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1. Those writings or samples whose origins are known and can be proven and which can be legally used as
samples to compare with other matters in question. A. STANDARD
2. It is any changes made on the document after its preparation that changes also the original meaning of
the document is known as.. A. EVALUATION
3. The silhouette of the portrait appearing on the face of the note. A. VIGNETTE
4. In the study of questioned documents, what do you call the quality of paper that does not allow light to
pass through or which prevents dark objects from being seen through the paper? A. Opacity
B. Watermarks
C. Skid marks
D. Invisibility
5. A term used by some document examiners and attorneys to characterize known material.
A. Basis
B. Exemplar
C. Xerox copies
D. Reproduced
6. The act of setting two or more items side by side to weigh their identifying qualities; it refers not only a
visual but also the mental act in which the elements of one item are related to the counterparts of the other.
A. Collation C. Comparison
B. Analysis D. Recording
7. It is a signature, signed at a particular time and place, under particular conditions, while the signer was
at particular age, in a particular physical and mental condition, using particular implements, and with a
particular reason and purpose for recording his name. A. Fraudulent Signature
B. Guided Signature
C. Freehand forged signature
D. Evidential Signature
8. One that is executed in accordance with the Code of Commerce or any Mercantile Law, containing
disposition of commercial rights or obligations. A. Commercial document
B. Holographic wills
C. Notarial wills
D. Private document
9. The term “insertion” include the addition of writing and other material between lines or paragraphs or
the addition of whole page to a document. A. Interlineation
B. Integration
C. Obliteration
D. None of the Above
10. In QD exam, what is an “OFF-HAND OPINION”?
A. Conclusion that is not based on scientific examination.
B. Mere speculation of facts contained in the document.
C. Scientific findings as to the content of document.
D. All of the Above
11. A writer may deliberately try to alter his usual writing habits in hopes of hiding his identity. The
results, regardless of their effectiveness, are termed as.. A. Down stroke
B. Gestalt
C. Disguised writing
D. Graphology

12. The element of the writing movement which is marked by regular or periodic recurrences. It may be
classed as smooth, intermittent, or jerky in its quality. A. Shading
B. Simplification
C. Slope slant
D. Rhythm
E. Curvature
13. These describe evidence that is associated with a common source and an extremely high level of
probability. It's not so much that the evidence points directly at anything or anyone; it's that it draws an
inevitable conclusion based on mathematical calculations or probabilities so high as to defy human
comprehension while at the same time substantiated by the opinion of a scientific expert.
A. None of the following
B. Holograph Documents
C. Class Characteristics
D. Individual Characteristics
14. The act/process of making the content/s of a document not the intended content.
A. Fraudulation
B. Falsification
C. Forgery
D. Erasure
E. Counterfeiting
15. The reasons why fountain pen ink, colored ink and stamp pad are objectionable are, except..
A. They are too thin.
B. They dry too quickly.
C. The stamp pad smears easily.
D. Satisfactory for comparison purposes.
16. This refers to positively establishing the origin of known documents and is required for any piece of
documentary evidence for court presentation. A. Alteration of docs
B. Clarification of docs
C. Certification of docs
D. Authentication of docs
17. Requiring an accused of his/her handwritings or signature is a violation of his/her constitutional right
against self-incrimination. A. Yes, it is. A commutative procedure.
B. No, it's not. A mechanical procedure.
C. A thing a court will have to decide.
D. Will, maybe yes or maybe no.
18. Samples the individuals produced for some other unrelated reasons generally in the course of their day
to day activities. A. Dictated standards
B. Stolen standards
C. Requested standards
D. Directed standards
E. Collected standards
19. All but one is an indicator of forgery. A. Smoothness of paper
B. Pen lifts and hesitation
C. Tremor
D. Patching
20. Specifically, it is to change the details on the original document and try to pass them off as real.
A. All of the following
B. Lie of doc
C. Forged doc
D. Counterfeit doc
E. Falsification of doc
21. A writing or signature made by one person for another or a style (block capital, print script, or
cursive form) of one of the 26 graphemes of the English alphabet or of the ligatures or other symbols that
accompany it. A. Allograph
B. Holograph
C. Calligraph
D. None of the above

