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Hello, this is Mia. Welcome to my very first podcast! In today's episode, I'll share
some of my personal experiences that I believe will inspire you. Please bear with
me since I am new to this.


Have you ever had the feeling that something in your life is missing and that no
one, not even a cent, can fill it? That's how I've always felt throughout my life. I've
always had the feeling that there was a gaping hole inside of me.
Growing up without a father is a continuous uphill battle that you need to
overcome every day of your life. Some people are simply blessed to have a
complete and happy family, surrounded by so much love, and never have to
experience the loneliness and emptiness I endured. I'm sure I'm not the only one
who has felt the same way, so if you're one of my listeners and you've ever felt the
same thing I have, please know that you're loved.
It was a traumatic experience that continues to haunt me to this day. Since then,
I've been asking myself the same question: "What does it feel like to have a
father?". What it's like to have someone who will always encourage, cherish, and
loves you. When life gets tough, it's nice to have someone with whom you can tell
your love story, someone you can trust, and someone with whom you can cry and
wipe your tears away. That's something I've wanted to experience for a long time.
According to popular belief, a father's love contributes as much as a mother's love
to a child's development. A father is someone who loves you unconditionally but
never shows it. His gentle heart will always be there for you, loving and caring. He
will always adore you, no matter how you treat him. He is someone who will go to
any length to ensure your happiness. He will strengthen you so that you can
confront the cruel world. He'll tell you to always be brave, fearless, and careful,
and he'll prepare you for the world. He'll share all of the life lessons he's learned
with you. Unfortunately, I was unable to experience the true definition of a father's
Maybe our experiences aren't precisely the same, but no one deserves to feel the
emptiness and pain that I do. To those people who have a responsible and loving
father, you guys are extremely lucky to experience what most people only dream
about. Please value the relationship you have with your father because not
everyone has the opportunity to experience it. To those who have lost their father
at a young age, remember that everything happens for a reason and that you are
still blessed to feel the love of a father. Those who have an abusive, irresponsible
and unlikeable father please continue the battle and be patient because one
day there is still a chance that he will change. It's never easy for me or those who
have had similar experiences to go forward, but perhaps it's supposed to teach us
the value of a father's love, which we can apply when we have our own family in
the future.
Some people might not know how important it is to have a parent around until they
are no longer in existence. People who have lost a parent understand that anyone
can be taken from them in the blink of an eye and without warning. So, hug your
parents, grandparents, siblings, and other family members a little tighter than usual
whenever you see them because you never know when the Lord is going to want
them back.
Finally, we may feel rejected or afraid of abandonment, but there is always hope
and everything happens for a reason. Continue to strive for success, to live the life
you've always envisioned and I hope my experiences serve as a lesson to others
who face similar challenges. Don't make life more difficult for yourself. We all
deserve to be happy, loved, and appreciated.
Thank you so much for taking the time to listen. May today's episode have taught
you to be grateful for what you have in life. God bless you, and don't give up!

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