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Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following

questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet
provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no.2 only.

1. The procedure which is intended to be used in situations of all

kinds and outlined as guide and by men in the field operations
relative to reporting, dispatching, raids, arrest and investigation
refers to:
A. Field Procedure C. Problem oriented plan
B. Standard Operating Procedure D. Headquarters procedure

2. The theory of police service which states those police officers are
servants of the people or the community refers to:
A. Old C. Modern
B. Home rule D. Continental

3. If the external patting of the suspect’s clothing fails to disclose

evidence of a weapon the next procedure of the Patrol officer is:
A. Conduct a complete search
B. The Patrol officer shall arrest the suspect
C. No further search may be made
D. Turnover the suspect to the immediate supervisor

4. When responding to call for police assistance due to planted or

found explosives, what immediate actions should the patrol officer
will do?
A. Scrutinize the item if it is an explosive or not
B. Dispose the item immediately to avoid further injury to happen
C. Never attempt to handle, call for Explosive Ordinance Disposal
D. Call to the Tactical Operation Center for proper procedure to be
followed, after investigating the item
5. How many Lieutenant General ranks are there in the PNP?
A. 1 C. 3
B. 2 D. 4

6. The biggest organic unit within a large department is -

A. Bureau C. Division
B. Section D. Unit
7. The determination in advance of how the objectives of the
organization will be attained known as –
A. Planning C. Police planning
B. Advancement D. Development

8. It is the central receiving entity for any citizen’s complaint

against the police officers.

9. The following are the grounds for Patrol officers to execute spot
a. Questionable presence of the individual in the area
b. The suspect is a long time enemy of your superior
c. The individual flees at the sight of a police officer
d. The Patrol officer has knowledge of the suspect’s prior criminal
e. Visual indications suggesting that the suspect is carrying a
A. b, c, d C. b, e, a, d
B. a, b, c, d, e D. a, c, d

10. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Performance evaluation measures credibility of the police
B. Performance evaluation is not a basis for salary increases or
C. Performance evaluation is done once a year among police personnel
D. Performance evaluation is implemented to determine the quality of
work performance of personnel

11. Patrolman Bruno and Corporal Brino report to the Police Executive
Master Sergeant Beuti only. This is the principle of –
A. delegation of authority C. chain of command
B. span of control D. unity of command

12. In the modern concept of police service, the yardstick of police

efficiency is the –
A. crime solution rate C. absence of crime
B. positive PCR D. rate of criminal arrest

13. Who has the authority to promote PLT Jim Jhack T. Khole to Police
A. President C. DILG Secretary
B. Regional Director D. Chief, PNP
14. The following are the characteristics of a good plan, EXCEPT:
A. flexibility C. clear
B. specific D. expensive

15. The following are instructions that a lawman should give to the driver of
a vehicle that is cornered or stopped during dragnet operations or
1. Step out of the vehicle
2. Turn off the ignition key
3. Toss the key to the ground
4. Open the door of the vehicle
5. Place his hands on top of the vehicle

If you were to arrange the above instructions sequentially, which is

the best arrangement?

A. 1 4 5 2 3 C. 2 1 4 3 5
B. 1 5 4 2 3 D. 2 3 4 1 5

16. Regarding the geographic layout of foot posts and radio motor patrol
sectors, it would be most correct to state which of the following?
A. They should be mutually exclusive to fix responsibility for the
areas concerned
B. They should not be mutually exclusive so that coverage can be
C. They should be mutually exclusive so that the necessity for either
foot or radio motor patrol can be clearly intensified
D. They should not be mutually exclusive because supervision would be
made more difficult
17. Under Republic Act 11279, the direct administrative and
operational supervision and control over the PNPA is vested upon –
A. Chief, PNP C. Commandant
B. Director D. Dean of Academics

18. This system of policing was composed of a group of ten neighboring

male resident over twelve years old who were tasked to apprehend any
person who offends another and deliver him for trial.
A. Frankpledge system C. Hue and cry
B. Tun policing D. Shire reeve

19. Which of the following is a criticism of decoy operations often heard by

police supervisors?
A. Decoy officers, because of their disguises, are often mistaken by
members of the public for criminals
B. There is no real way to measure the effectiveness of decoy officers
C. Decoy officers have no real interest in preventing crime
D. Decoy officers are a form of police entrapmen t