22. The FBI super computer that contains software allowing it to search criminal records and draw
conclusions from the available information in the hunt for those responsible for an individual crime..
A. Big Daddy
B. Big Floyd
C. Big Mayweather
D. None of the above
23. The effect produce on commencement and terminal strokes of letters, both upper and lower case, by
the application of the writing instrument to the paper prior to the beginning of any horizontal movement.
A. Buckle Stroke
B. Loop Stroke
C. Blunt Ending
D. Blunt Beginning
24. One of the points of comparison in handwriting examination, which is a connecting stroke that is
rounded at the base, either circular or oblong.
A. Arcaded
B. Garlanded
C. letter A only
D. both letters A & B
25. It is gap between strokes caused by speed of writing and a defective writing instrument.
A. Staff
B. Diacritics
C. Hesitation
D. Hiatus
26. The irregular thickening of the ink line when the writing slows down or stops while the writer takes
stock of the position. A. Shading
B. Hesitation
C. Hiatus
D. None of the above
27. A pre-determined text passages that is used in the Phils. to obtain request exemplars.
28. A variety of measuring devices, measuring grids, micrometers, graticules, typewriting grids, etc. where
measurement is imperative. A. Precision measuring tools
B. Image capturing equipment
C. Microscopic instrument
D. Electrostatic Detection Apparatus
29. An image of printed matter that has been transmitted electronically. A.
B. E-mail
C. Facsimile
D. Faximile
30. A method of characterizing a handwriting by measurement of the proportionate values of the angle
and ratio of the heights and widths of letters. A. Graphonomics
B. Graphometry
C. Graphology
D. None of the above
31. Refers to a preliminary embellished initial common to a capital letters. a. Diacritic
b. Embellishment
c. Buckle knot
d. Beard
32. Refers to minute curve which occurs at the end of terminal strokes. a. Staff
b. Hook
c. Loop
d. Spur
33. Refers to the following succession of motion which is recorded in written records.
a. Line quality c. Baseline
b. Rhythm d. Writing pressure

34. Refers to a loop made as a flourish and is added to a letter. a. Buckle knot
b. Embellishment
c. Beard
d. Diacritic
35. For ornamental purpose additional unnecessary strokes are added. a. Diacritic
b. Shading
c. Embellishment
d. Knot
36. Refers to the balance quality of movement of the harmonious recurrence of stress of impulse.
a. Pen emphasis
b. Writing pressure
c. Shading
d. Natural variation
e. Rhythm pressure.
37. Process of setting two or more items to weigh their identifying characteristics.
a. Examination
b. Decipherment
c. Conclusion
d. Comparison
38. This document executed by a person in authority and by private parties but notarized by competent official.
a. Private document
b. Commercial document
c. Public document
d. Official document
39. Refers to the act of diminishing the metal value of a genuine coin. a. Mutilation of coins
b. Counterfeit coin
c. Priceless coin
d. False coin
40. Refers to an imaginary line upon which the writing rests. a. Baseline
b. Alignment
c. Line quality
d. Hitch
41. This is an indication that the writer is writing using his natural writings habits and style and no
intention on his part to alter his writing. A. Carelessness
B. Patching
C. Hesitation
D. Blunt starts and stops
42. In this category of forgery, the forger does not try to copy a model but writes something resembling
what we ordinarily call a signature. A. spurious
B. simulated
C. traced
D. freehand
43. In the examination of the standard and questioned fingerprints the ACE-V method is used. What does
E stands for? A. Evaluation
B. Examination
C. Experimentation
D. Explanation
44. To be able to make a positive identification of a person, a document examiner must be able to observe
the.. A. Characteristics of his handwriting
B. Writing position of the writer
C. Distinguishing individual features of his handwriting
D. Manner on how the writer moves the pen
45. Sometimes a forger spills ink on a document to hide parts he does not want to be seen. He tries to make
this look accidental. This is an act of.. A. Alteration
B. Erasure
C. Obliteration
D. Intercalation

46. This alignment defect in typewriting occurs when a character prints a double impression of lighter to
the right or left. A. Horizontal alignment defect
B. Twisted alignment defect
C. Vertical alignment defect
D. Rebound alignment defect
47. It refers more specifically to a specimen of standard writing offered in evidence or obtained on request
for comparison with the questioned writing.
A. Writing Habits
B. Characteristics
C. Standards
D. Exemplars
48. In which of the following aspects is forged handwriting most likely to differ from the genuine writing
that the forger attempts to imitate?
A. Over-all flow or running quality
B. Average height and breadth of letters
C. Starting and finishing tails or extraneous flourishes
D. Width of pen or pencil lines.
49. It is the result of an attempt to transfer to a fraudulent document an exact facsimile of a genuine
writing. A. Simple forgery
B. Simulated forgery
C. Traced forgery
D. Cut and paste
50. Invisible markings are used to identify permuted tickets and lottery receipts. A counterfeit can be
detected by means if its fluorescent qualities through the use if this instrument.
A. Infra-red
B. Ultra-violet
C. Filter
D. Photomicrography


