CBL For Dance Troupe Club

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This Club shall be known as BCSI Dance Troupe Club.


We, the BCSI Dance Troupe Club, in order to form a more friendly and enthusiastic
community, dedicate ourselves to unify the students of this school to celebrate the art of dance,
promote multiculturalism, and carry off a meaningful opportunity to self-expression, do ordain and
establish this constitutional by laws for Brokenshire College SOCSKSARGEN, Inc.—General Santos


The purpose of the BCSI Dance Troupe Club is to allow students to expand or foster their skills
in dance while participating in a friendly, accepting and engaging social activities. The BCSI Dance
Troupe Club is consistent with the core values regarding with the creativity, teamwork, and discipline
that would help students procure leadership skills. Members obtain leadership through participation,
involvement, and continued dedication.


SECTION 1. The Officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor,
and Public Information Officer (P.I.O.).
a. President: The President of the BCSI Dance Troupe Club will preside over meetings,
oversee the development and functioning of all activities, maintain contact with the Dance Club
Advisor and the Dance Instructor, notify the Vice President to preside over any meetings they are
unable to attend, delegate authority, and check on the progress of the officers and their duties.
b. Vice President: The Vice President of the BCSI Dance Troupe Club will assist the
President in all duties as directed by the President, meet at least once a week with the head officers
to discuss meetings, contact with the Dance Club Advisor when necessary, run any meetings that the
President is unable to attend, notify the President if he/she is unable to attend a meeting, and assist
any other officers with tasks/projects that must be completed.
c. Secretary: The Secretary of the BCSI Dance Troupe Club will take notes on each meeting,
keep a formal notebook of agendas and meeting times, provide the President with a copy of the
meeting minutes, keep an updated list of all members of the club along with their contact information,
provide fellow officers and adviser with notes if they are unable to attend a meeting, notify the
President if he/she is unable to attend a meeting.
d. Treasurer: The Treasurer of the BCSI Dance Troupe Club will meet with fellow officers to
determine a budget, maintain the budget, keep a notebook with all the transactions, and notify the
President if he/she is unable to attend a meeting.
e. Auditor: The Auditor shall be responsible of Financial Records of BCSI Dance Troupe Club
to check accuracy.
f. Public Information Officer: The P.I.O. shall bear the responsibility of fast, efficient,
and accurate communication and dissemination of information regarding BCSI Dance Troupe Club
SECTION 2. All Officers and all members shall attend and participate in Dance Troupe Club
activities, i.e. Too Fit To Quit Zumba, Club Booth, etc., contribute to developing programs, and
function with a friendly sense of authority and leadership. All officers will work together on
responsibilities, if needed, to ensure the success of the Club. No officer will be limited to specific
SECTION 3. All minor changes in the Club (i.e. school programs/events, interschool
competitions, etc.) will be discussed by the Officers, Dance Instructor, Club Adviser, and other faculty
& staffs involved.
SECTION 4. All officer elections will be subject to vote by all BCSI Dance Troupe Club

SECTION 1. Membership is open to all students coming from any year level with good moral
character.  Students will be selected through screenings. Screenings will be headed by the Club
Advisor and/or by the Dance Instructor and may contact the Officers of the Club if assistance is
requested. The adviser and the Dance Instructor are given the option of either offering screenings to
aspiring members of the Club or accepting aspiring members right away without undergone
screenings, if necessary.
SECTION 2.  Students will be judged on their technique, energy, facial expressions, skills,
body movement, and so on.
SECTION 3. All qualified members must attend weekly training/practice during the school
year. Specific times and locations will be drafted and unanimously decided unless otherwise agreed
upon when weather conditions or other concerns may occur. Club Adviser must notify OSA, SPS, and
College President’s Office in the form of formal letter concerning the details of the training/practice.
SECTION 4. An individual shall be considered in good standing by being on time for practice
or any form of trainings that the Club could offer at hand.
SECTION 5. All members must lead or participate school’s weekly activity; ‘Too Fit To Quit
Zumba’, every Friday as part of their training period. Weekly activity may be postponed otherwise
when weather is not favorable.
SECTION 6. The Club Officers, Club Advisor, and Dance Instructor may appoint freely among
the members of the BCSI Dance Troupe to represent the Club and be officially part in minor/major
events inside the school or whenever there is such interschool competition which would formally
represent Brokenshire College SOCSKSARGEN, Inc.


SECTION 1. The Officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor,
and Public Information Officer (P.I.O.).
SECTION 2. The Club Officers are elected annually. Club Election is held at the beginning of
the school year.
SECTION 3. Nominations for Club Officers shall be made at the regular meeting immediately
preceding the election. Members may nominate themselves for the available position.
SECTION 4. Nominations for all available position shall be open to all members.
SECTION 5. Club Officers shall be elected by majority vote. Votes shall be cast by Raising of
Hands as Method of Voting.
SECTION 6. Elected Officers shall serve the Club for the whole semester.


SECTION 1. Regular meetings shall be scheduled weekly during the academic year.
SECTION 2. Special meetings may be called by the Club Adviser, Dance Instructor, or by the
Club President. All concerned members and Club Officers must be given 24 hours notice prior to the
meeting time.
SECTION 3. Meetings cannot be conducted unless a formal letter is presented to and
approved by the Office of the Student Affairs (OSA), Student and Personnel Services (SPS), and/or
College President.


SECTION 1. The OSA shall appoint at least one individual employed as a faculty or staff
member by the BROKENSHIRE COLLEGE SOCSKSARGEN, INC. to serve as an advisor to this
Club. The Advisor(s) shall serve on an academic year basis or until new successor has been
a. Club Advisor: The following is subject to BCSI Dance Troupe Club Advisor:
(1) attend all scheduled meetings, if possible. He must notify Officers, Dance Instructor, and
other concern Faculty members involved if he is unable to attend a meeting, request any information
he may have missed.
(2) consult their dance class weekly for , cancel their class with sufficient notice if necessary,
and relay all important information to the dancers.
(3) relay the constitutional by laws each semester to know the rules and regulations for BCSI
Dance Troupe Club.
(4) inquire and relay the needs of the BCSI Dance Troupe Club members as well as the
concern of the Dance Instructor to the respected higher authorities of the school.
(5) check attendance of the members each meeting.
(6) help plan and organize events as needed, and participate/volunteer at any Dance Club
SECTION 2. The BCSI Dance Troupe Club shall appoint at least one individual to serve as
Dance Instructor to this Club. The Dance Instructor shall serve on an academic year basis or until
new successor has been selected.
b. Dance Instructor: The following is subject to BCSI Dance Instructor.
(1) attend all scheduled meetings, if possible. He must notify Officers, Club Advisor, and other
concern Faculty members involved if he is unable to attend a meeting, request ay information he may
have missed.
(2) consult weekly dance class and train the BCSI Dance Troupe members to the greatest
(3) seek help to Club Advisor for any sentiments and concerns.
(4) help plan and organize events as needed, and participate/volunteer at any Dance Club


SECTION 1. Proposed amendments to these bylaws shall be presented to the members, in
writing, 2 days prior to the meeting where the amendment will be voted upon. Bylaw amendments
require approval by 2/3 of the voting members present at a regular meeting.
SECTION 2. The results and minutes of deliberation and supplementary solution shall be
disseminated to the members of the Club one week after the said quorum has been made.
SECTION 3. A copy of any amendments to these bylaws must be submitted to the Office of
the Student and Personnel Services (SPS) and Office of the Student Affairs (OSA).

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