20. PSMS Godoy is conducting a training session in traffic enforcement

duties. One of the trainees ask him, “Should the unintentional violator be
dealt with more leniently than the intentional violator?” According to the
accepted procedure, the trainor would be MOST correct if he stated –
A. “No, mainly because the unintentional violator is unaware of his/her
driving actions and is serious accident threat”
B. “Yes, mainly because the intentional violator has a total disregard
for the law”
C. “No, mainly because the unintentional violator will soon become
intentional violator if left unchecked”
D. “Yes, mainly because the intentional violator has probably violated
the traffic laws before”

21. The police are constantly striving to find a new and better ways to
patrol. Lately, police departments have used the concept of directed patrol
more and more. This kind of patrol directs police officer to patrol –
A. Only a certain location
B. Only during a certain time period
C. Only to prevent certain criminal conduct
D. At a certain location, during a certain time period, primarily to
prevent certain criminal conduct

22. Notice issued to warn of an event, a person, an object or a

process representing an imminent threat and danger to persons or
A. Black C. Green
B. Purple D. Orange

23. What is the designated contact point of the members of the

A. International Central Bureaus C. Integrated Central Bureaus
B. National Central Bureaus D. INTERPOL Member Bureaus

24. Consider the following statements concerning the patrol function in a

police department:
1. The preponderance of the budget of most police departments goes
into the patrol division
2. As the effectives of the patrol force decreases, the need for
more specialists is increased
3. The backbone of any police department is its first-line
supervisors of patrol
A. Statement 1 and 2 are accurate; statement 3 is not
B. Statement 1 and 3 are accurate; statement 2 is not
C. Statement 2 and 3 are accurate; statement 1 is not
D. All the statements are accurate

25. The head of the National Capital Regional Police Office shall assume the
position of NCR director with the rank of:
A. Police Brigadier General C. Police Colonel
B. Police Major General D. Police Lieutenant General

26. The following are the agencies whose functions were absorbed by
the Philippine National Police:
a. NARCOM civilian personnel
b. Coast Guards
c. Philippine Constabulary
d. Philippine Air Force Security Command
e. National Action Committee on Anti-Hijacking
A. a, c, d, e C. e, b, a, d
B. b, a, e, c D. a, b, c, d, e

27. Decisions rendered by the national IAS shall be appealed to the –

A. Regional Appellate Board C. People’s Law Enforcement Board

B. National Appellate Board D. National Police Commission

28. Which promotion is given to any PNP member who has exhibited act
of conspicuous and gallantry at the risk of his life above and beyond
the call of duty.
A. Promotion by virtue of Position On-the-Spot Promotion
B. Meritorious Promotion D. Regular Promotion

29. Monthly retirement benefits or pay of a police officers is ___ of

their base pay and longevity pay of the retired grade in case of 20
years active service.
A. 50% C. 55%
B. 10% D. 2.5%
30. Refers to any offense committed by a member of the PNP involving and
affecting order and discipline within the police organization.
A. Breach of Internal Discipline C. Minor Offense
B. Citizens Complaint D. Police Misdemeanor

31. In counter intelligence, surveillance is categorized according to

intensity and sensitivity. When there is intermittent observation, varying in
occasions, then this surveillance is called:

A. loose C. discreet
B. open D. close

32. The amount and nature of the demands of the police service are not the
same on all of the three shifts. It is therefore necessary to make available
maximum manpower at the time the police service is of greatest demand. This
is organization by:
A. clientele C. time
B. purpose D. process

33. The PNP has a program which ensures the deployment of policemen in busy
and crime prone area. This is called:

A. patrol deployment program

B. roving patrol program
C. patrol and visibility program
D. police visibility program

34. Planning is the formal process of choosing the following, EXCEPT

A. purposes for which the organization performs

B. the organizational mission and overall objectives for both the short
run and long run
C. strategies to achieve the objectives
D. divisional, departmental and individual objectives based on the
organizational objectives

35. How is one classified if he steals primarily because of irresistible

urge due to unexpected opportunity and little chance of detection?

A. systematic pilferer C. ordinary pilferer

B. casual pilferer D. unusual pilferer

36. In the intelligence function, the black list includes _______ forces.

A. unwanted C. friendly
B. neutral D. unfriendly

37. The first step in the planning process is to recognize the need to plan.
Which of the following in NOT a way of discovering the need to plan?

