Population Deasity Average sonaal grovth rate Age-sex composition ‘rban-rural population Marital status The 1990 Census of Population and Housing placed the Population of the province at 1.5 million. an increase of 29.7 percent from 1980. Of the 75 provinces in the country, it ranked sixth in terms of population size comprising 2.53 percent of the country’s population. Among the provinces in the region, it ranked first ‘constituting 24.7 percent of the region’s population. The province’s population density increased by 161 person per square kilometers from 541.84, in 1980 to 702.84 in 1990. Population grew at a mean annual rate of 2.64 percent between 1980 and 1990, an upward trend from 2.54 registered between 1975 and 1980. Of the total population in 1980, 43.4 percent were below 15 years old, 53.2 percent were 15-64 years old and 3.4 percent were 65 years old and above. Sex ratio was 100.2 males to every 100 females. The province “in 1980 was predominantly urban considering that its urban population constituted 52.7 percent of the total population; while in 1970 and 1975, urban population accounted for less than 40 percent of the total population. Of the population 10 years old and over in 1980, 48.2 percent were married, 47.5 percent were never married, 3.8 percent were widowed and 0.5 percent were divorced/separated or the statua was not determined. 10 Literacy rate Births Marriages ‘Migration High literacy rate characterized the province of Pampanga in 1980. It was registered at 88.6 percent, higher than the national level of 82.7 percent. By sex, males had higher literacy rate (89.7 percent) than females (87.6 percent} Total live births in the province in 1986 was registered at 39,866, an increase of 2.8 percent from 98,595, in 1985. Most births occurred in October with 3,687 births. Reported deaths in 1986 was 6,639. of whom 57.7 percent were males and 42.4 percent were females. Most deaths occurred in age group 80 years old and above, having 997, while the least number of deaths was accounted for by age group 10-14 years old, having 92 deaths. There were 12,329 registered marriages in the province in 1986. January had the highest number, 1,634. On the the other hand. February had the least, 670. Twenty-four thousand in-migrants to Pampanga againet 23 thousand out~migrante were recorded between the censal years 1975 and 1980 Of the in-migrants, 56 percent were females while 44 percent were males. Most in-migrants came from the National Capital Region, 6,476; Tarlac, 2,659; Pangasinan, 1,679; and Bulacan, 1,077. Similarly for out-migrants, females dominated the males at 53.6 percent against 46.4 percent for males. Of the total, 48.9 percent went to the National Capital Region; 7.5 percent to Bataan, 6.8 percent to Bulecan, and 6.3 percent to Zambales. The rest went to the other parts of the country. Fig. 3.1. Vital Statistics: 1980-1986 f. (Thousands) Live births |] ge ee infant deaths eee T T T T T T T 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 Yeor ee Fig. 3.2. Urban—-rural Population: 1970, 1975 ana 1980 il DEWOGRAPHY - PAMPANGA Table 1. Population Density and Growth Rate: Cenzal ra 1903-1990 Censal Population Growth rate Density (per 8g. ta} 102.61 18.14 472.08 191.08 283.06 416.05 477.90 541.84 702.84 Table 2. Population and Household Projections: 1980-2000 1980-2000 istics Office, Population Projections by City and 13 DEMOGEAPRY - PAMPARGA 517,222 1,181,500 $01,826 569,764 Be BaR8e ueeSERERSS 8BB 4 201g HOF oTuouodx 64y puE aoTaeTOdoy 949 Jo Ensve9 729219090) i}s00y ¥ KoyIEIadog Jo SneTey “#9III0 saTyeTIRAS aug TR eam aqensy ae ‘oavanva ~ inaveoonad gn" tad 6eL'C8e 65095 THUS Te'eY O96 # SU6r “OLBT : X9§ Aq woqaeydog Teamg-veqay -> oTqe) WO S99tush "6 st sist reo've — o'seeseogt$02'ZTL eno'z 1st og6T Pue SUBT “OLET ot nvaeed ~ suavaDoRR ies Office, Census of Population & Hou Integrated Census of the Population and ite Kconosic 18 ¢ DEMOGRAPHY ~ PAMPANGA ‘Table §. Population and Sex Ratio by Municipality: / City : 1960-1960 960 i910 1918 Muntespality/ city Total 617,259 98.8 907,275 88.2 1915 1,281,590 100.3 ‘Angeles City, 93.0 188M 95.7 188,894 92.7 palit 101.2 m. 102.0 48,253 101.0 Arayat 401.6 99. 56.2 101.9 Bacolor 100.5 102. 50,082 $01.7 Candaba 100.3 99. 52,05 102.9 Florige Blanca 106.4 101. S148 1084 Suagua 90.4 100. 72,608 101.0 aba 10nd 9. : 7,902 0 Habalacat 102.6 96. 966 88.7 Macabede TL 9 8301015, Nogalang 104.9 103. B40 105.4 Hasantol 8.8 91. 30 TOLT Herico 103.6 101. 91 102.8 Hinalia 1.2 102. Ad 102.3 Porac 105.3 93. 908 102.7 San Fernando 98.7 9. 110,091 100.4 San luis 4.0 96. 10188. San Sion 101.0 n. 518 JOLT Sernoas 9.7 m1 901 102.8 Sta Rite 99.7 101. 995 100.3 Sta. Ara 100.2 99. 961 102.2 Sto. Tomas 102.8 10 951 102.3, Source: National Statistics Office, Ceneus of Population & Housing: 1960, 1970 & 1060; Integrated Census of the Population and ts Bcononie Activities, 1975. ‘DEMOGRAPRY - PAMPANGA ‘Table 7. Literacy of Private Household Population 10 yrs, Old and Gver by Age Group and Sex : 1980 19-14 yra. 16-19 20m 2-29 0H 8-29 04 649 SO 68,001 63,201 51,880 41,408 36,179 25,15 21,321 16,728 12,817 8,054 8,531 5,118 Source: National Statistics Office, Cenecs of Population & Housing: 1980, Se588 e282 B SGS2ER22E8 19 20 DRMOGRAPRY - PAKPANGA Tear/ Highest rade cunpleted 1900 17,599 93,149 7,307 15,682 Wo grade ccapleted 6,712 ‘Heneatary Ist-Brd 4th rade Sth grade Sth-7th grade 4,002 630 Ast-Srd year 4th year-h Aeadenic degree holder Mot stated 1970 20,882 Mo grade completed 17,003 ‘DEMOGUAPHT - PANPARCA 21 Table 6, Population 7 Years Old & Over by Sex, Age and Higheat Grade Coupleted: 1970-1980 (continued) Year/ Highest trade completed ----—-=n-n-nnannn nna n nnn neces nneneceneenenenene No erade completed Tesentary Ist-Srd grade 4th grade Sth grade 6th-Teh grade High school et-Ord year pops Baab ease 4th year College - - Ist-Sed year : - Ath year-hicher - - Acadente degree holder Hot stated id 3 , 165 23,467 11,796 