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GE-STS Science, Technology and



The Nano World and Gene Therapy (Stem Cells)
Eliciting Ideas: “My Wishlist”
My Wishlist

Health Environment Electronics

1. Cure for Cancer. 1. A machine that can 1. Unlimited data

keep the north/south transfer.
pole in its freezing
temperature. More
like a giant
2. Vaccine that can fight 2. Renewable energy 2. Fast data connection
all the viruses with no aside from windmills anywhere in the
side effects. and solar panel which globe.
is affordable, safe,
and clean.
3. Transplant of any 3. Space craft that can 3. The use of nano
body parts and carry tons of trashes technology to insert
internal organs. (specially plastics). information directly
to our brain.
GE-STS Science, Technology and

A. Make a simple concept map showing the potential and realized impacts of nanotechnology on

Supply Type
B. Answer the following questions briefly.
1. Would you subject yourself to gene therapy without its 100% assurance of effectiveness
or future negative effects? Why or why not?
- No, I will definitely not subject myself to gene therapy without its 100% assurance of
effectiveness or future negative effects. Basically, because this can put my life at risk
given the reason that this is a sample test and what ever may happen, if the therapy was
unsuccessful, my gene cannot be replace. But if there’s any condition, in exchange for
a million dollar for instance, still, I cannot subject myself.

2. Should gene therapy be limited to medical concerns only or could it be used for aesthetic
GE-STS Science, Technology and

- For me, gene therapy could be only limited to medical concerns only. Given the fact
that gene therapy has not yet 100% attained its effectiveness and assurance, hence,
using it for aesthetic purpose could be very dangerous. For instance, using it to enhance
our physical appearance could lead to illnesses and such in the future.

3. Among the various forms of gene therapy, which do you think has the fewest ethical
concerns? Why?
- I think from various forms of gene therapy, the “Replacement of mutated gene that
causes disease with a healthy copy of the gene” has the fewest ethical concern,
because all humans don’t want to have disease, hence, we all want a treatment that
can fight, prevent, and cure diseases. And gene replacement is a way of dealing these
4. Do you think the government should fund researches on human germline gene therapy?
Why or why not?
- I think yes, the government “must” fund researchers on human germline gene therapy,
because this advancement in medication could be a major breakthrough in human history.
Imagine a world free from diseases and viruses, thousands or even millions of lives could
be saved.
C. Complete the following metacognitive phrases.
1. Even though the nanoworld has provided many great advances, there are also some
alarming concerns about potential health risks because... nano technology is hazardous and
highly toxic, given the fact that it is a tiny particle, thus, this could damage our lungs,
digestive system, and skin.

2. After seeing the potential benefits and detriments of nanoworld and gene therapy, I realized
that... if this technology continues to develop the futuristic world wherein the unimaginable
things that we have watched in various movie could come true, also, our environment could
be save, our medication could be more precise, thus, saves millions of lives, and our
electronics could be more advance to the point that we can live in a world of robotics.

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