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Safety Bulletin | SB-XXX | YYYY/MM

Safety Bulletin Title


[Briefly describe the safety issue with the most

important information up front—this ensures the
critical information that needs to be known can be
quickly grasped. If incident related, briefly describe
the incident without including personal or identifying
information or medical information]
Example: This safety alert heightens the
Images/diagrams can also be used to assist with
understanding (people see images as ‘easy
reading’). Take advantage of the attention the image Image 1: <Enter caption here>
will generate and use the caption to provide a
‘summary’ not just a label. Do not use any identifying
pictures, pictures of injuries or pictures that contain
personal information]

Delete these instructions by clicking in the text and

then pressing Delete

Image 2: <Enter caption here>

Actions, Recommendations and Lessons Learned

[Outline what needs to be done using the hierarchy of controls (i.e. elimination first, then down to PPE last. Do
not direct the actions of industry partners. If specific actions are required of TfNSW be explicit about what
needs to be done e.g. All SWMS to be updated and re-train to include XYZ]
Critical Controls to be reviewed by H&S Risk Manager
- If there are no actions required remove this subheading -

- If there are no recommendations remove this subheading -

Lessons learned
- If there are no lessons learned remove this subheading -

Note: Please ensure all relevant people in your business (including third parties) are aware of this safety
bulletin and are informed of its content and recommendations. It should be communicated through
your normal communication channels (e.g. email, safety briefing or toolbox meeting) and also
placed on notice boards.

Printed: 4/02/2023 12:47 AM File Name: SMS – Template – Safety Bulletin Page: 1 of 2
Printed copies of this document are uncontrolled and deemed valid only on Version: 1.0
the day of printing. Whilst version should be current, it is not guaranteed. Version Issue Date: 10/05/2021
Please confirm you are using the current version of the document.
Safety Bulletin | SB-XXX | YYYY/MM

Further information
Further information relevant to this safety alert can be obtained by contacting email [insert email address of
relevant H&S Director].

Specific legislation Related information

[Enter any related legislation – if not applicable remove [Enter any related links to additional information (e.g.
section] web site, documents)]



[Insert name]
H&S Director/Senior Manager
Transport for NSW

Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication is based on knowledge and understanding at the time of writing. However,
because of advances in knowledge and understanding, users are reminded of the need to check that information on which they rely is
up to date and to check the currency of the information with the appropriate person.

Printed: 4/02/2023 12:47 AM File Name: SMS – Template – Safety Bulletin Page: 2 of 2
Printed copies of this document are uncontrolled and deemed valid only on Version: 1.0
the day of printing. Whilst version should be current, it is not guaranteed. Version Issue Date: 10/05/2021
Please confirm you are using the current version of the document.

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