51. A method of detecting deception wherein a list of stimulus word is read to the subject who has been
instructed to respond as quickly as possible as time interval between answers are the basis of determining
whether he is lying or not. A. WORD ASSOCIATION TEST
52. One that is exhibited by the subject to a particular question, which is a deviation from the norm.
53. An erroneous decision that a person is being deceptive when he or she is actually being truthful.
54. In the practice of Polygraphy, what do you call questions unrelated to the matter under investigation
but are of similar nature although less serious as compared to those relevant questions under inves'n?
A. Irrelevant questions C. Relevant questions
B. Control questions D. Interrogative questions
55. What test is given if a subject of interrogation is not yet informed of the details of the offense for which
he is being interrogated by the investigation, or by other persons or from other sources like the print
media? A. Guilt Complex Test C. Control Test
B. Peak of Tension Test D. IQ Test
56. What component of the polygraph machine that records the changes in the breathing of the subject?
A. Cardiograph C. Galvanograph
B. Pneumograph D. Kymograph
57. Depending on the complexity of the case and the number of issues being tested, a polygraph exam
generally takes.. A. 2-3 hours B. 3-4 hours C. 1-2 hours D. 4-5 hours

58. The first Polygraph machine suitable for use in criminal investigation was invented by..
A. Cesare Lombroso C. Leonarde Keeler
B. John Larson D. Vittorio Benussi
59. Who studied fear and its influence on the heart and his observations subsequently formed the basis for
the technique in the development of the sphygmomanometer and the scientific cradle, which he used in
studying fear on the heart? A. William Marston C. Cesare Lombroso
B. Angelo Mosso D. John Larson
60. The first scientific instrument to detect deception which measured changes in pulse and blood pressure
when suspects were questioned about their involvement in or knowledge of a specific response.
A. Sphygmograph C. Seismograph
B. Hydrograph D. Hydrosphygmograph
61. Any untruthful statement; or falsehood; or anything that deceives or creates false impression.
A. Joke B. Story C. Telling D. Lie E. Disloyalty
62. The “Hindu Book of Health and Science” which is considered as the earliest known reference of the
methods for detecting deception. A. Hindu Yoga C. Arya Abram
B. Midos Yagu D. Ayur-Veda
63. In polygraph examination, the whole chart when finished is called..
A. result B. charting C. analysis D. diagnostic E. polygram
64. The major components of the polygraph machine are, except.
65. “Did you shoot Mr X?” is an example of.. A. Control question
B. Irrelevant question
C. Relevant question
D. Evidence connecting question
66. Which is not an irrelevant question in a polygraph examination?
A. Have you ever been called by the name Allan? C. Are you over 20 years of age?
B. Is today Monday? D. Have you ever stolen something at the age of 20?
67. This test is applied when the response to relevant and control questions is similar in degree and in
consistency and in a way that the examiner cannot determine whether or not the subject is telling the truth.
A. Silent answer test C. Guilt complex test
B. Peak of tension test D. General question test
68. To facilitate evaluation & interpretation of test charts, markings are made with the use of signs and
symbols. Which of the following examples of chart markings should be the first marking of the examiner
in the chart? A. X / 60 / 1.5 A C. X
B. XX / 60 / 1.5 A D. XX
69. Following but one are specific rules to be followed in the formulation of the questions in a polygraph
test. A. Questions must be clear and phrased in a language the subject can easily understand.
B. Questions must be answerable by yes or no.
C. Questions must be as short as possible.
D. Questions must all be in the form of accusations
70. A component that measures the electrical conductance of the skin which varies with its moisture level.
A. GSR B. Galvo C. Galvanic D. Skin conductivity
71. The first mention of a "polygraph" instrument was in 1906 by Dr. James MacKenzie in a British Medical
Journal called Lancet, which he described as.. A. Lancet Polygraph C. MacKenzie Machine
B. Ink Polygraph D. James Machine
72. All but one are used to render a diagnostic opinion as to the honesty of an individual.
A. Polygraph C. Voice Stress Analyzer E. None of the choices
B. Deceptograph D. Psychological Stress Evaluator
73. A polygraph instrument is basically a combination of medical devices that are used to monitor
_____________ occurring in the body. A. ratings C. changes
B. currents D. shocks
74. Polygraph examination is designed to look for significant ______________ responses going on in a
person's body when that person is subjected to stress, such as the stress associated with deception.
A. voluntary C. letter A only
B. involuntary D. both letters A & B