236 Ho grade completed Hlesentary SUeTE S9Q'OT Th0'zZ Tutor agree conte Oust SH‘OL sea‘orGue'N m66°Or ENOL eT'IZ panes 30H eptoy soup spaepR3y one veel Wee must vee ciC‘e7 gearel Senet TeL'ee a08'zT | L88'TT OOS Z {panu;quoa} gpst-0181. :P2raTda0g apeap yeoRBTy pre By “19g dq say y plo ex¥sy y voraeTedog “D195 wz ‘onvanvd ~ iarisond ‘DEMOGEAPET - PAMPANGA So Yean/ Highest rade com Both sexes Hale 1980 Wo grade completed ‘ Menentary eps Aster evade 4th grade Sth grade 359855 g2888 Ath year-higher S deadenic degree bolder 582 ae Age and Highest Grade 43,657 45,967 5M RESSs s8beRee BhBS Ree Re--ee woyoyatg sopaeyyegs TRat4 ‘001770 soqyeTaRAS TeueyyE SeeeeceSe888 eon esse ostoF Sor‘or Hee'6e 99'6e 6658 LAO ‘986T-086T seoNeaanI99 Jo eHHOR AQ SEITTE aATT “g aTREL ve owvanvd - xBaveoonaG pmocent pues ee ee ee Table 11. Deaths by Sex and Age Group: 1980-1986 1980 1981 1982 1983, Age group Total Male Peaale Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Hale Fesale AML ages 5,957 3,390 2,587 6,190 3,508 2,862 8,204 9,882 2,712 6,889,792 2,802 Order tyr. 1,031 6004S A,O7]. GOT, Ak 08H BAL SRT 88M 639 14 prs. 302 'STD S581 BL GAYS BK 59 we 0 ]sCE:C (HAT BH BRC SH 10-4 PS : , ) 1519 mo SK GG DM me 36H TD 5-28 11k] 0-4 3283] 6-39 cr (| -d 00? 49 25 966 ANTS BKC B14 100 28S 50-54 266 1660079 TH_CtiC SST 58-40 dt 0012205 E9803 58 60-64 Ml 6 STS SM DHHS 8-68 m6 S.A 262A SH 8B ST 26S 1D od 83 ottSLS AT 24d aOR 28S OB 15-19 ae SDT] Rt SAH 80-over 0B aTS RADI 1 1 : 2 2 - 3 8 1 1 - 1 198 1985, 1286 Ags group Total Male Female Total Mole Tenale Total Male Fenale ML ages «6,167 3,579 2,888 7,026 4,022 5,004 6,689 3,852 2.807 Under 1 yr. a 14 yea. 510 280230 BESSHB S209 S8BC BT HT fc) im 96S (its LB 10-14 wt 8 SH RD 119 wo BT 8A SE 20-4 18 38H TDD 5-29 5 1005S BH 0-H cr 6-30 1 20S wT 40-44 m 12 9669S BBL 5-48 2 EHEC GT 50-84 HDB 55-89 39 MO 00 RC 28Z HHSC 60-64 3 18B ANGST EL 18 85-69 39 ATA 85TH AL B18. 10-4 sa 2d SLB 0 8 5 1 23192 SOD 2 2 100 80-over so 428521073 ABB OST BD Wot stated 3 2 1 - - - - - : y a 26 DEMOGRAPHY - PAMPARGA Table 12. Registered Deaths by Type of Attendance: 1980-1986 Sinply 190 5,987 2,26 103 wet 6,190 LL 34 1982 6,284 1,982 26 1903 8,594 2,185 308 196,187,347 ea 1985, 1,026 2.881 val 1986 6,639 2,364 nal na/ Wot available. Source: National Statistice Office, Vital Statistics Division. Table 13. Foetal Deaths by Type of Attendance: 1980-1966 Hot Physician lorse Midvife aidvife stated Total Hospital 1980 251 138 198 223 8 a 1982 197 - fa 1983, 288 - st 1984 m2 - 56 2985, 185 - @ 1986 6 - a Source: National Statistics Office, Vital Statistics Division. ce #8 a | Source: National Statistics Office, Vital Statistics Division. , i 2 DBHOSRAPHY ~ PAMPANCA Teble 14. Infant Deaths by Age and Sex: 1980-1986 Mole Female Hale Fenale A ages oo 43] 607M GARB SRT HBR BBS KB 6a BR Under 1 day 109 m8 ee ib 8 % 4 8 99 a 1-6 days 16 18 eM a 190 4 om cc 4 9 n 7-21 days & a 8 2 au 2 85 8 a a 4 8 0 ‘MG days mos. 101 Ce) n % & 108 6 et 69 58 a a 4-6 mos. % 8 a 50 $6 2 55 38 a 36 4 1 n 1-3 ws. 7 52 2 St 0 4 M4 2 a 4 fd u 10-11 aos. a 3 80 « a “4 a #8 56 4% a st 8 ee ‘DEMOGRAPHT - PANPANGA ALL ages Under 15 yr5. 15-18 2-04 8 0-4 5-39 40-44 45-49 Stover Table 15. Maternal Deaths by Age Group: 1980-1086 1980 B 1981 v Source: National Statistics Office, Vital Statistics Division. 19851986 n 2 6 2 2 . 2 1 5 8 2 a 2 6 1 i 5 8 Table 16, Marriages by Honth of Occurrence, Paspanga: 1980-1986 Month 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Total danvarr Pebruary March April May dune daly Augest Septenber etober Hovesber Decenber 10,921 1,482 519 1,054 1,013 1,83 40 a8 109 136 681 1,038 41,987 4,492 618 1,046 1,194 1,388 1,150 938 134 834 788 ™ 4,020 12,34 1,646 128 4,182 1,087 1,313 155 02 12,113 4,601 BT 1,187 1221 1,925 1,434 ro mi 816 aor 138 41,081 12,329 1,60 610 1,119 4,218 1,482 144 wh ut 182 968 Bz ALL provinces oR Abra Benguet Locos Norte ocos Sur fa Union Mt. Province Kalings apayao Boova Vizcaya Qairiao Bataan Bulacan fiueva Keija Paxpanga Tarle Taabales furore Batangas: Cavite Uagana Harindngee Occidental Mindoro Oriental Kindoro Palawan oezon Binal Rorblon Albay Camarines Horte Camarines Sar Catandnanes Mandate Soreogon Atlan Antique Cepht a 1077 718 559 ut M8 23 ne 6 a 16 ma 8st 4st ML Mt 29 n 1 0 8 131 mL 4 191 18 8 5 L518 1% trea of origin Noilo 2a 2 195 Heras Occidental 255 65 190 Bohol a2 56 86 Cebe 513 231 ue eros Oriental 0 » 6 Siguijor 9 - 4 lente 983 380 613 ‘Southers Leyte 1 1 - astern Samar : - : Northera Sanar 6 ‘ : Western Samar 518 2 a8 aside 2 5 a Sale 9 9 - Tavi-tavi : - - Tanboanga del orte 6 2 2 ‘Tanboanga del Sar ar 5 42 Agusan del Horte 8 2 a Agusan del Ser - - - akin a 2 0 Caniguin 2 2 - Misanis Occidental u 5 a icant Oriestal rr 6 2 Surigno del forte u - it Davao del Harte re a a Davao del. Sar - ~ - Javao Oriental 8 : 6 South Cotabato a 8 2 Surigao del Sur a " 2 Lanao del forte 9 6 a anno del Sur - - - aguindanao 1 u 6 orth Cotabato u 6 5 Sultan Kndarat - - BC. ay . 451 26 us Taknore 1.10 4 638 af Foreign countries. Source: Wational Statistics Office, Population Studi Division. 