A. conduct of research C. conduct of management audit

B. conduct of training D. conduct of inspection

38. The special formation used in crowd control includes the wedge, diagonal
and deployed line. When a crowd is small enough not to require a squad, then
the formation is:

A. diagonal C. wedge
B. deployed line D. clockwise

39. It is the importance of the firm or installation in relation to national


A. relative critically C. relative vulnerability

B. relative indispensability D. relative security

40. How is the crew complement of a mobile patrol division organized into
shifts for each tour of duty?

A. daily four shift assignment

B. daily five shift assignment
C. One shift daily
D. daily three shift assignment
41. As much as possible, the preparation of the over-all development plan of
the police organization should be participated in by the heads of all staff
service and operational/ administrative support units. This policy is:

A. desirable, officers can be properly trained in planning

B. undesirable, the presence of too many officers will create confusion
C. undesirable, there will be problems of credits grabbing after plan
is formulated
D. desirable, the officers will know the organization better and a
sense of ownership of the plan is promoted

42. Natural hazards such as storms, earthquakes, floods or lahars cannot be

prevented from occurring. To minimize the disastrous effects of these
phenomena, the security officer must prepare a –

A. security education plan C. disaster or emergency plan

B. guard deployment plan D. civil defense plan

43. Involves segregation of deviants into isolated geographic areas so that

they can be easily controlled.

A. coercion C. quarantine
B. conversion D. containment

44. What management principle provides that only one officer be in direct
command or supervision of each officer?

A. span of control C. unity of command

B. chain of command D. line of authority

45. What is referred to as the total number of police officers assigned to

patrol duties?

A. effective strength C. mandatory strength

B. actual strength D. authorized strength

46. The formulation of conclusions from the theory developed, tested and
considered valid as a result of interpretation is called:

A. collection C. integration
B. evaluation D. deduction

47. When police patrols are increases beyond normal levels. This is called –

A. desisting deterrent patrol C. citizen patrol

B reactive patrol D. pro active patrol

48. What is the method of collecting information wherein the investigator

tail or shadows the persons or vehicles?

A. research C. Surveillance
B. casing D. photography

49. Before a security expert can recommend what type of security will be
needed by an industrial establishment. There is a need for him to undertake a

A. security training C. security check

B security survey D. security education

50. What is referred to as the knowledge pertaining to capabilities,

vulnerabilities and probable course of actions of foreign nations?
A. combat intelligence C. national intelligence
B. police intelligence D. strategic intelligence

51. How are coded message converted to intelligible language?

A. encoding C. processing
B. labeling D. decoding

52. This type of undercover operation wherein techniques are applied for a
longer time and is considered as the most different investigative activity
yet the most rewarding.

A. casing C. undercover operation

B. penetration D. surveillance

53. When one procures information about subject surety, he is performing

__________ collection method.

A. routine C. overt
B. active D. covert

54. It is the circumspect of a place to determine its suitability for a

particular operational purposes.

A. inspection C. survey
B. surveillance D. casing

55. In the civil service system, merit and fitness are the primary
consideration in the __________ .

A. two – party system C. promotional system

B. evaluation system D. spoils system

56. In the debriefing, the intelligence agent is asked to discuss which of

the following?
A. his educational profile and schools attended
B. his personal circumstances such as his age, religious affiliation,
address, etc.
C. his political inclination and / or party affiliation
D. his observations and experiences in the intelligence function

57. Private security agencies has to be registered with the _________ .

A. Security and Exchange Commission
B. Department of Interior and Local Government
C. National Police Commission
D. National Bureau of Investigation

58. It is natural or man-made structure or physical device which is capable

of restricting, deterring or delaying illegal access to an installation.
A. fence C. barrier
B. wall D. hazard

59. It provides means and ways by which all personnel and employees are
trained to make them security conscious and disciplined.
A. security check C. security investigation
B. security education D. security promotion

60. A single uninterrupted line of authority often represented by boxes and

lines of an organizational chart should run in order by rank from top command
to the level of the organization.
A. organizational control C. scalar chain
B. administrative control D. span of control

61. What type of intelligence is involved when information is obtained

without the knowledge of the person against whom the information or documents
may be used, or if the information is clandestinely acquired?
A. covert C. active
B. covert D. underground

62. The provincial governor shall choose the provincial director from a list
of ______ eligible recommended by the PNP regional director, preferable from
the same province, city or municipal.
A. six (6) C. five (5)
B. three (3) D. four (5)

63. Which if the following is most important characteristic of good

operational plan?
A. only one officer is responsible for its execution
B. need for the on the operation modification or amplification is
C. present objectives and allocation of resources but not the
D. all the details of the plan are properly identified and evaluated
and such details are known as implementers.