75. This test tries to detect lying by comparing physiological responses when the subject is told to
deliberately lie to responses when they tell the truth.
A. Guilty Knowledge Test C. Control Question Test
B. General Question Test D. Directed Lie Test
76. It is an error in a polygraph test that occurs when a deceptive examinee is reported as truthful.
A. False Positive C. Inconclusive
B. False Negative D. None of the choices
77. Polygraphy is derived from the Greek word "poly" & "graphos" which means..
A. "many lying" C. "multi writing"
B. "multi lying" D. "many writing"
78. An electrical instrument in a polygraph machine that measures electrical resistance, the opposition to
an electric current. A. Ohmmeter C. Ampmeter
B. Liemeter D. Polymeter
79. Polygraph instrumentation is either the modern computerized machine or the previous..
A. Andalog instrument. C. Analog instrument.
B. Digital instrument. D. Deception instrument.
80. It is the practice of determining whether someone is lying with the aid of an instrument.
A. Lie Deception C. Lie Interrogation
B. Lie Detection D. Lie Investigation
81. It is the standard number of questions in polygraph examinations.
A. 12 B. 10 C. 13 D. 8
82. Which of the following is not included in general rules of formulating questions?
A. Must be short as possible C. Must not be in the form of accusation
B. Must be simple and direct D. Must involve legal terminologies such as rape, murder etc.
83. For identification purposes of the test chart, following are information to be placed near the beginning
of the test chart before the pneumo tracing, except.. A. Subject’s name, rank and profession
B. Time and date of the examination
C. Signature of the examiner
D. Test or chart number
84. The primary/key question is asked by the examiner in order to resolve a specific subject matter is..
A. Sacrifice Question C. Control Question
B. Relevant Question D. SKY Question
85. If the subject takes medication prior to the polygraph examination, how many hours should the
examiner wait before he should conduct the examination. A. 2 hours C. 5 hours
B. 4 hours D. 6 hours
86. In polygraph examination, after the taking of each chart where should the examiner request the subject
to sign? A. Beginning of the three tracings C. Below the cardio tracing
B. Across the three tracings D. Above the pneumo tracing
87. In polygraph examination, the examiner is supposed to ask relevant question but made a mechanical
adjustment prior to the question, what question should be asked by the polygraph examiner after the
mechanical adjustment? A. Relevant Question C. Irrelevant Question
B. Control Question D. Knowledge Question
88. It is sometimes referred to as a chart drive module.
A. Galvanograph C. Pneumograph
B. Cardiosphygmograph D. Kymograph
89. A tracing wherein no question is asked or irrelevant question is asked to the subject and there is no
deviation in his tracings. A. specific response C. erratic response
B. normal response D. none of the choices
90. What part of the central nervous system is activated if a person is trying to lie?
A. parasympathetic nervous system C. sympathetic nervous system
B. autonomic nervous system D. central nervous system
91. This is intended to obtain responses usually produced by the introduction of the first relevant question
in the sequence. A. Knowledge question C. SKY question
B. DYAT Questions D. Symptomatic question
92. This is placed on the chart for clearing of throat, and is frequently placed below the pneumo tracing,
both galvo and cardio tracings may be affected depending on its intensity.
A. ”N” B. ”OSN” C. ”S” D. ”CT”

93. It is a common method of deciding guilt or innocence and a practice of referring disputed questions to
the judgment of God, determined by various means, particularly by physical tests.
A. Ordeal B. Trial C. Judicium Dei D. All of the Choices
94. A Chronic lie purely used to mislead justice, a pure dishonesty to obstruct justice.
A. Black lie B. Malicious lie C. Benign Lie D. Red Lie
95. Father of Modern Lie Detection?
A. Cesare Lombroso B. Hans Gross C. Leonarde Keeler D. William Marston
96. Father of Modern Polygraphy?
A. Cesare Lombroso B. Hans Gross C. Leonarde Keeler D. William Marston
97. How many cycle per minute is the normal respiratory cycle of an adult?
A. 50-70 cycles/ minute C. 20-30 cycles/ minute
B. 15 to 20 cycles? Minute D. none of the choices
98. What is the average pulse rate of a person aging 20-25?
A. 144-133 beats per minute C. 140-123 beats per minute
B. 96-76 beats per minute D. 73-69 beats per minute
99. Heart action or the cardiac cycle consist of..
A. inhalation and exhalation C. inspiration and expiration
B. systole and diastole D. none of the choices
100. Internal responses is scientifically known as..
A. emotional response C. external response
B. specific response D. visceral response