6z Both sores Male ALL provinces an Abra Rangeet Uocoe forte Tecos Sur a Usion Mt. Province Pangasinan Ratanes Cagayan Tegao Teabela Kalinga épayac ‘Moeva Vizcaya: Quirino Bataan Bulacan Mera Keija Pampanga Tarlac Tanbales arora Batangas Cavite tagana Marindugue Occidental Mindoro Oriental Mindoro Palawan ueton Rizal Reablon Albay Camarines Horte Camarines Sur Catanduanes Masbate Sorsogon Akh Antique Capiz, tot 105 ant Uoito Negros Occidental Bohol Cebu Negros Oriental Siquijor beyte Southern beyte Raptern Sanar Northern Samar Western Sasar Bagilan Sulu Tavi-tavi, Tanboanga de! Korte Tanboange del Sur Agusan del forte Agusan del Sur Aukiduon Ganiguin Hicenio Occidental Wisanis Oriental Surigao del Norte Davao del Norte Davao del Sar Davao Oriental South Cotabato Surigao del Sur anao del Morte anae del Sar Maguindanso Horth Cotabato Sultan Kndarat Source: ational Statiatice Office, Population Studies Division. s Chapter 4 HEALTH AND WELFARE ¥ This chapter gives an overview of the health of the province. Presented are the estimated vital rates such as infant mortality rate, crude birth and death rates, fertility rate and life expectancy at birth. Vital rates z The health statue of the province is characterized by decreasing birth, death and infant mortality rates. Birth rate In 1990, crude birth or the number of births for every “ thousand population ia estimated at 28.5. By year 2000, it is Death rate : On the other hand, the number of deaths for every thousand population in 1990 is estimated to be 5.6, while infant mortality rate, which is the number of infant deaths for every thousand livebirths fs placed at 33.6. These are likewise expected to decline to 4.7 and 22.0, respectively, by year 2000. : Life expectancy at birth The expected life span of a person since birth will increase from 68.6 years in 1990 to 71.9 years in the year 2000. 31 32 RRALTH and WELEARE ~ PaNPaNGH Table 1. Rtinated Vital Rates and Life Expectancy at Birth: 1980 - 2000 ( Hedine assuaption | Infant Grade Grade Year sortality birth death ty rate 1/ rate 2/ rate 2/ rate 3 1960 WB 0.7 6.6 4,355.0 1985 39.0 Hd 6.0 3,975.0 1986 31.9 8 oe) 3,899.0 1967 36.8 2.6 5.8 3,823.0 1988 7 8.2 5.8 3,747.0 1968 MT 9 5.7 3,871.0 1990 33.6 a5 5.6 3,895.0 1991 a4 a0 55 3,519.0 i992 312 as 34 3443.0 1993 0.0 m4 5.3 3,967.0 1994 BB 6 5.2 3,291.0 1998 26 2.0 cat 405.0 1096 65 5 5.0 3190.0 1997 BS 49 48 3,063.0 1998 a2 23 48 2,087.0 1999 Bt 23.7 48 2,911.0 2000 2.0 22 ay 2,838.0 1/ Fer thousand Live births. 2/ Per thousand population. 3/ Per thousand wonen. 4/ In years. Source of basic data: Hational Statistics Office, 1975 Vital Statistics Report, hife expectancy at birth BSB2BeReBsaIR ERES 4” Chapter 5 CRIME AND DELINQUENCY Crime incidence is a good indicator of the peace and order situation of an area. Crime statistics throughout the country, however, generally suffer from undercoverage, the extent of which is not known. Thus. an area with a higher crime rate than another area does not necessarily mean that the former is relatively less peaceful and orderly than the latter. Moreover, thie limitation must also be considered when comparison is done over time. This section includes data on jail population and number of drug dependents. Jail population A total of 216 jail population was reported in 1987. a decrease of 58.8 percent from 1966. Males comprised the biggest number at 203. Mostly jailed were between 25 - 29 years old. Drug dependents: Reported number of drug dependents in 1983 was 37. Of this number, 36 were males. In 1987, drug dependents were composed only of males, totalling 25. 33 ‘CRING and DBLTHQUENCT ~ PAMPANGA, Table 1. Age-Sex Composition of Jail Population: 1906-1987 Age group Total Male. = Foaale A ages 524 469 4 u 16 203 ul 2 M yrs. & below 6 5 1 - ! i - - 19 yee. 9 a 7 2 6 % 1 - 20-24 yr. 14 un a 4 SL 60 1 - 26-28 yrs. Ey a 10 3 82 8 3 1 30-54 prs. 4 6 5 2 a 2 2 - 5-39 yre. 4 at 3 n 2 1 - 40 pre, & above 93 80 2 1 3 % 3 1 Hot specified 4 2 : 2 5 5 - - Source: PC/IMP Computer Center. CRIME and DELINQUENCY - PAKPANGA Table 2. Jail Population by Month: 1986-1987 Total au U6 January 2 Fetrvary a 5 Yareh u 8 April 18 4 May n it June 10 4 duly 1% 3 August 10 8 Septenber 19 1 October 6 5 Hoverber ry 4 Decenber a 6 Not 353 128 Source: PC/INP Computer Center. Table 3. Humber of Drug Dependents by Sex: 1960-1968 Year Total Male Fenale Source: Dangerovs Orugs Board. 35 ™ Charter 6 EDUCATION Hunber of schools Sarolsent Moaber of teachers In school year 1988-1989. there were 3.084 schools in the province, of which 56.8 percent were government or public schools and 13.2 percent were private schools. Elementary schools totalled 2,561, secondary schools, 384: tertiary, 67 and vocational schools. 72. Enrolment for the same school year totalled 1.5 million. Elementary school enrolment numbered 1.0 million: secondary, 397.8 thousand: tertiary, 86 thousand; and pre-school, 26.7 thousand. Number of teachers totalled 43.7 thousand; 76.5 percent were public school teachers and 23.5 percent were private school teachers. Elementary school teachers comprised the majority at 29.1 thousand, or a ratio of 35 pupils to one teacher. Secondary school teachers totalled 10.7 thousand, college teachers, 3.2 thousand. and pre-elementary school teachers. 762. 36 ei yeanpg 50 1Wouyredag #203005 -eqaodg pre amin ‘omvava ~ SOLO Le ee “equodg pue aungzay ‘worzEoupg Jo qUaRyZedsg -e0zN0y 88-BN61 IS ~ BL-LE6T 1S Moryeanpy Jo yanoy q syoayos ayeatag puR quaREsa4cy oy yUaNfONUG “Z a19eL vonTamd - HOLLVOTE se c = HUOCAtToW ~ panpaNcA ‘able 3. Humber of Teachers in Governzent and Private Schools by Level of Bducation: St 1977-78 ~ SY 1096-89 RBSRES SSSBRAaceo BB Gource: Departuent of Education, Culture and Sports, 39 EDUCATION ~ PAMPANGA Table 4. Education Indicators in Governsent Elenentary Schools: SY 1977-76 - Sf 1988-89 ( Fate in percent 1 Sehool Tnroluent Retention Participation Graduation Transition Cohort-Drop-- ‘Repetition Completion Teacher year rate / rate 2/ rate 3/ rate 4/ rate 5/ survival out’ rate 6/ rate 9/ popil rate 6/ rate 7/ ratio 1985-1986 5.90 98.74 9 STAT SERBS8R8e88 4.3 15.4 187-1988 484.38 F 6.9 1968-1989 ees 96.88 : a5 2 3 B 2 2 8 uM x 2 a a 4 £Bepeovesoese 8 n.a, Data not available. 1/ IR = (fotal enroluent/Population 6-21 yrs. old) x 100 ates/Eoroluent in grade WI) x rade V/lneolaent in grade IV of previous St) x 100 grade Vi/lnroleent in grade I five previous SYs) x 100 1/ WOR = (Total 20. of drop-outs/Total enrolnent) x 100 8/ Rep = (Total 20. of repeaters/fotal earoluent of previous St} x 100 9/ CR = (Ho. of gradvates/Earolnent in grade 1 five previows S¥s) x 100 Source: Departeent of Hducation, Culture and Sports, a HDUCATION - PAMPANGA LIBRARY t . Table 4, Education Indicators in Governuent Secondary Schools: SY 1977-78 - SY 1908-68 (05a ‘ ( Hate in percent . ~. Sehool Eorolnent Particization Graduation Transition Cabort- ‘Drop “Repetition Coxpletion Teacher yer rate 1/ rate 5 rate 4/0 rate $y sum out rate 8/ rate 9 pupil rate 6) rate 7 ratio + 1977-1916 Ba hg 9.12 - - 1:90 1978-1979 2 70.0 9.60 - - 1:90 — 1979-1980 aa, 10.54 9.38 - - 1:3? © 1980-1981 36.20 . 