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in Grade 7 English


Direction: Listen to the teacher as he/she reads the text twice. Then be able to
answer the questions below. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Who is the main character in the story?

a. Jacky b. Jicky c. Jocky d. Joker
2. Why didi the main character needs to wake up early?
a. To get to school on time c. To get to bed on time
b. To get to work on time d. To get to eat on time
3. What woke the character up?
a. The ringing of the alarm clock c. Mom’s yelling
b. The crowing of the roosters d. Sister’s yelling
4. What did the character think as he/she “laid snug “on the bed?
a. I do not want to get up yet c. I want to be extra early today
b. I do not want to be late today d. I want to be extra late today
5. What does it mean to say something “with cheer”?
a. We say it sadly c. We say it with fear
b. We say it happily d. We say it with anger

A. Direction: Read and analyze the given sentences then choose the word being
referred to. Write the letter of your answer.

6. It is a collection of pages on the World Wide Web that contains specific

a. Machine b. Newspaper c. Website d. System

7. It is the most popular search engine.

a. Baidu b. Google c. Yahoo d. Yandex

8. To use a search engine, you’ll need to navigate to a ______.

a. Baidu b. Google c. Search Engine d. Software System

9. One of the most popular email providers.

a. Baidu b. Google c. Software System d. Yahoo

10. It was founded in 2000 and the most popular search engine in China.
a. Baidu b. Google c. Yahoo d. YouTube
B. Direction: Write T if the statement is True and F if it is False.

11. Web navigation is a systematic organization of links to provide access to

information and to make meaningful associations.
12. You can watch the progress of a web page download in your menu bar to
determine if the host computer has been contacted and images are being
13. There are useful features of browsers such as: Menu Bar, Tool Bar, Location
Bar, Status Bar and Scroll Bar.
14. Websites should not provide skip links to bypass repeated blocks and move
focus to each page’s main content.
15. Navigation plays a major role in shaping our experiences on the web.


Direction: Select the source that would provide the type of information described.
Match the answer from column A to column B.

Where can we find the information below?

Column A Column B

16 Monday weather forecast: Fair, a. Newspaper

warm morning; cloudy with
possible rains in the afternoon.
b. Journals
17. Covid-19-Navigating the
Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.,H Clifford c. Magazines
Lane M.D., and Robert R.
d. Book
18. The Happiest Days of your Life
by: Jamie Field
19. Alcohol and Drugs in North e. Encyclopedia
America A Historical
Encyclopedia 2013
f. Library Catalog
Bergreen, Gray. g. Internet

Copying with Study Strategies

N.Y., The Rosen Publishing h. Blog
1990 i. Video
137 p.:ill.

21. A BOOK OF MEDICAL j. Newsletter

23. Meet Pat Flynn
24. Eddie Adam’s Story: Motivated to
Make Music
82,083 views. Aug 6, 2000
25. UAAP Highlights


A. Direction: Choose the words inside the box that corresponds the logo apps

Yahoo YouTube Microsoft Bing Google

Skype Pinterest Instagram Facebook

26. ______ 27.______ 28._______ 29._______ 30._______


Direction: Complete the analogy by choosing the correct pair of words given.

31. Part to a Whole battery: flashlight: ______: computer (hard drive, mouse,
keyboard, monitor)

32. Cause and Effect _____: yawning: itching: scratching (active, enthusiastic,
fatigue, happy)
33. Person to Situation mother: _____: teacher: school (market, home, church,
34. Synonym obese: fat: slender: _______ (thin, big, huge, giant)
35. Antonym poverty: wealth: _____: health (doctor, exercise, sickness, fruits)
36. Geography Chicago:llinos::Denver:_______ (Colorado, Manila, Japan,
37. Measurement _____: kilogram: quart: liter (kilo, pound, weight, height)
38. Time March: spring: December: _____ (winter, summer, spring, fall)
39. Homonym see: sea: ______: their (saw, there, were, sir)
40. Function scissors: cut: _____: write (pencil, paper, stick, notebook)

Direction: Arrange the correct sequence on how to write a summary. Write 1-5
before the sentence.

_____41. Proofread the summary for punctuation, spelling, sentence structure and
_____42. Use transition words to connect the sentences and the paragraph.
_____43. Combine the sentences into one or more paragraphs.
_____44. Turn the main ideas into sentences.
_____45. Begin the summary with an introductory statement.


Direction: Complete the table below using the given text. The first column has been
done for you.


About half of all insects live on plants. The rest catch and kill other insects for
food. They are the hunters of the insect world.

Each kind of hunter insects has a weapon. The dragonfly uses its legs as a
basket to scoop up other insects. The sand wasp has a stinger which is used to stun

Some other hunter insects set traps. The tiger beetle digs a small hole and gets
in. Only its head is at the top of the hole. The tiger beetle can pop its head out like a
jack-in-the-box. It catches its victims by surprise. The ant lion digs a hole in the sand
and waits at the bottom. When an ant and other insects gets near the hole, the sand
gives way. The victim slides down into the jaws of the waiting ant lion.

The praying mantis is a large insect that looks as if it has arms. Its “arms” are
really legs, but they are not used to grab and hold its victims.

Man fights to keep down the number of insects that eat his food. Can you see
how hunter insects help man?

Name of Insects Characteristics

46. Dragonfly

47. Sand Wasp

48. Tiger Beetle

49. Ant Lion

50. Praying Mantis

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