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Republic of the Philippines

Region I


Name: Date:
Year and Section: Parent’s Signature:

I. Directions: Encircle the term or concepts defined in each statement.

1. It is the process of expressing information or ideas by word of mouth.

a. Oral Communication b. Non-Verbal Communication c. Online Communication
2. The information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by the speaker in words or in actions
a. Speaker b. Message c. Encoding
3. The process of converting the message into words, actions, or other forms that the speaker understands
a. Channel b. Encoding c. Decoding
4. The medium or the means, such as personal or non-personal, verbal or nonverbal, in which the encoded message is
a. Channel b. Encoding c. Decoding
5. The process of interpreting the encoded message of the speaker by the receiver.
a. Channel b. Encoding c. Decoding
6. This includes facial expressions, the tone and pitch through body language and the physical distance between
the communicators.
a. Oral Communication b. Non-Verbal Communication c. Online Communication
7. The reactions, responses, or information provided by the receiver.
a. Barrier b. Context c. Feedback
8. The environment where communication takes place
a. Barrier b. Context c. Feedback
9. The factors that affect the flow of communication
a. Barrier b. Context c. Feedback
10. The origin of the message.
a. Barrier b. Context c. Speaker

II.Directions: Identify the function of communication in each of the following situations. Write your answers on the
space provided.

A. Control B. Social Interaction C. Motivation

D. Emotional expression E. Information dissemination

_____11. An ailing patient pours his sadness over the hardships his going through to her bestfriend.
_____12. Ross greets Rachel; then, they start talking about their plans for the holidays.
_____13. Phoebe shares her insights on how to live peacefully despite a complicated life.
_____14. A caring mom assures her child that everything will going to be fine to calm him down.
_____15. The geometry teacher lectures about mathematical concepts.
_____16. Sheila delivers her valedictory speech.
_____17. The President delivers his last State of the Nation Address.
_____18. A television personality thanks the supportive moviegoers during an interview.
_____19. The city mayor presents her strategies to execute the plans in a public forum.
_____20. A teacher plays an inspirational video to motivate the class before discussion

III.Directions: Identify the speech style in each scenario. . Write your answers on the space provided.
A.Intimate B.Casual C.Consultative D.Formal E.Frozen
21. You approach the barista to follow up on your order that is taking too long to be served.______
22. You want to know what your father wants for his birthday, so you try to fish for ideas without directly asking him
about it.______
23. A Freshman college student reciting the Preamble of the Phillipines.______
24. You will explain to your teacher why you were not able to submit your project and will promise him or her that it will
not happen again.______
25. You answer a stranger’s query regarding where is the road leading to Dagupan City.______
26. A priest delivering his homily
27. A lawyer citing an article from the constitution.______
28. A conversation with your special someone.______
29. A student leading his classmates in reciting “Panatang Makabayan”.______
30. Talking and laughing about memorable experiences.______

IV. Directions: Analyze the following statements, write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if it is
Write your answers on the space provided.

31. Consider ethics in your speech at all times______

32. Effective use of nonverbal communication can strengthen your message. ______
33. Shannon-Weaver model of communication has a feedback mechanism.______
34 One way to help you build credibility is through effective nonverbal communication.______
35. There are certain words that are only appropriate at certain times and places.______
36. Transaction Model is a linear type of communication.______
37. The use of too many fillers can distract your listeners._____
38. Verbal communication is better than nonverbal communication.______
39. When you talk to others, you should not assume too quickly that they understand the message that you convey.______
40. When you communicate, choose what you want to say and how you want to say it.______
41 Noise sources are essential for an effective communication.______
42. Complete communication is essential to the quality of communication process in general.______
43 .Consideration as one features of an effective communication means communicating direct or straight to the
44. Concreteness for an effective communication happens when the message is supported by facts, figures, and real-life
examples and situations.______
45. Courtesy in communication could be shown by disregarding the culture, values and beliefs of his/her receivers._____

V. Writing (46-50)

Directions: Imagine you are in your first encounter with your new teacher and classmates .Your are asked by your
Oral Communication teacher to write an interesting one-paragraph introduction of yourselves and you will
present it in front. You may include your personal information, beliefs and guiding principle among others.

Prepared by:


Teacher II

Checked and Reviewed by: Noted by:


Teacher II, TVL Subject Group Head SHS Principal II

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