70.9 9.30 - 1:3t 1981-1982 8588.95 1S 8.63 - 1: : 1982-1983 m4 89.9 1a 8.84 - 12% ‘ 1983-1984 3 8. 1.8L 809 - - 13% 1964-1985 3.03 (B8.ST 1.55 1.58 - - 1:4 1985-1986 38.20 «B8.ST 6.7L 148 - - 1:0 . 1906-1987 O43 88.06 48 1.50 - : 8 1967-1988, 40st IT 0.10 1.8 212 59.01 1:3 : 1966-1969 6 BAL 13.68 618 2a 61.06 1:33 . B.a, Data not available. 1/ KX = (Total enrolaent/Popalation 6-21 yrs. old) x 100 (Baroleent in yrs. 11-1¥/Barolment in yrs. I-III of previous ST) x 100 | = (Barolsent 13-16 yrs. old/Population 13-16 yrs. old) x 100 | (No. of greduates/Enrolment in yr. 1¥) x 100 (Barolaent in yr. 1/to. of el es of previous SY) x 100 2 (Gnrolsent in yr. 1¥/larolweat in yr. 1 three previous S¥s) x 100 1/ DOR = (Total no. of drop-outs/Total enrolsent) x 100 8/ RepR = (Total 20. of repeaters/Total enrolsent of previous St) x 100 9/ CR = (Mo. of graduates/Enrclnent in yr. 1 three previous STs} x 100 Source: Departwent of Education, Culture and Sports. b (££ ££... RDICATION ~ PAMPANGA Table 6. Enrolsent in Seven reas of Hon-fornal Kdueation: SY 1978-79 - St 1987-88 Sports/ School Total Functional —Vocatinal/ Civic physical Seeto- Yass ——Leaderebip=-—~ year Literacy technical citizen ‘fitness cultural wedia training training test developeent 1978-1979 aa, 18,091 1979-1980 Lue 1,085 1980-1981 and 12,621 1961-1982 4,563 5,561 1982-1983 14,703 13,240 1983-1964 10,748 1984-1985 1,966, 1985-1986 1986-1987 1987-1986 na. Data not aveilabl Source: Departaeat of Education, Calture and Sports. . Chapter 7 LABOR FORCE AND EMPLOYMENT Labor force data are culled from the integrated Survey of Households (ISH) conducted quarterly by the National Statistics Office. a In the labor force op economically active population refers to population 15 years old and over who are either employed or unemployed. 4 Employed persons include all those who, during the reference week, are either at work or with a job but not at work. A person is at work if he does any work for pay or profit, or work without pay on the farm or busineas enterprise operated by a member of the same household related by blood. marriage or adoption. On the other hand, a person is considered with a job but not at work if he has a job or business but not at work because of temporary illness, vacation, strike or other reasons: or s if he is eupposed to start the operation of a farm or bueiness enterprise within 30 daye from the date of interview. Unemployed persons include all those who, during the reference week. are reported wanting and looking for work.; Also included are persone wanting full- or part-time work but not looking for work because of temporary illness, bad weather or other valid reasons Labor force projections by age and sex for 1970-2000 was prepared based on the results of the 1977 Census of Fopulation as well as national household surveys conducted annually, semi-annually and quarterly since 1956 by the NSO. These projections, however. include estimates for economically active population 10-14 years old since, prior to 1977. Jaber force referred to population 10 years old and : over who were either employed or unemployed 43 _ a nO a4 In the Labor force Gaploynent dy sector Labor force survey conducted in January 1989 showed that of the 899 thousand population of the province who were 15 years old or over. 509 or 56.6 percent were in the labor force. During the reference period, 93.3 percent of persons in the * labor force were employed and 6.7 percent were unemployed; 63.6 percent were males and 36.2 percent were females. By sector, §4 percent of the work force was absorbed by the tertiary of service sector, 28.6 percent, by agriculture and 2274~ 7 percent, by industry. (Thousands) gs 8 002 OsZ "Sta “ETL qpeansx—oegsn eset Aconucer +sagempuyl FO easy, 4Q suCEz0cea PotoTamy sy LABOR FORCE and EMPLOYMENT - PANPANGA Table 1. Population {5 Yeara Old and Over by Sex ty Eaployaent Stetua, Grban-ural: October 1988 and January 1989 Total Sex/ poprlation Not in the area classification Wyre, old =~ labor force and over January 1968 Toth sores 629 a5 u 8 Urban 450 28 18 195 Rural 48 238 16 14 Male 45, 3 B AW Urban 216 Mt 8 0 Roral 2 162 10 at Tonle 48 m a mm rban 238 | e 4 15 ral 0 6 6 October 1962 Both sexes 892 aM 46 a3 arben wo xo 8 185 Raval M5 mM a 188 Male 432 05 n 100 Urban wb MA na a Rorel aT 161 a 46 Female 461 188 19 m3 Bs 8 i 26 8 Ww tegrated Survey of Households. a a7 ABOR FORCE and MPLOYMENT - PAMPANGA Table 2. Eaployed Fereons by Type of Industey, Urban ~ Rurel: Gctoter 1988 and January 1989 { Tn thousands; details may not add up to totale due to rounding ) Industry, n.e.0. - - October 1988 Total a 0 234 119 u ” 106 8 6 + Integrated Survey of Households. ‘WABOR FORCE and EAPLOTNANT - PAMPANGA 48 . Table 4. Labor Force Projections by Age Group and Sex: 1980-2000 { Medina assuaption ; base year = 1970 ) age group Participation Labor Participation Participation labor Participation force rate (1) force rate (X) force rate (1) force rate (X} force rate (X) Both sexes 44,784 83 532,787 50.0 630,852 a2 Tas a2 845,509 5S 10-44 1.940 50 8,259 49 8,964 49 10,578 49 12,062 49 5-19 61s 03 63,280 40.0 85,188 388 16,934 38.5 89,455 8.2 0-4 88,966 a3 98,081 66.1 109,157 56.9 116,524 eB 129,138 eae & 8-9 10,621 4 81,239 66.7 103,377 ar 306,001 a3 110,693 8.2 0-H 38,528 5.6 15,6 65.9 4,092 and 102,508 org 110,239 18 %- 8 38,691 85.9 $2,846 oid 72,878 68.0 93,807 a4 106,068 9 + w-4 32,337 os 42,487 66.1 60,003 63.0 7,882 8 91,492 1S 4-9 23,158 5.8 31,897 66.3 8.413 ard 52,685 68.5 12,694 09.6 50-54 21a a0 11,843 6.0 30,228 65.4 38,878 665 56,600 a8 + Be 17,383 8 0,71 60.8 25,1 a4 28.384 618 38,615 2.6 80 - 64 9,627 41.0 12,285 46.7 14301 a 17.865 46.4 18,869 62 65 and over 1,620 96 7.953 wa 8.12 M3 8.168 ng 8.164 a1. tale 294,081 5.0 32,5 86.7 116,428 67.8 478,969 oo 548, 501 64 1-4 3,968 49 3.912 4 4,040 42 4,486 40 4,190 an * 8-19 34,991 8. 