64. Your fire station received a call that the Department store “A” is
burning. Considering the huge facility and merchandise of said department
store, there is a need to –
A. study the problems in advance and formulate method of attack
B. wait for further information about progress of incident
C. proceed to the area and start putting of fire
D. organize a committee to direct firefighting

65. Republic Act 6975 provides that on the average nationwide, the manning
levels of the PNP shall be approximately in accordance with a police to
population ratio of –
A. one (1) policeman for every seven hundred (700) inhabitants
B. one (1) policeman for every one thousand five hundred (1500)
C. one (1) policeman for every five hundred (500) inhabitants
D. one (1) policeman for every one thousand (1000) inhabitants

66. In disaster control operations, there is a need to establish a ________

where telephone or any means of communication shall ensure lines of
A. command post C. field room
B. operation center D. safe house

67. Registration of the security agency must be done at the –

A. Security and Exchange Commission
B. National Police Commission
C. Department of National Defense
D. PNP Criminal Investigation Group

68. Bicycle control has the combined advantage of _______ since they can be
operated very quietly and without attracting attention.
A. reduced speed and greater area covered
B. mobility and wide area coverage
C. shorter travel time and faster response
D. mobility and stealth

69. The budget is a ________ in terms of expenditure requirements.

A. tactical plan C. work plan
B. financial plan D. control plan

70. The term used for the object of surveillance is subject while the
investigator conducting the surveillance is:
A. Rabbit C. Decoy
B. Surveillant D. Target

71. Which of the following statement is FALSE?

A. patrol officers are assigned to the New Cops on the block
B. Foot patrol places the patrol officers to greater danger than mobile
C. Helicopter patrol is less than foot patrol
D. the PNP does employ foot patrol

72. It is the weakest link in the security chain.
A. managers C. personnel
B. barriers D. inspections

73. It is the protection of high-ranking officials from harm, kidnapping and

similar acts.
A. asset protection C. physical security
B. document security D. VIP security

74. Designed to outline a series of related operations to accomplish a common

objective normally within a given time and space.
A. contingency plan C. supporting plan
B. strategic plan D. campaign plan

75. Which of the following best reflects the first step, logically and to
some extend chronologically, in planning the budget for an operating unit of
a police agency?
A. forecast of workload
B. find out how much money was given last year
C. establish a priority for each task or activity
D. take no monitoring of present equipment

76. Which of the following statement is TRUE?

A. in a small police station, the need for a full time records officer
is justifiable
B. as the police station increases in size, routine desk duties and
record task increase to such extent that the desk officer is not able
to handle them alone
C. police records are not important in police administration
D. in large departments, the desk officers devote full time exclusively
to record tasks

77. When the subject indentifies or obtain knowledge that the investigator is
conducting a surveillance on him, the latter is –
A. Cut out C. Burnt out
B. Sold out D. Get out

78. On many occasions, the bulk of the most valuable information comes from –
A. business world C. an underworld informant
B. Newspaper clipping D. communications media

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79. Highly qualified police applicants such as engineers, nurse and graduates
of forensic sciences can enter the police service as officers through –
A. regular promotion C. lateral entry
B. commissionship D. attrition

80. The first step a dispatcher must take when a felony in progress call has
been received either by telephone or by ad direct alarm signal is to –
A. assign an investigator to investigate the witness
B. clear the air for emergency broadcast
C. call for investigators to report the crime scene
D. send augmentation force

81. A plan with a time horizon of 5 to 10 years is called –

A. annual plan C. long term plan
B. strategic plan D. midterm plan

82 .What should be undertaken by a security officer before he can prepare a

comprehensive security program for his industrial plan?
A. security conference C. security survey
B. security check D. security education

