BSED3A ISNAIN - Activity 1.1

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Name: Isnain, Erich Caramijan

Course/Yr: BSED3A
EPIC Schedule (Days, Time) Wednesdays and Saturdays
Date of Submission: September 7, 2022


your values in life? (list down three, and why you value these).

h in God and in self.
ying true towards convictions
king less mistakes and avoid foolishness

e notions because it is something that I hold dear to me, whenever there’s something I need to remind
ter defeats, disappointments and depression, I use these values to remind myself of the fight that I need
to wage on. “Faith in god” is something I grew with as a Muslim and will carry on with me as I abide
of my existence. “Faith in self” is what I came up with after realizing the latter because one would
eve in oneself to face life’s challenges. I believe that each has their own meaning provided by God
d always need our discerning eye and in doing so would need our determination and strength within
Staying true towards convictions” is a broad notion that would tie determination, goals and promises
kes for itself, I use this value to keep myself to stay alive and at times whenever I needed purpose.

2. List down at least three characteristics in people and situations that you like and dislike. Analyze, reflect and
explain why these are the things you are drawn to or feel irritated by.
Those that I like:
 True to their words (dependable and trustworthy)
 Honest and frank (doesn’t embellish their words with false and sweet lies)
 Positive thinker (sees the sunlight through any thick fog)

Those that I don’t like:

 Basically, the opposite of the above mentioned
 Thinks bad of other people behind their backs and slanders others
 Causes unnecessary trouble

With experience comes knowledge, it is joyous to learn of many things through one’s journey, especially when
they’re good and inspiring, but it is also sad to deal with its other side as we come across with people’s foolish
theatrics. I am drawn to people who are true to their words because it’s hard to deal with people who can’t keep
their promises especially when work is involved, it is disappointing when you’re the leader and your member
promises you to do the designated task but ends up leaving us hanging. In our era with fast communication, it has
its good side but it gives birth to convenient forging of lies. I value people who tells the truth regardless of its
weight and those who doesn’t sugarcoat because I want to see people who are determined to seek verity. I had to
learn this the hard way when I come across a person with no bone and it was a nightmare indeed. Overthinking has
always been my best and worst characteristic about myself, I do get the job done through it since it helps with
realizing any overlooked pieces but I’m prone to thinking negatives that’s why I like people who can shower
positivity and see the bright side of things. Coming from living in place full of gossipers, people who talk bad of
other people is always my eyesore, especially when they stir up disruption for attention. Thinking about all these
things made me go on a trip to memory lane which made me nostalgic but also disgusted. At least, it made me
realize how lucky I am to be able to negate all of them after living here in Zamboanga City.

Name: Isnain, Erich Caramijan

Course/Yr: BSED3A
EPIC Schedule (Days, Time) Wednesdays and Saturdays
Date of Submission: September 7, 2022

3. What are your skills and capabilities; specify activities and tasks you find easy doing (may be related to your
profession, or interest)
I am proud to say that I am technology literate or should I say possesses ICT skills and I find making ppts and
doing presentations very easy for me. I am also capable of fixing some speakers as I grew up opening endless
number of it, although don’t be too amazed as I am still learning. I am able to easily read through large books
which people find inconvenient to do.

4. Tough question: HONESTLY TRULY look into yourself, and list down five things what you like about
yourself, and five things you find a bit off with yourself (alternate description: things about yourself you can
improve on)
I like how
 I am determined to finish something (especially when it’s a game)
 I am able to easily catch on and cope up.
 I am able to brush off depression and negativities.
 I am able to remove anger from people who done me wrong.
 I am able to become the higher person at many instances.

I don’t like how

 I am very gullible
 I am easily persuaded with pleas
 I am quickly defeated by emotions (specifically sorrow)
 I overthink a lot.
 I procrastinate on most things.

Name: Isnain, Erich Caramijan

Course/Yr: BSED3A
EPIC Schedule (Days, Time) Wednesdays and Saturdays
Date of Submission: September 7, 2022

In this space, please put your images and mind maps as discussed in the session. Feel free to write freely.

Uploaded in a separate file in pdf

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