4,785 Bs #639 42.0 40,884 05 48,417 Bo 0-W 56,151 8.9 60.989 78.8 85,372 8.3 69,508 18.0 14,881 m1. 5-2 50,182 4.6 65658. 94.8 13,988 47 bas 6 19,282 wet 0-4 41,188 6.9 53.685 6.8 68,508 96.7 14,183 56.6 13,998 96.5 8-3 26,948 95.6 35,598 96.4 50,214 98.2 65,598 96.0 73,585 5.9 4-4 21,198 96.0 28,292 95.7 38,680 95.4 51,050 8.2 35,212 %.0 . 8-9 20.207 8.6 11.622 95.5 BIT 95.4 34,998 95.2 A847 5.0 * 50 - MS 9.8 18,655 88.9 18,565 90.0 25431 90.1 38,192 9.2 8-0 11,100 at 13,507 6.7 105 86.4 18,241 16.9 22,523 85.6 60 - 64 5.9 43 8,678 BA 10,268 2.0 12,778 09 13.042 aa * 65 and orer 5,928 43 6,130 2.8 6,196 B.S 6,232 a2 6,248 mt i ‘LABOR FORCE and APLOYWBNT - PAMPANGA Table 3. Labor Force Projections by Age Group and Sex: 1280-2000 (continued) { Medium assuaptlon ; baze year = 1970 ) Labor force Participation rate (21 Participa rate Teale 149,791 sa 180,241 5 84 BA 5 . eu 4972 4,286 5.8 61 9 6,7 8,465 2.5 9.5 7 33,285, 38.072 91.9 08 BB 25,685 a4 40.0 m-u 21,681 316 38.0 s 8-8 16,283 402 33 o-4 115 462 at 8-8 10,215, M2 48.1 a0 9,568 5 a5 “8-8 8,764 40 42.5 0-4 aa a8 Me Sand over 1023 19 40 + Source: UAFPE-HCSO Population Research Project, Labor Force Projections by Sge and Sex for the Philippinco, by Begion and Province: 1970-2000. INCOMES, EXPENDITURES AND PRICES Fanily incone Sources of income Fanily expenditures Consuner price index Chapter & The 1985 Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES) revealed that total family income of 237.8 thousand families in, the province during the year was P13.1 billion or a mean family” income of P55.2 thousand. placing it third among the 72 provinces (excluding Rizal: no data available for this province) in tahme, of mean income. ~ Wages and salaries was the principal source of income by, 50.9 percent of families in Pampanga in 1988, followed by entrepreneural activities, with 26.3 percent, and other sources of income with 22.8 percent of families depending mainly on it. 4 Total family expenditure in 1988 was P10.4 billion. Average. expenditure for every family was P43.7 thousand. 7.2 percent higher than the P40.7 thousand in 1985. Top expenditure items were food (51.5 percent}, rent/rental” value of occupied dwelling unit (11.7 percent) and transportation and communication (5.2 percent). . Consumer price index for all income households in 1989 was posted at 471.7 index points, 12.3 index pointe higher than the 459.4 posted for the entire Central Luzon. . For food items, tobacco registered the highest at 660.2 index points, while for non-food items, clothing registered the- highest at 560.0 index points. 50 52 j 1985 ana 1986 Fig. 8.2. Distribution of Expenditures by Expenditure Group: _ Fig. 8-3. Consumer Price Index for All—income Households: 1981-1989 C1978 = 100) 54 INCOME ~ PAMPANGA fee, Total and Average Fanily [scone and Expenditure by Incone Clase: 1985 and 1966 Table 1. Humber of Incone class in pesos) 251,831, 18,120, 898 10,987,613. 120? 10,645 9,012 1,466 7.811 15,340 13,204 19,409 43,381 25,828 43,828 22,878 52,003 41,638 16,236 69,169 215,469 10,074,531 40,742 5,189 45,162 8,703 10,629 194,528 3,14 yy vot add up to total due to rounding. Statistics Office, 1985 and 1908 Fanily Incone and Brpenditures Surver. Dennen a AUOME - PAMPANGA 55 . Table 2. Yusber of Fanilies, Total and Average Fapily Zncoue and dxpenditure by Zeuily Sie: 1965 and 1986 Expenditare Average Total Average 1 pesos? (in 61.000) fin pesos) : 2988 43,606 . One person 5,199 19,708 ‘ Two persoas 595,031 sar Three persons 987,134 . Four persoas 5.446.810 ive perssas 1.654.108 Sis persons 3,618,849 : Seven persane 2,097,901 A SA2ST7 Hight persons 1.160.908 $14,581 Nine persons 68821 287.255 . Ten of pore persons 1,195,708 1,022,310 1965 914.581 8.778.599 oe person 8 54,918 ‘eo persons 822 198,371 Three persons BLD 482.566 . Four persons 122 404 1,023,927 Five persons 1.708.817 ROI : Six persons 1157.90 1,312,528 Seven perzoas 1 963,308 Bight persone 1 5,240,775 Nioe verses 709,989 . Ten oF gore perents Yote ; Details mar aot add up to the total dus to rounding Source: National Statistics Office, 1989 and 1988 Family Incoge and Expenditures Survey. eee INCOME - PAMPARGR 56 Table 8. Humber of Families by Hain Source of Income and Incone Class: 1985 and 1988 pesos) 49,000- 60,000 59,009 and over Main source of incone 1886 1,207 8,87L 13,204 43,981 43,629 «82,003 78,288 Wages and salaries : 4,022 7,015 23,389 36,896 Agricul tural = 3,622 3,022 (3,622 400 Yos-agricultural - 400 3,395 19,767 36,498 Entrepreneurial activities : 4,187 3,182 13,882 12,996 Agricultural - 4,207 4,225 2,407 Crop faring asd gardening - 6d 3,018 1404 Livestock and poultry raising - - - 1,004 Fishing - - 604 4,107 - Forestry and hunting : . : - Non-agricultoral 1,87 2,875 9,267 10,589 Wholesale and retail 4,787” 1,590 4,600 7,985 Manufacturing - - 604 6d Community, social, recreations! and personal services 2,518 : - . 604 00 ‘Transportation, storage and : communication services 9,527 - : 986 (2,390 1,200 Wining and quarrying - : - - - : Construction AIT : - - 1173 - - - Entrepreneurial activities 1.e.c. - - - - - - - - Other eources of ineane Ma52 1,207 2193 2406400 5,568 10,035 28,942 Het share of crops, fruits and vegetables and Livestock, poultry frow other households 18th 804 . 504 - - - 604 Cash receipts, gifts and other fora of assistance fron abroad 38,958 : 4,207 400 3,900 3,868 863274 Cash receipts, support, assistance and relief frow donestic source 7,008 608 386 10018 1,600 4,004 400 87 | Grop farning a ; Livestock and poultry raising - 1 1,730 1,078 4,575 8,078 6,183 6,800 3,285 982 681 2.68 882 58 INCOME ~ PAKPANGS to and ot olts her fora. 3,031 6,394 1 2,186 18,573 651 10,721 Percent Food Food consumed at howe Cereals and cereal preparations ‘ranoportation and communication Hoosehold operations. Personal care and effects 33 40 24 0.3 1S Hedical care ‘otal fanily expenditures (in thousand pesos) 10,387,613, 59 441,028 2,165,386 8,273,202 100.1 9.9 100.