101. Poisons may be eliminated in the body by, except..
A. Nemesis B. Emesis C. Feces D. Tears
102. Mechanical antidotes are those which remove the poison without changing it or coat the surface of the
tissue or organ to prevent absorption of the poison such as..
A. Emetics C. Precipitants E. All of the Choices
B. Cathartics D. Demulcents
103. A chemical element with the symbol Hg and atomic number 80. It is commonly known as quicksilver
and was formerly named hydiargyrum. A. Cyanide C. Arsenic
B. Corrosive D. Mercury
104. He was a French surgeon and the inventor of the tourniquet.
A. Joseph Lister C. Pierre Tourniquet
B. Jean Louis Petit D. Peter Norton
105. Poisonous fluid secreted by animals such as snakes and scorpions and typically injected into prey or
aggressors by biting or stinging.
A. Tetanus B. Venom C. Toxin D. Poison
106. A disease marked by rigidity and spasms of the voluntary muscles caused by the bacterium
clostridium tetani. A. Tetanus B. Venom C. Toxin D. Poison
107. The Father of Bloodstain Identification.
A. Calvin Goddard C. Francis Galton
B. Leone Lattes D. Alphonse Bertillon
108. A small sharp-pointed organ at the end of the abdomen of bees, ants and scorpions capable of
inflicting a painful or dangerous wound by injecting poison.
A. Sting B. Toxin C. Venom D. Poison.
109. A chemical compound that contains the cyano group, -C=N which consists of carbon atom triple-bonded to a
nitrogen atom. A. Cyanide B. Mercury C. Arsenic D. Corrosive
110. Father of microbiology and considered to be the first microbiologists.
A. Antonie Philips Van Leeuwenhoek C. Andy Warhol
B. Bridgett Bardot D. Emma Stone
111. Considered as the father of the crime laboratory.
A. Albert Osborne B. Walker Mc Crone C. Hans Gross D. Edmond Locard.
112. Considered the father of microscopic forensics.
A. Albert Osborne B. Walker Mc Crone C. Hans Gross D. Edmond Locard
113. Considered the father of forensic publications.
A. Albert Osborne B. Walker Mc Crone C. Hans Gross D. Edmond Locard
114. The Application of Scientific Techniques in collecting and analyzing physical evidence in criminal
cases. A. Ballistics B. Criminalistics C. Forensics D. Criminal Investigation

115. Is an organic fluid that may contain spermatozoa.

A. Blood B. Urine C. Semen D. Saliva

116. The mature motile male sex cell of a male organism by which the ovum is fertilized, typically having a
compact head and one or more long flagella for swimming.
A. Spermatozoa B. Protozoa C. Plagella D. Semen

117. A slender thread like structure especially a microscopic whiplike appendage that enables many
protozoa, bacteria, spermatozoa to swim.
A. Spermatozoa B. Protozoa C. Plagella D. Semen.

118. A phylum or group of phyla that comprises the single celled microscopic animals which includes
amebas, flagellates,ciliates, spocozoans and many other forms.
A. Spermatozoa B. Protozoa C. Plagella D. Semen

119. The haploid cell that is the male gamete.

A. Spermatozoa B. Protozoa C. Sperm Cell D. Semen

120. An unborn or unhatched offspring in the process of development.

A. Zygote B. Gamete C. Embryo D. Sperm

121. A single cell with a complete set of chromosomes that normally develops into an embryo.
A. Zygote B. Gamete C. Embryo D. Sperm

122. The sex chromosome that is present in both sexes. Singly in males and doubly in females.
A. Zygote B. X chromosome C. Gamete D. Y chromosome

123. The sex chromosome that is carried by men.

A. Zygote B. X chromosome C. Gamete D. Y chromosome

124. A substance that when introduced into or absorbed by a living organism, causes death or injury, especially
one that kills by rapid reaction. A. Tetanus B. Venom C. Toxin D. Poison

125. An antigenic poison or venom of plant or animal origin especially one produced by or derived from
micro-organisms and causing disease when present at low concentration in the body.
A. Tetanus B. Venom C. Toxin D. Poison

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