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ACT I, scene v. 1.

What is the character literally doing?

Dabby Bryant is trying to get a part in the play The Recruiting Officer.

2. What is the essential action of what the character is doing in the scene?
Dabby Bryant is using her power to force herself into the play.

1. What is the character literally doing?

Dabby is trying to learn her lines.

2. What is the essential action of the scene?

Dabby Bryant is struggling to remember her lines and is trying to do her part for the play.

ACT I, scene xi.

1. What is the character literally doing?
Dabby is literally trying to follow the rehearsal process.

2. What is the essential action of what the character is doing in the scene?
Dabby is taking on a new skill.

ACT II, scene v.

1. What is the character literally doing?
Dabby is hiding from Major Ross so she won’t be in trouble.

2. What is the essential action of what the character is doing in the scene?
Dabby is blending into the woodwork to hide herself from the man trying to hurt her.

ACT II, scene vii.

1. What is the character literally doing?
Dabby is waiting for her chance to rehearse.

2. What is the essential action of what the character is doing in the scene?
Dabby is anxiously trying to show off what she has rehearsed to Ralph.

ACT II, scene xi.

1. What is the character literally doing?
Dabby is envisioning her escape from the colony.

2. What is the essential action of what the character is doing in the scene?
Dabby is seeing her success in escaping from the prison colony.

I want statements. Will character. Assertive. Defiant.


Everything Dabby says about herself

Act 1 Scene
DABBY. I’ve seen lots of plays, Lieutenant, so has Mary.

DABBY. Mary wants to be in your play, Lieutenant, and so do I

DABBY. Of course she does, and so do I. I want to play Mary’s friend.

DABBY. Oh. Mary doesn’t always like me.

DABBY. I grew up in Devon, Lieutenant. I’m perfect for Rose.

DABBY. ...I could write scenes, Lieutenant, women with real lives, not these Shrewsbury prudes.

ARSCOTT. I’ll do the first speech anyway, Sir. ‘Yes, Sir, I understand my business, I 69 will say
it; you must know, Sir, I was born a gypsy, and bred among that crew till was ten year old, there I
learned canting and lying;’

DABBY. That’s about me!

ARSCOTT. ‘I was bought from my mother Cleopatra by a certain nobleman, for three guineas,
who liking my beauty made me his page’ –

DABBY. That’s my story. Why do I have to play a silly milkmaid? Why can’t I play Kite?

DABBY. No. I see things very clearly and I’m making you see clearly, Lieutenant. I want to play

Everything others say about Dabby

RALPH. I didn’t say you could – I’m not certain you’re the right – Bryant, I’m not certain I want
you in the play.

DUCKLING. (to DABBY.) Screw jaws!

Everything Dabby does

Act 1 Scene
(DABBY BRYANT comes on, with a shrinking MARY BRENHAM in tow.)

(DABBY bursts out laughing.)

(DABBY and LIZ stare at each other, each holding her ground, each ready to pounce.)

DABBY. Are you her friend now, is that it? Mary the holy innocent and thieving bitch –

(LIZ and DABBY seize each other. KETCH FREEMAN appears.)

(LIZ and DABBY turn on him.)

(KETCH slinks away as LIZ and DABBY spit him off.)

(DABBY BRYANT is sitting on the ground muttering to herself with concentration. She could be
counting. )

(DABBY begins to lift MARY’s skirt to reveal a tattoo high up on the inner thigh. MARY leaps

(The women all hiss at KETCH.)

(DABBY comes forward.)

(DABBY goes down on all fours.)

(DABBY stomps off. KETCH comes on.)

(They try. DABBY is suddenly transfixed.)

Everything others do to Dabby

Act 1 Scene
(SIDEWAY bows)

RALPH. Shht. She hasn’t finished yet. - Ralph shushes Dabbu

(LIZ thrusts DABBY away and sits by MARY.)

(She lunges at DABBY.)

(She lunges at DABBY.)

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