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 59.8 98.4 55.5 6.8 58.8 58.8 51.6 2 13 0.3 16.1 M2 at 08 0.9 OT 10.3 52 45 a 64 8.9 9.6 a4 5.0 32 37 42 16.2 8.0 69 49 45 25 22 2A O58 08 10 LS 88 19 68 a 0.0 6.6 38 31 0.0 08 08 09 0.9 3.8 2.8 24 Ba 5.3 48 4g 18 39 4 66 La 25 22 34 0.0 39 3.3 3.1 a4 38 40 3.9 oo 12 28 3.0 0.9 03 08 04 0.3 12 13 16 Ot 0.3 02 3 1.0 0.9 og 0 17 0.0 0.8 8 La Ot La 18 Taxes paid 0.0 02 0.3 0.3 Wizcellaneous expenditures: 14 25 42 42 Special oece Lt 22 34 34 Gifte and contrit 0.3 0.3 0.8 Lo Other expenditures 0.8 o4 0.3 05 2 1988 Total fenily expenditures (in thousand pesos) 8,778,599 58,081 161,724 488,579 989,090 1,492,788 2,161,242 3,477,195 Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 $00.0 100.0 Toot 65.7 61.3 82.6 59.4 58.5 836 ane Food consured at home 65.7 66.8 60.7 $1.2 55.2 50.3 Blo Cereal and cereal preparations 20.8 33.8 23.7 1.2 04 3 WS Boots and tubers 19 1a 18 12 2 12 0.6 Fruits and vegetabl 34 3.6 35 a4 3.0 29 26 8.0 MW M0 9.9 5 10.5 8.6 34 30 a8 47 Bl 42 39 17 aT 1 19 1.6 8.6 49 and tea 24 2A 24 28 25 24 Le beverages 0.2 0.5 08 0.9 1d Le LL 18 BT 5.3 5.1 48 44 32 ‘consued outside hose - 08 19 aa a4 a4 33 Alcoholic beverages Tobacco Feel, Light and water Personal care and effects Clothing, footwear and cther wear due to rounding. and 1986 Family Incone and Expenditures Survey. 61 62 COM - PAMPANGA Table Sa. Consuner Price Index for Al2-incoue Housebolde, Pampanga : 1981-1989 Food, beverages and tobacco Food Beverages Tobacco Yon- food 368.1 200.7 403.1 583.1 ad THOOKE ~ PAMPANCA, Table Sb. Consurer Price Index for All-incone Households, Central Luron: 1981-1988 teas 151.5 166.2 185.4 298.5 372.8 3TT.33O.5 420.8 HOA Food, beverages and tobacco unt 15,7 208.1 359.7 386.972.7407. A50.7 Food 446.5 174.3 (278.9 8.6 UL. 80.5 388.0 182.5 Beverages 161.0 23.1 336.2 NST 73.5470. 500.5 Tobacco 13.6 1739 305.4 495.5 $81.2 631.9 695.5 689.8 Source: National Statistics Office, Prices Division. 63 Chapter 9 AGRICULTURE Statistical tables contained in thie chapter were taken from the results of the 1971 and 1990 Census of Agriculture. The Census of Agriculture is undertaken by the National Statistics Office every ten years. For the 1980 Census, a farm as such had to satisfy any of the following conditions: a) at least 1,000 square meters were devoted to crops; b) at least 10 hectares were under permanent meadows and/or pastures; c) at least 10 heade of large animals such as carabao, cattle, or horse, regardless of age and kind, were raised; d) at least 20 heads of small animals such ae hog, goat, or sheep, regardless of age and kind, were raised; ¢) at least 100 heads of poultry, regardless of age and kind. were raised; f) at least 50 heads of rabbit, regardless of age and kind, were raised; g) the combination of land area and animals raised amounted to at least 10 agricultural units. One agricultural unit ie equivalent to one tenth of the cut-off in each of the aforementioned categories. This definition of a farm slightly differs from the 1971 definition. There are aleo other cases where concepts, definitions, methodologies and scope are different; nevertheless, the data are basically comparable. For the 1980 data, two sets of tabulations were made: by residence of farm operator, and by location of farm or farm parcel(s). The number and hectarage of farms tabulated by residence of operator may not necessarily be the same as the number and hectarage of farms tabulated by location of farm or farm parcel(s). For 1971, data were tabulated by residence of operator, except for Manila and suburbs, wherein the farm or farm parcel(s) were listed by actual location. Analysis in this chapter included only data tabulated by residence of farm operator(s). 64 65 | . Hunber and aree of fareé Total number of farms in Pampanga increased by 36.6 percent while area of farms decreased by 11.3 percent from 1971 to 1980. Farms in 1980 totalled 32,555 with a total farm area of 79.9 ~ thousand hectares. In 1980, 52.8 percent of the total farms were between 1 - s 2.99 hectares, 22.6 percent were between 3 - 4.99 hectares, 15.5 percent were under 1 hectare and the remaining 9.4 percent were 5 hectares and over. Fares by land se Of the total area of farms, 95.1 percent were under temporary crops while 2.9 percent were lying idle. Land under permanent crops made up 1.2 percent; land under permanent meadows and pastures and land covered with forest growth, 0.2 percent, and the remaining 0.6 percent were other lands. Lands covered with forest growth and lands under permanent meadows and pastures decreased by 65.5 percent and 95 percent, respectively, from 1971 to 1980. 66 Faras by type and tenure fare honsehoids Some 28.1 thousand or 78 percent of farms were classified as palay farms with a total land area of 57.6 thousand hectares. Sugarcane farms comprised 11.3 percent of the total number. Farms planted to other temporary crops numbered 820 (2.5 percent) covering a total area of 3.7 thousand hectares. The remaining 2.7 thousand or 8.2 percent of the total farms were other types of farm. In 1980, 47.2 percent’ of farms were rented/leased, 41.6 percent were fully-owned, 7.2 percent were partly-owned, and 3.8 percent were of other forms. On the other hand, in 1971, 67.6 percent of farms were rented/leased, 16.0 percent were fully owned, 11.6 percent were of other forms and 4.8 percent were partly owned. From 1971 to 1980. farms which were rented/leased and those under other forms decreased by 4.7 percent and 5§.0 percent, respectively. Farm household members 10 years old and over totalled 162,383 in 1980. Of this number, 36,023 (22.2 percent) worked in their own farms. Specifically, 