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17. How to finish well- but not only in your job.

You sometimes might wonder how quickly your life is passing by. First, you enjoyed
your childhood. those years of having total freedom went by so quickly. In your
childhood you did not have to take responsibility for yourself or others. Your
parents took care of you. then the teenage years followed. You went to school, and
after several years you worked hard to finish school well. At this point, your parents
were happy and proud that you finished school successfully, and now they
dreamed of their child getting a well-paid job and obtaining a good reputation. That
might also have been your dream. You either studied at university or you started
working for a company. For some, it was a good job they enjoyed doing, for others
it was only a job to be able to pay for the daily expenses. however, once you had a
job, you Worked hard to climb up the career ladder, or get promoted, or maybe
you even changed companies so you could earn more elsewhere. The moment you
got married, and later when you were expecting child, you knew that you would
have to take on the responsibilities of being a husband and father (or a wife and
mother). That might have been in your mid or late twenties. Now the longest period
of time would begin: the time between becoming a father or mother and
retirement. often that can be as much as 40 years or more. If you are successful,
you probably earn good money, and you are able to improve your standard of
living. for those who came from a poor family it was a huge blessing to be able to
support one's family well send the children to a good school, and take care of one's
parents. People look to you and you feel satisfied and proud. You have achieved
something that not everybody can. Once you have gotten married, have children,
and have a good job, the question might arise, what is your next goal? What else is
there in life? Of course, you will make every provision for the children to be able to
go to the best private schools/universities, and you would like them to find good
jobs as well. You might now look for a larger house with more space for the family.
You also might look for a nice car that you have often dreamed of owning. However,
the time might come where you or a close family member gets sick, or even dies.
This often takes us by surprise. Are you prepared for this time of suffering Since we
all grow older every single day, the chance that we will get sick becomes even
greater. Are we prepared for all that? And how do we prepare for times of
So, the chosen word I chose was all about life which explains that when we are in
our childhood days we mostly enjoy and have fun until we finished our studies and
now we achieved our goals then climb up to start a new journey. We must be
thankful for all the blessings we have in life. But on our way was not easy, as we all
know that our life is not perfect, as time flies we experience lots of problems, trials,
sufferings and challenges that may come. So, be prepare on your journey and
always remember, don’t quit and don’t lose hope.

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