83. This patrol method utilizes disguise; deception and lying in wait rather
than upon high-visibility patrol techniques.
A. low-visibility patrol C. decoy patrol
B. directed deterrent patrol D. high-visibility patrol

84. A method of collection of information where in the investigator mere uses

his different senses.
A. observation C. research
B. casing D. interrogation

85. Plans can be change to meet future requirements which were not considered
during the planning stages. This indicates _____ in planning.
A. responsiveness C. efficiency
B. flexibility D. effectiveness

86. In stationary surveillance, the following must be observed, EXCEPT:

A. never meet subject face to face
B. avoid eye contact
C. recognize fellow agent
D. if burnt out, drop subject

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87. In intelligence evaluation, the evaluation rating of A-4 means –
A. completely reliable source-doubtfully true information
B. usually reliable source-doubtfully true information
C. fairly reliable source-doubtfully true information
D. usually reliable source-doubtfully true information

88. For purposes of clarity of command and responsibility, and for the
effective and efficient administration supervision and control, PNP ranking
system was reverted to military rank by virtue of –
A. Republic Act 11200 C. Republic Act 10973
B. NBP NO. 574 D. Republic Act 9708

89. Under the law signed by President Duterte on March 1, 2018, the
following PNP officers are empowered to administer oath and issues
subpoena in connection with the investigation conducted by the PNP,
A. Chief, PNP
B. Director of the CIDG
C. Deputy Director General for Administration and/or Operation
D. Deputy Director for Administration of the CIDG

90. Police departments have long debated over experimented with the issue of
one- person versus two-person motorized patrol. Which of the following
statements is NOT an accurately stated advantage of two-person patrol?
A. There is a less fatigue in two-person cars since one police officer
is not required to drive for eight hours straight
B. More observation can occur in a two-person car since there are two
C. The use of two-person cars appear to double the observable police
presence in the area patrolled compared with one-person cars
D. In a two-person car, one officer can operate the radio and receive
and transmit messages while the other officer can concentrate on

91. PEMS Regala is conducting a training session in accident investigation.

During the session, he states that a police officer investigating a traffic
accident should form an opinion as to the cause of the accident. His
statement is –
A. Correct, since this is one of the prime responsibilities of the
police in such instances
B. Incorrect, since most accidents are caused by myriad factors
C. Correct, since not to do so may indicate unethical conduct

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D. Incorrect, since only the participants in the accident are totally
aware of what took place

92. An important personality in policing system that was appointed as

Chief Magistrate in 1748 and introduced the first paid police force.
A. Robert Peel C. Henry Allen
B. Henry Fielding D. Alice Stebbins

93. A system of policing in Japan which was adopted in the Philippines

as Community Oriented Policing System or COPS.
A. Problem Oriented Policing C. Neighborhood
Police Post
B. Community Oriented Policing D. Police Box System

94. Considered as the most powerful branch of the United Nations is

the -
A. General Assembly C. Secretariat
B. Security Council D. Economic and Social Council

95. The security council of the United Nations is composed of how many
A. 5 Permanent and 10 Rotating Members
B. 5 Permanent Members
C. 10 Permanent and 5 Rotating Members
D. 10 Rotating Members
96. The process of creating transnational markets, politics, and legal
systems in an effort to form and sustain a global economy.
A. Transnationalization C. Interpenetration of
States B. Comparative Police System D. Globalization
97. The General Headquarters of the United Nations is located in –
A. Vienna, Austria C. New York City
B. Lyon, France D. Netherlands
98. A Notice to help locate missing persons, often minors, or to help
identify persons who are unable to identify themselves.
A. Orange C. Yellow
B. Green D. White

99. A police officer who is assigned to a patrol vehicle that is

conspicuously marked by clearly recognizable color combinations and other
markings and equipment usually accomplishes all of the following, EXCEPT –
A. Increasing the impression of police omnipresence
B. Increasing the number of traffic violations observed

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C. Increasing the patrol officer’s attention to and awareness of
his/her duties and responsibilities
D. Decreasing the difficulty of the task of supervision
100. Police work often involves activity at crime scenes. Regarding crime
scenes, it is generally agreed that the key factor that determines the
success of a crime scene investigation is –
A. Efforts of the first officer at the scene
B. Investigative skill of the detective assigned to the case
C. Thoroughness of the supervisor who responds to the scene
D. Technology available to the laboratory technician at the scene


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