76.8 percent were permanent workers and 23.2 percent were occasional/seasonal workers. Some 9.6 percent of the total farm household members worked in other farms while .6.5 percent worked both in their own and other farms. However, a large percentage (61.7 percent) of the farm household members 10 years old and over were not engaged in any farm activity. Fig. 9-1. Number of Farms by Land Use: 1971 and 1980 %6 a] | Temp.crops: \ de 25) ey => Permerops 20) ES Meadows 2 4 EZZA Forest 10} EEE) Others 5 0 1971 “BTA (Thousands) “z-6 264 raion BAR RXR TR Re Ea | O86! RRR RRR KKRRIX INS DAS eR NERXRKARXRRAR RRS BR ARRKRKKXXRXKYX RS PURINA | ore ERR RS AAS ERR RR ORO Ra AOR OR sind CONUS 1264 Q 3 i ; 5 | q ! O86! a > 4 o e B 3 r q Q ¢ a 5 Q ® v 29 ‘AGRICULTURE ~ PAHANG, otal no. of faras -- ESoR8R5 ae 2 wT xu BoM 8 1 a nce of fare operator. A971 & 1980 Census of Agricultare, Vol. I. Be 70 ‘AGRICULTURE - PAMPANGA Table 2. Munber and Area of Faras by Land Use: 1971 and 1980 32,855 23,841 65 12,800 1/ 8 farm is counted only otce under “ALL classes” but way be counted in each of the reported land use. e ee of fara operator. . joe, 1971 & 1980 Consus of Agriculture, Vol. 1. Mote: Tabulation is by resi Source: Rational Statistic eee ‘AGRICULTORE - PAAPLNCA . able 3. Hunber and Area of Farms by Land Use and by Hunicipality: 1980 (Ares in hectares | Land ese classification Under pernanent aeadow Covered vith A other lasds forest growth Wunicipality/ Under permanent City Musber of Area Humber of Area Rasber of Area Kuaber of ‘ Total 1,988 2,406 920,008 % 8 2 MB LT ate Angeles City a Md & 6 : : 2 8B % iL Apalit a) no : : 1 1 @ Ararat a1 t60 ne a 4 - : 1 - = Bacolor 2 8 7 8 2 7 - - im 2 Casdaba m8 8 10 1 2 - - 8D Fioride Blanca ait no 8 it 2 2 & on | Guagea 5 4 1 2 1 2 : - 8 + bec bo BT - 1 1 eR Habalacat 6% ist 7 - : 1 2 a 4 = Wacabede 0 9 2 - : : 1 1 7 8 Yaqalang 3 8 : : : : - 3 ‘ Aasanto! “8 0 3 - : - - mh . — berico 198 mm a wb 1 - 1 2 110 a | Winlis » 9 1 2 - : 1 1 a | Porae mL 28 8 ut 1 4 Bf San Fernando 5 it 0 - : - > ie ot las 6 a 2 : - - : 2 : Sino a OB 1 1 1 1 - : 1 4 Sta. Ana m™ ut : - : : - : it 2 + Sta. Bite 10 § : : : : : - 18 t Sto. Tonas @ on 6 6 - : - : 6 2 Yote ; Tabulation {e by location of farm parcel( Source: Nationa] Statistics Office, 198? Ceneue R ‘AGRICULTURE ~ PAMPANGA Table 4a. Kuaber and Area of Farms by Type of Teaure: 1971 and 1960 ‘rea of farms Tenure of fara Rouber of fares X Inerease (Hectares) Increase —— (Decrease) -----------n--n--~ (Decrease) 19801971 19801971 AL forws 92,555 28,841 36.55 79,800 90,116, (11.30) Owned 13,602 3,820 26,710 18,245 91.36 Partly - omed 2,081,140 10,420 7,663 35.98 Rented / leased 15,356 16,108 38,512 49,854 (20.44) Other forms 1,9 2,773 (54,96) 2,268 14,553 (84.48) labulation ie by residence of fara operator. lational Statistice Office, 1971 & 1980 Ceneus of Agriculture, Vol. I. 3 ‘AGRICULTURE ~ PAMPANGA Table 40, Nunber and Area of Fares by Sise and Tenure: 197 and 1880 (Area in hectares) Owned and omner-Like i Year / Size foras possession Partly owned 1/ « of fare } Hunter Area = Buber Area Mane 1980 9,900.0 13,602 28,710.0 2,348 10,420.0 15,356 98,512.0 798 1,222.0 481 1,038.0 under 1 hectare 2,43,0 3,039 1,241.0 87 . 192.0 72.0 1 = 2.99 hectares 9,142.0 7,065 11,836.0 739 653.0 © MT 402.0 . 3 - 4.99 hectares 26,021.0 2.684 8,458.0 09 130.0 1381.0 5 - 9.99 hectares 16,6H.0 705 4,045.0 828 36.0 Mo 128.0 : 1) - 24.99 hectares 3,599.0 80 1,148.0 a 264.0 6 5.0 25 hectares & over 2,180.0 1 982.0 16 : - - . it 25,841 90,115.5 3,800 16,245.4 1,140 194 362.8 2,578 100.2 . under 1 hectare 177 659.5 TH+ 204.6 i BTL Bw 2, BML Ad. | 3 ~ 4.99 hectares 1,800 27,979.5 TH «2,710.4 424 5 - 9.99 hecteres 3,775 22,848.7 387 2,984.9 288 10 - 24.09 hectares 6 6410.9 122 1,753.5 51 25 hectares & over 180 . e 1 2.99 hectares 9,799 17,335.0 1,689 2,858.7 200 oe eee “ AGRICULTURE ~ PANPANGA Table 5. Hunter and Area of Ferns by Tenure and by Monici (Area in hectares) ty: 1800 1 fora: Vf Tot Angeles City . 2 oT . 115 1 2 au 1 - er 89 699 - - ou 306d 6 it - 195 - - Cy 2 186 156 - - ml - - a - 860 ao 865 6 3 at 8 ot 129 2 1 198455 366 1 123 % Bw 20 1 1 ee TEE 5 Table 5. Nunber and Area of Faras by Tenure and by Municipality: 1980 (continued) (Area in hectares} Angeles City nT HT palit 66D - - Aromat 108240087 TLS acoder 126 205 - ~ Capdabe 1,418 4668 1,082 2,508 2 1: Tlorida Blasca 2018288 HE w BOB Guagea 1310 3h 3808 4 - - lao STS 1,586 1,371,985 @ - Wabalacat MB 18 10ST 1 7% om Mecabebe ue 3 TIT - - Magalang EM 6 «8 2 0 . santo) 15 "WTB fn Herico 40030736131, " 38 Mnalia | 2 1 4 Porae 113 3,018 a om San Peraando 198 “ 8 ot San Lais 26 - nw ot San Sinon 198 3 - os t J Sta, baa 186 " - i Sta, Kite 13 - . i . - 6 counted only once under of land Transfer. Refers to al) lands that are still being paid under the eration ture, Vol. 1. 4t ‘AGRICULTURE - PAMDANGA 716 ‘Table 6. dunber and Area of Paras by Type and by Tenure: 1971 and 1980 (Area in bectares) Possession ~---------c--w-nweneenwenvenncnnnemennens 1960 411 types 30,555 79,900.09 16,616 33,409.0 18,832 44,721.0 © 920 1,347.0 TBT 428.0 Paley 25,387 57,560.09 18,716 28,290.0 13,787 8474.0 5820 MLO Corn . 14180 GLO at Coconut 398.0 2 M40 - moe - Tobacco 1 70) 18 800 : - : - Sugarcane 838 7,979.0 3,600 11,996.09. Citres il 8.0 1 1.0 - ~ 7 Vegetable 195 728.0 8 298.0 126 a Taber, root & bulb crops ame 306.0). 4 Banana 2 118.0 u o a 1 Pineapple - - - - : - Coffee - - - : s : Hango Mu oO 80 : : 1 , Tiber crove - - - - : : : ‘Other persanent crops 1 90 600 - - - Other teaporary crops Me 820 3,0 1 Cattle 4 100 - - : - - Hog 204 718.0 a 109.0 a - - ‘Other Livestock a 103.0 M a0 - - 1 - I Chicken um 1650 a 8.0 4 : Other poultry ag m0 50 1 10 1 10 Others not elsewhere el ied 54 369.0 581 3.0 ao Bo uM 10 2 - een nereeeneennnnn emma ananassae ‘AGRICULTURE - PAMPANGA 7 Table 6. Haber and Area of Farna by Type and by Teoure: 1971 and 1980 (continaed) at . AL] types, 23,041 90,115.68 4,960a/ 25,908.4e/ 16,108 49,054.91 862.8 2,879 4,190.2 . falar 16,273 $9,999.4 — 3,578 13,937.6 188 336.6 1,620 8,116.5 Cora TA Bo B8 3 BS Cocoant, 1001 Td - . . Tobacco - : - - - - : ‘Soqercane 9,628 28,724.93 Sat 8,584 - - TH 3,865.8 Citres - - - . - . - - : - Vegetable MS 369 9 no 8 6 120 1 2 Tuber, root & bald crops mM Mm 30.9 a 89 - + - - Banane Bo RD ee) 10 28.0 - - - - Pineapple - 2.0 - - - - - - - - Coftee 1 100.0 1 100.0 - - - : - Race - - - - - - - - : : Other fruits a 1d 6 BL 3 180 - - 2 18.0 Cattle M1819 10 1,878.4 nv m0 - - 2 8S Hog wo 16.9 a 8 uo 688 2 - TBR Chicken 13 204 89 (16.7 1 42.0 1 : 1 89 219.6 AM 622.7 BBL 1,622 ME 1,04 1/ A fare is counted only once under “AI! forme”. The sun of the reported nuaber of faras under each tenure aay not be equal to the nusher of faras. a/ Includes farsa which are partly owed. Note: Tabulation is by residence of fora operator. Source: Hatiosal Statietice Office, 1971 & 1980 Census of Agriculture, Yol.1. a, _—_- anne nT SnUEEEDEEEEEDTOEICO EO ee AGRICULTURE - PAMPANGA 18 Table 7. Hunber of Patane, dry Seguidillas Sitas Soybeans Other Legumes Canote Caseara Gabi tubers: Onion bulbs Radigh Sincanas Other tubers Fruit vegetables, 8.1.0. Welon varietice Raterselon Peannts BRSSSHARcReBS_. ss AGRICULTURE - PAKPANGA Table 9. Livestock and Poultry - Number of Farus Reporting and Population by Municipality: 1980 (continued) Wenicipality/ City Muaber of Heaber of Munder of Hunter of ferns Population farme Fopulation farue Population fares Population reporting reporting reporting ‘reporting Total ov 306 21,650 1,546,913 4,749 113,168 4,073 52,486 Angeles City - - 415 20,926 18 ist “4 296 Apalit 1 3 1,69 61,958 MT (3,023 Me 18,238 Arayat - - 178 35,943. 291,616 144,061 Bacolor - - Ae 177,827 ay 2,671 68 20,305 Candaba - - 2887 29,906 853 13,703 ut 6,143 Florida Blanca - = 4,588 120,301 536 8,332 a 683 Guegua 1 100 667 121,203 313,319 1 58 Labao - = 2,038 90,863 308 2,518 165 166 Mabalacat - - ST 12,887 6 289 0 B Macahebe - 583 11,217 203 35,212 - - Magolang - > LNT 46,194 St 2,845 vB 209 Masanto) - - 7) 15,286 230 41,875 a 26 Mexico 3% MG 1,850 27,605 7 1,138 16 Ma Minalin 1 1 813 206,281 135 11,097 18 98 Porat 1 1 1,893 99,655 399 2,810 0 15 San Fernando 4 20 48 219,639 1,080 a 608 1 20 12 16,646 15,110 Bt AITO 2 4 758 20,166 MB 4,162 4 24 u ul 65 TT a 929 8 2,831 - - 455 108,260 85 4st 2 160 - - 168 9,776 3 598 1 3 Hote : Tabulation is by location of fare parcel(s}. Source: Hational Statistica Office, 1980 Census Agriculture, Vol. 11. 83 AGRICULTORE - PAKPANGA 64 Table 10. Hanber end brea of Angeles City Apalit Arora Bacolor Candaba Florida Blanca Suagua Tadao 1/ A fare is counted 2/ Tecludes lands AGRICUSTURE - PAMDANGA ‘Table 11. Yuaber of Household Neabers 10 Years Old and Over by Type of Activity, by Type of Norker ‘and by Size of Fara: 1980 ‘Type of activity and type of vorker ct of farm operator. ice, 1980 Census of Agriculture, Vol. 1. 85 ery Charter 10 FISHERY Fishery resourcee in the Philippines are broadly classified into marine and inland resources. Marine resources include coastal areas and other traditional fishing grounda, while inland resources include lakes, reservoirs, rivers. brackishwater and freshwater fishponds- For fieh production purposes, fishery resources are categorized as either marine or aquaculture. Marine resources consist of commercial and municipal fisheries, while aquaculture comprises brackishwater fisheries, freshwater fisheries and seafarming. Pampanga reported a total of 942 aquafarms in 1980 - all fishponds. Also, one commercial fiehing operator was reported during the year. Inland fishponds Total area covered by inland fishponds in 1987 was 33.4 thousand hectares with a total production of 47.480 metric tons. Production increased by 11,673 metric tons or 32.6 percent from 1986. Breckishwater fishponde covered 27 thousand hectares or 80.5 percent of the total area of inland fishponds. Its production totalled 29.9 thousand metric tons. Freshwater fishponds, on the other hand, occupied a total area of 6.5 thousand hectares or 19.5 percent of the total area with a total output of 17.6 thousand metric tons. Most inland fishponds were privately owned. 86 5 ¥v Coot of aquafarm operation Menicipal fishing population 87 Total fishpond operation cost in 1980 was P62.3 million, of which 39.1 percent was spent on fingerlings, 20.9 percent, on maintenance and repair, and 19.1 percent, on compensation. Expenses on rental, fuel and lubricants, fertilizers and fry made up 18.1 percent and the remaining 2.8 percent were expenses on pesticides, lime, feeds and others. In 1980, there were 80.3 thousand fishing population comprising 12,808 households. Of the fishing population, males 15 years old and over comprised the bulk at 29.6 percent. Candaba, Masantol, Sexmoan, Macabebe and Guagua were the municipalities with large fishing population. ——————xo— ~ Vv Inlana Fishponds = 88 1981-1967 jouseand metric tons) wig- 10-1- Ares and (Area in production in © nectares? ‘ FISHHBINS - PANPAMCA Table 1. Area and Production of Inland Fishponds in Operation by Type of Ownership: 1961-1987 ‘Type of fishpond/ ‘omersbip Total 24,023.98 18,751 24,023.93 19,815 29,790.80 30,008 34,211.00 Brackishvater fishpond 19,509.58 17,949 19,509.58 17,558 22,746.00 25,104 26,760.00 Privately-omned Governsent-ovned 11,790 19,397.01 17,403 22,073.43 24,906 26,760.00 117257185 MTD. 1B Freshwater fishpond 2,287 7,544.80 4,904 7,451.00 2,257 7,521.25 4,889 7,427.45 privately onaed a) 1 Governsent-omned Source: Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Fisheries of the Philippines. 91,055 93,462.78 25,887 26,922.35 25,057 26,922.35 5,198 6,540.43, 5,182 6,616.88 16 23.85 90,444 33,499.95 14,990 26,922.95 24,930 26,145.00 11.5 5,514 6,817.00 89 35,807 93,430.95 47,480 26,950 26,022.35 29,884 26,759 26,145.00 20,687 TNT 6,887 6,517.00 17,596 6,832 6,499.45 17,533 % 23.58 8

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